
作者&投稿:邬虎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

we will keep you informed as soon as possible或者we will notify you as soon as possible或者we will let you know as soon as possible 或者we will inform you as soon as possiblewe

“我会跟进后续事宜,有任何更新第一时间通知你”英语翻译是:I will follow up on the follow-up matters. I will inform you of any updates.
事宜matters concerned; arrangements
更新update; renew; renovate; replace
第一时间first time
通知notice; inform; notify; circular

You will be the first to hear it from me。


英 [fɜːst]  美 [fɜːrst] 

det. 第一

num. 第一;第一个的;(列队中)最前面的;最好的

adj. 最重要的,最优秀的;以前从未发生过的;紧接着来到的;最有可能的;领先于所有其他人的;演唱(或演奏)高声部的

adv. 首先;首次;(列举时用)第一;宁可;以身体的某一部位在先

n. 空前的成就;(汽车、自行车的)第一档;(英国大学学位)最高成绩;(棒球)第一垒;(学院、学校的)一年级;(书的)第一版;(比赛中的)第一名;(英国)海军大臣;优等生

pron. 第一(个);第一次


First Love 初恋 ; 初恋这件小事 ; 魔女的条件主题曲

first class 头等舱 ; 头等 ; 一等舱 ; 一等地

First Blood 第一滴血 ; 一血 ; 第一滴血花絮 ; 贰拾叁章

First Time 第一次 ; 第一时间 ; 螺丝钉 ; 首次

First Solar 第一太阳能 ; 第一太阳能公司 ; 美国第一太阳能公司 ; 太阳能公司


1、My first job didn't work out. 


2、Her first job was in personnel. 


3、He first assumed power in 1970. 


4、We're expecting our first baby. 


5、Menswear is on the first floor. 


You will be the first to hear it from me.

I will inform you at first .

Iwill inform you at the first time.


1 i'll tell you as quickly as possible
2 i'll tell you in the frist time

The product will be produced as soon as possible. But due to time constraints the first sample can not be sent to you and as this is our first time working together, instead I will send you photographs (by email) of the sample for your approval and confirmation. I hope ...

That was my first interview. I was very nervous probably because of the culture clash, but I thought you would accept me.It's a pity that I couldn't become one of you, but I hope I could do better next time. Could you help let me know the reason why?

1. "其" 字 文言文全部翻译 代词“ 1.用作第三人称,表示领属关系,相当于“他(们)、她(们)、它(们)(的)。” 2.其中,其中的。 3.活用作第一人称。相当于“我(的)”、“自己(的)。” 4.那(些),指示人、事、物,多表示远指,相当于“那”之类的词。 副词: 1.其,岂(岂)也。在句中表示反...

知道小有建树答主 回答量:51 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:1.2万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 三国演义第一回合原文翻译是: 东汉末年,朝政腐败,再加上连年灾荒,老百姓的日子非常困苦 。巨鹿人张角见人民怨恨官府,便与他的弟弟张梁、张宝在河北、河南、山东、湖北、江苏等地,招收了五十万人,举行起义,...

翻译 你是第一个让我心动的人,第一个我暗恋的人,第一个我尽力追求的人...
You are the first person who crush into my heart ,who I Iove secretly,who I want to go after with my heart and soul,and also maybe the first one who can make my heart broken!(who hurt me)

我的 三国演义第一回合翻译(完整翻译) 话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。周末七国分争,并入于秦。及秦灭之后,楚、汉分争,又并入于汉。汉朝自高祖斩白蛇而起义,一统天下,后来光武中兴,传至献帝,遂分为三国。推其致... 话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。周末七国分争,并入于秦。及秦灭之后,楚、汉分争...

第二回:张翼德怒鞭督邮·何国舅谋诛宦竖原文: 且说董卓字仲颖,陇西临洮人也,官拜河东太守,自来骄傲。当日怠慢了玄德,张飞性发,便欲杀之。玄德与关公急止之曰;“他是朝廷命官,岂可擅杀?”飞曰:“若不杀这厮,反要在他部下听令,其实不甘!二兄要便住在此,我自投别处去也!”玄德曰:“我三人义同生死,岂可...

翻译:我会游泳 将上面的句子改为疑问句并做否定回答。 将第一个句子...
肯定句 I can swim.否定句 I can't swim.一般疑问句 Can you swim?否定回答 No, I can't.



图木舒克市17023096284: 英语翻译不知道有没有人帮我用英文解释“我会于第一时间通知你的”. -
真炭伊特:[答案] Hi,I can help you.I am now studying in England. "I will inform/notify you as soon as possible (ASAP)"

图木舒克市17023096284: 如何翻译“我会于第一时间通知你的” -
真炭伊特: 我会于第一时间通知你的” You will be the first to hear it from me.

图木舒克市17023096284: 翻译 我会第一时间通知你.(请不要翻成immediatly什么的 -
真炭伊特:[答案] I will let you know as soon as possible.

图木舒克市17023096284: 翻译 我会第一时间通知你.(请不要翻成immediatly什么的 -
真炭伊特: I will let you know as soon as possible.

图木舒克市17023096284: 我将第一时间通知你,英文怎么说? -
真炭伊特: 我将第一时间通知你的英文:I'll let you know as soon as possible possible 读法 英 ['pɒsəbl] 美 ['pɑːsəbl] 1、adj. 可能的;尽可能的;合理的 2、n. 适合候选的人 短语 1、easily possible 完全可能的 2、economically possible 在经济上是合...

图木舒克市17023096284: “我们会第一时间通知你”怎么翻译 -
真炭伊特: we will keep you informed as soon as possible 或者 we will notify you as soon as possible 或者 we will let you know as soon as possible 或者 we will inform you as soon as possiblewe

图木舒克市17023096284: 求一句英语翻译:急回复邮件!!谢谢! “好的,收到货款后,我会第一时间告诉你.” -
真炭伊特: 好的,收到货款后,我会第一时间告诉你. OK, I will inform you once we receive the payment for goods. 希望可以帮到你 纯手写,望采纳

图木舒克市17023096284: "for the first time"是什么意思?怎么用?(最好例句说明) -
真炭伊特: 第一次eg: I didn't go to school yesterday for the first time 昨天我第一次没去上学第一时间eg: I'll let you know for the first time 我会第一时间通知你

图木舒克市17023096284: 我有任何好消息,我会在第一时间告诉你 翻一下 -
真炭伊特: Any good news, you will be the first one to know.这个是越狱里面经典的对白!非常有语言功底的,比起直接翻译好太多了,你可以学习一下这种翻译方法.

图木舒克市17023096284: 求翻译(英语): 样品明后天就有结果,我会第一时间将样品信息发送给你. -
真炭伊特: Dear Sir, The sample will be OK at the day after tomorrow, I will send the messages about the sample to you at soonest. Sorry for not reply your email in time as I'm so busy these days. Thanks.Best Regards, XXX

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