
作者&投稿:骆庆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
他们 用英文怎么说~

When will they get there?


They are here.

they are here

1.they are here
2.they are here
3.they are here

they are right here

They R here

What is he doing? I 是第一人称用am。you 是第二人称用are。 he\/ she\/ it都是第三人称,全都用is。所以是:What am I doing?What are you doing?What is he\/she\/it doing?另外所有的非人类的动物,物品之类的也都用is。但是如果第三人称是非复数,比如他们,她们,或一群动物,就要用...

adv. (用于动词或介词之后) 在这里,向这里; 现在; 在这一点上; 给某人东西或指出某物时说;int. (用以引起注意) 喂,嘿; 主动提议时说;I'm here all by myself and I know I'm going to get lost 这里只有我一个人,我知道我会迷路的。2、we 英[wi] 美[wi]pron. 我...

The children are playing in the snow.

然后他们在一起了. Then they sticked together.Later they two became like one person.Later they lived together .Later they became a couple.

These pictures were taken in Beijing on March 17, 2004

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:...What do children eat on this festival?

女士们、先生们:晚上好翻译成英文是Ladies and Gentlemen: Good evening.ladies是lady的复数形式,在这里指女士们。lady的英式读法是['leɪdi];美式读法是['leɪdi]。作名词意思是夫人;女士。gentlemen是名词gentleman的复数形式,在这里指先生们。gentleman的英式读法是['dʒentlm&...

我们去了颐和园的英文翻译为:We went to the Summer Palace。The Summer Palace,the imperial garden of the Qing Dynasty in China,formerly known as the Qingyi Garden, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing,15 kilometers away from the urban area,covering an area of about 290...

People is laughing at me.

这几天来我们一直在练习句型 英文怎么说
We have been practicing the sentence structure for the past few days.用现在完成进行时来表示这几天有不停地练习。

定陶县18464158246: 他们在这里,用英语怎么说? -
店曲灯银: 回答和翻译如下: 他们在这里. They're here.( Here they are.不用管,外国人有时候不讲究语法.)

定陶县18464158246: 它们在这,,,怎么用英文说? 说They are here 不对吗?为什么不对 -
店曲灯银: They are here不是不对,是不符合口语表达方式;一般说成,here they are符合习惯.

定陶县18464158246: 我认为他们在这 .英语怎么说 -
店曲灯银:[答案] I think they are here

定陶县18464158246: 他们用英语怎么说? -
店曲灯银: “他们”的英文:they、them 一、they 英 [ðeɪ] 美 [ðe] pron.她们;他/她/它们;人们,大家 People matter because of what they are, not what they have 人之所以重要,不在于他们拥有什么,而在于他们是什么样的人. 二、them 英 [ðəm] 美 [...

定陶县18464158246: 它们在这儿.用英语怎么说? -
店曲灯银: Here they are.

定陶县18464158246: “这些”和“这里”的英文单词分别怎么说 -
店曲灯银: “这些”的英文:these “这里”的英文:here these 读法 英 [ðiːz] 美 [ðiːz] 1、pron.这些,他们(用以说明或询问身份) 2、det.(用于名词词组前,指代已提及的人或事物)这些;(引出将要提及的人或事物)这些;(口语中用来引出故...

定陶县18464158246: 他们的英语是怎么读的 -
店曲灯银: they 英[ðeɪ] 美[ðe] pron. 她们; 他/她/它们; 人们,大家; 政府,当局; [例句]The two men were far more alike than they would ever admit 那两个人也许不承认,可他们非常相像.

定陶县18464158246: 他们在那儿用英语怎么说yongdaozhuangju -
店曲灯银: 他们在那儿 There they are. —————————————————您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑; 如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳; 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢. ——————————————————————————————————祝您生活愉快!

定陶县18464158246: 他们用英语怎么说???
店曲灯银: 他们用英语是这么写得:they

定陶县18464158246: "他们在这家商店里买运动鞋"用英语怎么说 “没有人能负担得起它们的价格”用英语怎么说各位帮帮忙"他们在这家商店里买运动鞋"用英语怎么说“没有... -
店曲灯银:[答案] they sell sport shoes. no one can afford their price.

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