
作者&投稿:羽乳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 青春,这个甜美而又令人向往的字眼,总是带给人们无尽的遐想和勇往直前、拼搏进取的动力。青春,在这个特殊的日子——共青团XX周年,显得更加耀眼。青春,像春风,像火炬,像早上八九点的太阳,彰显着激情与活力。
以下是 考 网节日作文频道 为大家提供的《国际青年节英语作文:走向新起点》,供大家参考!

The youth, the sweet and wonderful words, power always brings people endless reverie and march forward courageously, enterprising. Youth, in this special day -- the XX anniversary, is more dazzling. Youth, like the wind, like a torch, like morning morning sun, reveals the passion and vitality.
Open the memory of youth box, will always find a familiar face touches our hearts a little bay. I remember XXXX and I joined the Communist Youth League, becoming a member, when get the printed mark the certificate, I feel I should do better than others, I should be good, because I have none of them, perhaps this is my idea. With the passage of time I on the understanding of the Communist Youth League seems more profound also seems to not understand the true meaning of the Communist Youth league.
When the first day we entered the University, destined to our extraordinary, destined to our responsibilities, the future of the motherland, the expectations of parents, people of the future, perhaps this is the Youth League contains, is what we expect. My university, I bring not only reflect, calm, excited and eager, and passion of young vitality more. Let me to reflect on the past life, calm, excited that I have and desire I will have, everything allways makes me full of passion and vitality, bring me endless pleasure; this year spring late, looking at the trees that hazy green, drilled on the tender, the birds dancing wings, the clouds of heaven...... The heart always has so a erupt throb, this is the power of youth. -- see the same and self inside things always evoke pent instinct, awakening dormant power, that is deep in the earth is the endless fragrance. And our great Communist Youth League also for the arrival of spring to celebrate, but also can be said to the spring late coming is to celebrate the birthday of our great Communist Youth League, in order to celebrate, it mybest ready, in fact to our youth, we show the vitality of youth, and spring is the same passion, with smart soul interpretation of life; youth, so colorful.
The passion of spring herald a year of good, and we the good will herald the future of the motherland. Since establishing a group of Communist Youth League and cultivate a new generation of young people, has made the tremendous contribution for our great motherland and the people is the SARS period: the volunteers of warm greetings, is the Wenchuan earthquake in the new period is 80, be conscientious and do one's best, not afraid of hardship tired youth worker...... There is such a youth, our great motherland's tomorrow will be better, because she has plenty of good reserve army -- the Communist Youth league. My understanding of the Communist Youth League, and there is a confusion. I'm baffled the Communist Youth League is great, I'm baffled and the future of our situation. However, on reflection gives the answer had it all. The Communist Youth League to lead us, encourage us, support us, makes us realize that she is great, from a duty inherent and to this responsibility and diligently, hard work and struggle, this is how the sacred; is it right? Give me also do an example? This of course. Young, frivolous, these words we may have strange, is not known, but has a powerful inner attitude to treat with indifference, it is a kind of mature, a real reflection of the future, full of confidence. Many people say that now after 90 is the beat generation, I don't think so, in fact, each generation has the characteristics of each generation, this also shows that our country development and social progress, if confined to one generation characteristics, then maybe it is really sad.
Shaohua perishable, difficult to youth day as the petals falling gently,. Every one of us should cherish this wonderful time. Many people ask the most beautiful people? My answer is young and beautiful! The youth post gathered be fully equipped for us, with a mettlesome and handsome bearing, a neat, loudly singing the song of youth; the dream start from here, from here to the Communist Youth League, our departure, will lead us to a new starting point, to a new era.

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