
作者&投稿:除胁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Practice appraisal

XXX from xx years x x date on in my internship units for 18 weeks, residency.
During the internship at work earnestly, qifenhaohua, sureness, in work across not understand, can I experienced senior consult, thinking, can extrapolate. The work for others, can listen to advice. Have strong adaptability and innovation consciousness, can be in the school of knowledge to practical work flexibly and accept new things quickly, dabbling wider. At the same time, the students to strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the company during my internship, good performance, and can get along with the company, together with colleagues and all the employees working for the students be sure.

Intern who have strong communication and organizational ability. In the project, project execution of external relations between the departments of communications, the project of the time of the larger coordination. In addition, interns have certain computer foundation and broad knowledge and the technical work in project control programming test, also have a role to play.

Yes, we are willing to hire him. Personally, I think intern who qualified for the project coordinator, also suit to contact a unit or the departments in charge of communication with work, and this is what we now know both of: comprehensively technology, and have good communication and organization skills.

During the internship at work and began to practice before the internship program has certain, but it can affect our internship period in his work to us the importance of help and support. Because people work in the practice of working enthusiasm, strong ability in organization and coordination and communication ability, but also has a wider professional knowledge, that is what we are working environment and the indispensable important skills. Therefore, when I found that after the internship more people decided to let the hand of work. He also excellent finished the work. And we are very satisfied with it.


唉舞 斌 雷霆 呦 但 但 哥 唉 耨 爱伍 斌 撒去 额 赴欧 gi win 音 图 忒澎忒炫 唉 秀舞 佩雷的 伊特 库偶

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急 请教读音 或者有哪位五笔高手帮我把这两个字打出来,万分感谢_百度...
喙hui4 檗bo4

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蒙山县19776886195: 请帮忙将下面的汉语翻译成英语
胡元桂附: tom can't play basketball and can't play football either. i can speak English well. bill wants to join in the art club. mr green gets well with the children. jack often helps me study Maths. Maths is my favourite subject. my little brother thinks that History is ...

蒙山县19776886195: 请帮我把下面得汉语翻译成英语.
胡元桂附: 1. Do you know how to dance Disco or Ballet? 2. Whom you want to go shopping with, your father or mother? 3. Where will your uncle go, Shanghai or Beijing? 4. Is Liming 13 or 14 this year? 5. Does you young brother sing English songs or Chinese...

蒙山县19776886195: 请英语高手帮忙把下面汉语翻译成英语哪位大神能帮我美化一下的话那就更好了 不过美化后的意思要告诉我 谢谢了翻译:如果真的有上帝,我愿用一生为你... -
胡元桂附:[答案] If there really is a God,I am willing to spend each and every day of my time praying for you,and you will always be safe,joyful and happy. If there really is no God,I am willing to use each and every inch of my life protecting you,and you will always have safety,...

蒙山县19776886195: 帮我把下面的汉语翻译成英语!...
胡元桂附: 1. 我们必须采取措施改善我们的工作 We must take measures to improve our work.2.老板把他们的收入减少到1000元 The boss decreased their payment to RMB100.3.为了在学习上取得更大的进步,让我们做更多努力 Let's work harder to ...

蒙山县19776886195: 英语翻译请帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文,及用1.你在广州住了多长时间?5天.什么时候后来的?上周日下午2.你什么时候去超市啊?你去过那么?去过,我... -
胡元桂附:[答案] 1.你在广州住了多长时间?How long are you staying in Guangzhou? 5天.Five Days 什么时候后来的?When did you arrive? 上周日下午 Last Monday afternoon 2.你什么时候去超市啊?When are you going to the supermarket? 5分钟以后吧 Maybe ...

蒙山县19776886195: 请帮我翻译下面的中文为英文
胡元桂附: In this hypocritical world,he plays his role in his life in his own way.He never gives up.You should care about those friendship which was forgotten if you can feel it 纯原创,非翻译机 呵呵,对不起,这个短语 in this illusory world of根据中文用不上

蒙山县19776886195: 请帮我把下面的中文句子翻译成英语句子
胡元桂附: 1.在桌子下面.under the desk 2.在桌子上面.on the desk 3.在树下.under the tree 4.在门后.behind the door 5.在书包里.in the bag 6.在文具盒里.in the pencilbox 7.一幅美国地图.a map of America 8.一幅中国地图.a map of China...

蒙山县19776886195: 谁可以帮我把下面中文翻译成英文,拜托了,急需啊
胡元桂附:Look around, around and no fire. The person sitting next to her immediately stand up, have a look around and she. Found her pocket is on fire. The person next to her immediately. Some people go to the water, some people left the cinema, some ...

蒙山县19776886195: 谁能帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文啊 -
胡元桂附: 1.湖北省恩施市施州大道2号硒都商城J-16号The Hubei Province Enshi city executes the state main road 2selenium all commercial cities J-16 number 2.婚纱影楼 Nuptial dress...

蒙山县19776886195: 谁可以帮我把下面的一段中文翻译成英语?英语水平高的请帮下忙,谢谢
胡元桂附: How are you being these days? The following are appaisals from my teachers. Chinese teacher thought I am clever while Maths teacher said I am lazy. In English teacher's eyes, I am obedient. However, teacher of Politics held the opposite opinion. ...

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