帮我翻译 要快!谢谢

作者&投稿:於法 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. The interview he was wrong, then feel very embarrassed
2. He felt very lucky, suddenly passed TOEFL and GRE
3. Ruth Porter reminded over and over again, at the opening ceremony to relax
4. Completed the goal, got a diploma, Chris would like to go out to look at entertainment
5. As long as the dial 121, you can hear the phone, the latest weather information, and you can hear a few times


Nowadays, in the eyes of most students,the only way to academic achievement is to study hard.In fact,this notion is incorrect, for one must be interested in the subject he studies if he wants to study efficiently.
First,it's time for us to abandon the notion mentioned above.To study is to enjoy, which means that we cannot depend solely on persistence. The furmost important thing is interest.
Second, we may start from simple cases when confront new subjects. It's beneficial to build some confidence first.
Then,we should actively seek for new study strategies and try our best to improve our general abilities. We should learn to enjoy the process of learning. When we become accustomed to this, we will be confident to say that we have grabbed the key of learning.At the same time,our acedemic performance may improve a lot.

“我清楚知道,”船长说,他在他的烟斗拉了。 “有一个小房子我一个公正的阿姆斯特丹运河外面知道。我的意思是买房子,和我将有一个夏天,在花园里的房子,而且我会整天坐在我的烟斗抽烟,而我的妻子坐在我身边和针织,孩子们在花园里玩。“
“什么,最后船长”戴德里奇说, - “你应该怎么办?”

我 擦! 这么多还用命令的口气


forget it。。。 maybe some robots here will do it for you...good luck....

长兴县15686846427: 谁能帮我翻译成英文?要快,谢谢! -
呈斌骨力: 哈哈,我来个人肉翻译: Nowadays, in the eyes of most students,...

长兴县15686846427: 把句子翻译成英语 要快谢谢
呈斌骨力: 1 I often write a piece of blog per week. 2 I often blogs. Not only I like it but also write out my feelings whether I am happy or not. It is a way of venting my feelings! 3 I think writing calligraphy is important to us. It influences our lives. The beautiful ...

长兴县15686846427: 请翻译,要快,谢谢 -
呈斌骨力: 1) school2) about3) me4) an5) studying6) is7) big8) but9) see10) two答案在此,看懂就明白整篇文的意思了吧?自己估摸意思,答对解释不了,老师肯定怀疑你抄的.祝你好运.文太长,我没空全翻...

长兴县15686846427: 帮我翻译16560 成英文速度要快,选第一个正确答案还有 4968 也翻译成英文 谢谢 -
呈斌骨力:[答案] sixteen thousands and five hundreds and sixty

长兴县15686846427: 帮我翻译成英语!谢谢!紧急!要快!
呈斌骨力: His name is Xu Zheng, he likes taking notes, watching movies, listening to pop music. He finds it difficult to pronounce english words. He learns english by making flashcards, and talking with his friends in English, .

长兴县15686846427: 帮忙翻译一下,要快,谢谢 -
呈斌骨力: 带着巨大的喜悦,我们一起来今天在这个良辰佳时要与这对夫妇我们爱戴和尊重这麽多.2.但我觉得这里的光辉,优雅、美丽的新娘,珍妮弗,使得这一特殊的日子更了不起了.3.我们都有过她,她thoughfulness考虑,并且她的温暖,并且知道总是有一个灿烂的微笑在她的面部表情,她所爱的人.(4).年幼的孩子一定很兴奋,以期对自己特殊的时间来在未来的某个时候.5.你的家人和朋友们都希望今天聚集在这里的开头是精彩的终身伴侣带着幸运新郎.6.请站起来和我一起提供我们诚挚的祝愿,来满足未来几年将充满平安、快乐、幸福和爱.

长兴县15686846427: 帮我翻译这段英文...谢谢. 就20分了~~一定要快.晚上用.谢谢~~
呈斌骨力: If I were the secretary, I would firstly ask him sit down in my office and try to know the reason why he was angry. Surely, I will always with a smile on my face from the beginning. Knowing his complaint, I just understand what happened. He had bought a...

长兴县15686846427: 帮我把下面这段话翻译成广东话、要快!
呈斌骨力: 首先跟你说,不能1:1翻,必须要改,那么意思就和你原来的描述稍微有差别了. 我唔知道我地之间究竟系点,点解会变成咁,我地系埋一起成日都系闹架、斗气,你成日话我脾气唔好、好小气,但系我一直都好努力咁黎改变自己既坏脾气;比你发信息又唔返、打电话又唔接.唔好咁啦得唔得、我好挂住你…”

长兴县15686846427: 请帮我翻译下这些句子,感激不尽,但要快!!!谢谢~
呈斌骨力: 1.Two crates of apples 2.Three baskets of vegetables 3.Five meats 4.Varieties of plants 5.Two pack ice 6.Seven bags of rice 7.Eight wood 8.Nine metals

长兴县15686846427: 帮我翻译写这几句话谢谢..要快 ,我急着用 -
呈斌骨力: 1.There are many trees in the park. 2.Can you tell me the way to the Fifth Middle School of Zhuhai ? 3.He sits in the front of the classroom and I sit in front of him. 4.Please arrive at the library at ten o'clock in the morning.5.I hope you have a good time at the weekend

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