
作者&投稿:泷盛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1.介绍和开场白A:Mary,tsisJoe'sbrotherDavid.B;I'mverygladtomeetyou.C:It'sapleasuretomeetyou.B:HowdoyoulikeTexassofar?C:It'sreallydifferentfromwhatIexpected.B:Don'tworry.You'llgetusedtoitinnotime..A:Mrs.Smith,I'dliketointroduceafriendofmine,PierreDubois.B:Howdoyoudo?C:Hello.B:What'syourimpressionoftheUnitedStates?C:Well,Ican'tgetoverhowdifferenttheweatherishere.B:Oh,you'llgetusedtoitsoon!.A:Wendy,I'dlikeyoutomeetmybrotherSam.B:.C:Nicetomeetyou.B:WhatdoyoutnkofDallas?C:Well,I'mstillfeelingalittlehomesickandsomanytngsseemstrangetome.B:You'reboundtofeelthatwayatfirst,Iguess..A:Mrs.Hughs,tsisPeterBrown.B:Pleasedtomeetyou.C:Howdoyoudo?B:Ihopeyou'reenjoyingyourstayhere.C:Ifitweren'tfortheclimate,I'dlikeithereverymuch.B:Italwaystakestimetogetusedtoanewplace..节假日的问候A:MerryChristmas!B:Thesametoyou!A:Areyoudoinganytingspecial?B:We'rehavingsomefriendsover.Whatareyoudoing?A:Oh,I'mjustgoingtotakeiteasy..A:HappyNewYear!B:Thankyou!Sametoyou.A:Haveyougotanyplans?B:I'vebeeninvitedovertolafriend's.Andyou?A:Myreemmate'shavingaparty..A:HaveaniceThanksgiving!B:Sametoyou!A:Areyougoinganywhere?B:Ithoughtaboutgoingtomysister's.Howaboutyou?A:Oh,I'llprobablyjuststayathome..A:Haveaniceweekend!对了,目前我在学的ABC夫下口语的教师说过,如果想学会英语应该是不费力地;必须有个适宜的研习情境及熟练口语对象,这取决于外教资质,口语纯正才是最好,坚持每日练习口语,一对一针对性教学才会有最.好.的学习成果~课后仍要复习听取课后录音反馈,更可以加深印象~若真的是无对象可练习 可以去可可或大耳朵获得课余学习材料研习,多说多问迅速的口语就培养起来 学习效果会非常快速显着的!B:Thanks.Youtoo!A:Doyouhaveanyplans?B:Well,myfamily'sawayandIcan'taffordtodomuch.Whataboutyou?A:Oh,Ihaven'tdecidedwhatI'mgoingtodoyet..老友重逢A:Ihaven'tseenyouforages.Youhaven'tbeensich,haveyou?B:No,I'vebeeninCaliforniaforthepastmonth.A:Hownice.Wherewereyouexactly?B:SanDiego.Igotbackyesterday..A:It'snicetoseeyouagain.Haveyouchagedjobs?B:No,I'vebeenvisitingrelatives.A:That'snice.Where?B:IwenttovisitanuncleofmineinSanFrancisco..A:Youhaven'tbeenaroundmuchlately,haveyou?B:No,I'vebeenawayonvacation.A:Oh?Wherewereyou?B:PalmSprings.I'vegotacousinthere..A:Well,hello,stranger!Haveyoumovedorsometng?B:No,IwenttoCaliforniaforafewweeks.A:Oh,really?Wheredidyougo?B:LosAngeles.Istayedwithmybrother.行不行?????打字好麻烦的...........

用英语介绍朋友,不少于三句话,那很简单。第一句: This is my good friend, Mark. (这是我的好朋友,Mark。)第二句: He and I are in the same class,Class 1, Grade 3. (他和我都在三年级1班。)第三句: He can speak English well.( 把英语说得很好。)第四句:He ...

用英文介绍一下你的两位朋友:1、Hey, Linda! What a coincidence to meet you here! This is my friend, Joanne. Joanne, this is my colleague, Linda.嘿,琳达!在这里遇见你真巧!这是我朋友,Joanne。乔安妮,这是我的同事,乔安妮。2、Jerry, I want you to meet bridge. He also likes...

介绍朋友的5句话简单英语如下。My friend is very humorous.我的朋友很幽默风趣。My friend is the same age as me.我的朋友跟我一样的年龄。My friend is thin, tall and handsome.我的朋友瘦瘦高高的,长相很帅气。My friend is very outgoing and has the same personality as me.我的朋友...

介绍我的朋友英文作文有:1、Ihave a good friend,his name is Tom,he is 12 years old.he is also my classmate.hehas a big nose and too big eyes.his mouth is big,too.he is an active boy,he likes playing basketball we often play basketball together on weekend.he plays ...

~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评版价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力 ~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和权采纳,互相帮助 6. 用英文介绍自己的朋友 My good friend xxx is my good friend. She's in Class1, Grade4 . . She's clever and she's helpful, too. She often h...




用英文写一段话,简单地介绍你的朋友(姓名、年龄、五官以及爱好,不少 ...
英文介绍好朋友:I have a good friend ,his name is Tom, he is 12 years old.he is also my classmate. hehas a big nose and too big eyes.his mouth is big ,too.he is an active boy,he likes playing basketball.we often play basketball together on weekend .he plays well.he ...

怎么用英语来介绍自己的朋友,给大家一篇范文作为参考:I have many friends, and my best friend is my neighbor. He’ name is Li Hua, he is eleven years old. He is tall. He likes playing football. After school, we often play football together. He has a dog, he walks dog ...

岳普湖县17678487602: 如何用英语介绍朋友,不少于三句话, -
伯闹尤尼:[答案] My friend is ( ) .He/She is a clever boy/girl .he/she likes reading ,playing sports and watching movies.He/She is good at playing basketball/dancing / painting/……

岳普湖县17678487602: 用英语向别人介绍自己的朋友,应该怎么介绍 -
伯闹尤尼: 写作思路及要点:以我的朋友为题,围绕这一主题展开描写,接着表达自己的想法以及观点. 正文: She has long,straight,black hair,big,black eyes and a small nose. She is very thin and kind,she is cute,too. Her English and Chinese is very ...

岳普湖县17678487602: 请用英语介绍你的一位好朋友.急!内容包括:他的外貌特征、他的爱好.很急啊.要80词左右 -
伯闹尤尼:[答案] Look at that thin and tall boy running in the playground,do you know him?Yes,he is one of my best friend.He is wearing in yellow today,and looks so shinning in this sunny day.His hair is short,but you could see his face is sweaty.He is running so fast,and ...

岳普湖县17678487602: 用英语介绍自己的朋友,注意:要格式. -
伯闹尤尼:[答案] 你是要类似于作文的介绍朋友的格式嘛?This is my friend.Her/His name is ....She/He is ...years old.She/He is in Grade ...Class ....She/He is (tall with short black hair).She/ He likes playing ...这是我的...

岳普湖县17678487602: 写详细点用英语介绍朋友 -
伯闹尤尼:[答案] My friend is kitty .she is tall.She is play football very good.She want to by bus.she likes me.I like hes too .I have a good friend.

岳普湖县17678487602: 怎样用五句话的英语介绍朋友?要四年级水平的. -
伯闹尤尼:[答案] I have good friends Lee,She is now 13 years old,and I am as big as she is a particularly quiet girl,usually not very talkative,and her hair long,very nice oh! 我的好有朋友李,她今年13岁了,和我一样大,她是一个特别文静的女孩子,平时不太爱说话,...

岳普湖县17678487602: 用英语介绍朋友 -
伯闹尤尼: let'm introduce my friend to you ,this is名字,he is 年龄years old,he comes from 地区,he is in class班级,grade 年级,his mobilephone number is电话号码.he likes爱好. 在汉语标注的地方写上你要介绍的内容就是了

岳普湖县17678487602: 急!!怎样用英文介绍我的朋友?(10句以上) -
伯闹尤尼: I have a good friend.She is a beautiful girl.Her eyes are very big and bright ,and her hair is very long .She is taller than me and shi is very thin.I think she just like a princess,because shi is almost good at everyshing!Apples and watermelens are the ...

岳普湖县17678487602: 用英语怎么介绍自己的朋友 -
伯闹尤尼: My friend I have a good friend.She is my classmate,her name is Tracy.She is a pretty girl. She studies in Tiandong No.2 Middle school,she is in Class 1,Grade 1.She studies hard all day.And she can speaks Japanese English and Chinese very well....

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