be surprise后加什么介词

作者&投稿:樊梅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
be surprised 后加什么介词~

be surprised at /to

be surprised at somebody/something/doing something对某人的行为/某事/干谋事感到惊讶
I am surprised at you.我对你的行为跟到惊讶。
I was surprised at your tone.我对你的腔调吃惊不小。
I was surprised at seeing/to see him there.我真想不到在那里见到他。

be surprised to do something对干某事感到很惊讶
I'm surprised to hear you say that.我真想不到听到你说出这番话来。
可以看出,be surprised to do something跟be surprised at doing something意思一样。

be surprised at 对…感到惊奇;使…感到意外;对……很吃惊

Thisshouldgowithout saying, butyou’d【 be surprised at 】how ditching just onelesson can mean the difference between a so-so musicianand a goodmusician.
这需做而不说。 但你也许会惊讶,一节课居然体现出在普通的音乐家和杰出的音乐家之间如此大的差别。

If a camelis a horsedesignedby a committee, thenweoughtnot to 【be surprised at 】the unsatisfactory shape ofregulationsdesignedby aglobalnetwork of committees.


be surprised at /to

be surprised at somebody/something/doing something对某人的行为/某事/干谋事感到惊讶
I am surprised at you.我对你的行为跟到惊讶。
I was surprised at your tone.我对你的腔调吃惊不小。
I was surprised at seeing/to see him there.我真想不到在那里见到他。

be surprised to do something对干某事感到很惊讶
I'm surprised to hear you say that.我真想不到听到你说出这番话来。
可以看出,be surprised to do something跟be surprised at doing something意思一样。

1、in surpise惊奇地
2、by surpise出其不意地
3、to one's surpise使人吃惊的是
如:be surpised to do sth.

说到 surprise ,大家可要留心了。 surprise 在英语中是个常用词,而且是个兼类词,既可以作动词,还可以作名词,用法多着呢。

( 1 )作及物动词的 surprise ,其基本含义是“使(人)感到惊讶”,后面可以直接跟宾语。如:

His progress surprise me. 他的进步使我感到惊讶。

( 2 )特别值得一提的是, surprise 的现在分词 surprising 和过去分词 surprised 都可以作形容词,只不过 surprising 在句中多作定语,后面跟名词,如:

He gave me some surprising news. 他给我带来一些令人惊讶的消息。

surprising 有时也作表语,但主语多是物,如:

The result is surprising. 结果是令人惊讶的。

而 surprised 在句中多作表语,后面可接不定式或从句,其主语多是人,如:

I was surprised to see him there. 我真想不到会在那儿见到他。

如果我们想把 surprising 和 surprised 区分开来,大家不妨记住这个句子:

We are surprised at his surprising success. 我们对他惊人的成功感到惊讶。

( 3 )我们再看看 surprise 作名词,其含义是“惊奇;诧异”。

需注意的是 surprise 作名词时,常和不同的介词一起构成介词短语,如: in surprise, to one's surprise, 前者意为“惊讶地;吃惊地”,后者意为“使人惊讶的是……”。两者在句中都是介词短语作状语,如:

Tom looked at me in surprise. 汤姆惊讶地望着我。

be surprise at/to (do)

in doing sth


丁青县13140186782: be surprise 加介词be surprise to 【 】be surprise at 【 】be surprise with 【 】be surprise for 【 】be surprise in 【 】具体说一下怎么填的,记得有一个是专... -
德春腰息:[答案] 纠正你一点,surprise是名词,be 后面应该加surprised

丁青县13140186782: be surprise 加介词 -
德春腰息: 纠正你一点,surprise是名词,be 后面应该加surprised

丁青县13140186782: be surprise后跟什么 -
德春腰息: 后面可以跟很多介词 如at in with to 要看具体情况 建议你把题目发上来

丁青县13140186782: be surprised 后加什么介词 -
德春腰息: be surprised at /tobe surprised at somebody/something/doing something对某人的行为/某事/干谋事感到惊讶 I am surprised at you.我对你的行为跟到惊讶. I was surprised at your tone.我对你的腔调吃惊不小. I was surprised at seeing/to see him...

丁青县13140186782: "be surprised by " and"be surprised with "区别 -
德春腰息: 一、含义不同 surprised by释义:由...的发生而感到惊讶. surprised with释义:对...感到惊讶. 二、用法不同 surprised by 用法:surprise的基本意思是“使惊奇”,指未曾预料的或空前的事物使人产生某种惊讶感或诧异感,强调...

丁青县13140186782: 词组be surprised... ”...”应该写什么介词?kuai! -
德春腰息:[答案] be surprised at sth.

丁青县13140186782: be surprised 后面加什么介词、分别带上一个例句、谢谢 -
德春腰息: be surprised at 对……感到惊奇 He was surprised at you.

丁青县13140186782: be surprised (介词)be surprised 后用什么介词be surprised ( ) sth -
德春腰息:[答案] be surprised to do be surprised at sth

丁青县13140186782: 为某事而感到惊讶后的介词是什么?
德春腰息: at

丁青县13140186782: surprise的用法什么时候加on -
德春腰息: 一般不加on来表示一种特别的含义. surprise后接介词at表示“对…感到惊讶”; 后接介词from表示“出其不意使…说了”; 后接介词into表示“出其不意地使人…”; 后接介词with表示“以…使(某人)惊奇”.

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