
作者&投稿:陈没佳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have just had breakfast
He has been in prison for six months.
The police have not caught the thief yet.
You have (already) asked that question three times(already)
Have you ever been toSwitzerland.
I have never been toSwitzerland.
He is a wonderful runner. He has broken tow records so far.
I haven't seen George lately.
He has just left the house.
He has just had breakfast
She has just written a letter
My sister has just turned on the radio.
My mother has just made the bed.
She has just bought a new hat.
He hasn't washed the dishes yet.
She hasn't made the beds yet.
He hasn't combed his hair yet.
She hasn't swept he carpet yet.
We haven't read 'Macbeth' yet.
Have you seen the new play at 'The Globe' yet?
Have you taken your holidays yet?
Have you read this book yet?
Have you done your homework yet?
Have you finished your work yet?
1.received 2.received 3.took 4.taken 5.take
1d 2b 3a 4b 5b 6a 7c 8b 9c 10a 11c 12c

A.1.has gone 2.have...been 3.have...been 4.have been 5.have gone 6.has gone 7.have been 8.have been 9.have gone 10.have...been

B.(possible answers)
1.Because I've already had it.
2.No,I haven't had my lunch yet.
3.But I've already asked him to take our order.
4.Of course we won't . It hasn't come into the station yet.
5.I know.I've already read it.

C.1.b. 2.c. 3.c. 4.b

D(A possible answer)
I have just received your letter. I think (that) you are very lucky. I haver never been abroad yet,so I would love to come to Australia for a holiday. I have just taken some exams but I have not taken them all yet. I am going to a summer camp soon. I'll tell you more in my next letter.

怎么样。我是全部按照答案打的。 望采纳。谢谢。

1.状语放在 have 的后面
2.状语放在 prison 的后面
3.状语放在 thief 的后面
4.状语放在 have 的后面
5.状语放在 you 的后面
6.状语放在 have 的后面
7.状语放在 records 的后面
8.状语放在 Georage 的后面


1.I have just had breakfaxt
2.He has been in prison for sixmonth.
3.The police have not caught the thierf yet.
4.You have already asked that question there times.
5.Have you ever been to Switzerland?
6.I have never been to Switzerland.
7.He is wonderful ranner he has borken two records so far.
8.I haven't seen George lately.
6.has been
d b a b b a c b c a c c


1.I have just had breakfaxt
2.He has been in prison for six months.
3.The police have not caught the thierf yet.
4.You have already asked that question there times.
5.Have you ever been to Switzerland?
6.I have never been to Switzerland.
7.He is a wonderful runner.He has borken two records so far.
8.I haven't seen George lately.

le是阳性的定冠词(阴性是la),相当于英语中的the。les是复数定冠词(阴阳同形),相当于英语中的these。le la les 是冠词、定冠词,相当于英语中的the。la+阴性名词单数;le+阳性名词单数;les+名词复数,不分阴性和阳性。de在法语中作介词使用,主要表从属关系。这个词也没有什么实际的意义,但是用...

le是阳性的定冠词(阴性是la),相当于英语中的the。les是复数定冠词(阴阳同形),相当于英语中的these。le la les 是冠词、定冠词,相当于英语中的the。la+阴性名词单数;le+阳性名词单数;les+名词复数,不分阴性和阳性。de在法语中作介词使用,主要表从属关系。这个词也没有什么实际的意义,但是用...



字母组合 le 发音为\/(ə)l\/。例词:苹果apple,a-p-p-l-e;人们people,p-e-o-p-l-e;桌子table, t-a-b-l-e;蜡烛candle, c-a-n-d-l-e;面条noodles, n-o-o-d-l-e-s。

新概念英语第二册 第四单元检测题答案
Although he ran fast ,he failed to win the race.I was so tired that I went to sleep immediately .My neighbour , who went to Tokyo for a holiday could not return home because he did not have enough money.Finding the door unlock I went into the kitchen.I bought a picture...


英语缩写词"LE"在医学领域中被广泛用于表示"Lower Extremity",中文含义即为"下肢"。这个缩写词在英语中的应用广泛,特别是在描述下肢动脉疾病治疗和足部发育相关研究中。据统计,"LE"的拼音为"xià zhī",其在英语中的流行度为63,主要应用于医疗领域的专业术语中。具体来说,经皮斑块旋切术在治疗...

英 [fleks] 美 [fleks]v.屈伸,活动(四肢或肌肉,尤指为准备体力活动)n.花线;皮线 例句:He stood on the side of the pool flexing his muscles. 他站在游泳池旁活动肌肉。2、plea 英 [pliː] 美 [pliː]n.请求;恳求;(被告或被告律师的)抗辩,答辩,辩护;(向法庭...

结尾是“le“的英语单词:answerable 可回答的、ankle 踝、angle 角度、able 有能力的、acceptable 合意的、addle 使糊涂、adorable 可爱的、agile 敏捷的。一、ankle 英 [ˈæŋkl] 美 [ˈæŋkl]n.踝;踝关节 He fell and sprained his ankle.他摔了一跤,...

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