
作者&投稿:闻花 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

made in China
the Great Wall
Happy New Year
good night

法国巴黎是现代生活的熔炉,早在1872年,印象派画家莫奈和雷诺瓦把它作为他们顶级之作的主题。 momet的拼写估计错了,应该是monet吧。

The Forbidden City of China was built in 1420. It is an imperial palace for the ancient emperors to live, and has enormous collection of precious antiques. It survived the war lauched by the allied forces of eight powers against China. Now, its historical value is highly considered by scholars.

The Forbidden City in China was built in 1420.It's the living place of the ancient imperial family(古代皇族) and it was in a fancy(奇特的) style.There are many valuable antique(古董)in it.Once the eight-nation aggression(八国联军)invaded(侵略)it.Luckly the Forbidden City had survived from the flames of war.And because of its high historical(历史的) value lots of scholars(学者) think highly of it.

The Fobidden City of China was built in 1420DC.
It is the residence of the ancient royal family,
which is in a fancy style with large quantity of precious antiques.
After it survived the war lauched by the allied army of the eight western powers,it 's high historical value has drawn great attention of scholars.

China's Forbidden City was built in 1420. The ancient royal residence, the wind a Ge Qite There are many valuable antiques, was later invasion from the forces of eight survived the war in a history of high-value fancy being scientists.

2. I think doing housework is a very tiring job.3. We have no difficulty in remembering these phrases.4. Support himself with a crutch, the old man came to the platform\/dais.5. He was considering accepting the invitation of giving a speech in the university....

2.they were too happy to stop crying when they heard that news.3.although i've already told him many times, he still can't remember to contect customers earlier.4.the homeworks you handed yesterday will be return this afternoon.5.i suggest to have a meeting to discuss the ...

建议的解释是:1.提出主张:解释休会。 2.对事情的处置或兴办提出具体的意见;提出的有具体办法的意见:合理化解释。相关出处:《汉书·贾捐之传》:“诸县更叛,连年不定。上与有司议大发军, 捐之建议,以为不当。”唐 封演 《封氏闻见记·石经》:“ 天宝中,予在太学与博士诸生共论经籍失...


5句议论文神仙开头金句 落笔即封神,谁说议论文枯燥 试试这些极具氛围感,辞藻华丽优美的短句,让你从千篇一律的作文中脱颖而出: 瞬间为文章注入灵魂,成为连老师都赞不绝口的killing part! 过去的喜悦和悲伤大多褪去了当时的锋芒,但仍有些在熠熠闪光。 适用主题:人生百态等 示例: 过去的喜悦和悲伤大多褪去了当时...

The chairman proposed them stop the meeting.You'd better revise your notebook to prepare for the exam.His carelessness resulted in his failure That news was very pleasing to us.New equipments have been introduced to simplify the work....


(“人生更像是一个神秘书”)(议论文的平行举了个例子,可以发布,气势非凡。) 36。毅力是什么?毅力是不抱怨命运的跌宕起伏的不幸叹息痛恨无情生活的艰辛,毅力是夸父说,经纬,毅力是一个突破,寻求,是创收,这是希望。 (“毅力”)(结束了一系列的排比句从多个角度面点清楚的毅力特有的内涵,特别是在过去四年的全职...

每周一议5 1.你是否出现过丢三落四、做事没有条理的情况?举个例子 2.你觉得出现这种情况背后的原因是什么? 3.你觉得如何改掉自己丢三落四的习惯? 4.你觉得如何提升做事的条理性,保证不犯错的情况提升做事的效率? 分享人:何政毅 1、有这样的情况,作业忘带,题目忘写。早上起晚了在寝室很慌张,手忙脚乱匆匆...


修水县19426666289: 翻译五个汉语短句子(汉 - 英) 初二滴. -
成贸愈美: 1. It makes some students' grades go down.2. It is not a good sign.3. Computer is good for us and at the same time it has shorcomings4. We should use the computer to do good for our study and growing.5. In this way we can use the computer to help us greatly.

修水县19426666289: 英语翻译有5句中文想找人翻译成英文.不能借助翻译器!1.你是最强的.2.灿烂的明天正对着你微笑,请加油.3.努力走好自己的路.4.相信自己的实力.5.你是最棒... -
成贸愈美:[答案] 1.you are the best. 2.wonderful future is smiling,please go.

修水县19426666289: 5句中文翻译成英语!
成贸愈美: 1 .该是我们吃午饭的时候了----1 This is our time to have lunch2.我宁愿你刚才走了---- I'd rather you just go3.你学校发生这样的一件事,真是奇怪!-----You school happen one thing, that is strange! 4.要是我学过电脑就好了-----If only I had learned a computer5.如果明天有空,我会和你一起去的 -----If free tomorrow, I'll go with you

修水县19426666289: 英语,要中文翻译,五句 -
成贸愈美: 1. the cheapest2. the most popular3. the most comfortably4. the worst5. the best 翻译:1. 水饺小屋是市里最便宜的餐馆.一大盘饺子才5元.2. 春天公园是周末城里最受欢迎的地方. 很多家庭都带着孩子去玩.老人也喜欢在那儿散步.3. 你可以在鲜花酒店休息的最舒适.他们的房间及干净又宽敞.4. 109.9台的音乐最难听.他们的音乐及无聊又大声.5. PEP是城里最好的高中. 他们有宽敞的教室,优秀的老师,还有一个特别棒的运动中心.

修水县19426666289: 翻译五句中文成 法语!!!!! -
成贸愈美: Dans le sud de la Chine, nous avons acheté知 plein de choses très jolies, beaucoup moins chères qu'en France.Le village où道 ils ont passé leurs vacances se situe au sud de la France.Ma soeur a trois ans de moins que moi, elle est un peu plus ...

修水县19426666289: 翻译五句话谢谢
成贸愈美: ..额..你不是要自己翻译吗?1.他掏出了藏在怀里的钱包,把它放在外边口袋里.2.参加会议的代表团五十四名成员昨天上午八时离开北京回国.3.我坐过的位置上,别人已经坐上了4.不但花钱,还费时间.5.烤肉是先在牛肉里放入美味的调料,然后再在火上烤着吃的食品.应该给我分~

修水县19426666289: 帮忙翻译5句话
成贸愈美: 1. Is said to walk healthy meal. (It is ...) 2. He is all the pocket money were spent on postage stamps. (It is ...) 3. And that engineers have failed to return home in three years. (since) 4. Willing to help others the most easy to get along. (those) 5. His first...

修水县19426666289: 翻议英语,把英文翻议成中文. Hi everyone, me and my family ar -
成贸愈美: 你好.我和我的家人正打算搬出公寓,想找人与房东签一份新的租房合同.公寓在珠江新城中心新城中招租.房间舒适,家电齐全.3室2厅2卫,还配有2个阳台,总面积138平方米.地处兴盛路,临近地铁站.附近有许多酒吧,咖啡厅和饭店. (第一句英文需要改成my family and I) O(∩_∩)O

修水县19426666289: 英语翻译中文五句
成贸愈美: 21我以前从没见过杰克,我怎么会认出他?他有着大大的棕色的眼睛,而且将会穿着黑色的茄克22新来的人在比规定的一半还少的时间内完成了项目23袁先生对农业项目的成功的预测很谨慎,因为这很重要24一项关于如何在月球上测量温度的有趣的建议已经被提出25你知道是谁让电脑一直开了一晚上吗,好像汤姆应当受到责备,他昨天下午玩电脑游戏了

修水县19426666289: 翻译五句话和一段中文 谢了谢了 -
成贸愈美: 1,事故突出的困难地区从事战斗中以其酷暑,无所不在的沙子和不可预知的大风.2,事实上,星期二的坠机中,12年,几乎都来Feb.21之后的这一天,1991年,事故在沙漠风暴行动中,七名美军士兵丧生MH-60L黑鹰时坠毁,体现在这突然的...

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