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泡椒肥肠 Pork Intestines stri fried with Pickled Peppers
干煸茶树菇 Quick fried teatree mushroom
宫爆鸡丁 Kung-Pao Chicken(spicy diced chicken with peanuts)
肥肠米线 Pork Intestines and Rice Noodles in soup
青椒回锅肉 Double cooked pork slices with pepper
青椒肉丝 Shredded beef with green pepper
十八香豆腐 Spied Tofu (Beancurd)
豉香豇豆 Chinese long(Yard-long) bean with black bean sauce
干炒河粉 Stir fried Beef with Rice noodles
鱼香肉丝 shredded pork with garlic sauce
蚂蚁上树 Ants climbing a tree: spicy vermicelli stir-fry
西红柿炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs and Tomatoes
麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu
鱼香茄子 Fish Fragrant Eggplant (茄子英文也称:Brinjal)
上汤娃娃菜 Baby cabbage in chicken soup
地三鲜 Fried Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant (Brinjal)
双椒玉米粒 Sautéed Two-colour pepper and Sweet corn
手撕莲白 Shredded white lotus Root
青椒土豆丝 Shredded Green Pepper & Shredded Patato
白灼菜心 Boiled Chinese flowering cabbage
油麦菜 Leaf lettuce
主食:Main Foodstaple
扬州炒饭 "Yeung Chow” egg-fried rice
蛋炒饭 egg-fried rice
咖喱炒饭 Curry Fried Rice
红油水饺 boiled dumpling with chilli/chili oil
红烧牛肉面 Braised Beef & noodles in Brown Sauce
白米饭 Steam Rice
绿豆排骨汤 Mung Bean spare Ribs Soup
酸菜粉丝汤 Pickled Cabbage and Vermicelli Soup
番茄煎蛋汤 Fried Egg Tomato Soup
素菜汤 Vegetable Soup


宁波汤圆 Ningbo glutinous rice dumpling in soup
鸡蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg
清炒时蔬 plain-fried fresh vegetables
三丝米线 rice noodle with three sorts of shredded vegetable
白煮鸡蛋 boiled egg
炸土豆丝饼 fried cake with shredded potato
蒸南瓜 steaming pumpkin
枸杞南瓜粥 porridge with medlar and pumpkin
香菇鸡肉粥 porridge with mushroom and chicken
鲜肉蒸饺 steamed ravioli with meat filling
鲜肉小粽 rive dumpling with meat wrapped in reed leaves
腊肠卷 sausage roll
发糕 steamed cake
菜肉水饺 dumpling with meat and vegetable filling

1. Xiang cooked rice parsley
2. Su Abalone Sauce Mushroom Rice
3. Yangzhou Fried Rice
4. Jiagua salted fish rice
5. Twice-cooked pork with rice
6. Business was brisk beef rice
7. To fight pork chop fried rice
8. Rugby Cornish chopped green beans with rice
9. Braised octopus with rice
10. Curry Beef Brisket Rice
11. Curry Chicken Rice
12. Curry pork chop rice
13. Soy sauce rib cage Aberdeen rice
14. Hua Dan barbecued pork with rice
15. Mushroom pork rice
16. Wire pork rice potato
17. Acid beans Roumo rice
18. Beef Fried Rice
19. Tomato Hua Dan Rice
20. Bacon cauliflower rice
21. Mushroom rice soil cages Aberdeen
22. Sauerkraut large intestine rice
23. Spiced Beef Brisket Rice
24. Manhole roast duck rice
25. Brine Semi rice

26. Cucumber salad
27. Garlic凉瓜
28. Tomato salad
29. Kawakita Mesona
30. Green pepper and preserved eggs
31. Tomato omelet
32. Green peppers scrambled eggs
33. Scalded Lettuce
34. Garlic / cabbage soup
35. Old fire soup (Wo)
36. Spring onion, ginger fried Fen Chang
37. Lianggua fried beef
38. Radish sirloin pot
39. Twice-cooked pork
40. Sand Ginger Fried Chicken


Jerry Huang 根据惯例,姓氏应该保留为本国拼音 Jerry 杰理 拉丁 神圣的名字。

Anja Hu “Anja”是“Anya”的另一种写法,“Anya”的意思是优美的\/优雅的。发音是“ang ja”

中国人的名字写成英文的话不需要翻译,直接写成拼音。比如刘亦菲的名字英文格式就是:Liu Yifei。或者两个字的名字,比如黄渤 英文写成Huang Bo。英文名字,可以翻译成英文名+自己的姓氏。一般中国人取英文名都保留自己的姓氏,而名字是根据喜好自己任选。比如刘德华的名字,刘德华的英文是Andy,就可以翻译成...

仰希 Yeung Hei 德扬 Tak Yeung


Wendy,Grace, Venne, 应该都不错

安积良斋 Ahn 梁川孟纬 Yanagawa Takeshi 森槐南 Mori Minami Enzi 国分高胤 Yin Kokubun Takashi 本田种竹 Honda 林凤冈 Lin 栗木锄云 Kuriki 石川忠久 Tadahisa Ishikawa 一海知义 Yunlin 冈村繁 Traditional 大矢根文次郎 Bunjiro OYANE 津下正章 Akira Akira Tsuge 龙川清 Kiyoshi 宫泽正顺 positi...

1. Cupid Wong 王小丘 Cupid [ˈkju:pid] 丘比特,2. Moore [muə]小莫 自己意会一下呵呵。

Cheryl 雪莉尔 (晒欧)Darla 黛莉若(不确定)(达尔拉)Yvonne 伊薇妮 (伊玩儿)Lucina 露希娜 (陆si纳)Trista 翠斯特 (炊斯特)Carina 卡瑞娜 (卡瑞纳)Catherine 凯瑟琳 (刊瑟伦)Connie 康妮 (卡尼)Chris 克莉丝 (库赖斯)Eleanor 埃莉诺 (爱人瑙)Editha 伊迪萨 (爱dei色)Lucia 露西娅 ...

Homey 供参考。

邓州市13296797694: 把以下菜名翻译成英语1.白斩鸡2.小笼包3.馄饨4.小吃 -
菜天清喉:[答案] 1.The white cuts a chicken 2.Small steamed bun 3.Wonton 4.A light repast

邓州市13296797694: 中文菜名翻译成英文 -
菜天清喉: 大蒜 garlic 洋葱 onion 茴香 fennel 卷心菜 cabbage 花椰菜 cauliflower 西兰花 broccoli 韭菜 leek 大葱 green onions 芹菜 celery 辣椒 chilli 甘薯 sweet potato 茄子 eggplant 南瓜 pumpkin 青刀豆 green beans 豌豆 peas 菜豆 kidney beans 豆芽 bean ...

邓州市13296797694: 将菜名翻译为英语 -
菜天清喉: Sweet drinks Brazil lemon drink Mexican cocoa Strawberry sago Watermelon Lychee Drink Lemon mint drink Qinliang Purple fruit smoothies Barry Sand sweet fruit ice Orange thin Hebin governance Orange Strawberry Punch California walnut ...

邓州市13296797694: 如何将这些菜名翻译成英语? -
菜天清喉: 还是给你对好吧 Lunch : 橙香老南瓜 Hong old orange pumpkin 中式蘸酱黄瓜 Chinese cucumber sauce grilled 巴西烤仔排 Tsai Pai Brazil 百汁烩时蔬 100 juice at the center caters camphor 樟茶鸭 tea duck 什锦老坛子 mixed old earthen jar 香炝...

邓州市13296797694: 帮忙把以下菜名翻译成英文
菜天清喉: 大多数都是在教材上找到的,肯定没问题哦~ 宁波汤圆 Ningbo glutinous rice dumpling in soup 鸡蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg 清炒时蔬 plain-fried fresh vegetables 三丝米线 rice noodle with three sorts of shredded vegetable 白煮鸡蛋 boiled egg 炸土...

邓州市13296797694: 关于菜名的英文,请高手翻译下 -
菜天清喉: 雪菜面 potherb mustard noodle soup 青菜面 green cabbage noodle soup 牛肉面 beef noodle soup 鸡蛋面 egg noodle soup

邓州市13296797694: 中国菜名该怎么翻译成英文?是按照原料加做法再加味道这样翻译吗? -
菜天清喉:[答案] 有这么几种方法: 1、音译,事实证明,广东话音译的菜名在美洲大行其道,老外直接说音译,如MA PO TAU FU麻婆豆腐,SIU MAI烧麦,等等 2、主食材和做法的简单堆砌,如西红柿鸡蛋tomato fried with eggs 3、其他成型的固定翻译,如...

邓州市13296797694: 求常用菜名的英语表达 -
菜天清喉: 咸水鸭 salted duck 荸荠肉片 sautéed fillets and water chestnuts 麻油海蛰 jelly fish in sesame oil 葱爆羊肉 quick fried mutton slices with green scallions 油焖鲜蘑 braised fresh mushrooms 西红柿炒蛋 scrambled eggs with tomatoes 棒棒鸡 loosen ...

邓州市13296797694: 急!!!请哪位高手帮我把菜名翻译成英文,不胜感激!!! -
菜天清喉: Bakednbsp;Mushroomnbsp;mangonbsp;shrimpnbsp;meatnbsp;Seoul,nbsp;Kualanbsp;ricenbsp;orangenbsp;fansnbsp;Farmernbsp;Zhudunbsp;Tsimnbsp;Fragrancenbsp;colorectalnbsp;Muyunbsp;stonenbsp;eggsnbsp;Chungnbsp;Yannbsp;...

邓州市13296797694: 急需以下菜名的英文翻译!!! -
菜天清喉: Fish-flavored eggplant on Rice Spicy Tofu Rice Bowl Green pepper egg on Rice Garlic Potatoes on Rice Tomato Egg on Rice Leek Egg on Rice Vegetables yuba Rice Bowl Family-Style Bean Curd on Rice Peppers 1000 Rice Bowl Tofu Egg on ...

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