
作者&投稿:将颖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

发件公司名称 :Sender's company name
收件公司名称 : Recipient's comany name
发件地址: Sender's address
收件地址: Recipient's address
发件人签字 : Sender's signature
收件人邮政编码 : Recipient's post code
发件人电话 : Sender's telephone number
收件人联系人:Recipient's name
发件人传真 : Sender's fax
收件人电话传真 : Recipient's tel and fax
发件人国家/城市 : Sender's nation/city
收件人国家/城市 : Recipient's nation/city
运输要求 : transporation requirement
发货港 : departure port
收货港 : delivery port
投保价值 : insured value
付款方式 : payment
申报价值 : claimed value
合计金额 : total sum
中文品名 : name of goods (Chinese)
到付金额 : freight to collect
英文品名 : name of goods (English)
其他费用 : other expenditure
件数 : number of item
重量 : weight
长,宽,高 : measurment (length, width, height)
备注 : notes

The double Ying hanger in Shenzhen City limited company is a manufacturing business enterprise that professional production hanger and clothing assists and anticipates.Company production, sell various export, for the domestic sale of the plastics hanger, trousers and towel rail, underwear and plastics Be small to hang up, the hanger dimensions(cent code grain), hanger go together with a cotton, hanger antiskid stick and the hanger silk print and move to print and inset a card and burn a gold and burn a silver and plant Rong and spray Su etc. product and craft.
The company hardware facilities is ready and buy, examine in the raw material, the molding tool design, finished product production, quality control and product keep luck etc.s to all have abundant experience and real strenght.Currently company developed series plastics hangers, such as men's wear, ladys' wear, children's clothes, recreation, underwear and towel rail...etc., trousers and hanger accessories 550 remainings grow a style.The company product sale is extensive, in addition to contented market in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guangdong, Shanghai, and Peking...etc., also far sell Southeast Asia, western countries and region.The product sells quantity to year by year rise, and be subjected to extensively great fame of outside businessman in the world.
We will be in the light of the spirit of " take guest as, take quality as origin, with each other benefit double Ying", heavy quality, keep promise fame, with all sincerity welcome domestic and international customer's bearer to call to talk over business, the expectation holds hands to create the double of a stability Ying business the Niu take!

The double of Ying hanger in Shenzhen City limited company is a manufacturing business enterprise that professional production hanger and clothing assists and anticipates.Company production, sell various export, for the domestic sale of the plastics hanger, trousers and towel rail, underwear and plastics Be small to hang up, the hanger dimensions(cent code grain), hanger go together with a cotton, hanger antiskid stick and the hanger silk print and move to print and inset a card and burn a gold and burn a silver and plant Rong and spray Su etc. product and craft.
The company hardware facilities is ready and buy, examine in the raw material, the molding tool design, finished product production, quality control and product keep luck etc.s to all have abundant experience and real strenght.Currently company developed series plastics hangers, such as men's wear, ladys' wear, children's clothes, recreation, underwear and towel rail...etc., trousers and hanger accessories 550 remainings grow a style.The company product sale is extensive, in addition to contented market in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guangdong, Shanghai, and Peking...etc., also far sell Southeast Asia, western countries and region.The product sells quantity to year by year rise, and be subjected to extensively great fame of outside businessman in the world.
We will be in the light of the spirit of " take guest as, take quality as origin, with each other benefit double Ying", heavy quality.

看他们两个翻译公司名字我就觉得好笑,双盈也能翻译double Ying ,无语了,建议楼主都不采纳。
虽然 没能力给翻译,给点小建议当交流吧,贵公司要面向国际的话,英文名 要和双赢同音,带有衣架 特点的单词

Shenzhen të fitojë të fitojë HANGER Co, Ltd profesional është një prodhim i ca varëse rrobash dhe aksesorëve veshje kompani prodhuese. Kompania prodhon, shet të gjitha llojet e eksporteve, shitjet e brendshme të laro plastike, pantallona të hallakatura, racks peshqir, racks të brendshme, Komagari plastike dhe varëse rrobash-size (Code Division tableta), racks pallto, me pambuk, racks pallto dhe varëse rrobash-shqip shtypjen paste ekran, shtypje, kartë vesh, bronzing, argjend e nxehtë, flocking, spray dhe produkteve të tjera dhe proceset.
Objekteve komplet hardware, materiale të papërpunuara të prokurimit, inspektimin, dizajn myk, prodhues produkteve, kontrollin e cilësisë, ruajtjen dhe transportin e produkteve dhe kështu me radhë janë të gjitha një pasuri të eksperiencës dhe forcë. Kompania ka zhvilluar një e burrave, grave dhe veshje për fëmijë, shkujdesur, mbathje, raft peshqir plastik seri rrobash, pantallona racks hallkë dhe aksesorëve të më shumë se 550 lloje të stileve. Gamë të gjerë të shitjeve të kompanisë produktit, përveç të takohen në Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guangdong, Shangait, Pekinit dhe në tregje të tjera të vendit, por edhe për të eksportuar Juglindore Azia, vendet evropiane dhe amerikane dhe rajone. Produkt vëllimit të shitjes rritur vit pas viti dhe subjekt për të brohorit gjerë në vend dhe jashtë vendit konsumatorëve.
Ne do të jetë fryma e "në shërbim të klientëve, cilësisë të orientuara me përfitim të ndërsjellë dhe të fitojë të fitojë" shpirt, cilësia e rëndë, të mbajë klientët e kreditit dhe thirrjet e më shumë i mirëpritur në shtëpi dhe jashtë vendit për të negociuar të biznesit dhe të shohim përpara për të punuar së bashku për të krijuar një të fitojë të qëndrueshme të fitojë tregtare!

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3、Pleco 一款专业的中英文翻译工具,广受中国学习者的喜爱。除了基本的文本翻译功能外,Pleco还提供了拍照翻译功能,能够将图片中的中文文字翻译成英文,它还支持离线词典和手写输入功能,为用户提供了全面便捷的翻译体验。翻译的意义:1、跨越语言和文化障碍以及促进国际交流与合作 人类有不同的语言和文化...

Part One 第一部分 Wang ping :I’really sorry to have kept you waiting so long.王平:我真的感到很抱歉让你等这么久。That’OK.What made you sou so late?没关系。什么事让你晚到了?I was tied up with some urgent usiness although it’ bevovd the working time.我被一些紧急的公事...

设备:联想一体机 KB-1701 系统:windows7旗舰版v2012.07 软件:WPS2019 1、首先在电脑中,点击打开需要翻译的文档。2、然后在打开的文档主页面中,点击上方菜单栏上的【特色功能】。3、接着在特色功能选项中,点击上方【全文翻译】。4、然后在打开的选项窗口中,翻译语音选择【中文>英文】,然后点击...


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姓氏 文姓翻译成英文是什么?
温\/文\/闻--Wen\/Chin\/Vane\/Man 我在网上看到这个..是什么意思 这是根据中文的不同发音翻译成英文的,第一个是普通话的汉语拼音:Wen(文),后面几个是不同的方言的发音。

Reading for pleasure is the sassiest way to become a better reader in English. It is also the improve way.快乐阅读是使阅读者能够熟练阅读英语最快捷的方式。它同时也是一条提高之路。Some students say they don’t want it read for pleasure. They say they want to use their time to ...

word翻译功能用不了解决如下:1、打开baioffice word,点击菜单栏中的“审核”,点击“语言”。2、要设置翻译选项,将英文翻译为中文。选择“选择转换语言”。3、将“选择翻译屏幕提示语言”改为“中文(中国)”,将“选择文档翻译语言”下面的语言改为“英语(美国)”,将翻译为改为“中文(中国)”...

来凤县19821288692: 中文翻译成英语
姚夜剑之: 1. 我们盼望着被邀请参加在公园举行的庆祝会look forward to We are looking forward to being invite to the celebration which takes place in the park. 2. 据报道另一座横跨长江的新桥正在建设之中it According to the report, it says that another new ...

来凤县19821288692: 英语翻译中文翻译成英文 -
姚夜剑之:[答案] 1.Indifferent Paulson Dance 2.My happy age 3.I Like you are yourself 4.Can't help to love 5.the most extreme empire 6.the person in the dream 7.Sweet love

来凤县19821288692: 中文翻译成英语
姚夜剑之: 1, He seems not care being fooled by Jack again. 2, An unexpected guest arrived just as they were starting their meal. 3, Mr Zhang don't mind writing the report 10 times, it took him a week to finish it. 4, Honestly speaking, I feel honoured to study in ...

来凤县19821288692: 中文翻译成英语我想把中文翻译成英文
姚夜剑之: 上面的翻译错了.应该是 I want to translate Chinese into English.

来凤县19821288692: 中文翻译英文 -
姚夜剑之: 发件公司名称 :Sender's company name 收件公司名称 : Recipient's comany name 发件地址: Sender's address 收件地址: Recipient's address 发件人签字 : Sender's signature 收件人邮政编码 : Recipient's post code 发件人电话 : ...

来凤县19821288692: 中文翻译英语 -
姚夜剑之: 1. Oh! Tomorrow is the New Year's day, I want to give my partner do hat, they will be like.2. That's right, the New Year's day is tomorrow! Can I with my friends play together, first call them! ... Tink. "Hello, sunlit baiyang. I'm LiangYuJie botanical ...

来凤县19821288692: 汉语翻译成英语~ -
姚夜剑之: I am sincere service for you with the blue-collar, and my job is to bring you convenience: I put your satisfaction, bring home!

来凤县19821288692: 中文翻译成英语
姚夜剑之: You are the only cloud in my sky.

来凤县19821288692: 中文翻译成英文 -
姚夜剑之: 1.讲台上有一本名叫青少年的杂志 There is a magazine entitled "Youngsters" on the platform.2.谁愿意帮我补补英语?(willing) Who is willing to help me to make up for my English?3.没有人愿意相信他的话!因为他不是个诚实的人(ready)...

来凤县19821288692: 中文翻译英文
姚夜剑之: I want to be police, because my father is also police. He wants to travel on official business every day, only then the week talent comes back to accompany me, but my spot will not be lonely, because my father will be in serves for the people. Therefore I must work as police. 其实有很多不同的写法,因为很多次的意思都相同,最简单的你可以搜搜在线翻译,

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