初中生要唱的英语歌,简单点的 请给我说10首,谢谢

作者&投稿:琴致 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

友谊地久天长,auld lang syne,符合学生的身份,也好学好唱


Because of you
Anyone of us
,Gareth Gates的声音的确非常好听,节奏和旋律真的没有他的歌声霸道。
曾经MP3里呆的最久的一首歌,可能有半年了吧,相当好听,不管是节奏、歌词,还是Groove Coverage的唱功都着实了得 !经常玩劲舞团的对这首歌应该不陌生吧
I want it that way
.Hero-Mariah Carey
这首歌不象其他歌一样搞的很大声,但它依然很有气势。我真的有点佩服Mariah Carey,可以把一首并不快的歌唱成这样,可以说,这首歌很有气质,值得一听
My happy ending
不懂Avril Lavigne清纯的外表下怎么会有如此的爆发力?!这是一首需要挑战耳膜强度的歌哦,特别是晚上。如果都开很大声,嘿嘿,有你爽的哈
这是NBA季后赛的主题曲.本人非常喜欢NBA,喜欢T-MAC这首歌带给我的气势和激情就是代表NBA的一种精神.象个勇士一样,永不放弃 所以有了T-MAC的35秒13分,有了科比的81分 这就是NBA的魅力,也是这首歌的魅力
It’s my life
CS MV的主题曲,钢琴版的听着超爽,如果你想去感叹人生的话听这首歌是个很好的方法
Yesterday once more
这首歌都没听过的人 ,我真的就。。。。。 无语了! 舒缓的节奏和干净的声音听起来实在舒服,这首歌很老,但就象酒,越老越香 它太经典了。 很多人想 但真的永远不会 昨日重现。
Big big world
Right Here Waiting
这首歌从一开始经典到结尾,还是喜欢他唱的那句I’ll be right here waiting for you 有时生命需要等待,也需要忍耐。
Forever Young
my love
The day you went away
.As long as you love me
baby one more time
小甜甜也有很多好听的歌的。这首很有节奏感的情歌感觉她真的是一个能快能慢,唱什么歌都好听的歌手啊,觉得好听就one more time
这是Avril Lavigne,最经典的一首歌。我认为的哈
Just one last dance-Sarah Connor
既然是just one last dance,当然很适合初中生在晚上学习之后放松的时候听撒,因为晚上是一天的last哈 开始时Sarah Connor亲唱just one last dance 在晚上四周超安静的时候听起真的超爽,而后面劲爆的一段简直把夜晚推向高潮。
You are not alone
Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lon
以前学校里经常听到有人放他们的As Long As You Love Me,似乎那群呆子只知道后街的这一首歌。没错这首歌的确是经典,但是听多了真的烦了,有的干脆连谁唱的都不知道,一提到后街都一副恍然大悟的样子:“哦。。原来是他们。。”
burning,挪威歌手Maria Arredondo (玛丽亚·亚瑞唐多)的专辑名、同名歌曲,一首相当好听的英文女声歌曲,有一种令人如痴如醉的浪漫气氛,更带着些许哀伤之感 .PS音乐库里没找到burning。刚好听到了Mercy这首。不过我相信大家都应该听过。
Love To Be Loved By You
Love To Be Loved By You》是一首旋律优美的英文歌曲,演唱者是美国流行歌手马克·特伦茨(Marc Terenzi)。2005年,Marc与德国歌手莎拉·寇娜(Sarah Connor)结婚时,将这首歌作为爱的礼物献给妻子。Marc凭借此曲迅速在德国以及欧美走红,单曲强势占领2005德国排行榜亚军,抢攻欧洲流行单曲榜Top 10

edelweiss, edelweiss 雪绒花,雪绒花
every morning you greet me每日清晨我遇见你
small and white, clean and bright又小又白,又干净又晶莹
you look happy to meet me 你看起来看见我很高兴
blossom of snow may you bloom and grow含苞待放的雪骨朵,也学你会开花生长
bloom and grow forever开花生长到永远
edelweiss, edelweiss雪绒花,雪绒花
bless my homeland forever祝愿我的祖国春常在
small and white, clean and bright又小又白,又干净又晶莹
you look happy to meet me 你看起来看见我很高兴
blossom of snow may you bloom and grow含苞待放的雪骨朵,也学你会开花生长
bloom and grow forever开花生长到永远
edelweiss, edelweiss雪绒花,雪绒花
bless my homeland forever祝愿我的祖国春常在



doe a deer a female deer
ray a drop of golden sun
me a name i call myself
far a long long way to run
sew a needle pulling thread
la a note to follow sew
tea a drink with jam and bread
that will bring us back to do
doe a deer a female deer
ray a drop of golden sun
me a name i call myself
far a long long way to run
sew a needle pulling thread
la a note to follow sew
tea a drink with jam and bread
that will bring us back to do
do-re-mi-fa-so-la-te do-so-do


《you are my sunshine》

album:into white
carly simon-you are my sushine

the other night, dear, as i lay sleeping
i dreamed i held you in my arms
when i awoke, dear, i was mistaken

you are my sunshine, my only sunshine
you make me happy when skies are grey
you'll never know, dear, how much i love you
please don't take my sunshine away

please don't take my sunshine away

1. This old man

This old man, he played one. He played knick-knack on my thumb

. (Chorus) With a knick-knack, patty-whack. Give a dog a bone.

This old man, he played two. He played knick-knack on my shoe

This old man, he played three. He played knick-knack on my knee.

This old man, he played four. He played knick-knack on my door.

This old man, he played five. He played knick-knack on my hive.

This old man, he played six. He played knick-knack on my sticks.

This old man, he played seven. He played knick-knack up to heaven.

This old man, he played eight. He played knick-knack on my gate.

This old man, he played nine. He played knick-knack on my line.

This old man, he played ten. He played knick-knack over again.

2. I’ve been working on the railroad

I’ve been working on the railroad, all the live-long day.

I’ve been working on the railroad, just to pass the time away.

Can’t you hear the whistle blowing? Rise up so early in the mom.

Can’t you hear the captain shouting, “Dinah, blow your horn!”

Dinah, won’t you blow? Dinah, won’t you blow?

Dinah, won’t you blow your horn? Dinah, won’t you blow?

Dinah, won’t you blow? Dinah, won’t you blow your horn?

Someone’s in the kitchen with Dianh, someone’s in the kitchen, I know

Someone’s in the kitchen with Dinah, strummin’ on the old banjo

And he’s singin’

“Fee-fi-fiddley-l-oh! Fee-fi-fiddley-l-oh! Fee-fi-fiddley-l-oh!”

Strummin’ on the old banjo.oh Strummin’ on the odl banjo.

I’ve been working on the railroad, all the live long day.

I’ve been working on the railroad, just to pass the time away.

Can’t you hear the whistle blowing? Rise up so early in the mom.

Can’t you hear the captain shouting, “Dinah, blow your horn!”

3. Three Blind Mice

Three blind mice, three blind mice.

See how they run, see how they run.

They all ran after the farmer’s wife,

She cut off their tails with a carving knife.

Did you ever see such a sight in your life.

As three blind mice?

4. Oh, Susanna!

Oh, I come from Alabama my banjo on my knee.

And I’m going to Louisiana, my true love for to see.

Wee, it rained all night the day I left. The weather it was dry.

The sun to hot, I froze to death.

Susanna, don’t you cry.

Oh, susanna! Oh, don’t your cry for me.

For I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee.

5. The man on the flying trapeze

He floats through the air with the greatest of ease.

The daring young man on the flying trapeze.

His actions are graceful, all girls he does please.

And my love he has stolen away.

6. The Blue-tail fly.

When I was young, I used to wait on master.

And hand him his plate. I’d pass the bottle when he got dry.

And brush away the blue-tail fly.


Jimmy crack corn, and I don’t care.

Jimmy crack corn, and I don’t care.

Jimmy crack corn, and I don’t care.

My master gone away.

One day he rode around the farm, the flies so numerous, they did swarm

One chanced to bite him on the thigh, the devil take the blue-tail fly.

7. The mail must go through.

When you mail a letter, you can send it anywhere.

On foot, by truck, by airplane. The postman gets it there.

So write a letter to a friend, Maybe she’ll write you.

No matter what, you always know.

The mail must go through.


The mail must go through. The mail must go through.

No matter if it rains or snows.

The mail must go through. The mail must go through.

The mail must go through. No matter it rains or snows

The mail must go through.

Some folks live in a city, some live in a little town.

Even if you live out on a farm. There’s a post man making his rounds.

So mail someone a letter, even just a card will do.

You know it’s nice when the postman, has a letter in his sack for you.

8. Home on the Range

Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam.

Where the deer and the antelope play.

Where seldom is heard a discouraging word.

And the skies are not cloudy all day.

Home, home on the range.

Where the deer and the antelope play.

Where seldom is heard a discouraging word.

And the skies are not cloudy all day.

9. It ain’t Gonna Rain no more

It ain’t gonna rain no more, no more

It ain’t gonna rain no more.

How in the heck can I wash my neck.

If it ain’t gonna rain no more?

10. A Bicycle Built for two

Daisy, daisy, give me your answer,do

I am half crazy, all for the love of you.

It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage.

But you’ll look sweet upon the seat, of a bicycle built for two.

we wish you a merry chiristmas
jingle bell
santa claus is coming to town
Rudolph the red nose reindeer

You are not alone (迈克杰克逊)
yesterday once more
country road take me home (John Denver )
yellow submarine (披头士有很多都比较简单)
hey jude(披头士)
my love (西城)


有首超好听滴.. 叫 《I’m Yours》

forever-- Stratovarius on the radio far away from home she--Groove Coverage altynai--Nurbek feat. Dia booty music--deep side marching on --one republic life is cool--sweetbox rosas--La Oreja De Van love the way you lie iridescent--linkin park numb--linkin park ein kl...

推荐一些好听的英文歌 ~
最新的欧美劲歌。强烈建议听听!~我们得更着潮流走嘛`! ●.【 chris daughtry-what about now 】 评价:听前奏就知道是首很好听的歌曲吧。哈哈`其实我早就在听了。只是忘了分享给大家。好好好打我打我~~别忘了听噢。! 感觉:又是一首经典的英文歌。大家还喜欢吧? ●.【 paper cut-vanessa hudgens 】 评...

心愿 玻璃杯 都是校园歌曲 超好听

《齐来崇拜歌》是一首基督教圣诞颂歌,原名为《O Come All Ye Faithful》。这首歌在中文语境中有时也被译为《齐来虔诚同崇拜》等。它的起源并不完全明确,但据信可能起源于13世纪。歌词最初是用拉丁文写成的,后来在19世纪被翻译成英文。在英语世界中,这首歌通常被认为是由约翰·弗朗西斯·韦德所...

some where I belong 林肯公园的 还有 LP的歌不是乱 是混合理念.. LP的歌很好听 是迄今为止最受欢迎的摇滚乐队 他们的风格很独特 望LZ听一下 some where I belong 吧 ! LP其他歌也很好听 07年变形金刚主题曲what I've done 和 09年变形金刚2主题曲new divide 都获得巨大成功 其他歌也...

在记录中是来自美国的歌手,也是我最喜欢的巨星---玛莉亚凯莉,她可以唱到g7,在这里我简单的让大家知道g7是个什么概念,一般情况下我们说的女生的HIGH C是指c3,c3的高度就是歌曲<青藏高原>中最后那个最高的那个音...而c7就是比青藏高原的最高音再高五个八度,注意是五个八度!!!但是,c7...

Amazing Grace《Amazing Grace》中文翻译为《奇异恩典》,也有人称《天赐恩宠》,grace原意为"优雅、优美",此处解释成"上帝对人类的慈悲、恩宠"。是美国最脍炙人口的一首乡村福音歌曲,是美国人最喜爱的一首赞美诗,也是全世界基督徒都会唱的一首歌,被奉为基督教圣歌。ROV. John NEWTON作于1779年,...

中文名: 妹妹公主圣诞歌曲集 英文名: Sister Princess 别名: シスター�9�9プリンセス 版本: [X'mas Song Collection][MP3][320Kbps]发行时间: 2003年12月21日 地区: 日本 对白语言: 日语 简介:【剧情介绍】15岁的聪明国中生海神航竟然高中落榜了…… 真是跌破大家眼镜…… ...

(徐誉滕) 6. 青花瓷 (周杰伦) 7. 老人与海 (海鸣威) 8. 舍不得 (弦子) 9. 为你写诗 (吴克群) 10. 会呼吸的痛 (梁静茹) 11. 月亮之上 (凤凰传奇) 12. 天路 (韩红) 13. 命运 (香香) 14. 爱 (小虎队) 15. 简单爱 (周杰伦) 16. 真的爱你 (beyond) 17. 我们的歌 (...

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公安县15378599057: 好听必学的英文歌(适合初中生唱的) -
禤雁耐信: you belong with me the show valder field back to december baby lemon tree i love you forever the saltwater room pretty boy god is a girl fallin' for you trouble is a friend a little love mine what makes you beautiful 这些行么?我也是初中生,这几首很好听蛮经典的了,都挺好学歌词也简单,不理想可以继续追问,望采纳

公安县15378599057: 初中生适合唱的英文歌 -
禤雁耐信: 1.艾薇儿的 runaway2.著名的 my heart will go on ,这首歌歌词相当好记,而且即使这首歌与爱情有关,爸妈也不会反对你唱~~3.new soul 听起来让人心情很好哈,很轻快,而且有爱情无关~~比较健康,嗯!4.Cinderella \ pretty boy \big big world都挺好学的PS:我也是今年刚中考完,所以我想我推荐的应该不会和你的要求差太远吧~~如果还有什么不满意,欢迎找我问哈,尽管我知道的不是很多,但我会尽量帮忙.

公安县15378599057: 要一些少儿英文歌曲,适合初中生唱,简单易学 -
禤雁耐信: 小虎队的 祝你一路顺风同桌的你放心去飞(这首歌不如别的出名,但在我们学校歌唱比赛上屡屡获奖!!,超好听)多给我点悬赏分吧,这些个绝对有用的:)

公安县15378599057: 适合初中生学的英文歌 -
禤雁耐信: 只要5首吗?好唱的?看楼主喜欢的风格应该是gentle.抒情的吧 dying in the sun-小红莓的 1楼的never had a dream come ture也好听,也抒情 thank you-dido本来是她和阿姆合唱Stan里面的,不过阿姆唱的那部分有点快了,这歌后面还有个故事呢...

公安县15378599057: 【急】求推荐一些简单好听的英文歌,初中生 -
禤雁耐信: 1.gotta go my own way(凡妮莎·哈金斯) 2.don't say you love me(M2M)3.thank god i found you(玛丽亚·凯莉)和(98 度) 4.private emotion(瑞奇·马丁) 5.i drive myself crazy(超级男孩N Sync) 6.this i promise you(超级男孩N ...

公安县15378599057: 适合中学生学唱的英文歌曲 -
禤雁耐信: Big big world..我初中第一次听的就是这首歌..还有女生组合M2M的早期的歌曲也很不错的哦答案补充: Pretty boy The day you went away Mirror mirror 都不错~

公安县15378599057: 有没有简单好唱的英文歌? (适合初中生的) -
禤雁耐信: The show -Lenka很轻松的歌,小清新,很好学,词也蛮简单 baby 贾斯汀的歌,也很好唱 you belong with me-Taylor swift 不知道这首可以吗?我是很喜欢的 我也是初中生~希望你能喜欢

公安县15378599057: 适合初中生简单的英文歌曲 -
禤雁耐信: 我也是刚考完英文歌,我本身久有点跑掉所以我学会的歌那是都很简单的推荐给你 far away from home 这歌曲久一个调很好学 proud of you这个调是和挥着翅膀的女孩一样的 the day you went away和第一次爱的人一样的调 little love词比较重复好...

公安县15378599057: 有什么适合初中生唱的较简单的英文歌?
禤雁耐信: Take me to your heart,Big big girl,I'm sailing 其实我觉得```英文歌唱点抒情的吧``David's Song也不错``

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