
作者&投稿:撒是 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 《Angel》的歌词如下:

Spend all your time waiting

For that second chance

For a break that will make it okay

There's always one reason

To feel not good enough

And it's hard at the end of the day

I need some distraction

Oh beautiful release

Memory seeps from my veins

Let me be empty

And weightless and maybe

I'll find some peace tonight

In the arms of an angel

Fly away from here

From this dark cold hotel room

And the endlessness that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage

Of your silent reverie

You're in the arms of the angel

May you find some comfort there

So tired of the straight line

And everywhere you turn

Cause vultures and thieves at your back

The storm keeps on twisting

You keep on building the lies

That you make up for all that you lack

It don't make no difference

Escaping one last time

It's easier to believe in this sweet madness oh

This glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

In the arms of an angel

Fly away from here

From this dark cold hotel room

And the endlessness that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage

Of your silent reverie

In the arms of the angel

May you find some comfort here

You're in the arms of an angel

May you find some comfort here

Some comfort here


通化县18929058246: 问音乐爱好者
驹柏肝欣: 《原谅我一次》欢子;《恍然大悟》品冠;《最熟悉的陌生人》萧亚轩;《当爱已成往事》李宗盛,林忆莲;《一生爱你千百回》梅艳芳 《Angel》、《太美丽》陶喆;《小白》后弦;《比我幸福》陈晓东;《when you believe》、《Hero》玛利亚·凯莉;《mad sexy cool girl》babyface;《my heart》修拉·阿玛;《don't turn back》colby o'donis

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驹柏肝欣: 1、交通部门现场勘查.交警部门对现场勘查记录经复核无误后应要求当事人或见证人在现场图上签名.为检验需要,可以扣留肇事车辆和当事人相关证件.2、交通部门交...

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驹柏肝欣: 走下去,别回头看我、网络歌手 分手18天、CK g.love 大声说爱我、aimini 大胆爱你、aimini 幸福的依靠、思小妞 停在昨天、思小妞 练习约会、小贱 半床幸福、candy 最sweet、vce

通化县18929058246: 有没有好听的男女对唱的歌? -
驹柏肝欣:倾情推荐160首合唱歌曲 1.煎熬-王心凌西街少年>插曲) 2.原点-蔡健雅&孙燕姿(两大实力女唱将的合作) 3.你和我和他之间-戴爱玲&窦智孔 (<爱情风暴美丽9...

通化县18929058246: 林依晨唱过哪些歌
驹柏肝欣: Cha Cha 孤单北半球 归途 非你莫属 你 天使的翅膀 面包的滋味 街角的祝福 多爱我一天 萤火虫 甜蜜花园 泪光雨 恶作剧 你的味道 Come To Me 依靠 接近无限的蓝 爱 大概就这些把= =!

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