
作者&投稿:以匡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I'm good at writing and I have engaged in the secretary job ability. I think I can do this job.

As far as his competence is concerned,I’m sure that he can be qualified for the job。
I am writing this letter to recommend my students Li Ming.He major in English.

nowadays, there is a common phenomenon that more and more students are enthusiastic about taking part in talent shows.

I have to make some achievement to convince him that I have ability for the job.

英语翻译 此时我不能做出任何决定
for the moment,l can not make any descions

取笑:make fun of, poke fun at 对...做出反应: respond to..拿..开玩笑: make jokes about 排队: stand∕wait in line 当演员: be on the stage 很快: soon, like wildfire 接受: to accept 继续: carry on, keep on 结对: in pairs, become a partner 挤满: be crowded with, ...


我要努力学习英语 英文翻译
我要努力学习英语翻译:I have to study English hard.(1)、这学期我要努力学习英语。I'm going to work hard at Englishi this term.(2)、从现在开始,我一定要更努力学习英语。From now on, I will study English harder.(3)、我很高兴遇见他,也下决心要更加努力学习英语。I am very...

以我之见,双方(的观点)都只是在一定程度上正确。当我们……的时候,我们应该全面考虑问题的各方面,然后做出正确的决定。14. Personally, I believe that ___. Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because ___.以我之见,我认为\/相信……。因此,我确信,光明的...

my thoughts are as follows,maybe it can help you to make correct decision

朋友对于每个人来说都是很重要的,因为朋友能减轻你的痛苦,让你快乐,并且,最重要的是,让你不会觉得孤单。I think making friends is important. You have to make the right choice, which is hard. Sometimes there are some skills for choosing friends.我认为交朋友是很重要的。你必须做出...

そう!今からより一层自分の専门をしっかり勉强して、さらに日本语もしっかり学んで。いつかきっと日本に行きます。あの足立さんが生きている国へ行きます。茶道を学びたい、より近く近くに足立さんの目の前に立てて欲しい。草々 我可是全手翻,有什么问题的话47260926 ...

临床表现 双侧严重耳聋,听不见一般声音,故对声响无反应。有的存在残余听力或可听到汽笛、雷鸣、放炮等声音,虽不会说话,但哭笑声正常。对幼儿时期的聋哑有时难以鉴定,年龄越小,困难越大。聋哑儿的主要症状是耳聋,但许多聋儿尚具有一定残余听力,能对外界响声做出反应。所以,往往到了学说话时仍不会...

“i do”该翻译成“我做了”还是“我愿意”?
这要看具体语境了,如果发问是 do you want to marrie me? 回答 i do 就解释为 我愿意 如果发问是 do you finish it 回答 i do 就解释为 我做了 所以没有固定意思 学英语注重理解句子所处的情况,并根据情况做出不同的解释

红星区13470822264: 英语翻译:我必须做出点成绩说服他我有胜任作这份工作的能力. -
舌威风湿: I have to make some achievement to convince him that I have ability for the job.

红星区13470822264: 我必须做出点成绩说服他我有胜任作这份工作的能力.(英语翻译)
舌威风湿: I must do something to persuade him that I have enough ability to do this work.

红星区13470822264: 我必须做出点成绩说服他我有胜任作这份工作的能力 释成英语
舌威风湿: I must do my best to persuade him that I'm able to do this job

红星区13470822264: 我必须做出点成绩说服他我有胜任作这份工作的能力.翻译:I have to do something to_ -- my ability to do this job.
舌威风湿: convince him with

红星区13470822264: 以下的句子,谁能帮我翻译成英语,一要个小时之内!
舌威风湿: 1. I must do something to convince him that I am adequate to this job 2. i want to take a walk after dinner 3. Don't lie on the bed when you are reading books, it's not good for your sight/ it will take damage to your sight, it's good for you eyes. 4. we ...

红星区13470822264: 说服的英语翻译 说服用英语怎么说 -
舌威风湿: 说服 [词典] persuade; convince; prevail on; talk sb. over; reason; [例句]我说服他戒烟. I persuaded him to stop smoking.

红星区13470822264: 几道高二的英语题,英语历害的请进哦,对于用的时态最好有详解,谢谢.
舌威风湿: 1,It is said that this novel has been translated into many languages 2,I must make a point score to convince him that I have the ability to do the job 3,If I were a teacher, I will by students 4,Her explanation for this is useless 6,I hear smoking uncle praise...

红星区13470822264: 求英语翻译“生活学习中,一方面我有着良好的人际交往技能,言语说服能力强,善于向人推销自己的产品或观点 -
舌威风湿: In the daily life and study,on the one hand i have excellent interpersonal communication skills,strong persuasive talent and be good at promoting my products or ideas to others.能力有限,与君参考.如有不足,敬请指正.

红星区13470822264: 英语翻译请翻译得通顺,不要有语法错误,时不时用点稍微高级点的词汇.最快最优者给分.晚上7点之前.我的目的是要告诉大家:或许你觉得你并不需要去说... -
舌威风湿:[答案] 我的目的是要告诉大家:或许你觉得你并不需要去说服某个人去做什么事,但是如果你不希望被说服去做你其实并不需要做或并不愿意做的事情,你就应该防止被别人说服的方法. I'm aimed to tell you: Maybe you think there is no need to persuade ...

红星区13470822264: 要做出自己的成绩来 用英语怎么说? -
舌威风湿: 要做出自己To make their results to的成绩来: Make your own achievements , To do their own results to and

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