
作者&投稿:在汤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My daughter started fever on Saturday, but after the doctor gave her a NC for a whole day, on Sunday and Monday she was fever again, until Tuesday the temperature was slowly down .

假条尊敬的XX老师: XX要在5月19日回国.因为他的父亲得了重病,所以需要提早请假回国探望.很抱歉在美得到允许前我们已经订了19号的机票,因为时间紧迫.希望你们谅解.谢谢.

Dear MR.Tustin

My daughter has been sick since the 8th january in the evening. She still not feeling well in the next morning, hence she hasn't been to the first class in the school.

Sorry for the inconvenient

best regards

yours faithfully

Dear Mr. Tustin,

I am very sorry that my daught Dya got a fever on the evening of Jan 8th and she was still a little bit high tempreture the next morning, so she did not attend the first class.

Please kindly allow me to take one day leave to take care of her.

Thank you,


Mr. Tustin,

My Daughter Dya was sick and had fever on the night of 8th January, the temperature was still a bit high in the next morning, so she was absent for the first lesson of that morning.

My daughter Dya got a fever on the evening of January 8 , the next morning turns a little heat, so she did not go to the first class.


My daughter Dya on January 8th night fever, the next morning, so not a high temperature or go to the first class.

职场,我觉着你得了解一下你们公司是否有统一的请假条或者其他类似于这种的。我们单位的是一种表格,只要填充信息就好。不过,如果没有的话,请参照如下:请假条 尊敬的领导:兹有本公司员工 xxx 因病需休息治疗,现请假一天( 年 月 日)。请予批准为谢!请假人:日期:另注:假后回岗时,需将...

修改请假条王老师; 请 昨天晚上我突然感冒发烧,今天 假 不能到校上课...
请假条 王老师:昨天晚上我突然发烧,今天不能到校上课,特请假一天,请与准假。此致 敬礼 学生:孙亚 (这里写当天日期)

首先,请假条的写法:写请假条需要注意下述事项:1、时间上:提前写 要请假,提前写请假条几乎是所有企业对员工请假的明文(或默认)要求;当然,如有特殊情况,临时请假等,在事后补写请假条也是许多企业允许的,但大多企业会对这个“事后”又有一个时间限制,多为员工恢复上班的当天,或者1~2个工作日内...

请假条 李老师:您好!我因感冒发烧,需要住院治疗,特向您请假三天,请批准。你的学生:张成 ×年×月×日

我两天没上学了,因为发烧。 请帮我写请假条 (急用,谢谢!)
xx老师:我因为感冒发烧不能上学,需要请假两天:xxxx年x月x日至x日。恳请批准。此致 敬礼 请假人:xx xxxx年x月x日

尊敬的老师:由于我今天感冒了,发烧。医生说为了不影响其他同学的正常上课和避免交叉传染,最好休息两天:所以特向您请示,请假两天!请假人:JIM 2009年9月20日

李老师:我因为感冒发烧不能上学,需要请假两天:2011年5月8日至9日。恳请批准。此致 敬礼 请假人:张丽 2011年5月7日


请假条(居中)刘老师您好:我昨天晚上感冒发烧,今天特别难受,需到医院看病。因此,今天不能到校上课,需请假一天,请您批准。此致 敬礼 学生:李明 xxxx年xx月xx日 请假条是一种常用的应用文。学生一定要牢记请假条的格式,正文处要写明请假的原因和天数。

下款(标在右下)。……。……。请假人:xxx ……。……。……。……。。。年月日 ………。批准人:xxx ……。……。……。……。。。年月日 生病请假条范文 请假条一:张老师:今天,我因感冒发烧,不能到校上课,请假一天,请予批准!请假人:张三 2016年X月X日 请假条二:王老师:我因...

徐闻县17093378281: 英文发烧请假条,帮忙翻译.急!高分~ -
刘锦葡萄: Dear MR.TustinMy daughter has been sick since the 8th january in the evening. She still not feeling well in the next morning, hence she hasn't been to the first class in the school.Sorry for the inconvenientbest regardsyours faithfully 名字

徐闻县17093378281: 用英文写一张请假条,原因是:因淋雨感冒而且发烧,请一天假在家休息 -
刘锦葡萄: teacher: i'm sorry to ask for a leave today for i have got a fever

徐闻县17093378281: 因发烧不能去上学 写一张英语请假条 -
刘锦葡萄: Dear teacher, I'm ***.I'm sorry that I can't go to school today.Because I have a fever.I feel very bad now.So I want to stay at home to take a rest.I hope you can permit me to stay at home. Yours, *** 写得不好,见谅了.希望能帮到你:)

徐闻县17093378281: 英语翻译麻烦帮我翻译请假内容昨天,我的孩子发烧,我已带她去看医生(医生证明在纸的下面).今天,我的孩子退烧了,感觉好点,我就让她上学.格式我... -
刘锦葡萄:[答案] 昨天,我的孩子发烧,我已带她去看医生(医生证明在纸的下面).今天,我的孩子退烧了,感觉好点,我就让她上学.Yesterday, my child_______ had a fever, and I took to the doctor. Today she feels better, so I let he...

徐闻县17093378281: 英文请假条因为发烧说明原因和医生建议 -
刘锦葡萄: Dear Teacher I can not go to school today, because I got a fever yesterday. I need to go and see a doctor and ask for one day off. Would you please kindly approve it? Thanks!Attached is the certificate from doctor.Best regards XXX

徐闻县17093378281: 怎么用英语写一张请假条 而它的题材是张华淋雨发烧了有点严重、想向他班主任王老师请三天假 -
刘锦葡萄: Mr/Mrs... I'm not feeling very well today. I've got a bad cold. My parents took me to see a doctor this morning, and the doctor looked me over carefully and gave me some medicine. He also advised me to stay in bed for a days. So I can't go to school ...

徐闻县17093378281: 因为发烧的英语请假条
刘锦葡萄: dear teacher,i am sorry i can't attend your class,because i am having a fever now and i have to go to see a doctor. may i have a leave off ? and i will make up the homework which i miss. thank you

徐闻县17093378281: 急求:书面表达 提示,假如你叫王芳,请你用英语给张老师(男)写一张请假条. 1.医生说你发烧,得了重... -
刘锦葡萄: Dear Mr Zhang, I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not feeling well today.I went to see the doctor this morning.He told me I had caught a bad cold, and I should stay in bed for two days,drinking more water and taking medicines regularly. So I'm afraid I can't ...

徐闻县17093378281: 一个叫李明的因发烧,重感冒.写一个请假条.英语 -
刘锦葡萄: *-*“授之以渔”结构:第一行:日期,右对齐第二行:请假对象,左对齐第三行:正文(写明原因和期限),第四行:结尾敬语:右对齐第五行:署名,右对齐,实战演练:November19,2010 To dear teacher Owing to a severe fever,I 补充: shall be unable to attend classes today.I enclose a medical certificate from doctor.Hope you will excuse my no-nattendance. Yours respectfully, Li Ming*-*望楼主采纳,谢谢!求采纳

徐闻县17093378281: 本人英语实在是太烂,跪求好心人帮助.用英语写请假条,要格式. :王磊,因高烧不能出席今天上午的会 -
刘锦葡萄: 翻译:王磊,因高烧不能出席今天上午的会议,特向他的上司托马斯先生写一张请假条,请假一天. 结果:Wang lei, because a fever can't attend the meeting this morning, Mr. Thomas wrote to his boss for missing, ask for leave for one day.

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