decide to do 和 doing的区别是什么?

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decide to do sth.和decide doing sth.有何区别~

没有decide doing sth 这种用法,decide to do sth决定去做某事。

decide:[di'said] vt.&vi.决定,决心;名词形式为decision.
①It is the people who decide the fate of mankind.
②The question will be decided by themselves.
①He decided to give a one-man show.他决定唱一段独角戏.
②We haven't decided when to start.我们还没决定何时动身.
①Let's first decide where we should go.
(=Let's first decide where to go.)
②It is not decided whether we will go there.

decide 英[dɪˈsaɪd] 美[dɪˈsaɪd]
vt. 决定; 决心; 解决; 裁决;
vi. 决定; 下决心;
-n.decision 决定,决心
如果非要说区别,只能说decide on doing sth更多强调已经决定好的结果,
而decide to do sth更多强调当时的动作本身.

首先我们来看下decide to do和doing的大致意思:

decide to do:词性为phrasal verb,Decide to do 表示主动做出决定,通常在动词不定式前使用。

doing:词性为verb (gerund/participle),Doing 是 do 的现在分词形式,用于表示正在进行的动作或状态。

通过下面的表格我们了解下decide to do和doing的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下decide to do和doing的用法区别:

1.语法角度:decide to do 是一个短语动词,表示主动做出决定去做某事;doing 是动词 do 的现在分词形式,表示正在进行的动作或状态。


-He decided to travel.


-She is doing her homework.


2.时间角度:decide to do 强调在过去某个时间点做出决定;doing 强调正在进行的动作或状态。


-I decided to buy a new car yesterday.


-They are doing their next plan.


3.主谓关系:decide to do 连接主语和动作;doing 作为动名词或分词与主语构成主谓关系。


-My parents decided to move to the seaside for vacation.


-These students are doing the exam.


4.动作主体:decide to do 的动作主体通常是人;doing 的动作主体可以是人或物。


-I decided to learn a foreign language.


-This machine is doing its job.



1、decide to do:待办事项。



1、decide to do:动词不定式,为非谓语动词。在英语语法中,动词不定式是指动词中的一种不带词形变化从而不指示人称、数量、时态的一种形式。它之所以被称做不定式,是因为动词不被限定,或者说不被词形变化所局限。不定式属于非谓语动词形式。



1、decide to do:侧重于表示想做但是还没做的事。


  • "decide to do"用来表示做出决定并采取行动。

  • "doing"用来表示正在进行的动作。

以下是关于"decide to do"和"doing"区别的解答,大家可以先看下面的表格简单了解一下这两个词汇:

decide to do 和 doing的区别:


"decide to do" 表示在某个时间点做出决定,决定后可能会立即采取行动或在将来的某个时间点采取行动。

  • 例子1: She decided to quit her job and start her own business. (她决定辞职并开始自己的生意。)

  • 例子2: We decided to go on a vacation next month. (我们决定下个月去度假。)

"doing" 表示当前正在进行的动作或状态。

  • 例子1: I'm doing my homework right now. (我正在做作业。)

  • 例子2: They are doing their best to win the competition. (他们正在尽力赢得比赛。)


"decide to do" 是一个动词短语,其中 "decide" 是动词,后面接不定式 "to do" 作为宾语。

  • 例子1: He decided to learn a new language. (他决定学习一门新语言。)

  • 例子2: They decided to buy a new car. (他们决定买一辆新车。)

"doing" 是动名词,表示正在进行的动作或状态。

  • 例子1: I enjoy doing yoga in the morning. (我喜欢早上做瑜伽。)

  • 例子2: She doesn't mind doing the dishes after dinner. (她不介意晚饭后洗碗。)


"decide to do" 强调决策在过去某个时间点已经完成,行动可能在过去、现在或将来发生。

  • 例子1: We decided to go to the concert last night. (昨晚我们决定去听音乐会。)

  • 例子2: He decided to take a break from work next week. (他决定下周休息一下工作。)

"doing" 强调当前的行动或状态,通常表示现在正在进行的动作。

  • 例子1: They are doing their homework at the moment. (他们此刻正在做作业。)

  • 例子2: She is doing a project for her art class. (她正在为艺术课做一个项目。)


"decide to do" 后面跟动词不定式作为宾语,形成完整的句子结构。

  • 例子1: I decided to visit my grandparents over the weekend. (我决定在周末去看望我的祖父母。)

  • 例子2: They decided to start a new business together. (他们决定一起开一家新生意。)

"doing" 作为动名词,通常在句子中充当主语、宾语或介词的宾语。

  • 例子1: Doing exercise regularly is good for your health. (定期锻炼对健康有益。)

  • 例子2: He enjoys doing outdoor activities. (他喜欢参加户外活动。)

decide to do 和 doing的区别:没有decide doing sth这种用法,通常使用decide to do sth,决定去做某事。




They decided to delay the meeting.他们决定把会议推迟。


We decided on leaving.我们决定离开。

另外,decide on之后还可接名词或代词,表示“对……作出决定”或“选定……”。如:

We haven’t decided on a price but we’re open to offers.价钱未定,欢迎顾主开价。

2.表示“决定不做某事”,可用decide not to do或decide against doing。如:

He decide not to change [against changing] his job.他决定不换工作。

另外,decide against之后也可接名词或代词。

"Decide to do" 和 "doing" 都是与决策和行动相关的表达方式,但它们在语法和语义上有一些区别。
"Decide to do" 是一个动词短语,表示在过去或现在做出决定,决定采取某种行动或执行某项任务。它强调的是决策的过程和结果。
- I decided to go on vacation next week.(我决定下周去度假。)
- They have decided to start a new business.(他们决定开始一项新的业务。)
- She finally decided to pursue a career in medicine.(她最终决定从事医学事业。)
另一方面,"doing" 是现在分词形式,可以用作动词的进行时或作为名词的现在分词。它指的是正在进行的行动或状态,强调的是正在进行的过程或动作。
- He is doing his homework.(他正在做作业。)
- We heard loud music coming from the house, so we went to see what they were doing.(我们听到房子里传来很大声的音乐,于是我们去看看他们在干什么。)
- The kids are playing in the park.(孩子们在公园里玩耍。)
总结来说,"decide to do" 表示做出决定并采取相应的行动,强调决策过程和结果。而 "doing" 表示正在进行的行动或状态,强调正在进行的过程。

礼县17822976605: decide to do sth .一个英语句子中不是不能出现两个动词吗?那 decide和do各是什么词? -
竹阳奥辛: 是不能有两个动词 decide是谓语动词,后面to do做了动词不定式,表目的.

礼县17822976605: decide to do sth .一个英语句子中不是不能出现两个动词吗?那 decide和do各是什么词? -
竹阳奥辛:[答案] 是不能有两个动词 decide是谓语动词,后面to do做了动词不定式,表目的.

礼县17822976605: decide to do 与 decide on 用法区别? -
竹阳奥辛: 两者意思相同 只是后面加的对象不一样 decide to do 后是 to do 不定式 decide on 后则加 doing 或是名词 一般加动词用decide to do ,加 名词用decide on

礼县17822976605: decide to.do与determine to do 的区别是? -
竹阳奥辛: 你好:decide to do sth 意思是"决定要做某事" 如: She decides to study hard. 没有 determin to do 这个短语, 只有 be determined to do sth 意思是"下定决心做某事"如: She is determined to study hard. be determined to do sth 的语气比 decide to do sth 的语气强.希望对您有帮助!

礼县17822976605: deside doing和decide to do的区别 -
竹阳奥辛: decide [] vi., vt. 决定;断定;判定 [教用法]1. decide to do:Last week, a group of Class 3 students decided to go to the museum in the centre of the town. 上星期,三班的一些学生决定到位于镇中心的博物馆去. 2. decide that...:...

礼县17822976605: decied是跟to do还是跟 doingl -
竹阳奥辛: 楼主拼错了吧,是decide不是decied...decide后面跟to doI decided to give it a try. 我决定尝试一下.decide to do sth 是固定搭配.

礼县17822976605: decide+doing or decide+to dothank! -
竹阳奥辛:[答案] decide [] vi.,vt.决定;断定;判定 [教用法]1.decide to do:Last week,a group of Class 3 students decided to go to the museum in the centre of the town.上星期,三班的一些学生决定到位于镇中心的博物馆去. 2.decide that...:When the ...

礼县17822976605: decide to do,如果是decided,那do可以用过去式吗 -
竹阳奥辛:[答案] decide to do是固定搭配 decided后面还是要跟to do.. to 后面全部都是原型.

礼县17822976605: decide to do sth.和decide doing sth.有何区别 -
竹阳奥辛: 你好.英语中只有decide to do sth.,不存在decide doing sth这个结构,不过有这个结构:decide against doing sth.== decide not to do sth.

礼县17822976605: decid to do sth还是doing sth
竹阳奥辛: decide to sth --- 决定去做某事 正解!

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