求英语翻译:俗话说 自古华山一条路 华山以它的险峻陡峭和高价米饭著称,吸引着大量的游客来攀登。我喜

作者&投稿:粱于 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、as soon as: [conj.] (连词)一 ... 就
(1)I'll write you as soon as I get there.我一到那儿,就给你写信。
(2)Let us start as soon as he comes.等他一来我们就动身。
(3)I gave the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke.我一看见冒烟,就发出了警报。
2、immediately: [conj.] (连词)一 ... (就)
I came immediately I heard the news.我一听到这个消息,马上就来了。

3、once: [conj.] (连词)一…就 ,一旦…就… ,一经...便
You will be awarded once you get in the final competition.你一旦参加决赛,您将获得奖励。
I will call you back once i get home.我一回家就给你打电话。
4、the minute: [conj.] (连词)一…就
I'll tell her the minute that she comes.她一来我就告诉她。
5、the moment:一 ... 就 ...
The moment you grasp it, there is a shift in consciousness from mind to Being, from time to presence.你一旦理解了,那么就会出现一个从思维到”存在“,从”时间“到”在场“的意识改变。

救赎 redemption 或salvation
而salvation 由save 来的,不包含“换得”含义。楼主根据情况选择吧。


最好用God's redemption
如:电影 《肖申克的救赎》 The Shawshank Redemption


Take the Old Chinese sayings: only one entrance path to Huashan mountain top. it is common that it is famous for its steepness and precipitous as well as rip tourists off rice price.However,which attracted so many people climbing the mountain and eyesignting. which aspect interested me is that, i would like to climb to the top and get the fun. when you are on top. you will feel everything is just like a drop like a ocean.everything is in your eyes.

As the old saying, there is always only one way in Hua Mountain. Hua Moountain attarcts numerious tourists for the famous cliffness, as well as the unusual expensive rice (I think food is easier to understand for non-Chinese). I enjoy the viewsigt that all other mountains staying under my foot and srounded by the floating mist.

武安市13788951028: 求英语翻译:俗话说 自古华山一条路 华山以它的险峻陡峭和高价米饭著称,吸引着大量的游客来攀登.我喜 -
伏舒盐酸: Take the Old Chinese sayings: only one entrance path to Huashan mountain top. it is common that it is famous for its steepness and precipitous as well as rip tourists off rice price.However,which attracted so many people climbing the mountain and ...

武安市13788951028: 求大神英语翻译:俗话说 自古华山一条路 华山以它的险峻陡峭和高价米饭著称,吸引着大量的游客来攀登. -
伏舒盐酸: As the saying goes, Huanshan is only one way and it is very steep and expensive rice is known, attracts large numbers of tourists to climb. I likeHuanshan when you reach the top list of small hills feeling also like misty landscape.

武安市13788951028: “自古华山一条路”用英语怎么翻译 -
伏舒盐酸: The thing has one way to solve only.

武安市13788951028: 英文热词:小长假归来“五岳名山”怎么译 -
伏舒盐酸: 五岳名山 东岳泰山,西岳华山,南岳衡山,北岳恒山,中岳嵩山 西岳华山有五峰,朝阳(东峰)、落雁(南峰)、莲花(西峰)、五云(北峰)、玉女(中峰).因东南西三面是悬崖峭壁,只有柱峰顶向北倾斜打开了登山的道路,所以有“自古华山一条路”的说法.如今已经在北峰侧修通了缆车,可以直达北峰顶.著名的旅游景点有玉泉院、青柯坪、千尺幢、百尺峡、莲花峰等.朝阳峰崖面有关中八景之首“华岳仙掌”.

武安市13788951028: 自古华山一条路是什么意思 -
伏舒盐酸: “自古华山一条路”就是当地人所说的“华山峪”登山道,包括了自古以来华山唯一登山道上的沿途各景点,连起来就是通常所说的“自古华山一条路”.登华山最大的乐趣即为登山本身,一边克服种种山路的艰险,一边移步换景观赏沿途风光,所以这条经典的登山路线至今仍然是登华山的最佳选择.

武安市13788951028: 请问“华山自古一条道”是什么意思? -
伏舒盐酸: 意思:就是只有一条上山的路,易守不易攻. 俗语:桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林. 从古至今,要爬上华山就只有一条路,说明华山的艰险,要走就走这条,没有别的选择,也不要存在侥幸、期待观望的心理.

武安市13788951028: 中国有句俗语,英语怎么说? -
伏舒盐酸: There have a old sayings in Chinese

武安市13788951028: 中国的俗语翻译成英语怎么说 -
伏舒盐酸: 你好!中国的俗语 Chinese proverb

武安市13788951028: 华山自古一条道这句俗语是什么意思请尽快回答谢谢!(急!)华
伏舒盐酸: 从古至今,要爬上华山就只有一条路,说明华山的艰险,要走就走这条,没有别的选择,也不要存在侥幸、期待观望的心理.(现在已经有了索道了).

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