build up 与 put up

作者&投稿:机儿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
build up,set up,put up~

build up :
1. 逐步建立
2. 逐渐积聚,集结
3. 增进,增强
1. We made a strategic withdrawal, so that we could build up our forces for a renewed attack.
2. Tourist: When was it build up?
3. Then I begin to build up speed.

set up :
1. 竖立,架起,建造

2. 开业,开始经商

3. 创立,建立,为…作准备

1. The slump on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world.
2. Choose the computer to set up.
3. Joe was set up as our example.

put up :
1. 张贴
2. 举起
3. 提供,提名,提出

1. I can't believe he'd do a thing like that on his own. He must have been put up to it by some of the older boys.

2. Put up your site for reviews!

3. They put up a tent by the fire.

put up 是建立,竖起:
I want to put up a fence between our property and our neighbor's
The workers are building a building in our town.
put up有很多种意思,但与build相近的就是这一种。
主要区别是,put up 是一些小型的东西,build一般指大的建筑物

build up
vt. 建立,逐步增长,增进,加强,积累
put up
vt. 放,贮备,推荐,提供,, 建造,举起(提高)
vi. 提供食宿,直接行动


build up



凤庆县18810983892: build up 和put up 有什么区别? -
隐飘倍他:[答案] to build up 和to put up都有建立建设的意思. to build up 可以指建立抽象的事物也可以指建立具体的事物. 例如:to build up confidence in yourself建立自信心.confidence就是抽象的事物. to build up a skyscraper here 在这里建设一个摩天大楼. to put up ...

凤庆县18810983892: put up和build的区别详细点,最好举出例子 -
隐飘倍他:[答案] put up 是建立,竖起:I want to put up a fence between our property and our neighbor's而build是建造:The workers are building a building in our town.put up有很多种意思,但与build相近的就是这一种.主要区别...

凤庆县18810983892: construct, set up, install ,put up, build up与build之间有什么区别 -
隐飘倍他: construct-建设(一般说的是建筑,盖房)set up-设置(设置网页,等等)install-安装(安装软件,等等)put up-抬起(椅子,等等)build up-建立(房子,等等)build-建设(跟Build up 差不多,不过build up是已经建完的意思,build是还在进行

凤庆县18810983892: put up 和build有什么区别
隐飘倍他: 两者分别不大, 意思同样是: 建造 put up 是[词组动词], build 是[动词], 个人认为 build 所涉及的工量较大, 反之 put up 是较小型建造.

凤庆县18810983892: build up,set up,put up这三个词组如何使用, -
隐飘倍他:[答案] build up : 1. 逐步建立 2. 逐渐积聚,集结 3. 增进,增强 1. We made a strategic withdrawal, so that we could build up our forces for a renewed attack.我们作了一次战略性退却,以便我们能积蓄力量再...

凤庆县18810983892: build up的用法 -
隐飘倍他: 1)build up (to sth)加大,加强,增多 Eg:The music builds up to a rousing climax.音乐逐渐达到了令人振奋的高潮. 2)build up to sth/build yourself up to sth为……作准备 Eg:Build yourself up to peak performance on the day of the exam.好好准备在考...

凤庆县18810983892: setup和putup的区别build/found/setup/
隐飘倍他: build up: 累计,结垢. set up:摆好,搭好,设计圈套等 put up with:相处(不情愿). put up 放在..上. found up 不是个词组.

凤庆县18810983892: build的意思 -
隐飘倍他: vt. 建立;建筑 vi. 建筑;建造 n. 构造;体形;体格 [ 过去式built 过去分词built 现在分词building ]build up 增进,加强build on 依赖,依靠…;建立于;把…建立于…;以…为基础build in 插入;嵌入build of 用…建造build a bridge 建立好关系...

凤庆县18810983892: 在看老友记的时候,感觉很多动词都会加一个up
隐飘倍他: up的用法很多 编辑本段动词+up短语 1. up表“完全,彻底”的短语有: eat up(吃光); burn up(烧尽);finish up(做完); use up(用完); dry up(干涸);drink up(喝完);end up(结束,告终...

凤庆县18810983892: "put up"当"建立"时与"build","make"的区别?
隐飘倍他: put up多指帐篷等一些小建筑,build多指土木结构的大建筑,make很少译作建造

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