
作者&投稿:滕童 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ I had a busy weekend. I did my homework on Saturday morniing. After lunch, I had a nap. In the afternoon, I visited my gandmother and helped her with the housework. In the evening, I did my homework and then surfed the internet. On Sunday morning, my parents and I went to a park and we had a picnic there at noon. In the afternoon, I washed my clothes and cleaned the room. I read books and then watched TV in the evening. I really had a wonderful weekend.

一个愉快的周末 一个愉快的周末(A happy weekend)I have planned a happy weekend.Saturday morning, I must go to see me aunt.In the afternoon, I must go to the shopping center to go shopping.Evening, I planned makes the homework.Sunday in the morning, I watch the television, ...



在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是我整理的周末话题作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 周末话题作文1 星期天,阳光明媚,早上我来到xx阿姨家作客,妹妹还没有起床,阿姨为我准备了丰盛的早餐,小米粥...

写作思路:从文章的写作目的、中心主旨入手,以使文章中心思想鲜明、深刻地表现出来,正文:Tomrrow is weekend.I am going to have abusy weekend.明天是周末。我将度过一个愉快的周末。On Saturday morning,I amgoing to do my homework.周六早上,我要做作业。Then I am going to bookstore.然...

在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是我为大家整理的周末优秀作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 周末优秀作文1 那个周末是我永生难忘的日子,它像一把刀,刺进心去,疼痛万分。 星期五,我刚放学,外公外婆请我们去做客也就...

i can live very happy!在这个周末我有个计划,如果明天是晴天的话。星期六的早上,我将要去看望我的外祖父母,午饭后我要和我的好朋友们一起去看电影和踢足球。晚上,我可以在家看卡通片。星期日,我要去和爸爸一起钓鱼。在那以后我将要回家写我的家庭作业。我希望这个周末我能够过的很快乐!

Last Sunday is my busy day. I woke up in the morning and had exercises. After that, I went to the library with my friend. We spent three hours reading, and I enjoyed it very much. In the afternoon, I did my homework, which is an English composition. When I finished it...

一、写作思路 我的周末,主要是介绍自己周末的时候做了什么有意义的事情,采取过去式的形式。开头可以点题说明周末的愉快,然后中间重点介绍周末做了什么事情,心情怎么样。结尾总结一下周末过的很愉快,抒发感情。二、双语范文参考如下 My Weekend I had a nice weekend.On Saturday, the weather was ...

I do my homework on Saturday morning.I play basketball on Saturday afternoon.

站前区18266066669: 英语作文(谈谈你在这个周末干什么)怎么写 -
姓幸依芬: On weekend I plan to take a journey.Those day, my mother is busy for her job. So i have to take care myself. I will have a travel resently. But without her help, i have to do it all myself. Following here not, i think i could do it well. here is the note's ...

站前区18266066669: 英语作文这个周末你都干什么了? -
姓幸依芬:[答案] I am going to have abusy weekend! On Saturday morning, I am going to do my homework. On Saturday afternoon, I am goning to go to the park. On Saturday afternoon, I am going to see afilm. On Sunday morning, I am going to go shopping. On Sunday...

站前区18266066669: my weekend介绍你在周末的做些什么作文英语作文不少于四十字? -
姓幸依芬: My Weekend Hello!内 My name is Lucy. Yesterday was Sunday. I woke up at six o'容clock yesterday. Then I rode a bike to go to the park. I went to the McDonald's to have lunch with my parents. I played basketball with my friends in my school ...

站前区18266066669: 英语作文写周末一天做了什么事 100字左右就行了 -
姓幸依芬:[答案] Today is satday.In the morning,I do morning exerice and do my homework.In the afternoon,I and my mother go shopping.In theexening,I and my parents watch TV together.This is my day.

站前区18266066669: 用英语写一篇你上周末做的事 -
姓幸依芬: Last Weekend I had a happy weekend last week.On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents' and my brother's.On Sunday, I played ...

站前区18266066669: 英语作文(写我的周末做什么) -
姓幸依芬:[答案] I had a very busy weekend, on Saturday morning, I accompanied my mother go to the supermarket to buy things, on Saturday afternoon, I ride my bike to the park, go to the park to play, toys, I still have a picnic in the park, on Sunday morning, I went to ...

站前区18266066669: 英语作文【周末的做的事情】怎么写 -
姓幸依芬: WeekendsAt weekends people can go out or get together at home.Everybody spends weekends in his own way. Some people relax themselves by listening to music, reading in libraries or doing sports outdoors. In a world, different people have ...

站前区18266066669: 英语作文这个周末你都干什么了? -
姓幸依芬: I am going to have abusy weekend! On Saturday morning, I am going to do my homework. On Saturday afternoon, I am goning to go to the park. On Saturday afternoon, I am going to see afilm. On Sunday morning, I am going to go ...

站前区18266066669: 写一篇英语作文(上周末你干了什么) -
姓幸依芬:[答案] 看看吧……My last weekend was really cool. I got up early on Saturday because my parents and I decided to go to the park. We went boating and climbed the mountain. We had a pinic in the park and we re...

站前区18266066669: 英语作文 你周末做什么 不少于50个字 -
姓幸依芬:[答案] What do you do at weekends(By Kaiser3344) Recently,I always work when others are free at home ,so I hope at this weekend I can have two days to do some things that I would like to .As usual ,I went shopping with my best friend ,ate delicous food and ...

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