
作者&投稿:樊泥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~    儿童 故事 欣赏若穿插适量的与内容紧密相关的图片,孩子会在心中描绘出故事的世界,从而获得一种新的体验,下面这些是我为大家推荐的几篇英语幼儿故事。

  英语幼儿故事1:A Noisy Neighbor
  Barbara couldn’t take it any more. Her upstairs neighbor was blasting his stereo again. She had asked him twice already to turn the volume down. The first time she asked, he was surprised. He said he didn’t know that she could hear his stereo.

  "Yes," she said, "it’s just like your stereo was in my living room. I can hear every note!"

  He said he would keep it down. She hoped that he was telling the truth. Of course, he wasn’t. The very next day, he blasted his stereo. She marched upstairs to remind him of his promise. He said the volume was so low that he could barely hear it. She asked him to turn it lower. He said he would try. Barbara could swear that when she reentered her apartment, the music was louder than when she had walked upstairs.

  So, this was the third time. She took her baseball bat upstairs with her. She knocked very loudly on his door. When he opened the door, she screamed at him like a crazy person. She told him she would kill him if he didn’t turn the music down and keep it down. His eyes got big.

  She went back downstairs. She couldn’t hear a note.

  I can’t believe I said that, she told herself.
  英语幼儿故事2:The Loose Button
  George wore a pair of blue shorts around the house. They were old, faded, and ugly, but they were comfortable. And when you are at home, you want to be comfortable. It wouldn't be called "Home, Sweet Home" if you didn't feel comfortable there.

  But when he put on his blue shorts one morning, the button was just hanging on by a thread. That single button was the only thing that held his shorts up.

  George could do two things. He could wait until the button fell off. When that happened, it would probably roll under the sofa and be lost forever. Or, he could sew the button on securely before it fell off.

  He found his sewing kit. He threaded the needle and tied a knot at the end of the thread. Then he started the needle through the cloth. He directed it through one of the holes in the button. Then he reversed direction. He put the needle back through a different hole, and then through the cloth again.

  He repeated this motion through all four button holes until the button was tight. Then he tied a bunch of knots in the last bit of thread and snipped off the excess thread. He put on the shorts and buttoned the button. It was strong.

  Good for another ten years, he smiled to himself.
  英语幼儿故事3:Eddie's Short Visit
  Eddie drove over to see Betty. When he got to her apartment at about 3:15 p.m., he saw that her car wasn't in the carport. So he wrote a note: "Hi, Betty. I love you and I miss you. Love, Eddie."

  He was about to tape the note onto her front door when he saw her car pull up. She walked up the stairs. Instead of the big smile, hug, and kiss that she usually greeted him with, she simply said, "What's up?"

  "You didn't call me back for the last two days, honey, so I came over to see you." He gave her the note. She opened it, read it, and put it on the kitchen table.

  "That's sweet," she said. She walked into her bedroom. Eddie followed her. She put her purse on the bed. Eddie tried to hug her.

  "I have to wash my hands," she said. When she came out of the bathroom, she told Eddie that he should go home. She said that she was hungry and tired. She was going to fix something to eat. Then she was going to take a nap. She said that she might call him later.

  During Eddie's entire five-minute visit, Betty had constantly avoided his eyes. Instead of walking him out to his car, like she usually did, Betty locked her front door as soon as Eddie was outside her apartment.

适合幼儿讲的成语故事如下:1、雪中送炭 宋太宗贵为帝王,却知道创业不易,因此生活很俭朴,也很能体恤百姓。有年冬天很冷,太宗穿着狐狸皮外套,坐在温暖的屋子里还觉得冷。他思虑道:“天气这么冷,那些缺衣少柴的百姓肯定也很冷。”于是,他把开封府尹召进宫,对他说道:“现在这么冷,我们这些...

1、狐假虎威 有一天,一只狐狸在森林里散步,突然看到了一只老虎。狐狸吓得发抖,但突然想到一个聪明的办法:它对老虎说,“我是森林之王,你要听我的命令!”老虎被吓得逃跑了。这个成语故事告诉我们,借助别人的威势来吓唬别人是错误的。我们应该做真实的自己,不怕困难和挑战。2、守株待兔 有一个...

1.简单的幼儿成语故事 惊弓之鸟 战国时期,有个杰出的弓箭手,叫做更赢。他的射箭本领在当时可称是举世无双。有一天,他和魏王并肩站着,天空中忽然飞过一群鸿雁。更赢很自信的对魏王说:“我可以用弓声就把飞鸟给打下来。”魏王很怀疑。正在那是,一只孤雁很低很慢的飞过。鸣声凄惨。更赢见了,...


1.经典幼儿童话故事:小老鼠的谎言 一只小老鼠偷偷摸摸地来到一个仓库,偷走了几袋大米。仓库管理员燕子立马发现大米被盗,就召集村民找小偷。小老鼠背着大米没跑多远,就被小兔和公鸡发现了。小兔说:“你怎么背着这么多大米?难道你就是偷大米的小偷?”小老鼠眨眨眼睛,说:“怎么可能呢?这可是小猫...

经典幼儿成语故事篇一:千虑一得 晏婴是齐国的大夫。他父亲死后,由他继任齐国的卿,历任灵公、庄公、景公王朝的相国。晏婴为人正直,当官清廉,生活非常俭朴,上至君主、下至百姓,对他都很尊敬。一天,晏婴正要吃午饭,刘景公派了一个人来见他。晏婴因为对方是君王派来的而特殊款待,当场把自己的饭菜...

1.幼儿园小故事简短 小野猪胖胖跟随着妈妈到犀牛奶奶家做客。犀牛奶奶请他们用餐。她用大大的陶瓷碗,给野猪妈妈盛了一碗鲜美的汤,还送上两块大大的蛋糕放在大盘子上。她用小小的玻璃碗,给小野猪胖胖盛了一碗鲜美的汤,还送上两块特别美丽的小蛋糕放在小盘子上。犀牛奶奶说:“小胖胖,这是你的一...

幼儿讲的成语故事篇一:铁杵磨针 唐朝著名大诗人李白小时候不喜欢念书,常常逃学,到街上去闲逛。一天,李白又没有去上学,在街上东溜溜、西看看,不知不觉到了城外。暖和的阳光、欢快的小鸟、随风摇摆的花草使李白感叹不已,“这么好的天气,如果整天在屋里读书多没意思?”走着走着,在一个破茅屋门口...


适合幼儿园的成语故事有:1、井底之蛙 主要情节:有一只生活在井底的青蛙,从未离开过井口,对井外的世界一无所知。有一天,一只海龟出现在井口,告诉青蛙关于大海的广阔和奇妙,但是青蛙却无法理解。因为自己的视野只有井口那么大,无法想象大海的壮阔和美丽。寓意:井底之蛙这个故事出自《庄子·外物》。

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