
作者&投稿:墨滢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman was next to him, shouting for help.The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the ...

Lisa: OK. Thanks, Mandy.八年级下册英语课文2d:Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks ,Helen: Hi, Tom. I’m making some plans to work in an old people’s home this summer.Tom: Really? I did that last summer!Helen: Oh, what did they ask you to...

Unit1 The king’s new clothes Story time 1.Long long ago,there was a king.He liked new clothes.One day,two men visited the king.“My king,we can make new clothes for you.” The king was happy.2.The two men showed the king his new clothes.“My king,please try on t...

人教版三年级下册英语课文 1: Hello! Kate! Nice to see you again.Hi! Gao Wei! Glad to see you again.Let's go to school OK. Let's go.2: Hello!Yang Ming!I have a new water botter cool!Look, I have a new storybook Oh, good! Can I see it.Sure. Here you are.3:Hi...

五年级下册第四单元课文如下:Unit 4 (第四单元)Let’s Start (让我们开始)What are they doing? Match and say. (他们在做什么?找出相应的图画并朗读句子。)Let’s Chant (让我们齐声念)What are you doing? (你在做什么?)I am doing the dishes. What are you doing? (我在洗盘子...

人教版六年级下册英语unit1 partA课文翻译
人教版六年级下册英语unit1 partA课文翻译:let's try The children areIn the museum. Listen and cirde.孩子们在博物馆里。听一听,圈一圈。l.The first dinosaur eats__.1.第一只恐龙吃___。A.vegetables A.蔬菜 B.meat B.肉 2.The ___ dinosaur is taller.2.___恐龙更高。A fir...

Little Red-Cap 小红帽 Once upon a time,很久以前,there was a pretty little girl.有一个漂亮的小女孩。She wore a little red cap.她戴着一顶小红帽。It was from her grandmother.那是她外婆送的。The girl loved the cap very much.小女孩非常喜爱那顶帽子。She was always wearing it....

六年级下册第一单元,《let's talk》课文翻译,具体如下:快看!那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。是啊,它有多高?也许有4米高。哇!它比我俩加起来还高。看!那边有更多的恐龙!它们都这么的高,这么的大。嘿,这只恐龙不高!我比这只恐龙高。哦,是的。你有多高?我身高1.65米。《let's talk...

人教版 八年级 下册英语重视英语翻译的教学有助于使学生们养成 学习英语 的良好的学习习惯,提高他们英语的综合水平。下面我给大家分享一些人教版英语书八年级下册课文的翻译,大家快来跟我一起欣赏吧。 人教版 八年级英语 下册课文翻译:UNIT 1 2d 莉萨,你好吗?我头痛,并且脖子不能动。我该怎么办?我应该量体温吗...

八年级英语下册课文翻译:五单元 2d 琳达,昨晚你在做什么?我7点钟打电话而且你没有接。哦,我在厨房帮我妈妈。 我明白了。我8点钟又打电话而且你那时也没接。 8点钟我在做什么呢?哦,我知道了。当你打电话时,我在洗淋浴。 但接着我在9点钟又打电话。哦,那个时间我在睡觉。 那么早?那很奇怪。 是的,...

太子河区19151739078: 初一下册英语课文 -
严费嘉诺: 标题:PEN PAL WANTED 正文:My < name> is Tom King.I am 14 <years> old and I am from <Australia>. I speak <English>.I have a brother ,Sam,and a <sister>,Lisa.I play <soccer> on weekends.It is my favorite sport.I like <music> at school.It is ...

太子河区19151739078: 适合七年级学生背诵的英语短文 -
严费嘉诺: 一位好朋友 A Good Friend of Mine 迈克是我的好朋友.每当我需要帮助时,他就来到我身边.一天放学了,我不得不留下来跟3组的同学一起打扫卫生.但3组的其他人都在外边玩,他们谁都不想回来.于是迈克就过来帮我扫地.真是,患难朋...

太子河区19151739078: 初一下册英语课文1 - 12(外研版) -
严费嘉诺:[答案] MODULE1(unit1)We're having a great time! Betty:Hi Mun,can you hear me? Betty's Mum:Yes,I can.Where are you? Betty:I'm standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you. Betty's Mum:Really? Betty:We're on a school trip and we're having a ...

太子河区19151739078: 求新人教版英语七年级下册三单元课文corssing the river to school的全文! -
严费嘉诺: How do you go to school?Do you walk or ride a bike?Do you go by bus or by train?For many students,it is easy to get to school.But for the students in one small cillage in China,it is difficult.There is a very big river between their school and the village....

太子河区19151739078: 新人教版英语七年级下册第七单元课文,两份信,要原文 -
严费嘉诺: 第一篇 Dear Jane,How's it going?I'm having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. She's working here and I'm going to summer school. I'm studying English and I'm learning a lot.I'm also visiting some of my old friends. I'm so happy to see them ...

太子河区19151739078: 十篇七年级下册英语美文 -
严费嘉诺: 1.根据句意及首字母的提示,写出单词完成句子. (1)He will come here s___oon_ (2)We have two c__hinese__ classes every week (3)They are having an English class in the c_lassroom___ (4)The old man is very poor ahd he has no m_oney___ ...

太子河区19151739078: 新版人教版七年级下册必背课文有哪些? -
严费嘉诺: 第四课的《假如生活欺骗了你》 第五课的《伤仲永》 第十课《木兰诗》 第十五课《孙权劝学》 第二十课《口技》 第二十五课《夸父逐日》和《共工怒触不周山》 第三十课《狼》 及课后十首古诗.

太子河区19151739078: 谁知道初一下册 英语必背词汇有哪些? -
严费嘉诺: unit 1 pen pal 笔友 Australia 澳洲 Japan 日本 Canada 加拿大 France 法国 the United States 美国 Singapore 新加坡 the United Kingdom 英国 country 国家 Sydney 悉尼 New...

太子河区19151739078: 七年级下册有几篇要背的课文? -
严费嘉诺: 诗2首 黄河颂 木兰诗 孙权劝学 短文两篇 课外古诗词背诵

太子河区19151739078: 七年级下学期新版英语书(橘色皮儿的)第59页的课文 《Water talks》我英语作业是抄这篇课文一遍,但我忘记带英语书回家了,课文又没背下来 所以请大... -
严费嘉诺:[答案] 水谈话Water talksDora was in the bathroom.The tap was on.“Turn that tap off,” said an angry voice.“”You're wasting water.”Dora looked around,but there was no one there.xiaogushi8.com“Who are yo...

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