
作者&投稿:野飘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文 一个理想的老婆~


My ideal wife was my girlfriend. We free love, volunteer to form a love mew. We don't need their parents' orders and won't listen to by matchmakers' help. When I asked her to marry him, she would be red face, gently spit out the three words-" I do ", the firm, joy, shy, also written into her eyes, and happiness.
My ideal wife don't need too beautiful, but it must be good, She will only let me GaoShanAngZhi, put her as a goddess to worship, and not a wife. Her kind is a broad clear the deep water, rippling out, let a person feel soft modesty beauty.

The good girlfriend in my mind is unique .I do not mean that she has to be very beautiful or be very clever, because that is not important. Actually , I think that she must have some good qualities rather than the only pretty face. I think she should be optimistic when troubles come, be perseverant to anything tough,be industrious when she works and be kind hearted to everyone. This is the most important. If she becomes my wife, first, she should manage the housework and keep everything in order. Second, she must have the ability to help me with some affairs and educate their children well. Third, she should be able to get along well with my parents. That sounds a little difficult , but this kind of girl is worthy of owning and getting a wife like that is one of my dream.



我很确信我是一只落单的小鸟,我只有努力的飞,才会追上雁鸟群,才会在茫茫宽阔的天际中发现一盏照亮未来的明灯。今日我就为大家整理了关于我心中的未来作文,仅供参考学习,一起来看看吧 我心中的未来:篇1 这是过去的你给你写的信,也许你会惊讶,也许你会困惑不已,但是,没错,这就是过去的你写给你的信。 现在我...

我心中你最重 总有一种力量他叫做爱。有时他大爱无疆,有时他高大伟岸,有时他也总说不出口。父亲就是这样的人。有些人说母爱最无私,她是生来就有的,不需要理由和回报。其实父爱也一样,只要你细细品味。父亲从不关心小事。他从不关心我喜欢吃什么,不关心我学习累不累,不关心我冬天骑车冷不...

英语作文我心中理想的中学的生活 60个词 英语!60个词左右!
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