
作者&投稿:村奔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语课口语考试 谁帮我编几段双对话 谢谢了~

三个题竟然有两个题和我们的英语课口语考试一样!! 我现在正在编......... 老实说,你是哪个大学的? 假如跟我是一个学校的,我可不能把我的发给你..............







1. 学一门课程,激发出自己的英语潜能,让自己不再害怕英语,不再觉得英语让自己丢脸。达到“敢说,想说,乱说”的境界。

推荐课程 www.crazy-english.net
相关老师的网站 www.newnewfamily.com 这是一个老师的私人论坛,你可以好好学学

2. 当不再害怕英语的时候来临,也就是你打开胸怀,真正拥抱英语的时机




推荐课程:非常英语 www.veryen.org 新东方 www.neworiental.org
相关老师:潘锦标 www.veryen.org 孙鹏 张子舒 史学冬 陈阳

3. 功底扎实以后,学习的信心和对外展示英语的信心统统增强,在这个时候,对于普通人来讲。英语的知识已经足够,现在需要将知识转化为表现。
送给大家一句话:less is more,少就是多。




1.Place:in the manager's office
Situation:John is asking his manager for a two days' off.

Manager: Come in John, have a seat.
John: I'm sorry to disturb you, but I wonder if I can have a 2 day's leave? (leave=off)

Manager: Oh, may I know for what reason?

John: Sure. Here's the thing: One of my friends is having a trip here in Beijing(you can replace it with any City you like),and we haven't seen each other for nearly 10 years after graduation. So I want to show him around this time and do some good catch-up with him. I think 2 days will be enough.

Manager: That's good to hear, old friends get eunion. We do not live for work only, we live for friends and family too! And make sure your work arranged properly.
John: No problem. Thanks a lot. I'll fill the leave form and let you sign for it later.

Manager: Sure. No problem.

3.Key words:husband and wife,go shopping

Wife: Wow, check this out! Shampoo 2-in-1, buy one, get one for free! I love this brand, I think we should buy 2, then we get 4. It's a lot of saving.

Husband: Come on~ You always change your favorite shampoo, today you like it and tomorrow you hate it. I say one is definitely enough.

Wife: You know what? You are right. Maybe I should just get one, then one for free, you can use mine.

Husband: Ok thank you sweetheart. Wait, do you still remember it's Mark's birthday next week? Maybe we should look around and see what we can get for him.

Wife: Wow, I almost forgot. Sure, let's find him something. Do you think a razor will do?

Husband: Perfect. I used to use his for once when we were in business trip, not so good, let's just buy him one like what I'm using.

Wife: That's so sweet. I think the razors are over there, let's go.

我只想到了这两个,看看有没有帮助吧。 (修改稿)

1.Place:in the manager's office
Situation:John is asking his manager for a two days' off.

Manager: Come in John, have a seat.
John: I'm sorry to disturb you, but I wonder if I can have a 2 day's leave? (leave=off)

Manager: Oh, may I know for what reason?

John: Sure. Here's the thing: One of my friends is having a trip here in Beijing(you can replace it with any City you like),and we haven't seen each other for nearly 10 years after graduation. So I want to show him around this time and do some good catch-up with him. I think 2 days will be enough.

Manager: That's good to hear, old friends get eunion. We do not live for work only, we live for friends and family too! Go ahead and have a good time. And make sure your work arranged properly.
John: No problem. Thanks a lot. I'll fill the leave form and let you sign for it later.

Manager: Sure. No problem.

3.Key words:husband and wife,go shopping

Wife: Wow, check this out! Shampoo 2-in-1, buy one, get one for free! I love this brand, I think we should buy 2, then we get 4. It's a lot of saving.

Husband: Come on~ You always change your favorite shampoo, today you like it and tomorrow you hate it. I say one is definitely enough.

Wife: You know what? You are right. Maybe I should just get one, then one for free, you can use mine.

Husband: Ok thank you sweetheart. Wait, do you still remember it's Mark's birthday next week? Maybe we should look around and see what we can get for him.

Wife: Wow, I almost forgot. Sure, let's find him something. Do you think a razor will do?

Husband: Perfect. I used his for once when we were in business trip, not so good, let's just buy him one like what I'm using.

Wife: That's so sweet. I think the razors are over there, let's go.


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