
作者&投稿:移委 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

keep off,英语短语,表示让开;不接近。

keep off是什么意思

1. They might deny that play eight times in a row, but we still keep looking for it and it paid off big.


2. keep off

2. There is a burnisher rest to accommodate any width burnishing tool, and it is designed to keep the tool from slipping off the end of the rest and thereby damaging the pivot.


3. When you keep up an Internet cafe, or simply want your users to get access that is limited in time, a perfect way is to issue a time locking code that is valid for a certain period and will automatically log off user and close all his or her programs.


4. They don`t want to admit they have no ability to actually pay off the debt they`ve incurred by pursuing a flamboyoant lifestyle, blowing wads of cash on high-priced wines, luxury vehicles, and an occassional line of coke — 

they desperately want to imagine they can keep living on money that appears from nowhere, regardless of how much they owe to everybody else and the fact that their incomes don`t even come close to matching their expenditures.



静止状态;冬眠[不可数名词]【婉】死亡[不可数名词]He went to his final sleep. 他长眠了。睡眠[不可数名词][S]sleep-睡眠 It seems that you haven't got enough sleep. 看来你睡眠不足。及物动词可供...(人)住宿 How many guests can the motel sleep? 这家汽车旅馆可供多少客人住宿?用...

EEP-ROM异常  AL.16 编码器异常1 编码器和伺服放大器之间通讯异常。  AL.17 电路板异常2 CPU·零部件异常  AL.19 存储器异  AL.1A 电机配合异常 伺服放大器和伺服电机之间的配合有误。  AL.20 编码器异常2 编码器和伺服放大器之间通讯异...

铁力市15950528169: keep off 的意思 -
茌强肝苏:[答案] keep是保持的意思,off是停止,keep off the grass是禁止践踏草坪,至于他俩单独在一起么,真心有点不知道啥意思,

铁力市15950528169: keep off 是啥意思? -
茌强肝苏: keep off避开;不接近Keep off the grass!请勿践踏草地!My doctor has warned me to keep off sugar.我的医生劝我别吃糖.Keep your dog off me.把你的狗从我这儿拿开!"Keep off oil, or else it will perish your rubber boots.""不要碰油,否则会把你的橡胶鞋弄坏的."

铁力市15950528169: keep off , keep out 请问这两个词的汉语意思 -
茌强肝苏:[答案] keep off 一般是这样用 keep your hands off my computer 不要碰我的电脑 keep out 一般就是叫别人不要进来

铁力市15950528169: keep of什么意思中文翻译 -
茌强肝苏: keep off ,就是别碰. 可以是指事物,或话题.please keep your hands off, 别乱摸 please keep off this topic, 不谈这个.

铁力市15950528169: keep off与close的区别? -
茌强肝苏: keep off意思是:避开;不接近1). Keep off the grass! 勿踏草地!2).keep off sugar. 禁糖饮食 close 用作动词意思是 . 关;关闭;闭上;合上;合拢;(使)关门,关闭(一段时间);不开放 比如close the door 关门 close your eyes 闭上你的眼睛 close the factory关闭工厂(指不经营了)

铁力市15950528169: keep off 和keep out 和keep up 和keep from的区别 -
茌强肝苏: keep off 1. (使)不接近; 挡住2. (雨、雪等)没有下 keep out1. (使)留在外面2. 扣留; 保留, 留下 keep up1. (使)不倒下, (使)不下沉2. 跟上, 赶上 keep from1. 隐瞒2. 阻止; 免于

铁力市15950528169: keep - off是什么意思呀 -
茌强肝苏: (使)不接近; 挡住

铁力市15950528169: keep of什么意思?
茌强肝苏: 不让……接近;使避开.的意思

铁力市15950528169: keep off -
茌强肝苏: 1.(使)不接近; 挡住 例:Danger! Keep off!危险!勿走近!Keep the children off.It's dangerous here!别让孩子们靠近, 这儿危险!2.(雨、雪等)没有下 Will the rain keep off until after the game?比赛结束后才会下雨吧?3.避开某一话题 He kept off the subject throughout our conversation.在我们整个谈话过程中, 他避而不谈这个题目.4.禁食 The doctor has advised him to keep off fattening food.医生已建议他不要吃致肥食物.

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