
作者&投稿:闳卢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
珍珠面 这个翻译成英文该怎么翻呢?~

珍珠面 即珍珠粉:pearl powder

look!What happen there?

When the mussels take food on the seabed with its cameo shell open,sand,parasite and so on eyewinker drop into the cameo shell by accident,then the pallium suffer shock so that it will secrete nacrum to muffle the eyewinker drop into it to make the eyewinker smooth and evasive to gradually form pearl sac---that's the bright and smooth outerlayer of an pearl.
Therefore,whether the forming pearl is round or not depends on whether can the nacrum evenly accumulate around the stimulus.


The pearl is an animal product secreted by certain shell mollusca, of which one kind live in the sea, and the others in fresh water. Pearls are quite common, but those which have considerable dimensions, joined to a regular form and beautiful reflections, are rare and of high price.

Formed almost exclusively of lime and of an organic matter, the pearl is very easily acted on; as regards resistance, it has nothing in common with precious stones, even those most easily destroyed.

The pearl was dedicated to Venus. It is sacred to love and beauty. In the "marriage of Cupid and Psyche"-a fine engraving upon sardonyx, wherein the figures are enveloped in transparent veils, a work of great difficulty in engraving upon stone-the lovers are united by a string of pearls-emblem of conjugal bonds-by aid of which the god Hymen, bearing a torch, conducts them to the nuptial couch (Fig. 83).

A number of opinions have been expressed upon the origin of the pearl. The ancients poetically ascribed it to a drop of dew falling at morning or evening into the opened shell.

"Brighter the offspring of the morning dew,

The evening yields a duskier birth to view."

It was once a common belief that the pearl was a morbid production of the animal. Above all, it has been thought that it originated in some foreign substance, such as a grain of sand, or an animal parasite, introduced accidentally into the shell. This substance, it was supposed, tortured the animal, which, to free itself from the irritation, covered it with a pearly secretion. Acting on these ideas, the Chinese are said to have obtained pearls artificially, by piercing the shell, and slightly wounding the animal.

There is probably some truth in these hypotheses; but an examination of the pearl under the microscope proves that such modes of formation are not the only ones employed; and even that they do not necessarily enter into the formation of these beautiful productions. Indeed certain pearls show in their interior spherical cavities perfectly empty; and others, which are completely solid to the centre, display in all their parts a regular and continuous texture, without the least trace of any foreign matter.

A pearl of the first quality should possess, above all things, a fine orient, or water. By this expression is meant a pure whiteness, joined to a lively lustre that sparkles in the light. There are pearls, too, which, with a white colour, show a delicate reflection of azure. These are the most highly esteemed.

The second quality of a fine pearl is, that it should be perfectly spherical, or regularly pearshaped.

There are a great number of pearls whose colour has a yellowish tinge. This alone is a mark of inferior quality.

It is very probable that pearls possessing this yellowish shade exist normally in the shell. Tavernier, however, thinks that all pearls are white, and that the yellow tint is induced by putrefied products, resulting from the treatment of the shells in their places of production; the pearl-shells being left in the open air that they may open of themselves after the death of the animal. The work is thus accomplished without any expense, and without risk of breaking the pearls, an accident that occurs very frequently if the shells are opened artificially. In support of his theory Tavernier states a fact, which, if established, would be conclusive; which is, that yellow pearls are never found in shells that have preserved their water.

The shells in which pearls are found belong to several families of the large class of mollusca; but the most important of all is the--

Avicula margaritifera, Bruguiere; Pentadina margaritifera, Lamarck. This species not only produces the pearl, but furnishes to commerce vast quantities of mother-of-pearl of the kind most valued.

There is a prevailing idea that mother-of-pearl and the pearl are of the same nature; and, in consequence of this notion, numberless attempts have been made to obtain artificial pearls by means of little spheres more or less regularly cut out of mother-of-pearl.

The experiment has never been successful. A little serious examination of the subject proves that there is nothing to hope from this method. Even admitting that mother-of-pearl and pearl are the same in composition, which has not been scientifically proved, it is certain that they are not of the same constitution. Mother-of-pearl is much harder, and offers infinitely more resistance to the tools of the lapidary than the pearl. But that which is most important to be remarked is, that in the pearl the constituent layers are concentric, while in the pearls cut out of mother-of-pearl, the layers are more or less parallel.

Figs. 84 and 85 establish perfectly to the eye the complete difference presented in this respect by mother-of-pearl and the pearl.

They show, at the same time, how the light must necessarily undergo very different modifications in the two cases, and why cut mother-of-pearl can never have the same optical effects as the pearl.

Although pearl molluscs exist in all parts of the world, there are but few places where their gathering has become an industry. One of these places was formerly the Red Sea, which, in the time of the Ptolemies, produced an abundance of pearls. But the beds are probably exhausted; at any rate they are no longer worked. The two regions which for a long time have produced the most beautiful pearls are the Persian Gulf, and the Straits of Manaar which separate Ceylon from the peninsula of India.

More recently great quantities of pearl-oysters have been discovered in America, particularly in the Gulf of Mexico, upon the coasts of California, and in the vicinity of Panama.

There have been experiments made to determine the time necessary to the development of a pearl. No very certain results have been obtained; but it has been proved that at least two or three years are necessary for the formation of a pearl of any value.

Hitherto the pearl shells have been gathered by divers, who, practising the pursuit from their earliest years, end by being able to stay nearly six minutes without breathing at the bottom of the sea. The prodigious efforts which they are obliged to make, and the considerable pressure to which they are subjected, result in a number of very grave accidents. The bodies, too, of the unhappy beings who devote themselves to this frightful trade, are very quickly covered with sores; and very seldom does a pearl-diver arrive at old age.

The remarkable appliances which render it possible to stay under the water for a long time without much inconvenience have been introduced into the localities where there are pearl fisheries, and will no doubt diminish wonderfully the sad consequences so long inseparable from this deadly trade.

When the mussels in the sea-bed feeding, the shells open, sand, parasites and other foreign bodies falling into the occasional go, Mantle stimulated, it will secrete nacre, the layers of wrapped around foreign bodies falling into the go to make it smooth, the gradual formation of pearl sac - that is, the outer layer of glowing pearls.
Therefore, the formation of pearls is round or spherical ball, the key lies in whether nacre around evenly to stimulate the accumulation of the source.

how the pears are produced?



人的眼睛近视后为什么看东西时眼珠向上翻 怎么纠正回去 ?

大大小小雪亮的珠子从天上撒下来,他们在碧蓝的海水里翻滚,在跳跃,在歌 ...


除了一些宗派如密宗对持念珠有一定规定外, 其他的记载大多没有严格的规定, 如 对持珠及念珠有个别问题, 可请示经常出入的道场出家人或前辈同修。念珠乃身外之物, 我们念佛诵经主要是内心, 不要被物所系, 被物所碍。更不要被困 在手上的念珠是什麼质料, 要多少颗数, 要如何掐捻, 要拿在左手...

不是上翻,是人在睡觉时,我们的身体都处在休息状态!!!可我们的大脑还在想事情!!!而着时我们的眼睛就在动!!!当人在做梦的 时候眼睛都在转圈!!!


老屋里翻到一个老算盘 懂行的看下是啥料的珠子

古语“人老珠黄”的珠 指的是什么

凌海市13749605995: 珍珠是怎么形成的?翻译成英文 -
秦逄保法: 当蚌在海床进食中,贝壳张开,沙粒,寄生虫等异物偶尔掉进去,外套膜受到刺激,它就会分泌出珍珠质,把掉进去的异物层层裹住,使其圆滑,逐渐形成珍珠囊-也就是珍珠光亮润泽的外层. 因此,所形成的珍珠是圆球形或非圆球形,关键在...

凌海市13749605995: 珍珠是怎么形成的英语作文 -
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凌海市13749605995: 珍珠是怎么形成的? -
秦逄保法: 珍珠和合浦生态珍珠是一种有机宝石,自古以来一直被人们视做奇珍,据地质学和考古学的研究证明,在两亿年前,地球上就已经有了珍珠.珍珠的英文名称为Pearl,是由拉丁文Pernulo演化而来的32313133353236313431303231363533e...

凌海市13749605995: 珍珠是如何形成的? -
秦逄保法: 珍珠的英文名称为Pearl,是由拉丁文Pernulo演化而来的.它的另一个名字Margarite,则由古代波斯梵语衍生而来,意为“大海之子”. 早在远古时期,原始人类在海边觅食时,就发现了具有彩色晕光的洁白珍珠,并被它的晶莹瑰丽所吸引,从...

凌海市13749605995: 珍珠是怎么形成的?只想明白 -
秦逄保法:[答案] 珍珠和合浦生态珍珠是一种有机宝石,自古以来一直被人们视做奇珍,据地质学和考古学的研究证明,在两亿年前,地球上就已经有了珍珠.珍珠的英文名称为Pearl,是由拉丁文Pernulo演化而来的.它的另一个名字Margarite,则由古...

凌海市13749605995: 珍珠怎么行成的 -
秦逄保法: 湖海里的珠蚌,当开启蚌壳,一些外界的杂物如砂粒等,会进入到贝的体内并接触其外套膜时,外套膜受到刺激便分泌出一种碳酸钙的化合物,这些碳酸钙便以杂物为中心,层层包裹,经过三五年或者更长时间,直到形成珍珠.构成珍珠和贝壳...

凌海市13749605995: 珍珠怎么形成的? -
秦逄保法: 贝壳在构造上最主要由三层组成:珍珠层、棱柱层和壳皮层.贝壳是由外套膜外层的上皮细胞分泌碳酸钙(CaCO3)及有机物质所形成.珍珠的品质依形状、质地、色彩、大小、光泽和生长纹理等要素决定.形状和质地与细胞移植手术的好坏...

凌海市13749605995: 请问珍珠是由什么组成的 -
秦逄保法: 早期理论:早期人类对珍珠成形的原因有不同的理解.有人说当一滴掉进海里的露水,刚好被张开口的贝壳接住,便形成一颗闪亮的珍珠.当天气好时,生成的珠子会益发漂亮;如天气坏,生成的珠子会较暗色--好一个有趣而罗曼蒂克的理论!...

凌海市13749605995: 天然珍珠形成的原因 -
秦逄保法: 当蚌在海床进食中,贝壳张开,受到外来物沙粒,寄生虫等异物偶尔掉进去,外套膜受到刺激,它就会分泌出珍珠质,把掉进去的异物层层裹住,使其圆滑,逐渐形成珍珠囊-光亮润泽的外层.养殖珍珠就是根据此原理,运用插核技术将圆形珠...

凌海市13749605995: 珍珠是怎样形成的? -
秦逄保法: 珍珠形成原理: 外因: 蚌的外套膜受到异物(砂粒、寄生虫)侵入的刺激,受刺激处的表皮细胞以异物为核,陷入外套膜的结缔组织中,陷入的部分外套膜表皮细胞自行分裂形成珍珠囊,珍珠囊细胞分泌珍珠质,层复一层把核包被起来即成珍...

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