
作者&投稿:欧欧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  Unit 1 How do you go to school?
  主要单词:by plane 坐飞机 by ship 坐轮船 on foot步行 by bike 骑自行车 by bus 坐公共汽车 by train 坐火车 traffic lights交通灯 traffic rules交通规则 Stop at a red light 红灯停 Wait at a yellow light 黄灯等 Go at a green light 绿灯行
  How do you go to school?你怎么去上学?
  Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bus.
  How can I get to Zhongshan Park ?我怎么到达中山公园?
  You can go by the No. 15 bus.你可以坐15路公共汽车去。
  1、There are many ways to go somewhere.到一个地方去有许多方法。
  这里的ways一定要用复数。因为there are是There be句型的复数形式。
  2、get to到达.关 本单元我们还要学习与get相关的短语:
  get on 上车 get off下车
  3、on foot 步行 乘坐其他交通工具大都可以用介词by…, 但是步行只能用介词on 。
  4、go to school的前面绝对不能加the,这里是固定搭配。
  5、USA 和 US 都是美国的意思。另外America也是美国的意思。
  6 go to the park前面一定要加the.如果要去的地方有具体的名字,就不能再加the , 如果要去的地方没有具体名字,由要在前面加the. go to school除外。
  7、How do you go to …?你怎样到达某个地方?如果要问的是第三人称单数,则要用:How does he/she…go to …?
  get on(上车)---get off(下车) near(近的)—far(远的) fast(快的)—slow(慢的) because(因为)—why(为什么)
  see you---goodbye sure---certainly---of course
  always 总是,一直 usually 通常 often经常 sometimes 有时候 never 从来不

  Unit 2 Where is the science museum?
  主要单词:library 图书馆 post office 邮局 hospital医院 cinema 电影院 bookstore书店 science museum科学博物馆 turn left向左转 turn right 向右转 go straight 直行 north北 south南 east东 west西
  Where is the cinema, please? 请问电影院在哪里?
  It’s next to the hospital. 它与医院相邻。
  Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left.
  1、near 表示在附近,next to 表示与…相邻。它的范围比near小。
  2、电影院在英语中称为“cinema”,在美语中称为movie theatre.
  3、for 表示持续多长时间,当表示做某事多长时间都要用for. 如:Walk east for 5 minutes.
  4、当表示某个地方在另一个地方的哪一方向时,要用介词of。如:the hospital is east the cinema. 医院在电影院的东边。
  5、表示在哪儿转时,用介词at。 如:Turn left at the bank。在银行左转。
  6、find表示“找到”,强调找的结果。Look for 表示“寻找”,强调找的过程。
  bookstore==bookshop 书店 go straight==go down直行
  after school==after class 放学后
  here (这里)---there(那里)
  east(东)---west(西) north(北)---south(南)
  left(左)---right(右) get on (上车)---get off(下车)
  10、in the front of…表示在…的前面,是指在该地方的范围内,in front of而则表示在该地方的范围外。如:in front of our classroom是指在教室的外面而且在教室的前面。而in the front of classroom则是指在教室里的前面。
  11. be far from…表示离某地远. be 可以是am , is ,are。如:I am far from school now. 我现在离学校很远。
  My home is not far from school.我家离学校不远。

  Unit 3 What are you going to do ?
  this morning 今天上午 this afternoon 今天下午
  this evening 今天晚上 next week 下周
  tomorrow 明天 tonight 今晚
  post card 明信片 comic book漫画书 newspaper报纸
  What are you going to do on the weekend?你周末打算做什么?
  I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend?这个周末我打算去看望我的外祖父母。
  Where are you going this afternoon? 你今天下午打算去哪里?
  I’m going to the bookstore.我打算去书店。
  What are you going to buy?你打算去买什么?
  I’m going to buy a comic book。我打算去买一本漫画书。

  1、What are you going to do?你想做什么?询问他人在未来的打算。Be going to 后面要跟动词的原形。
  2、this evening 和 tonight的 区别:this evening指的是今天晚上睡觉以前的时间,一般指晚上十二点以前。而tonight指的是今晚,一般是指一整晚的时间,通宵。
  (1)What 什么。用来问是什么,做什么,叫什么,什么样等等。如:What is your name? 你的名字叫什么?
   What is your father? 你爸爸是干什么的?
   What is your hobby?你的爱好是什么?
  What is your favourite food?你最喜爱的食物是什么?
  What’s your math teacher like? 你的数学老师长得什么样子?
  (2)Where , 在哪里,到哪里。用来问地点。
  如:Where are you from?你从哪里来?
  Where are you going to ?你打算去哪里?
  Where is my ruler?我的尺子在哪里?
  When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?
  When are you going to ?你打算什么时候去?
  When do you go to school?你什么时候去上学?
  (4)what time 几点了。用来问具体的时间,
  如:What time is it? 现在几点了?
  (5)What colour什么颜色。用来问物体的颜色。如:
  What colour is your schoolbag?你的书包是什么颜色的?
  (6)What kind of 什么种类。用来问类别。如
  What kind of fruit do you like?你最喜欢哪一种水果?
  Who is your English teacher ?你的英语老师是谁?
  Who’s that man? 那个男人是谁?
  (8) whose谁的。用来问物体的主人是谁?如:
  Whose pencil is this? 这是谁的铅笔?
  Whose bike is blue? 谁的自行车是蓝色的?
  (9) which哪一个。用来问具体的哪一个。如:
  Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?
  Which pencil is ken’s? the long one or the short one?
  How are you?你好吗?
  How is your mother? 你妈妈好吗?
  How about you? 你呢?
  (11)how many多少个。用来问有多少个,后面要跟名词的复数形式。如:
  How many books do you have?你有多少本书?
  How many kites can you see? 你能看见多少只风筝?
  (12) how much 多少钱。用来问物体的价钱。如:
  How much are they? 他们多少钱?
  How much is your schoolbag? 你的书包多少钱?
  (13)how old 几岁了。用来问年龄。如
  How old are you ? 你几岁了?
  How old is your father? 你爸爸多大了?
  (14)why为什么。用来问原因,一般要用because来回答。如:why do you like spring?你为什么喜欢春天?
  Because I can fly kites.国为我可以放风筝。
  (15) how long 多长
  (16)how tall 多高
  4、I want to be…我想成为… 表示理想。

  Unit 4 I have pen pal
  (1)一般情况下,在动词的后面直接加ing。如:play—playing read—reading do—doing go—going
  (2)以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,要去掉不发音的字母e,再加ing。如:write—writing ride—riding make—making dance—dancing
  (3)以单元音加单辅音结尾的重读闭音节,要双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing。如:run—running swim—swimming put—putting sit—sitting
  read--reads make—makes write—writes
  ②以字母s, x, o , sh , ch结尾的动词,在词尾加es。如:do—does wash—washes teach—teaches go—goes pass—passes
  ③以y结尾的动词分为两个情况,以元音字母加y结尾的动词,在词尾直接加s。如:play—plays buy--buys
  ④以f , fe结尾的名词,先把f,fe变为v,再加-es.
  (5)第三人称单数的肯定句在变为否定句时,在动词的前面加doesn’t. 动词恢复原形。如:he lives in Beijing.---he doesn’t live in Beijing.
  (6) 第三人称单数的陈述句在变为一般疑问句时,用does开头,后面的动词也要变为原形。如:he lives in Beijing.---Does he live in Beijing?
  hobby(复数形式)—hobbies have to(同义词)—must

   teach—teacher clean—cleaner sing—singer dance—dancer
  drive—driver write—writer TV report—TV reporter
  act—actor act—actress art—artist engine—engineer
  (1). 确定与句子划线部分相应的特殊疑问词,并且特殊疑问词代替相应的划线部分。
  (2). 把特殊疑问词代替划线部分后的句子变成一般疑问句。
  (3). 最后再把特殊疑问词提到句首。
  This is a book ?
  ①This is what. ②Is this what ? ③What is this ?
  (1). 如果句子的划线部分是主语,只找出相应的特殊疑问词,用来代替划线部分即可。如:
  1)He teaches us English. Who teaches us English?
  2)My mother’s clothes are over there. Whose clothes are over there?
  (2). 如果句子的划线部分是谓语(包括谓语动词),不论原来的谓语动词是何种形式(时态、语态),都要将谓语动词变为do的相应的形式:不论原来的谓语动词后面跟的是人、物还是地点,一律用What来代替。如:
  1)They are playing football.
  ①They are doing what. ②Are they doing what? ③What are they doing?
  2)They wolf is going to kill that man.
  ①They wolf is going to do what. ②Is the wolf going to do what?
  ③What is the wolf going to do?
  (3). 如果句子的划线部分是定语,并且在谓语部分,这时,需将特殊疑问词和紧跟其后的名词一起提到句首。如:
  1)That is his pen.
  ①That is whose pen. ②Is that whose pen? ③Whose pen is that?
  对定语划线部分提问题,如果划线部分是所属关系,特殊疑问词用whose;如果划线部分指具体的“某一个”时特殊疑问词用which;如果划线部分指内容或职业时,特殊疑问词用what;如果划线部分指数量时,特殊疑问词用how many(可数)或how much(不可数)。如:
  1) They are the legs of the desk.
  ①They are whose legs. ②Are they whose legs? ③Whose legs are they?
  2)I like red one.
  ①You like which one. ②Do you like which one? ③Which one do you like?
  3)They have five English books.
  They have how many English books.
  Do they have how many English books?
  How many English books do they have?

  rain—rainy cloud—cloudy wind—windy sun—sunny snow—snowy


一、 八个疑问词
where(哪里) how(如何) what(什么) when(什么时候)which(哪一个) who(谁) whose(谁的) why(为什么)
Where is the cinema, please? It’s next to the hospital. ---- 问地点
Where is your home? My home is near thepost office.
Where are you going this afternoon? Iam going to the bookstore.
Where does the rain come from? Itcomes from the clouds.
Where are you going? I am going tothe sky.

How do you go to school? I go to school by bike. -----问交通方式
How do you go to Canada? I go byplane.
How can Iget to Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus. -----问路
How can I get to themuseum? Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left.
How do you do that? ----问种植

What are you going to do this evening? ----- 问做什么
I am going to the cinema
What are you going to do on theweekend?
I am going to visit my grandparentsthis weekend.
What are you going to do afterschool?
I am going to buy a pair of shoes inthe shoestore.
What is your hobby? I like collectingstamps. --------问喜好
What does your mother do? She is a TVreporter. ------问职业
What should do you then? ------- 问种植

When are you going? I am going at 2 o’clock. -----问时间
Who are you? I am little water drop. ----问谁
Which floor? The fifth floor, Room 5A. ----问哪一层
交通方式:by bus, by train, by subway, by ship,by plane, by car, on foot
文具书籍:dictionary, newspaper, comic book,post card
职 业:singer, writer, TV reporter, actor,actress, engineer, accountant, salesperson, policeman, policewoman,artist, cleaner
V-ing形式:riding a bike, collecting stamps, diving, making kites,playing the violin
第三人称单数形式:lives,teaches, watches, goes, does, doesn’t
公共场所:library,post office, cinema, hospital,science museum, bookstore
方位:east, west, south, north, turn left,turn right, go straight
交通灯; red light, yellow light, greenlight
自然: sun, cloud, rain, vapour, stream
种植:seed, soil, sprout, plant
三、不定冠词a和an 的用法
a 用于辅音因素开头的单词前,an用于元音因素开头的因素前
如:a singer, a writer, a policeman ,asalesperson
记住本学期出现过的用an 的单词:an actor , an actress, an Englishbook, an artist, an accountant, an engineer, an orange, an old woman
四、 人称代词和物主代词
I(我)—my(我的) you(你)—your(你们的) we(我们)—our(我们的)
he(他)— his (他的) she(她)—her(她的) it(它)— its(它的)
they(他们,她们,它们)— their(他们的,她们的,它们的)
五、 介词的用法
1. Usually I go to school onfoot, sometimes I go by bike.
2. Wait for the sprout.Wait for the flower to grow.
3. See you at two o’clock.
4. Go straight for fiveminutes. Then turn left.
5. It onthe left.
6. Get on/ off at the postoffice.
六、 用动词的适当形式填空
1. like或者likes后面直接跟动词的ing形式
I like makingkites.
He likes collectingstamps.
2. want to 跟动词原形
I want to buy an Englishbook in the bookstore.
I want to be ascience teacher one day.
3. can后跟动词原形
She can play theviolin.
I can playbasketball.
4. be going to 后跟动词原形 (不要管是什么人称)
What are you going to doon the weekend?
I am going to visitmy grandparents this weekend.
John is going to buya pair of shoes in the shoe store.
We are going to havea picnic next week.
5. 第三人称单数形式加s 或es
(动词第三人称单数形式一般直接加s,以ch,sh,s,x,o等结尾的加es, 以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加es,如studies;特殊变化have 变has )
Shecleans streets. He helps sick people.
Shereads newspaper every day.
Hewatches TV at home. Hegoes to work by subway.
Heis a teacher. He teaches English. My pen pal lives in Beijing.
Hestudies hard.(他努力学习)
Shehas a happy family. (她有一个快乐的家庭)
6. 肯定回答,否定回答
Is there ……? Yes,there is. / No, there isn’t.
Does he ……? Yes,he does. / No, he doesn’t.
Does she ……? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

China *Chinese Chinese
The USA (America) *Washington DC
New York American
The UK (Britain, England) *London British, English
Canada *☆Ottawa Canadian
Japan *Tokyo Japanese
Australia *Canberra
Sydney Australian
France *Paris French
Germany *Berlin German
Russia *Moscow Russian
Italy *Rome Italian
New Zealand *Wellington ☆New Zealander
(划线的词为“四会”单词,有℃☆号为“三会”单词其余为“三会”单词, )
四会:the capital of…,
三会:the population of…, national flag
四会:festival, Spring Festival, Christmas,
三会:Mid-autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Halloween, Easter
三会:mooncake, zongzi, dimsun,


国名 地名(有*号是首都) 国籍
China *Chinese Chinese
The USA (America) *Washington DC
New York American
The UK (Britain, England) *London British, English
Canada *☆Ottawa Canadian
Japan *Tokyo Japanese
Australia *Canberra
Sydney Australian
France *Paris French
Germany *Berlin German
Russia *Moscow Russian
Italy *Rome Italian
New Zealand *Wellington ☆New Zealander
(划线的词为“四会”单词,有℃☆号为“三会”单词其余为“三会”单词, )
四会:the capital of…,
三会:the population of…, national flag
四会:festival, Spring Festival, Christmas,
三会:Mid-autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Halloween, Easter
三会:mooncake, zongzi, dimsun,
四会:meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner
四会:river, mountain, hill, lake
四会:clothes, problem, CD, VCD, doll, bookstore, history, question, turn,
三会:pearl, temple, adult, stocking, voice
any no every
thing anything nothing everything
body anybody nobody everybody
one anyone no one everyone

四会:China, Chinese, American, British, English, Canadian
三会:French, German, Japanese, Italian, Australian
四会:dirty, excellent, noisy, quiet, bored, boring, poor, free, busy, less, same, lucky, same, different, a lot of, lots of
三会:crowded, stupid, afraid, western, popular,
四会:hundred, thousand
四会:have been to, go fishing/boating/swimming/shopping, love (our country), come to tea, invite (me, our teacher), ask for, bring (me the book), answer
the question, hear (me, the teacher), fell (happy), have a meal, be different from, finish (the exercise, one’s homework), phone (me, him), wait for (me, them), sounds (good, beautiful), go away, hope, see you later,
三会:go on the Pearl River Cruise, take a message, dial, have a picnic, go outside, have a problem, mark the homework, decorate (the house, the Christmas tree), row the boat
四会:today, tonight, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, in the morning (afternoon, evening), at night, for (an hour), during (the festival, holiday),

1. Write the right verb form after the model. 仿照例子,写出动词的形式。
Model: do doing, does, did
(1) fell ______________ ______________ _____________
(2) go ______________ ______________ _____________
(3) get ______________ ______________ _____________
(4) play ______________ ______________ _____________
(5) have ______________ ______________ _____________
(6) come ______________ ______________ _____________
(7) run ______________ ______________ _____________
(8) work ______________ ______________ _____________
(9) say ______________ ______________ _____________
(10) take ______________ ______________ _____________
(11) see ______________ ______________ _____________
(12) study ______________ ______________ _____________
(13) give ______________ ______________ _____________
(14) write ______________ ______________ _____________
(15) swim ______________ ______________ _____________
(16) love ______________ ______________ _____________

2. Write the number in English. 用英文写出下面的数字:
(1) 1,256,893 ____________________________________________________
(2) 26,980,000 ____________________________________________________
(3) 795,490,863 _____________________________________________________
(4)104,378,873 ____________________________________________________

3. Fill in the blanks with the right letters. 根据提示,写出句子所缺的单词。
(1) We usually go out on Sunday. But last Sunday we didn’t go out. We stay at
home i__________.
(2) Did you g__________ fishing or g__________ boating yesterday?
(3) It’s cold outside. Mary is wearing a lot of c___________.
(4) Last Saturday my parents and I climbed the m___________.
(5) Rome is the c___________ of Italy.
(6) They w___________ leave tomorrow. They will stay here.
(7) Would you like to c___________ to tea?
(8) I am a__________ he isn’t in the house.
(9) We bought a lot of books in the b___________ this morning.
(10) China has a very long h___________.
(11) Could you answer my q___________?
(12) We have three m_________ every day, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
(13) This doll is d__________ from that one.
(14) Miss Li is waiting f__________ us.
(15) Help y___________ to the meat.

4. Fill in the blank with the right adjective after the model. 仿照例子用适当的划线部分的词的反义词填空。
Model: The doll isn’t expensive. It’s cheap.
(1) Tim isn’t taller than me. He’s much ___________ than me.
(2) That’s not a noisy city. It’s very ___________.
(3) The tow toys are not the same. They are ___________.
(4) It’s very cold here, but in Australia it’s very __________ now.
(5) The cat is jumping up and ___________.
(6) He wasn’t good at playing the piano. He was ___________ doing at it.
(7) The man played the piano badly. But he plays the guitar very _________.
(8) The students are not free. They are __________.
(9) The black pig is cleaner than the white pi. The white pig is much __________ than the black pig.
(10) He didn’t do it before that. He did it ___________ that.

5. Write the words in English. 把下面的词组翻译成英语。
(1) 春节 ________________________________
(2) 挨家挨户 ________________________________
(3) 在地面上 ________________________________
(4) 等候他们 ________________________________
(5) 回答问题 ________________________________
(6) 去游泳 ________________________________
(7) 一场足球比赛 ________________________________
(8) 一座安静的城市 ________________________________
(9) 一间嘈杂的课室 ________________________________
(10) 玩得开心 ________________________________
(11) 一件著名的饭店 ________________________________
(12) 读点书 ________________________________

1. (1) feeling, feels, felt (2) going, goes, went
(3) getting, gets, got (4) playing, plays, played
(5) having, has, had (6) coming, comes, came
(7) running, runs, ran (8) working, works, worked
(9) saying, says, said (10) taking, takes, took
(11) seeing, sees, saw (12) studying, studies, studied
(13) giving, gives, gave (14) write, writes, wrote
(15) swimming, swims, swam (16) love, loves, loving
2. (1) one million two hundred fifty-six thousand eight hundred and ninety-three
(2) twenty-six million nine hundred and eighty thousand
(3) seven hundred ninety-five million four hundred and ninety thousand eight
hundred and sixty-three
(4) one hundred and four million, three hundred seventy-eight thousand, eight
hundred and seventy-three
3. (1) instead (2) go, go (3) clothes (4) mountain (5) capital (6) won’t
(7) come (8) afraid (9) bookstore (10) history (11) question (12) meals
(13) different (14) for (15) yourself
4. 1) shorter 2) quiet 3) different 4) hot 5) down 6) bad 7) well 8) busy
9) dirtier 10) after
5. (1) Spring Festival (2) from door to door (3) on the floor (4) wait for them
(5) answer the question(s) (6) go swimming (7) a football match (8) a quiet
city (9) a noisy classroom (10) have fun / have a good time (11) a famous
restaurant (12) do some reading

(1) 句子的构成可包括含to be, there be, to do的肯定式、否定式、一般疑问式。
To be:
肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句
一般现在 I am…
We/You/They are…
He/She/It is… I am not…
aren’t …
He/She/It isn’t … Am I …?
Are we/you/they
Is he/she/it…?
一般将来 I will be (am
going to
We/You/They will
be (are going to
He/She/It will be
(is going to
Be)… I won’t be
(am not going
to be)…
won’t be
(aren’t going
to be)…
He/She/It won’t
be (isn’t going
to be)… Will/Shall we/I…?
Am I going to be
Will you/we/they/
Will you/we/they
Are we/they/you
going to be…?
Is he/she/it going
to be?
一般过去 I/He/She/It was…
We/You/They were… I/He/She/It wasn’t

We/You/They weren’t… Was I/he/she/it…?
Were we/you/they

There be:
肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句
一般现在 There is/are… There isn’t/aren’t... Is/Are there…?
一般将来 There is/are going
to be…
There will be… There isn’t/aren’t
going to be…
There won’t be… Will there be… ?
Are there going to
一般过去 I was…
We/You/They were…
He/She/It was… I/He/She/It wasn’t

We/You/They weren’t… Was/Were there…?

To do (行为动词以work为例)
一般现在 I/We/You/They work…
He/She/It works… I/We/You/They don’t
He/She/It doesn’t
work… Do I/you/we/they
Does he/she/it
现在进行时 I am working…
We/You/They are
He/She/It is
Working… I am not working

We/You/They aren’t
He/She/It isn’t
working… Am I working…?
Are you/we/they
Is he/she/it
一般将来 I/We/You/He/She/It/They will work

I’m going to work

We/You/They are
going to work…
He/She/It is going
to work… I/We/You/He/She/It/They won’t work…
I’m not going to work…
We/You/They aren’t
going to work…
He/She/It isn’t going to
work… Will I/we/you/
Am I going to
Are you/we/they
going to work
Is he/she going to
一般过去 I/We/You/They/He/
She/It worked…
She/It didn’t work… Did I/we/you/they/
/he/she/it work

(2) 读下面的特殊疑问式的句子,你能总结一些特殊疑问句的构成的规律吗?
Who lives there.
Who is singing in the room?
Who was at home yesterday?
What does he do?
What is he doing?
What did they do?
When does he usually get up?
When did she have dinner yesterday?
Where is he now?
Where are they planting trees?
Where did they play football?
How is your mother?
How is he coming?
How did they get there?
Why does he go there?
Why did she go there?
Whose book is this?
Whose parents are coming here?
Which book is yours?
Which presents did he give you?

2. 关于形容词、副词的比较级和最高级
(1) 你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级构成的一些规律吗?
A. 一般情况下加-er, -est:
long – longer, longest; small – smaller, smallest
B. 重读闭音节,双写最后一个字母再加-er, -est:
big – bigger, biggest; hot – hotter, hottest
C. 辅音字母加y,改作后一个字母y为i再加-er, -est:
funny – funnier, funniest, lucky – luckier, luckiest
D. 部分双音节和多音节词,加more, most:
slowly – more slowly, most slowly; more delicious, most delicious
E. 不规则变化:
good – better, best; bad – worse, worst
(2) 你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级句子的构成吗?
A. This book is newer than that one.
The English book is the newest of the three.
Mike runs faster than John.
Mike runs fastest in his class.
B. This flower is more beautiful than that one.
This tree is the oldest in the park.
The girl is swimming better than the girl.
Jim swims best in his group.
C. Snakes are more dangerous than frogs.
The meeting is the most important.
The old man walks more slowly the young man.
Kate jumps highest in her class.
D. Tim has more books than Jim.
Tim has the most stamps in his class.

3. 关于代词some-, any-, no-, every-:
(1) some- 多用在肯定句表示请求得到某些东西的句子:
Someone will come here.
Would you like something to eat.
(2) any- 多用于疑问句或否定句:
Is there anything in the box?
We don’t want to see anyone of them?
(3) no- 是事实的否定:
There is nothing in the room.
Nobody can do that.
(4) 代词some-, any-, no-, every- 语法上看成是第三人称单数:
There is something in the bottle.
Everyone likes it.

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