
作者&投稿:陈没泄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

★ 高考英语虚拟语气专题讲座★

★ 语气是一种动词形式,用以表示说话者的意图或态度。英语中有三种语气:陈述语气,疑问语气,虚拟语气。
1. 虚拟语气的在条件句中的基本用法和四个基本情态动词的用法。
2. 虚拟语气的倒装。(if省略,条件句中中有had, should, were)。
3. 两种错综虚拟语气。
4. 含蓄条件句中的虚拟语气。
5. 过去的计划,打算,愿望等未曾实现时的虚拟语气。
6. 特殊句型中的虚拟语气:两个。重点为wish后宾语从句中的虚拟语气及as if和as though从句中虚拟语气的表示法。
7. 虚拟语气在名词性从句中的应用。即用来表示要求、建议、命令、提议、意愿等的名词性从句。
8. 不清惜条件的虚拟语气。
相关时态 主句形式 从句形式 例句
与现在事实相反 Should\would\could\might+do(动词原形) 过去式(be动词各人称都用were) If I were you, I should \would make full use of my time to study.
与过去事实相反 Should\would\could\might+have done(动词过去分词) Had+done(过去分词) If you had come earlier, you would have met him.
与将来事实相反 Should\would\could\might+do(动词原形) 1. 过去式(be动词各人称都用were)
2. should+动词原形
3. were to +动词原形 If it should rain tomorrow, the crops would be saved.
1. 若表示在某一假设的条件下,必然而然就会发生某事,第一人称可用should或would, 而二、三人称只用would.
2. 若表示在某一假设条件下就能够干某事,各人称都用could.
3. 如果表示在某种假设条件下有可能会发生某事,各人称都用might.
请看典型考题:__________ your address,I would have written to you.
A. Did I know B. Were I to know C. Had I known D. If I should know
此题应选 C。这是虚拟语气的倒装形式。当虚拟条件句中含有 were,had,should,could等动词时,可以将if省略,然后将 were,had,should,could 等词移至句首:
1. If he should fail,he would kill himself. →Should he fail,he would kill himself. 万一失败,他就会自杀。
2. If I were you,I would do it at once. →Were I you,I would do it at once. 假若我是你,我就会马上做。
3. If I could do it,I would. →Could I do it,I would. 要是我能做此事,我一定会做。
4. If he had seen you yesterday,he would haveasked you about it.
→Had he seen you yesterday,he would haveasked you about it. 他昨天要是看到了你,他就会问你这事了。
注意:顺便说一句,以上移至句首的 had不一定是助动词,如果是实义动词也可倒装:
5. If he had money,he would buy a car. Had he money,he would buy a car. 他要是有钱,他就会买一辆小车。
a. Were it not for the fact that you are ill, I would give you a good beating.
b. Had he asked me, I would have given him my advice.要是他请求我的话,我就会给他建议的。
c. Were it to snow tomorrow, the hunter would not go hunting.万一明天下雪,猎人就不去打猎了。
How I wish I had studied harder when I was in school!
If you had, you ____ work into late every day nowadays.
A. don’t B. wouldn’t C. didn’t D. won’t
If you had not been strict with me when I was young, I could not be such a successful person now.如果我年轻时你没有对我严格要求的话,我现在就不可能是这么成功的一个人。(这种虚拟语气的特点是主句中常含有时间准状语now 或nowadays)
2. Should anyone come and ask for me, tell them I will come back tomorrow.万一有人来找我,告诉他们我明天回来。(主句为祈使句,条件句与将来事实相反,表示说话人认为某件事情发生的可能性很小。)
1. 将条件隐含在不定式短语中。
I should be happy to go with you. 如果能与你一起去,我将很高兴。(=I should be happy if I could go with you.)
To have studied harder, you would have passed the examination. 你学习更用功些,你早就考及格了。(=if you have studied harder, you…)
2. 将条件隐含在分词短语中。
Born in better times, he would have been a scholar. 如果出生在好时代,他早就成为学者了。(=If he had been born in better times, he …)
Failing this time, what would you do? 假若这次失败,那你怎么办?(=If you failed this time, what…)
Walking alone in the dark, Mary would be terrified. 要一个人单独在黑暗中走,玛丽会感十分害怕。(If Mary walked alone in the dark, she…)
3. 将条件隐含在介词短语中。
Without air, no one could live. 没有空气,人就不能活。(=If there were no air, no one could live.)
But for his help, he would have failed. 要不是有他的帮助,他就会失败了。(=If it hadn’t been for his help, he would have failed.)
常用的介词或介词短语,如but for, but that, without, in case of, under, under more favorable condition等。
4. 将条件隐含在名词短语中。
A true friend would not have betrayed me.
若是真正的朋友,就不会背弃我。(=If he had been a true friend, he would…)
A few hours earlier, and you would have seen the famous writer.
要是你早来几个小时,你就见到这位著名的作家了。(If you had come a few hours earlier, you…)
5. 将条件隐含在某些连词(如or, or else, otherwise等)中:
○1 句子(一般现在时)+ or, or else, otherwise + 句子(谓语部分:should\would\could\might等+ 动词原形)
○2 句子(一般过去时)+ or, or else, otherwise + 句子(谓语部分:should\would\could\might等+ have done)
I didn’t know that he was a cheat, or else I wouldn’t have believed him.
我不知道他是个骗子,不然我也不会相信他了。(or else=if I had known he was a cheat))
I’m really very busy, otherwise I would certainly go there with you.
我真的是太忙了,不然我就会同你一道去了。(otherwise=if I were not so busy))
6. 将条件隐含在定语从句中。
Anyone who had seen that painting might have taken it for a photo.
凡是看过那画的人,都可能把它看成是照片。(=If anyone had seen that painting…)
7. 将条件隐含在一定的上下文中。
Don’t bother to read all these papers. It would take too long.
不要费事看所有这些文件了,那会花太多时间。(=…If you read all these papers, it would take too long)
常用来表示含蓄虚拟条件的手段连词如:so that, unless, in case, supposing, lest, provided(倘若……),for fear that(惟恐) , on condition that, if only(要是……就好了)等。
(注:lest, for fear that和in case引起的从句中谓语动词多用should+动词原形,但可以不用虚拟语气,而用动词的陈述语气形式。)例如:
★ The foreign teacher spoke slowly in case we misunderstood him.这位外籍教师说得很慢以免我们听不懂。
Care must be taken in using this method lest overflow should occur.
1. 表过去愿望未曾实现时,常用would like to have done sth. 或would have liked to do sth.(前者常用)
I would like to have gone to the celebration, but I couldn’t get away. 我本来想参加庆祝会,但未能脱开身。
2. 表示过去本来该干某事但没有干时,用should\ought to have done sth. 若表示本来不该干但却干了某事时,用should not\ought not to have done sth.
The criminal should have told the truth, but he refused to. 那罪犯本来应该说出实情,但他不肯说。
3. 表示过去本来有能力干某事,但未能干成时用could have done sth.
I could have lent you the money, but you did not turn to me for help. 我本来能借给你那笔钱,但你没有向我求助。
4. 表示过去本来有可能干某事,但未能干成时用might have done sth.
You might have been chosen, but you gave up the chance. 你本来有可能被选上的,但你放弃了那个机会。
5. 表示过去本来愿意干某事,但未能干成时用would have done sth.
The cook would have helped you, but his wife stopped him. 那厨师本来愿意帮助你,但他妻子制止了他。
6. hope, want, expect, plan等动词表示过去愿望、计划、打算等未曾实现时,把谓语动词用成过去完成时或把它们后面的不定式用成完成式。
I had hoped to become a poet, but I turned teacher instead. 我本希望当个诗人,但我却当了老师。
I hoped to have become a poet, but I turned teacher instead.
My playmate hoped to have entered a key university last year, but his wish didn’t come true.
7. be to do sth.句型表示过去计划安排未曾实现时,用was\ were to have done sth结构.
The European tourists were to have arrived by ten, but they were caught in a shower and delayed.
The building was to have been completed by the end of last month, but the plan failed.
8. be going to句型表过去个人打算未曾实现时,用was\were going to结构。
--Did you go to the museum yesterday?
--No, I was going to, but something urgent happened at the last moment.
你昨天到博物馆去了吗? 我本来打算去,但在最后的片刻发生了紧急的事情。
I was going to meet you at the station, but I had to work extra hours writing a report for my boss.
(一) 主语从句中的虚拟语气
在It is +形容词/某些动词的过去分词+主语从句的结构中,从句的谓语动词须用动词原形或 should +do的形式。这些类型包括:
1、It’s important…类 形容词
这一类型主要包括It is (was) important (necessary, desirable, imperative, advisable)that. . .句型。如:
It is impossible that he should go home. 他不可能会回家去。
It is necessary that I should return it right now. 我有必要马上把它还回去。
It is important that we should speah politely. 我们说话要有礼貌,这是很重要的。
It is not necessary that everyone be a scientist. 没有必要使每一个人都成为科学家。
It is imperative that we should practise critidsm and self-criticism. 应当进行批评与自我批评。
2、It’s a pity…类 名词
It is a pity that she should fare so badly. 她竟吃得这么差,真可怜。
It’s a pity that he should be so obstinate. 真遗憾他竟这样倔犟。
It was a pity that you couldn’t come. 你不能来,真是太遗憾了。
It is a pity that she failed the driving examination. 她没通过驾驶考试真是遗憾。
It is his desire that a medical man should stay here. 他希望有一个医务人员留在这里。
3、It’s desired…类 某些动词的过去分词
这种主语从句还常用在It is (was) desired (suggested, settled, proposed, requested, decided, etc. ) that...句型。如:
It is requested that a vote be taken. 建议付诸表决。
It is settled that you leave us, then? 那么你肯定要离开我们罗?
It was proposed that this matter be considered at the next meeting. 有人提议这事下次会议再讨论。
★ It is desired that this rule should be brought to the attention of the staff. 希望这条规则引起全体职员的注意。
(1) 在现代英语中,有时也可不用虚拟语气而用陈述语气,但初学者宜慎用。
(2) 在It is amazing (strange, surprising, astonishing, a pity, a shame)以及 I am surprised (sorry) 和I regret等结构后的that 从句中有时也用should,表示说话人的惊异、懊悔、失望等情感,常含有“竟然”之意:
It’s strange that he should be so rude. 他竟如此无礼,真是奇怪。
I’m surprised that he should have failed. 他竟然失败了,这使我很吃惊。
若不用虚拟语气也可以,则不带感情 色彩,比较:
It’s a pity that he failed the exam. 他考试没及格,真是遗憾。
It’s a pity that he should have failed the exam. 他考试竟没及格,真是遗憾。
decided(决定的)、 important(重要的)、 ordered(命令的)、 advisable(合理的)、
demanded(要求的) desire(期望的)、 desirable(合乎需要的)、 essential(紧要的)、
insistent(坚持的)、 natural(自然的)、 preferabl(更可取的)、 proposed(建议的)、
recommended(推荐的)、required(要求的)、 urgent(紧迫的)、 vital(极其重要的)
appropriate(适当的)、 arranged(安排好的)、 better(较好的)、 imperative(迫切的)、
possible(可能的)、 probable(可能的)、 resolved(决心的)、 strange(奇怪的)、
It is highly desirable that a new mayor be appointed for this city.这座城市急需任命一位新市长。
1、I wish后的宾语从句 ( 略)
We wish he didn’t smoke. 我们希望他不吸烟。
I wish prices would come down. 我希望物价能降下来。
I wish the train would come. 我希望火车会来。
I insisted that he (should) stay. 我坚持要他留下。
He insisted that I (should) go with them. 他坚持要我同他们一起去。
Rose insisted that he be present. 罗斯坚持要他出席。
The detective insisted that he should have a look. 警探坚持要查看。
He insisted that I had read his letter. 他坚持说我看过他的信。
He insisted that I should read his letter. 他坚持要我看他的信。
主要是指order, command的宾语从句,从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美国英语中通常可以省略。如:
He ordered that it (should) be sent back. 他命令把它送回去。
Thejudge ordered that the prisoner should be remanded. 法官命令被告还押。
The King ordered that the man be released. 国王命令释放那人。
He commanded that we (should) attack at once. 他命令我们立即发起进攻。
主要是指advise, suggest, propose, recommend等的宾语从句,从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美国英语中通常可以省略。如:
He suggested that we should leave early. 他建议我们早点动身。
The doctor advised that he change his job. 医生劝他换工作。
They recommend that this tax be abolished. 他们建议取消这种税。
I suggest that we (should) have lunch right now. 我建议我们现在就吃午饭。
The committee proposed (that) Mr. Day be elected. 委员会建议推选戴先生。
The doctor advised [suggested] that he (should) not smoke. 医生建议他不要抽烟。
I propose that the matter be put to the vote at once. 我提议对此问题立刻进行表决。
He proposed that Mr. O’Leary be the chairman. 他提议奥列利先生担任主席。
She suggested that I (should) be responsible for the arrangements. 她建议我来负责进行安排。
He suggested that we (should) stay for dinner. 他建议我们留下吃饭。
What he said suggested that he was a cheat. 他说的话表明他是个骗子。
I suggested that you had a secret understanding with him. 我觉得你与他心照不宣。
主要是指动词desire, intend后的宾语从句,从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美语中通常省略。
She desires that he do it. 她希望他做此事。
They intended that the news (should) be suppressed. 他们打算封锁这条消息。
I desire the patient should have a bath every day. 我希望病人每天洗澡。
The general directed that the prisoners should be set free. 将军指示释放那些俘虏。
有些名词引起的表语从句或同位语从句中,谓语动词须用动词原形或should +do的形式。
advice(忠告)、 decision(决定)、 demand(要求)、 desire(渴望)、 idea(想法)、
motion(提议)、 necessity(必要性)、 order(命令)、 plan(计划)、 preference(偏爱)、
proposal(建议)、 recommendation(推荐)、requirement(要求)、suggestion(建议)等。
例句13:His proposal is that we turn off TVfor half an hour every day.他建议我们每天少看半个小时的电视。
(1)I advise that we stay and wait here.(动词后的宾语从句)
(2)It is advised that we stay here.(It is +动词的过去分词+that引导的主语从句)
(3)It is advisable that we stay here.(It is +由该动词转换的形容词+that引导的主语从句)
(4)My advice is that we stay here.(由该动词转换的名词后的表语从句)
(5)I offered the advice that we stay here.(由该动词转换的名词后的同位语从句)
(6)I think it advisable that we stay here.(由该动词转换的形容词作宾语补足语,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语从句中使用虚拟语气)
一. Wish本身为现在时,后面得宾语从句如果与现在存在状态相反的愿望,从句中谓语动词采用过去时或过去进行时,遇到be动词时各人称都用were.
二. Wish本身为过去时,后面得宾语从句如果与过去存在状态相反,从句中谓语动词采用过去时,遇到be动词时各人称都用were.
三. 凡发生在谓语(wish)以前的动作,从句中的虚拟语气谓语的结构形式是过去完成时, 即had+动词过去分词或would \ could + have done。
四. 凡发生在谓语(wish)以后的动作,从句中的虚拟语气谓语的结构形式是过去将来时,即(would +动词原形),如果用到情态动词can,各人称都用could.
五. I wish + 从句的结构还可以转换成if only+ 从句结构。If only后也要采用虚拟语气,其构成及意思与I wish + 从句完全一样。
I wish I were not so busy. 但愿我不那样忙碌。 (与现在相反)1
I wish I were [was] better looking. 要是我长得漂亮些就好了。 (与现在相反)1
I wished I were rich. 当时我后悔自己没有钱。 (与过去相反)2
I wished I had been rich. 当时我后悔自己曾经没有钱。 (与过去相反)3
She wished she had stayed at home. 她后悔的是她当时要是留在家里就好了。 (与过去相反)3
I wish you would go with us tomorrow. 要是你明天同我们一起去就好了。 (与将来相反)4
I wish you wouldn’t look down on this kind of work. 我希望你不要看不起这种工作。 (与将来相反)4
I wish you wouldn’t smoke any more. 我希望你不再抽烟了。 (与将来相反)4
I wish you would be more respectful to your father. 我希望你对你父亲更尊敬些。 (与将来相反)4
I wish I could be of some use. 我希望我能有什么用处。 (与将来相反)4
If only I were you.= I wish I were you. 我要是你就好了。 (与现在相反)5
★★★would rather后句子用虚拟语气:would rather后接句子时,句子谓语习惯上要用虚拟语气,具体用法为:
I’d rather you went tomorrow (now). 我宁愿你明天(现在)去。
I’d rather you came next Saturday. 我宁愿你下星期六来。
I’d rather you were happy. 我愿你快乐。
I’d rather she sat next to me. 我宁愿她挨着我坐。
I’d rather Jack left on an earlier train. 我宁愿杰克乘前一班火车走。
You always go without me and l’d rather you didn’t. 你总是不带我去,我可不愿意你这样。
“Shall I open the window? ” “I’d rather you didn’t. ”“我要不要把窗子打开? ” “我看不要打开好。”
2. 用过去完成时表过去的愿望
I’d rather you hadn’t said it. 我真希望你没有这样说过。
I’d rather you hadn’t done that. 我宁愿你没这样做。
l’d rather you had been / hadn’t been present。我 (宁) 愿你当时在场 / 不在场。
l’d rather he had told / hadn’t told me about it 我 (宁) 愿他告诉了 / 未告诉我这件事。
Katie went by car and I’d rather she hadn’t. 凯蒂是坐汽车去的,我宁愿地不坐汽车去。

1、在错综条件句子中,虚拟条件从句和主句动作发生的时间不一致,因此,主句和从句的谓语动词应根据所指的时间选用适当的虚拟语气形式。例如:  1)If I were you,I wouldn't have missed the film last night.如果我是你,我就不会错过昨天晚上的那部电影。(从句与现在事实相反,主句与过去事实相反。)   2)If he had followed the doctor's advice,he would recover already.如果他遵照医生的劝告,现在病就好了。(从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在事实相反。)   2、在if虚拟条件句中,有时可把连词省去,采用倒装语序把谓语动词were或助动词did,had,should移到句首构成非真实条件从句的另一种句型,其意思不变。例如:  1)Had we time to spare,we would be glad to go to the park.如果能抽出时间,我们很乐意逛公园。  2)Were it not for the discovery of electricity,the modern world would experience great inconveniece.假如没有发现电,现代世界将很不方便。  3、有时假设的情况不用if引导虚拟条件从句来表述,而用介词(如without, but for等)引出的短语、分词(如supposing等)引出的短语、并列连词(如or,otherwise,but,though等)、由动词suppose引出的祈使句或通过上下文的意思来表达。此时句中谓语动词仍采用虚拟语气的相应形式。例如:  1)But for your advice,I would not be able to do this work.要不是你的劝告,我是不会做这份工作的。  2)Victor obviously doesn't know what's happened,otherwise he wouldn't have made such a stupid remark.显然维克多不知道发生了什么事情。不然的话,他就不会说这样愚蠢的话了。  4、在一些表示愿望、建议、请求、命令等含义的动词后面的宾语从句中,谓语动词用动词原形或"should+动词原形"表示虚拟语气。这类动词有ask,demand, insist,order,propose,move,desire,require等。例如:  1)They demanded that the aggressor troops(should)be withdrawn immediately.他们要求立即撤出侵略军。  2)I moved that he(should)be discharged for his serious mistake.我建议,由于他犯有严重错误,应解除他的职务。  5、在"would(had)rather(would sooner,would as soon)+宾语从句"句型中,要求后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气。但这种虚拟语气表示的不是与事实相反的假设,而是一种尚未实现的愿望,其从句谓语动词用一般过去时。例如:  1)I would rather you came next Friday.我希望你下周五来。  2)I'd just as soon you didn't speak rudely to her.我真希望你别对她那么粗鲁地讲话。  6、在和idea,necessity,plan, motion,order,proposal,recommendation,suggestion,under- standing等词有关的同位语或表语从句中,谓语动词用动词原形或"should+动词原形"表示虚拟语气。例如:  1)M y idea is that the group(should)hold another session to discuss the problem.我的意见是小组召开另一次会议来讨论这个问题。  2)Emphasis is laid on the necessity that all the objectives to be attained be taken into account before starting a new project.我们强调在开始制定一个新的计划之前,必须把要达到的所有目标都考虑进去。  7、在某些"It is+形容词+that..."句型中,如"It is important(necessary,essential, natural,desirable,unusual,pity,strange)that...",that所引导的主语从句中谓语动词均用动词原形或"should+动词原形"来表示虚拟语气。例如:  1)It is highly desirable that a new president be appointed for this college.人们迫切地希望能给这个学院派一个新院长。  2)It is strange that the girl(should)be so arrogant.真奇怪,这个女孩竟会如此傲慢。  8、在"It is ordered(suggested,demanded,moved,planned等)+that..."这个句型中,that引导的主语从句要用虚拟语气形式,谓语动词用动词原形或"should+动词原形"。例如:  1)It is moved that Lucy give a performance at the party.有人提议露茜在晚会上表演一个节目。  2)It was suggested that more teachers   (should)be sent there to help them.有人建议派更多的老师去那儿帮助他们。  9、as if /though可以引出一个状语从句也可以引出一个表语从句。当as if/though跟在be,feel,look,seem,sound等系动词之后时,引导的是表语从句;如果主句的谓语动词不是联系动词be等,as if/though引导的则是方式状语从句。无论是哪种类型的从句,只要从句的内容是不真实的,都必须用虚拟语气。当从句表示与现在的事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时;表示与过去事实相反要用"had+过去分词";表示与将来可能相反的则用"would(could,might)+动词原形"。例如:  1)I feel as if I were going to faint.我感到我像要昏过去似的。(与现在事实相反的表语从句)   2)She cried as if her heart could be broken.她哭的好像心都要碎了。(与将来可能相反的主语从句)   10、在It is(about /high)time引导的定语从句中,也可以根据需要使用虚拟语气,用以表示"(此刻)该做……而没有做"的意思,其谓语动词用过去时或"should+动词原形(用should时,不能将其省略)"。例如:  1)It is time I should leave.我该走了。  2)It is about time that you got(should get) dressed.你该穿衣服了。  11、if only引导的是省略了表示结果的主句的虚拟结构,现在已成为惯用法,表达愿望。从句用过去时表示现在没有实现的愿望;对过去没有实现或不能实现的愿望,从句就用过去完成时。这类句型表示一种不真实的条件,常译成"要是……就好了!"例如:  1)If only I had taken mother's advice.我要是听取妈妈的建议就好了。  2)If only I could speak several foreign languages.我要是能讲几种外语就好了。  12、在以in order that,so that,lest引导的目的状语从句中,谓语动词一般用虚拟语气。从句中的谓语动词用"may(might)+动词原形"或"should+动词原形"。在以lest引导的从句中,谓语动词用"should+动词原形"。例如:  1)She stayed at home for a few days so that she might take care of her sick mother.她在家里呆了好几天,以便能照顾生病的母亲。  2)The teacher explained the sentences again and again in order that the students could understand them clearly.老师一再解释这些句子以便学生能够清楚地理解。

★ 高考英语虚拟语气专题讲座★

★ 语气是一种动词形式,用以表示说话者的意图或态度。英语中有三种语气:陈述语气,疑问语气,虚拟语气。
1. 虚拟语气的在条件句中的基本用法和四个基本情态动词的用法。
2. 虚拟语气的倒装。(if省略,条件句中中有had, should, were)。
3. 两种错综虚拟语气。
4. 含蓄条件句中的虚拟语气。
5. 过去的计划,打算,愿望等未曾实现时的虚拟语气。
6. 特殊句型中的虚拟语气:两个。重点为wish后宾语从句中的虚拟语气及as if和as though从句中虚拟语气的表示法。
7. 虚拟语气在名词性从句中的应用。即用来表示要求、建议、命令、提议、意愿等的名词性从句。
8. 不清惜条件的虚拟语气。
相关时态 主句形式 从句形式 例句
与现在事实相反 Should\would\could\might+do(动词原形) 过去式(be动词各人称都用were) If I were you, I should \would make full use of my time to study.
与过去事实相反 Should\would\could\might+have done(动词过去分词) Had+done(过去分词) If you had come earlier, you would have met him.
与将来事实相反 Should\would\could\might+do(动词原形) 1. 过去式(be动词各人称都用were)
2. should+动词原形
3. were to +动词原形 If it should rain tomorrow, the crops would be saved.
1. 若表示在某一假设的条件下,必然而然就会发生某事,第一人称可用should或would, 而二、三人称只用would.
2. 若表示在某一假设条件下就能够干某事,各人称都用could.
3. 如果表示在某种假设条件下有可能会发生某事,各人称都用might.
请看典型考题:__________ your address,I would have written to you.
A. Did I know B. Were I to know C. Had I known D. If I should know
此题应选 C。这是虚拟语气的倒装形式。当虚拟条件句中含有 were,had,should,could等动词时,可以将if省略,然后将 were,had,should,could 等词移至句首:
1. If he should fail,he would kill himself. →Should he fail,he would kill himself. 万一失败,他就会自杀。
2. If I were you,I would do it at once. →Were I you,I would do it at once. 假若我是你,我就会马上做。
3. If I could do it,I would. →Could I do it,I would. 要是我能做此事,我一定会做。
4. If he had seen you yesterday,he would haveasked you about it.
→Had he seen you yesterday,he would haveasked you about it. 他昨天要是看到了你,他就会问你这事了。
注意:顺便说一句,以上移至句首的 had不一定是助动词,如果是实义动词也可倒装:
5. If he had money,he would buy a car. Had he money,he would buy a car. 他要是有钱,他就会买一辆小车。
a. Were it not for the fact that you are ill, I would give you a good beating.
b. Had he asked me, I would have given him my advice.要是他请求我的话,我就会给他建议的。
c. Were it to snow tomorrow, the hunter would not go hunting.万一明天下雪,猎人就不去打猎了。
How I wish I had studied harder when I was in school!
If you had, you ____ work into late every day nowadays.
A. don’t B. wouldn’t C. didn’t D. won’t
If you had not been strict with me when I was young, I could not be such a successful person now.如果我年轻时你没有对我严格要求的话,我现在就不可能是这么成功的一个人。(这种虚拟语气的特点是主句中常含有时间准状语now 或nowadays)
2. Should anyone come and ask for me, tell them I will come back tomorrow.万一有人来找我,告诉他们我明天回来。(主句为祈使句,条件句与将来事实相反,表示说话人认为某件事情发生的可能性很小。)
1. 将条件隐含在不定式短语中。
I should be happy to go with you. 如果能与你一起去,我将很高兴。(=I should be happy if I could go with you.)
To have studied harder, you would have passed the examination. 你学习更用功些,你早就考及格了。(=if you have studied harder, you…)
2. 将条件隐含在分词短语中。
Born in better times, he would have been a scholar. 如果出生在好时代,他早就成为学者了。(=If he had been born in better times, he …)
Failing this time, what would you do? 假若这次失败,那你怎么办?(=If you failed this time, what…)
Walking alone in the dark, Mary would be terrified. 要一个人单独在黑暗中走,玛丽会感十分害怕。(If Mary walked alone in the dark, she…)
3. 将条件隐含在介词短语中。
Without air, no one could live. 没有空气,人就不能活。(=If there were no air, no one could live.)
But for his help, he would have failed. 要不是有他的帮助,他就会失败了。(=If it hadn’t been for his help, he would have failed.)
常用的介词或介词短语,如but for, but that, without, in case of, under, under more favorable condition等。
4. 将条件隐含在名词短语中。
A true friend would not have betrayed me.
若是真正的朋友,就不会背弃我。(=If he had been a true friend, he would…)
A few hours earlier, and you would have seen the famous writer.
要是你早来几个小时,你就见到这位著名的作家了。(If you had come a few hours earlier, you…)
5. 将条件隐含在某些连词(如or, or else, otherwise等)中:
○1 句子(一般现在时)+ or, or else, otherwise + 句子(谓语部分:should\would\could\might等+ 动词原形)
○2 句子(一般过去时)+ or, or else, otherwise + 句子(谓语部分:should\would\could\might等+ have done)
I didn’t know that he was a cheat, or else I wouldn’t have believed him.
我不知道他是个骗子,不然我也不会相信他了。(or else=if I had known he was a cheat))
I’m really very busy, otherwise I would certainly go there with you.
我真的是太忙了,不然我就会同你一道去了。(otherwise=if I were not so busy))
6. 将条件隐含在定语从句中。
Anyone who had seen that painting might have taken it for a photo.
凡是看过那画的人,都可能把它看成是照片。(=If anyone had seen that painting…)
7. 将条件隐含在一定的上下文中。
Don’t bother to read all these papers. It would take too long.
不要费事看所有这些文件了,那会花太多时间。(=…If you read all these papers, it would take too long)
常用来表示含蓄虚拟条件的手段连词如:so that, unless, in case, supposing, lest, provided(倘若……),for fear that(惟恐) , on condition that, if only(要是……就好了)等。
(注:lest, for fear that和in case引起的从句中谓语动词多用should+动词原形,但可以不用虚拟语气,而用动词的陈述语气形式。)例如:
★ The foreign teacher spoke slowly in case we misunderstood him.这位外籍教师说得很慢以免我们听不懂。
Care must be taken in using this method lest overflow should occur.
1. 表过去愿望未曾实现时,常用would like to have done sth. 或would have liked to do sth.(前者常用)
I would like to have gone to the celebration, but I couldn’t get away. 我本来想参加庆祝会,但未能脱开身。
2. 表示过去本来该干某事但没有干时,用should\ought to have done sth. 若表示本来不该干但却干了某事时,用should not\ought not to have done sth.
The criminal should have told the truth, but he refused to. 那罪犯本来应该说出实情,但他不肯说。
3. 表示过去本来有能力干某事,但未能干成时用could have done sth.
I could have lent you the money, but you did not turn to me for help. 我本来能借给你那笔钱,但你没有向我求助。
4. 表示过去本来有可能干某事,但未能干成时用might have done sth.
You might have been chosen, but you gave up the chance. 你本来有可能被选上的,但你放弃了那个机会。
5. 表示过去本来愿意干某事,但未能干成时用would have done sth.
The cook would have helped you, but his wife stopped him. 那厨师本来愿意帮助你,但他妻子制止了他。
6. hope, want, expect, plan等动词表示过去愿望、计划、打算等未曾实现时,把谓语动词用成过去完成时或把它们后面的不定式用成完成式。
I had hoped to become a poet, but I turned teacher instead. 我本希望当个诗人,但我却当了老师。
I hoped to have become a poet, but I turned teacher instead.
My playmate hoped to have entered a key university last year, but his wish didn’t come true.
7. be to do sth.句型表示过去计划安排未曾实现时,用was\ were to have done sth结构.
The European tourists were to have arrived by ten, but they were caught in a shower and delayed.
The building was to have been completed by the end of last month, but the plan failed.
8. be going to句型表过去个人打算未曾实现时,用was\were going to结构。
--Did you go to the museum yesterday?
--No, I was going to, but something urgent happened at the last moment.
你昨天到博物馆去了吗? 我本来打算去,但在最后的片刻发生了紧急的事情。
I was going to meet you at the station, but I had to work extra hours writing a report for my boss.
(一) 主语从句中的虚拟语气
在It is +形容词/某些动词的过去分词+主语从句的结构中,从句的谓语动词须用动词原形或 should +do的形式。这些类型包括:
1、It’s important…类 形容词
这一类型主要包括It is (was) important (necessary, desirable, imperative, advisable)that. . .句型。如:
It is impossible that he should go home. 他不可能会回家去。
It is necessary that I should return it right now. 我有必要马上把它还回去。
It is important that we should speah politely. 我们说话要有礼貌,这是很重要的。
It is not necessary that everyone be a scientist. 没有必要使每一个人都成为科学家。
It is imperative that we should practise critidsm and self-criticism. 应当进行批评与自我批评。
2、It’s a pity…类 名词
It is a pity that she should fare so badly. 她竟吃得这么差,真可怜。
It’s a pity that he should be so obstinate. 真遗憾他竟这样倔犟。
It was a pity that you couldn’t come. 你不能来,真是太遗憾了。
It is a pity that she failed the driving examination. 她没通过驾驶考试真是遗憾。
It is his desire that a medical man should stay here. 他希望有一个医务人员留在这里。
3、It’s desired…类 某些动词的过去分词
这种主语从句还常用在It is (was) desired (suggested, settled, proposed, requested, decided, etc. ) that...句型。如:
It is requested that a vote be taken. 建议付诸表决。
It is settled that you leave us, then? 那么你肯定要离开我们罗?
It was proposed that this matter be considered at the next meeting. 有人提议这事下次会议再讨论。
★ It is desired that this rule should be brought to the attention of the staff. 希望这条规则引起全体职员的注意。
(1) 在现代英语中,有时也可不用虚拟语气而用陈述语气,但初学者宜慎用。
(2) 在It is amazing (strange, surprising, astonishing, a pity, a shame)以及 I am surprised (sorry) 和I regret等结构后的that 从句中有时也用should,表示说话人的惊异、懊悔、失望等情感,常含有“竟然”之意:
It’s strange that he should be so rude. 他竟如此无礼,真是奇怪。
I’m surprised that he should have failed. 他竟然失败了,这使我很吃惊。
若不用虚拟语气也可以,则不带感情 色彩,比较:
It’s a pity that he failed the exam. 他考试没及格,真是遗憾。
It’s a pity that he should have failed the exam. 他考试竟没及格,真是遗憾。
decided(决定的)、 important(重要的)、 ordered(命令的)、 advisable(合理的)、
demanded(要求的) desire(期望的)、 desirable(合乎需要的)、 essential(紧要的)、
insistent(坚持的)、 natural(自然的)、 preferabl(更可取的)、 proposed(建议的)、
recommended(推荐的)、required(要求的)、 urgent(紧迫的)、 vital(极其重要的)
appropriate(适当的)、 arranged(安排好的)、 better(较好的)、 imperative(迫切的)、
possible(可能的)、 probable(可能的)、 resolved(决心的)、 strange(奇怪的)、
It is highly desirable that a new mayor be appointed for this city.这座城市急需任命一位新市长。
1、I wish后的宾语从句 ( 略)
We wish he didn’t smoke. 我们希望他不吸烟。
I wish prices would come down. 我希望物价能降下来。
I wish the train would come. 我希望火车会来。
I insisted that he (should) stay. 我坚持要他留下。
He insisted that I (should) go with them. 他坚持要我同他们一起去。
Rose insisted that he be present. 罗斯坚持要他出席。
The detective insisted that he should have a look. 警探坚持要查看。
He insisted that I had read his letter. 他坚持说我看过他的信。
He insisted that I should read his letter. 他坚持要我看他的信。
主要是指order, command的宾语从句,从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美国英语中通常可以省略。如:
He ordered that it (should) be sent back. 他命令把它送回去。
Thejudge ordered that the prisoner should be remanded. 法官命令被告还押。
The King ordered that the man be released. 国王命令释放那人。
He commanded that we (should) attack at once. 他命令我们立即发起进攻。
主要是指advise, suggest, propose, recommend等的宾语从句,从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美国英语中通常可以省略。如:
He suggested that we should leave early. 他建议我们早点动身。
The doctor advised that he change his job. 医生劝他换工作。
They recommend that this tax be abolished. 他们建议取消这种税。
I suggest that we (should) have lunch right now. 我建议我们现在就吃午饭。
The committee proposed (that) Mr. Day be elected. 委员会建议推选戴先生。
The doctor advised [suggested] that he (should) not smoke. 医生建议他不要抽烟。
I propose that the matter be put to the vote at once. 我提议对此问题立刻进行表决。
He proposed that Mr. O’Leary be the chairman. 他提议奥列利先生担任主席。
She suggested that I (should) be responsible for the arrangements. 她建议我来负责进行安排。
He suggested that we (should) stay for dinner. 他建议我们留下吃饭。
What he said suggested that he was a cheat. 他说的话表明他是个骗子。
I suggested that you had a secret understanding with him. 我觉得你与他心照不宣。
主要是指动词desire, intend后的宾语从句,从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美语中通常省略。
She desires that he do it. 她希望他做此事。
They intended that the news (should) be suppressed. 他们打算封锁这条消息。
I desire the patient should have a bath every day. 我希望病人每天洗澡。
The general directed that the prisoners should be set free. 将军指示释放那些俘虏。
有些名词引起的表语从句或同位语从句中,谓语动词须用动词原形或should +do的形式。
advice(忠告)、 decision(决定)、 demand(要求)、 desire(渴望)、 idea(想法)、
motion(提议)、 necessity(必要性)、 order(命令)、 plan(计划)、 preference(偏爱)、
proposal(建议)、 recommendation(推荐)、requirement(要求)、suggestion(建议)等。
例句13:His proposal is that we turn off TVfor half an hour every day.他建议我们每天少看半个小时的电视。
(1)I advise that we stay and wait here.(动词后的宾语从句)
(2)It is advised that we stay here.(It is +动词的过去分词+that引导的主语从句)
(3)It is advisable that we stay here.(It is +由该动词转换的形容词+that引导的主语从句)
(4)My advice is that we stay here.(由该动词转换的名词后的表语从句)
(5)I offered the advice that we stay here.(由该动词转换的名词后的同位语从句)
(6)I think it advisable that we stay here.(由该动词转换的形容词作宾语补足语,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语从句中使用虚拟语气)
一. Wish本身为现在时,后面得宾语从句如果与现在存在状态相反的愿望,从句中谓语动词采用过去时或过去进行时,遇到be动词时各人称都用were.
二. Wish本身为过去时,后面得宾语从句如果与过去存在状态相反,从句中谓语动词采用过去时,遇到be动词时各人称都用were.
三. 凡发生在谓语(wish)以前的动作,从句中的虚拟语气谓语的结构形式是过去完成时, 即had+动词过去分词或would \ could + have done。
四. 凡发生在谓语(wish)以后的动作,从句中的虚拟语气谓语的结构形式是过去将来时,即(would +动词原形),如果用到情态动词can,各人称都用could.
五. I wish + 从句的结构还可以转换成if only+ 从句结构。If only后也要采用虚拟语气,其构成及意思与I wish + 从句完全一样。
I wish I were not so busy. 但愿我不那样忙碌。 (与现在相反)1
I wish I were [was] better looking. 要是我长得漂亮些就好了。 (与现在相反)1
I wished I were rich. 当时我后悔自己没有钱。 (与过去相反)2
I wished I had been rich. 当时我后悔自己曾经没有钱。 (与过去相反)3
She wished she had stayed at home. 她后悔的是她当时要是留在家里就好了。 (与过去相反)3
I wish you would go with us tomorrow. 要是你明天同我们一起去就好了。 (与将来相反)4
I wish you wouldn’t look down on this kind of work. 我希望你不要看不起这种工作。 (与将来相反)4
I wish you wouldn’t smoke any more. 我希望你不再抽烟了。 (与将来相反)4
I wish you would be more respectful to your father. 我希望你对你父亲更尊敬些。 (与将来相反)4
I wish I could be of some use. 我希望我能有什么用处。 (与将来相反)4
If only I were you.= I wish I were you. 我要是你就好了。 (与现在相反)5
★★★would rather后句子用虚拟语气:would rather后接句子时,句子谓语习惯上要用虚拟语气,具体用法为:
I’d rather you went tomorrow (now). 我宁愿你明天(现在)去。
I’d rather you came next Saturday. 我宁愿你下星期六来。
I’d rather you were happy. 我愿你快乐。
I’d rather she sat next to me. 我宁愿她挨着我坐。
I’d rather Jack left on an earlier train. 我宁愿杰克乘前一班火车走。
You always go without me and l’d rather you didn’t. 你总是不带我去,我可不愿意你这样。
“Shall I open the window? ” “I’d rather you didn’t. ”“我要不要把窗子打开? ” “我看不要打开好。”
2. 用过去完成时表过去的愿望
I’d rather you hadn’t said it. 我真希望你没有这样说过。
I’d rather you hadn’t done that. 我宁愿你没这样做。
l’d rather you had been / hadn’t been present。我 (宁) 愿你当时在场 / 不在场。
l’d rather he had told / hadn’t told me about it 我 (宁) 愿他告诉了 / 未告诉我这件事。
Katie went by car and I’d rather she hadn’t. 凯蒂是坐汽车去的,我宁愿地不坐汽车去。


eg .
If he doesn’t hurry up, he will miss the bus. ( 真实条件状语)(不是虚拟语气)
If he was free, he would ask me to tell stories. (真实条件状语)(不是虚拟语气)
If I were you, I would go at once. (非真实条件状语从句)
If there were no air, people would die. (非真实条件状语从句)
总结就是 四个字:主将从现,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。
① 表示与现在事实相反的情况
(条件)从句谓语动词形式 主句谓语动词形式
(be用were) should/would/could/might+动词原形(过去将来时)

If I were you, I would take an umbrella.如果我是你,我会带把伞。(事实:我不可能是你)
If I knew his telephone number, I would tell you. 如果我知道他的电话号码,我就会告诉你。(事实:不知道)
If there were no air or water, there would be no living things on the earth. 如果没有水和空气,地球上就不会有生物。(事实:地球上既有空气也有水)
If I had any money with me, I could lend you some. 如果我带钱了,我就会借给你些。(事实:没带钱)
If he studied harder, he might pass the exam.如果他再努力些,就能通过考试了。(事实:学习不用功)
从句谓语动词形式 主句谓语动词形式
had+过去分词(过去完成时) should/would/could/might+

eg. If I had got there earlier, I should/could have met her. 如果我早到那儿,我就会见到她。(事实:去晚了)
If he had taken my advice, he would not have made such a mistake. 如果他听我的劝告的话,就不会犯这样的错误了。(事实:没有听我的话)

从句谓语动词形式 主句谓语动词形式
If+主语+ ① should+动词
② did
③were to do
(①通常与一个表示时间状语连用)其 中were to do可能性最小,

eg.If he would come here tomorrow, I should/would talk to him. 如果他哪天来这儿的话,我就跟他谈谈。(事实:来的可能性很小)
If there were a heavy snow next Sunday, we would not go skating. 如果下周日下大雪,我们就不能去滑冰了。(事实:不知能否下雪)
If she were to be there next Monday, I would tell her about the matter. 如果她下周一来这儿的话,我就会告诉她这件事得始末。
在表示建议、命令、要求等含义的宾语从句,谓语动词常用虚拟语气,"should+动词原形"构成,should 可省略。

①、虚拟语气用在wish 后的宾语从句
eg. I wish I had your brains.我希望我有你那样的头脑。(事实:我根本比不上你)
eg:.I wish I had known the truth of the matter.我希望我原来知道这件事的真相。(事实:原来不知道)
谓语动词:should/would + 动词原形
eg. I wish I should have a chance again.我希望我还能有一次这样的机会。(事实:很难再有这样的机会了)
②虚拟语气用在一坚持(insist) 二命令(order. command) 三建议(advise. suggest. propose) 四要求(demand. require. request. desire)中,无论主句谓语动词为何种时态,从句的谓语动词都用:“should + 动词原形”或只用“动词原形”。
如 He suggested that we (should) take the teacher’s advice
He insisted that we (should) take the teacher’s advice
He demand that we (should) take the teacher’s advice
He ordered that we (should) take the teacher’s advice
如:He insist he is a student. 他坚持说他是个学生。
如: His face suggests that he looks worried .他的表情暗含着他很担心。
③表情绪.观点的形容词或名词也要用虚拟语气.如:necessary. important. impossible. natural. strange. surpring.
funny. right. wrong. better. a pity等。
句型:It is.......that 结构后的主语从句,从句的谓语动词都要用 should+原型 或只用动词原型
eg .
If he doesn’t hurry up, he will miss the bus. ( 真实条件状语)(不是虚拟语气)
If he was free, he would ask me to tell stories. (真实条件状语)(不是虚拟语气)
If I were you, I would go at once. (非真实条件状语从句)
If there were no air, people would die. (非真实条件状语从句)
总结就是 四个字:主将从现,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。
① 表示与现在事实相反的情况
(条件)从句谓语动词形式 主句谓语动词形式
(be用were) should/would/could/might+动词原形(过去将来时)

If I were you, I would take an umbrella.如果我是你,我会带把伞。(事实:我不可能是你)
If I knew his telephone number, I would tell you. 如果我知道他的电话号码,我就会告诉你。(事实:不知道)
If there were no air or water, there would be no living things on the earth. 如果没有水和空气,地球上就不会有生物。(事实:地球上既有空气也有水)
If I had any money with me, I could lend you some. 如果我带钱了,我就会借给你些。(事实:没带钱)
If he studied harder, he might pass the exam.如果他再努力些,就能通过考试了。(事实:学习不用功)
从句谓语动词形式 主句谓语动词形式
had+过去分词(过去完成时) should/would/could/might+

eg. If I had got there earlier, I should/could have met her. 如果我早到那儿,我就会见到她。(事实:去晚了)
If he had taken my advice, he would not have made such a mistake. 如果他听我的劝告的话,就不会犯这样的错误了。(事实:没有听我的话)

从句谓语动词形式 主句谓语动词形式
If+主语+ ① should+动词
② did
③were to do
(①通常与一个表示时间状语连用)其 中were to do可能性最小,

eg.If he would come here tomorrow, I should/would talk to him. 如果他哪天来这儿的话,我就跟他谈谈。(事实:来的可能性很小)
If there were a heavy snow next Sunday, we would not go skating. 如果下周日下大雪,我们就不能去滑冰了。(事实:不知能否下雪)
If she were to be there next Monday, I would tell her about the matter. 如果她下周一来这儿的话,我就会告诉她这件事得始末。
在表示建议、命令、要求等含义的宾语从句,谓语动词常用虚拟语气,"should+动词原形"构成,should 可省略。

①、虚拟语气用在wish 后的宾语从句
eg. I wish I had your brains.我希望我有你那样的头脑。(事实:我根本比不上你)
eg:.I wish I had known the truth of the matter.我希望我原来知道这件事的真相。(事实:原来不知道)
谓语动词:should/would + 动词原形
eg. I wish I should have a chance again.我希望我还能有一次这样的机会。(事实:很难再有这样的机会了)
②虚拟语气用在一坚持(insist) 二命令(order. command) 三建议(advise. suggest. propose) 四要求(demand. require. request. desire)中,无论主句谓语动词为何种时态,从句的谓语动词都用:“should + 动词原形”或只用“动词原形”。
如 He suggested that we (should) take the teacher’s advice
He insisted that we (should) take the teacher’s advice
He demand that we (should) take the teacher’s advice
He ordered that we (should) take the teacher’s advice
如:He insist he is a student. 他坚持说他是个学生。
如: His face suggests that he looks worried .他的表情暗含着他很担心。
③表情绪.观点的形容词或名词也要用虚拟语气.如:necessary. important. impossible. natural. strange. surpring.
funny. right. wrong. better. a pity等。
句型:It is.......that 结构后的主语从句,从句的谓语动词都要用 should+原型 或只用动词原型。


高中英语语法:虚拟语气里it is +adj+that+should(不省)+do,should可以...
如果adj (形容词) 是strange, necessary 等, 后面的that引导的主语从句是“虚拟语气”时, should可以省略。英语中的语气分为陈述语气、祈使语气、虚拟语气、疑问语气和感叹语气五类。虚拟语气是说话者用来表示假设,或难以实现的情况,而非客观存在的事实,所陈述的是一个条件,不一定是事实,甚至完全...

即主句和从句表示的都是假设的情形。在含有虚拟条件句的复合句中,主从句的谓语都要用虚拟语气。 a. 表示与现在事实相反的假设和结果。如: If I were you, I should study English. 要是我是你,我就会学英语的。 b. 表示与过去事实相反的假设和结果。如: If they had been ...

虚拟语气的主要知识点,供你参考 1、表示与现在事实相反的情况:从句:主语+过去时 主句:主语+should\/would\/could\/might+do eg:If I were you,I would take an umbrella.如果我是你,我会带把伞.2、表示与过去事实相反的情况 从句:主语+had+done 主句:主语+should\/would\/could\/might+have done...

《高中英语语法-浅谈虚拟语气的特殊用法》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https:\/\/www.liuxue86.com\/english\/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。浅谈虚拟语气的特殊用法 1. 当虚拟条件从句中的谓语动词和主句中的谓语动词发生的时间不一致时,主句和从句的谓语动词应根据实际的时间选用适当...

虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)这一语法项目是各类英语考试中心测试的重点之一。虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,用来表示说话人所说的话并不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测。 Ⅰ用以表示虚拟条件的虚拟语气 ⒈用if条件从句表示的虚拟条件,是虚拟条件最普通的方式。 ① 虚拟现在时表示与现在事实相反的假设,其if ...

英语中什么是虚拟语气 我现在读的是高中,不知道你是不是也是。 虚拟语气就是对过去现在将来的事情进行虚拟。 分三个形式 1:和过去相反的事情 2:和现在相反的事情 3:和将来相反的事情 主句和从句都要进行时态的变化。 比如这一题:If Sanlu Group melamine to the milk, the babies too much from kidney stone...

8 suggest意思是“建议”的时候,后面接的宾语从句需要用should do形式的虚拟语气,should可以省略。其他类似的动词还有advise, recommend, propose等等。9 句子意思是“我们左面在那个小村庄迷路了,不然的话我们就会参观更多的名胜古迹。这里是对过去的虚拟,所以用would have visited.10 这个是省略引导词...

这些教材啊练习上面都有的呀,多看书哈哈 (以下来自网络,记得书上有个表格,去把那个表格背起来,然后多做题,慢慢就能找到感觉的)一、虚拟条件句:条件状语从句是非真实情况,在这种情况下要用虚拟语气。 1、条件从句与现在事实不一致,其句型为:If 主语+过去时,主语+should(could, would, ...

4.suggest 的虚拟语气 当suggest的意思是 暗示,表明的时候是不需要用虚拟语气的(初除此以外都需要),从句只需要用陈述语气。这句话的意思是:他的话表明了他已经通过了这个测试。而通过测试这件事是比这个暗示发生的早,且不用虚拟语气,所以要过过去完成时(注意suggest是过去式)5.句中有...

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倪义欧开: 虚拟语气的主要知识点,供你参考 1、表示与现在事实相反的情况: 从句:主语+过去时 主句:主语+should/would/could/might+do eg: If I were you,I would take an umbrella.如果我是你,我会带把伞. 2、表示与过去事实相反的情况 从句:主语+had...

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倪义欧开: 虚拟语气,对过去虚拟,从句用过去完成时 虚拟语气是一种动词形式,表示说话人的一种愿望,假设,怀疑,猜测, 建议等含义,虚拟语气所表示的含义不是客观存在的事实. If I were you, I'd take them away. 如果我是你的话,我就会带走他们...

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倪义欧开: 虚拟语气 一. 概念:用来表示说话人的主观愿望或假想所说的是一个条件,不一定是事实,或与事实相反. 二.真实条件句用陈述语气 1.真实条件句表示的假想是真实的或有可能性 2.句型:条件从句(一般现在时)+主句(shall/will+动词原形) ...

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倪义欧开: 一、词的语气 指我们平常说的说话人说话的口气.(在英语中,语气除了指语调以外,最主要的是通过动词发生变化而表示不同语气) 英语中的语气分为三类: 陈述语气(用于陈述句、疑问句、感叹句) 祈使语气(用于祈使句) 虚拟语气(用...

朔州市13492372736: 讲一讲英语中的虚拟语气(用法详细一点) -
倪义欧开: 一、概念 中文译作"虚拟语气".它是一种动词形式,表示说话人的某种假设、愿望、怀疑、猜测、建议等含义. 二、语法结构 1.if结构(非真实条件句——表示的是假设的或实际可能性不大的情况) 与..事实相反 If从句 主句 过去 Had done ...

朔州市13492372736: 高中英语的虚拟语气怎么判断? -
倪义欧开: 虚拟语气表示说话人的主观愿望、猜测建议或与事实不符的假设.虚拟语气可分为三种:(1)一般虚拟 (2)混合虚拟 (3)特殊句式 一.一般虚拟的构成:(省略if, 要将should/were/had 提到句首) (1). 对现在的虚拟:If +S.+ did/were ...

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