
作者&投稿:木省 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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1、读音:英 [eɪt] 、美 [eɪt]
2、表达意思:num. 八;八个;第八;八岁;八点、adj. 八的、n. 八人划船队
Eight Below 极地长征 ; 南极大冒险 ; 零下八度 ; 极地雪犬
Eight Consciousnesses 阿赖耶识 ; 八识
Eight Tigers 八党
4、例句:So in order to fill them, he would have to have eight electrons or an octet around the cubes.
因此为了填满它们,他必须放上八个电子或者说一个“ 八隅体“,在立方体周围。

When each time she enters the classroom, on the face always brings to smile. Her delightful voice ~ attractive blackboard writing ~ interesting teaching method. We could not bear like her. Her earnest ~ friendly ~ patience ~ learned ~ practices good self-discipline. Has such teacher we are lucky. We believed that we will be making the very big progress with her.





我们要发出倡议:我们应该保护环境! We should(must)protect the environment!

We should take measures to preserve the environment from pollution.


Everyone of us should protect the environment.


Weed identification technology is the key to the realization of selectively spraying herbicide for the environmental protection.

二、气候变化和能源浪费 温室效应严重威胁着全人类
据2500名有代表性的专家预计,海平面将升高,许多人口稠密的地区(如孟加拉国、中国沿海地带以及太平洋和印度洋上的多数岛屿)都将被水淹没。气温的升高也将对农业和生态系统带来严重影响。 据预计,1990-2010年,亚洲和太平洋地区的能源消费将增加一倍,拉丁美洲的能 源消费将增加50%-70%。因此,西方和发展中国家之间应加强能源节约技术的转让进程。 我们特别应当采用经济鼓励手段,使工业家们开发改进工业资源利用效率的工艺技术。

由于城市化、农业发展、森林减少和环境污染,自然区域变得越来越小了,这就 导致了数以千计物种的灭绝。因为一些物种的绝迹会导致许多可被用于制造新药品的分子归于消失,还会导致许多能有助于农作物战胜恶劣气候的基因归于消失,甚至会引起瘟疫。
最近几十年以来,热带地区国家森林面积减少的情况也十分严重。在1980-1990 年,世界上有1 .5亿公顷森林消失了。按照目前这种森林面积减少的速度,40年以后,一些东南亚国家就再也见不到一棵树了。
据专家估计,从下个世纪初开始,世界上将有四分之一的地方长期缺水。请记住, 我们不能造水,我们只能设法保护水。

工业带来的数百万种化合物存在于空气、土壤、水、植物、动物和人体中。即使 作为地球上最后的大型天然生态系统的冰盖也受到污染。那些有机化合物、那些重 金属、那些有毒产品,都集中存在于整个食物链中,并最终将威胁到动植物的健康, 引起癌症,导致土壤肥力减弱。
到本世纪末,世界上的大城市将达21个,大城市里的生活条件将进一步恶化:拥 挤、水被污染、卫生条件差、无安全感—— 这些大城市的无序扩大也损害到了自然区。因此,无限制的城市化应当被看作是文明的新弊端。
由于过渡捕捞,海洋的渔业资源正在以令人可怕的速度减少。因此,许多靠摄取海 产品蛋白质为生的穷人面临着饥饿的威胁。集中存在于鱼肉种的重金属和有机磷化合物 等物质有可能给食鱼者的健康带来严重的问题。 沿海地区受到了巨大的人口压力。全世界有60%的人口挤在离大海不到100公里的地方。这种人口拥挤状态使常常很脆弱的这些地方失去了平衡。
多数大城市里的空气含有许多取暖、运输和工厂生产带来的污染物。这些污染物威胁 着数千万市民的健康,导致许多人失去了生命。
尽管人们已签署了蒙特利尔协定书,但每年春天,在地球的两个极地的上空仍再次 形成臭氧层空洞,北极的臭氧层损失20%到30%,南极的臭氧层损失50%以上。
Main responsibilities 1, soil destroyed
According to the reference news, 110 countries (10 billion) in the lower level of arable land fertile. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, because of forest vegetation disappear, land exploitation and pasture too overgrazing, soil erosion situation is very serious. Bare land become fragile, unable to resist wind erosion long-term. In some places, soil erosion in the 100 tons of per hectare. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and air pollution of land, toxic dust on spray, dangerous waste mud around everywhere, all of the land in the form of general to is irreversible.
Second, climate change, energy wasting the greenhouse effect and a serious threat to mankind
According to 2,500 representative experts predict that the sea will rise, many densely populated areas (e.g., Bangladesh, China and the Pacific coast and the Indian Ocean island's most) are flooded. A temperature rise will also on agriculture and ecosystem brings the serious influence. It is expected that 1990-2010 Asian and Pacific region, the energy consumption will be doubled, Latin America's consumption will increase to source 50-70%. Therefore, the western between developing and developed countries should strengthen the energy saving technology transfer process. We should adopt economic encouragement means that industrialists development industrial resources use efficiency improvement of technology.
Third, biodiversity decrease

Because of urbanization, agricultural development, forest and environmental pollution, natural areas become more and more small, which leads to the thousands of extinction of species. For some species will extinct in many can be used to manufacture the new drug molecules to disappear, also can cause many crops can help to bad weather over the genes, and even cause disease.
Four, forest area
In recent decades, tropical forest area of state is also very serious. In 1980-1990, the world is 1. 5 million hectares of forests have disappeared. According to the current forest area, reduce the speed of 40 years later, some southeast Asian countries will never see a tree.
Five, freshwater resources are threatened
Experts estimate that the next century at the beginning, the world will be a quarter of the local chronic water shortage. Please remember, we cannot make water, we can try to protect water.
Six, chemical pollution

Industrial millions of compound exist in the air, soil and water, plant, animal and human. Even as the last of the large-scale natural ecological system of ice is polluted. The organic compounds, those heavy metals, those toxic products, all species exists in the whole, and will eventually threaten animal health, cause cancer, causing soil fertility.
Seven, the confusion of urbanization
By the end of this century, the world will reach 21 cities in big cities, the living conditions will deteriorate further: hold, water pollution, poor sanitation and safety - these cities sprawl also damage to natural areas. Therefore, unlimited urbanization should be regarded as the new civilization.
Eight, the transition of the sea and maritime polluted
Due to the transition of the Marine fishery resources and fishing with terrific speed is reduced. Therefore, many living on the product protein intake of poor faced starvation threat. The kind of concentration exists in fish organic compound substances such as heavy metals and may give the fish health problem. Coastal areas influenced by the large population pressure. Around 60% of the population in less than 100 kilometers from the sea. The crowded population that is often very fragile state of these local lost balance.
Nine, air pollution
Most of the big cities in the air contains many heating, transportation and factory of pollutants. These pollutants threatening tens of millions of citizens health, causing many people lost their lives.
Ten, polar ozone layer














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