野人花园the best thing 歌的中文意思是什么

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《the best》的歌词的中文意思是什么?~

没有人是完美的,但我XX(脏话)的接近完美了 我来这里就是为了无限地接近你 我认为你最好听我说,因为我知道你是谁 而且我想,你应该把我当作大明星般对待我 因为我已经超越了一般的人类了 我就是你的所有礼物 我来这儿,是为了确定我的短信收到了没有 我想知道,你是不是哑巴,就像你的样子一样 或者你是不是足够聪明,去学习我书里的规则 我希望你明白我给你带来的知识 把我放到一个好人或者是一个国王的地位 因为我被这充满魔力的礼物保佑着 我不敢说自己要求太多 你要做的,就是双膝跪下来,然后祈祷 我答应你,这会有救的 but you can never be like me so don't waste your time 但你永远都做不到和我一样,请不要浪费你的时间了 because I reign supreme and my position is divine 因为我的统治至高无上,我的地位是神给予的 What's wrong with being self possessed? 自私又有什么不对呢? Nobody satisfied with being second best 没有人满足于做第二个最好 I've got the gift and I know that I'm blessed 我已经得到这礼物,还知道自己受到保佑 and I've got to get it off my chest 我已经把它从心里拿开了 I'm the biggest the best 我是最大的,最完美的 Better than the rest 比其余的人都好 Better than the rest 比其余的人都好 I'm not afraid of competition cause I'm know that I'm best 我对角逐毫不畏惧,因为我知道我是最棒的 and you haven't got a chance to even pass my little test 你没有机会了,甚至不能通过我小小的考验 Even if you wanted to you couldn't pay the price 即使你想,你也付不起这价钱 There ain't no room for losers in my perfect paradise 在我的乐园里,不容许有失败者 Cause life is always based upon the weight of your success 因为生命的重要总是建立在你的成功上 So I'll make sure that I get the most and nothing less 所以我要确定,我得到了最多,失去得最少 If I love myself then everyone will love me too 如果我爱自己,然后人人都会仰慕我 and there's nothing you can do for me that I can't do 没有事情是你能为我做,而我不能做的 So welcome to my kingdom and enjoy your little stay 所以,欢迎来到我的王国,享受你短暂的逗留 Even if you can't afford it I'll still make you pay 即使你付不起钱,我也会逼你付得起 So you better come and get it and enjoy it while you can 所以在你还行的时候最好来享受一下 Don't tell me that you're dumb enough to think I give a damn 不要告诉我,你是哑巴,认为我不在乎 I couldn't care less about what you achieve 我不会忽略你赢得了什么 and there's only one thing that you have to believe 只有一样东西你需要相信 The only thing important that you have to understand 只有重要的东西你才需要在明白 Is that no matter what you say it's still a god I really am 不管你说什么,我仍然是真正的神

歌手:savage garden
《savage garden》
1. to the moon and back 2. i want you 3. tears of pearls 4. universe 5. carry on dancing
6. violet 7. break me shake me 8. a thousand words 9. promises 10. santa monica

《truly madly completely: the best of savage garden》
1. i want you 2. i knew i loved you 3. to the moon and back 4. hold me 5. santa monica
6. crash and burn 7. break me shake me 8. affirmation 9. so beautiful

1. i don't know you anymore 2. i knew i loved you 3. the animal song 4. the best thing 5. the lover after me
6. two beds and a coffee machine 7. affirmation 8. hold me 9. crash and burn 10. lover after me
11. you can still be free 12. gunning down romance

如果你问的是歌名字的意思,那么上面几位已经回答过了,但我想你问的应该是个词的翻译吧。 以下,是歌词及翻译
The Best Thing Savage Garden

The Best Thing 最好的事

Sometimes i feel like this is only chemistry 有时候我感觉这不过是化学反应,

Stuck in a maze searching for a way to shut down 就象困在迷宫里在寻找出路。

Turn around feel the ground beneath me 转过身,感觉又回到现实。

You're so close 你是如此的接近。

Where do you end? 你在何处停下?

Where do i begin? 而我会在何处开始?

Always pushing and pulling 我们总是在挣扎。

Sometimes vanity takes vacation time on me 有时候我会爱慕虚荣,

I'm in a daze stumbling bewildered 迷迷糊糊,踉踉跄跄,

North of gravity head up in the stratosphere 感觉身在云里雾里。

You and I roller coaster riding love 我们的爱情新鲜又刺激,

You're the centre of adrenalin 你让我热血沸腾,

And I'm beginning to understand 然后我开始明白,

Never want to fly 不想逃走,

Never want to leave 不想离开,

Never want to say what you mean to me 不想说你对我有多重要。

Never want to run 不想跑开,

Frightened to believe 被自己的想法吓坏,

You're the best thing about me 你是在我身上发生的最好的事。

Walk on broken glass 走在碎玻璃上,

Make my way through fire 穿过火海,

These are things I would do for love 我愿意为爱情冒险。

Farewell peace of mind 再见,冷静的头脑;

Kiss goodbye to reason 再见,我的理智。

Up is down the impossible occurs each day 上下颠倒,不可能的事每天都在发生。

This intoxication thrills me 爱情的魔药让我狂喜,

I only pray it doesn't kill me 我只求它不会要了我的命。

Never want to fly 不想逃走,

Never want to leave 不想离开,

Never want to say what you mean to me 不想说你对我有多重要。

Never want to run 不想跑开,

Frightened to believe 被自己的想法吓坏,

You're the best thing about me 你是在我身上发生的最好的事。

You're the centre of adrenalin 你让我热血沸腾,

And I'm beginning to understand 然后我开始明白,

You could be the best thing about me 你可能是在我身上发生的最好的事。

Never want to fly 不想逃走,

Never want to leave 不想离开,

Never want to say what you mean to me 不想说你对我有多重要。

Never want to run 不想跑开,

Frightened to believe 被自己的想法吓坏,

You're the best thing about me 你是在我身上发生的最好的事。

What if you're the best thing about me 你是我能拥有的最好的事那该多好




霞浦县15937508248: 野人花园的the best thing的歌词
那丽培欣: the best thingnever want to fly never want to leave never want to say what you mean to me never want to run frightened to believe you're the best thing about me sometimes i feel like this is only chemistry stuck in a maze searching for a way to shut...

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霞浦县15937508248: 有什么好听的英语歌或韩文歌
那丽培欣: never say good bye - baby vox never say goodbye - my girl主题曲 the best thing -野人花园 i knew i loved you -野人花园 hold me -野人花园 这几首不错

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