
作者&投稿:景振 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)








一篇短文请大家帮我汉译英 急!急!急!
不久,一个人带着弓和箭,看到书上的小鸟准备射她。就在此时,蚂蚁爬到这个人的胳膊上咬了他一口,这举动使他跳了起来他的箭也射向了天空。箭没有射中小鸟,她也因此飞走脱离了危险。“谢谢你,小蚂蚁 。”小鸟说道,“你毕竟帮助了我."【注:本人自己i翻译的,如果有什么不当之处还请见谅,你...

1. Do the commodities need packing with woven bag?2. When will you take delivery?3. The total amount is less than 10,000,and the freight will be for your account.4. Would you please inform me of the place of acceptance and way to contact consignee?

1、我刚刚才看到你的留言,不好意思。2、我们以后可以保持联系。3、希望你越来越好。1, I have just seen your message, I am sorry.2, we can keep in touch later.3, I hope you get better and better.

1.Long-time watching TV is harmful to children's eyes.2.In my opinion, playing basketball is more popular than playing football.3.Reading helps us to acquire knowledge.4.We should not lose faith under the trouble.5.Internet is a good approach to obtain latest information....


vocabulary and sentence pattern analyses the effect in English teaching. Meanwhile,as teachers,they should adopt themselves to make games bound to contents better, and finally improve the teaching quality.PS:我承认自己,水平有限,翻译的一般,用词幼稚,语句不老练。但是楼上的仁兄啊,直接...

1.Had a very old mansion in this small area before.2.Next month I will go to Shenzhen, so I certainly visit you when the time comes.3.I did not make a phone call to him until last night.4.They are already along the littoral constructs 3 companies, market and apartment ...

手工翻译,地道的表达,希望对你有帮助,祝你工作顺利O(∩_∩)O哈!Dear Jane,I am sorry to trouble you and I would like to clarify that the sample charge is RMB90 and the samples will be sent out after you arrange for payment. As for the freight, it is paid by you. Thanks...

一个段落请大家帮我汉译英 高手来。
Jack often goes to the movies with his friend,Peter. Jack's favourite movie star is Jackie Chan and he likes Jackie 's action movie Rush Hour very much.However, Peter's favourite movie star is Rowan Atkinson and loves his movie, Mr Bean.Peter thinks it a very interesting ...

1. I got to the school early even though it's raining cats and dogs.2. The ship is very large, which can carry at least 2000 passengers.3. I think i know his nationality.4. I think if you could help me to finish the task, that will be great.5. Even though he has...

交口县18535275058: 请大家帮忙用英文翻译一下这句话.
沃鸿琥珀: 我可以,陪你去看星星 I can accompany with you to watch stars.

交口县18535275058: 我想请大家帮我把一句中文翻成英文 这句话是这样的“感谢你一年来带给我的快乐,我想用一生去报答!” -
沃鸿琥珀:[答案] Thank you very much indeed for the happiness you have brought me in the past year ,I would like to return the favor with my lifetime.

交口县18535275058: 请大家帮忙,帮我把这句句子翻译成英文,谢谢 -
沃鸿琥珀: 你好正确的翻译是这样:Accumulation of knowledge is more important than knowledge innovation. . .希望能帮助你

交口县18535275058: 请大家用英语帮我翻译这句话
沃鸿琥珀: 可以这样翻译:I can not lost you and I can not do if I forget you.

交口县18535275058: 请大家帮我把这句话翻成英文“不要害怕”“不要犹豫”“不要停止思考”这三句,帮我翻译成英文 -
沃鸿琥珀:[答案] Don't be afraid Don't hesitate Don't stop thinking

交口县18535275058: 请大家帮我把这句话翻译成英文 -
沃鸿琥珀: There is something like you that i can never get, because it's my destiny, however, you are my lifelong friend, forever!

交口县18535275058: 请大家帮忙把这句话翻译成英文 -
沃鸿琥珀: 您好!英文是:Although the time when we are together are past.But I am still thinking of you I try to forget you But I see , I just can't forget you.希望答案您能满意.^__^

交口县18535275058: 请大家帮我用英语说这句话?
沃鸿琥珀: I choose not to retain you, just to do not want to miss your share of happiness!

交口县18535275058: 请大家帮我把这句汉语 翻译一下英文 :我已经回到了中国 你在那边还好吗?工作顺利吗?我很高兴得到了你的回复 当然 我也一样 很希望在见到你 很希望 ... -
沃鸿琥珀:[答案] I have already returned to China.Are you OK there?Have everything goes well especially your work?I'm gald to receive your reply.Of course,I feel the same way as you.I hope to see you very much and to ...

交口县18535275058: 哪位高手帮我把这句话翻译一下啊,万分感谢! -
沃鸿琥珀: 我打开我的钱包,发现它是空的.摸了摸我的口袋,发现没有钱币.搜寻着我的生活,发现了你.然后我意识到我是多么的富有.(意思就是,只要有你,我就是世界上最富有的人)

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