
作者&投稿:韦咬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“It’s over!Thank goodness! “School was over and I was tired. I sat at the front of the school bus.
终于搞定!谢天谢地! 放学啦,真累,我坐在学校巴士的前座
Janie,the driver,tries to break the uncomfortable atmosphere by striking the match of talks. I try to listen politely,but usually I am too busy thinking about my day. On this day,however,her talk was worth listening to.
“My father’s ill,”she said to no one in particular. I could see worry in her eyes. I had never seen her like this before. She always meets students with a smile.
我父亲病了 她不是针对我们其中的任何人讲的。 我可以看见她眼里的担忧。我从没看见她这样子过,她常常对我们学生面带笑容。
With a sudden change of interest,I asked,“What’s wrong with him?
With her eyes wet and her voice unusual,she answered,“Heart trouble.” Her eyes lowered as she continued, “I’ve already lost my mum,so I don’t think I can stand losing him” I couldn’t answer. My heart ached(疼痛)for her.
她眼睛湿了,声音也不像平常,哽咽道:是心脏病。 她垂下眼,继续说:我已经失去了我妈妈,我再也受不了失去父亲。 我无言以对,感同身受。
I sat on the seat thinking of the great pain my own mother was thrown into when her father diedI saw how hard it was,and still is,for her. I wouldn’t want anyone to go through that.
我在座位上开始想起自己的妈妈当她失去我的祖父时,她是多么的痛苦,珍妮也是一样吧。 我也不想别人如此痛苦
Suddenly I realized Janie was more than a bus driver. That was just her job. She had a whole world of family and cares for them too.
I suddenly felt very selfish. I paid no attention to Janie because she was a bus driver. I had judged her by her job and brushed her off as unimportant.
我顿时觉得自己很自私,我很少关注到她竟然因为觉得她只不过是一个司机。 我因为她的工作而看低她,把她列入不重要的人的名单。
I shouldn’t have been so selfish and self—centered. Understanding people is an art.
我不应该这么自私和自我为中心。 理解别人也一门艺术。

1. 1。 While financial institutions have faced difficulties over the years for a multitude of reasons, the major cause of serious banking problems continues to be directly related to lax credit standards for borrowers and counterparties, poor portfolio risk management, or a lack of attention to changes in economic or other circumstances that can lead to a deterioration in the credit standing of a bank's counterparties.虽然金融机构遇到了一个由于种种原因多年来困难,严重的银行问题的主要原因仍然是直接相关的借款人及对手,可怜的投资组合风险管理,或不重视的变化宽松的信贷标准经济或其他情况,可能导致在银行的交易对手的信用恶化。 This experience is common in both G-10 and non-G-10 countries.这一经验是普遍的10国集团和非10国集团的国家。

2. 2。 Credit risk is most simply defined as the potential that a bank borrower or counterparty will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms.信贷风险是最简单的定义为潜在的银行借款人或交易对手将无法满足协议的条款规定的义务。 The goal of credit risk management is to maximise a bank's risk-adjusted rate of return by maintaining credit risk exposure within acceptable parameters.对信用风险管理的目标是最大限度地银行的风险调整后的维持在可接受的参数信贷风险回报率。 Banks need to manage the credit risk inherent in the entire portfolio as well as the risk in individual credits or transactions.银行需要信用风险管理中所固有的整个产品系列,以及个人贷款或交易的风险。 Banks should also consider the relationships between credit risk and other risks.银行也应考虑与信贷风险及其他风险的关系。 The effective management of credit risk is a critical component of a comprehensive approach to risk management and essential to the long-term success of any banking organisation.信用风险的有效管理是一个全面的风险管理方法和必要的任何银行机构长期成功的关键因素。

3. 3。 For most banks, loans are the largest and most obvious source of credit risk; however, other sources of credit risk exist throughout the activities of a bank, including in the banking book and in the trading book, and both on and off the balance sheet.对于大多数银行贷款信用风险的最大和最明显的来源,但信贷风险的其他来源存在的整个银行活动,银行账户,包括在贸易和图书,都和场外的资产负债表。 Banks are increasingly facing credit risk (or counterparty risk) in various financial instruments other than loans, including acceptances, interbank transactions, trade financing, foreign exchange transactions, financial futures, swaps, bonds, equities, options, and in the extension of commitments and guarantees, and the settlement of transactions.面临越来越多的银行信用风险(或交易对手风险的各种金融工具比其他贷款,包括接受,银行同业交易,贸易融资),外汇交易,金融期货,互换,债券,股票,期权,并在扩展和承诺保证,以及交易的结算。

4. 4。 Since exposure to credit risk continues to be the leading source of problems in banks world-wide, banks and their supervisors should be able to draw useful lessons from past experiences.由于信用风险仍然是在银行问题的主要来源世界各地,银行和他们的主管应该能够从过去的经验有益的教训。 Banks should now have a keen awareness of the need to identify, measure, monitor and control credit risk as well as to determine that they hold adequate capital against these risks and that they are adequately compensated for risks incurred.银行现在应该有一个需要识别,衡量,监测和控制信贷风险,以及敏锐的意识,以确定它们对这些风险进行足够的资金,他们有足够的支付风险补偿。 The Basel Committee is issuing this document in order to encourage banking supervisors globally to promote sound practices for managing credit risk.巴塞尔委员会发布了这份文件,以鼓励银行监管机构在全球范围内促进信用风险管理的良好作法。 Although the principles contained in this paper are most clearly applicable to the business of lending, they should be applied to all activities where credit risk is present.虽然在此文件中所载的原则是最清楚的适用于借贷业务时,应适用于所有活动,其中信用风险是存在。










1. 1。 While financial institutions have faced difficulties over the years for a multitude of reasons, the major cause of serious banking problems continues to be directly related to lax credit standards for borrowers and counterparties, poor portfolio risk management, or a lack of attention to changes in economic or other circumstances that can lead to a deterioration in the credit standing of a bank's counterparties.虽然金融机构遇到了一个由于种种原因多年来困难,严重的银行问题的主要原因仍然是直接相关的借款人及对手,可怜的投资组合风险管理,或不重视的变化宽松的信贷标准经济或其他情况,可能导致在银行的交易对手的信用恶化。 This experience is common in both G-10 and non-G-10 countries.这一经验是普遍的10国集团和非10国集团的国家。

2. 2。 Credit risk is most simply defined as the potential that a bank borrower or counterparty will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms.信贷风险是最简单的定义为潜在的银行借款人或交易对手将无法满足协议的条款规定的义务。 The goal of credit risk management is to maximise a bank's risk-adjusted rate of return by maintaining credit risk exposure within acceptable parameters.对信用风险管理的目标是最大限度地银行的风险调整后的维持在可接受的参数信贷风险回报率。 Banks need to manage the credit risk inherent in the entire portfolio as well as the risk in individual credits or transactions.银行需要信用风险管理中所固有的整个产品系列,以及个人贷款或交易的风险。 Banks should also consider the relationships between credit risk and other risks.银行也应考虑与信贷风险及其他风险的关系。 The effective management of credit risk is a critical component of a comprehensive approach to risk management and essential to the long-term success of any banking organisation.信用风险的有效管理是一个全面的风险管理方法和必要的任何银行机构长期成功的关键因素。

3. 3。 For most banks, loans are the largest and most obvious source of credit risk; however, other sources of credit risk exist throughout the activities of a bank, including in the banking book and in the trading book, and both on and off the balance sheet.对于大多数银行贷款信用风险的最大和最明显的来源,但信贷风险的其他来源存在的整个银行活动,银行账户,包括在贸易和图书,都和场外的资产负债表。 Banks are increasingly facing credit risk (or counterparty risk) in various financial instruments other than loans, including acceptances, interbank transactions, trade financing, foreign exchange transactions, financial futures, swaps, bonds, equities, options, and in the extension of commitments and guarantees, and the settlement of transactions.面临越来越多的银行信用风险(或交易对手风险的各种金融工具比其他贷款,包括接受,银行同业交易,贸易融资),外汇交易,金融期货,互换,债券,股票,期权,并在扩展和承诺保证,以及交易的结算。

4. 4。 Since exposure to credit risk continues to be the leading source of problems in banks world-wide, banks and their supervisors should be able to draw useful lessons from past experiences.由于信用风险仍然是在银行问题的主要来源世界各地,银行和他们的主管应该能够从过去的经验有益的教训。 Banks should now have a keen awareness of the need to identify, measure, monitor and control credit risk as well as to determine that they hold adequate capital against these risks and that they are adequately compensated for risks incurred.银行现在应该有一个需要识别,衡量,监测和控制信贷风险,以及敏锐的意识,以确定它们对这些风险进行足够的资金,他们有足够的支付风险补偿。 The Basel Committee is issuing this document in order to encourage banking supervisors globally to promote sound practices for managing credit risk.巴塞尔委员会发布了这份文件,以鼓励银行监管机构在全球范围内促进信用风险管理的良好作法。 Although the principles contained in this paper are most clearly applicable to the business of lending, they should be applied to all activities where credit risk is present.虽然在此文件中所载的原则是最清楚的适用于借贷业务时,应适用于所有活动,其中信用风险是存在。

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