
作者&投稿:傅昆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My familyI have a good family,there are three people in it,they
are my father,my mother and I,my father has a good sence of humour,he
often makes me happy when I am sad.my mother loves singing and dancing, I
think she sings nicely and dances beautifully I like watching cartoons
and playing compurter games,I sometimes crazy about it,and that makes
my parents very angry But I love my family very much I hope my family
will be better and better in the future,What do you think of my family?

In my opinion, making friends on line is a good way to communicate with people from all over the world. However, every coin has two sides. When people try to make friends on line,they have to be very careful and cautious. Before meeting an on-line friend,they have to ensure that all the information concerning him or her is true.

Blessinginthevoiceoffriends,Iblewoutthelast15yearsofageacandle,thenaflash,thelasttraceofmychildhoodhasbeenimplicatedthebreak,andasecondtimefrommysideoftheflow."Iamnolongerachild,Igrewup."Isaidtomyself. Allofasudden,Ifeelalittlemorethangiveup.That'slifeandchildhoodisthemostbeautiful,mosthappymoments.15-year-oldstandingonitstail,Iwanderaround.Thefaceofthepast,Isawthefootstepsofmychildhood,abitnaive,alittleperseveranceandabit:oncebecauseitistooserioustobeleftoutofthestudents,butalsonaiveandhaveaquarrelandbrokeupcousin.alltheseareallnowseemssopureandbeautiful. Standingonitstailonthe15-year-old,inthefaceofuncertainfuture,Iwassolonelyandconfused.Ihesitated,anddarenotstep.Iamafraid,afraidoftakingthewrongstepwillbringaboutendlessremorse.WhenIwaschildren,Iwouldnotbeanobsessionofthewrongthings,butnowIwanttogrowup,Ihavedoneformeineverydecisionmadeinchargeofeverything! "Weak!"Myearovertheslightestwind,myheartwas.Yesah,ispreciselybecauseofweakness,sothatIcannotfacelife,daretochallengelife.Iamashamedofmyweakness!Isah,whatiswrongtofear!Whatisfearoffailure!Letustakealookatyourselffromanotherangle:weareyoung,wehavecourage.childhoodisbetter,but,afterall,lifeisonlyastartingpoint,naive,simple,ignorantonlytobelongtothestartingpoint.golookattheoutsideoftheuniverse,andthefutureofcountlesshardshipsanddangerswaitingforustostruggle.asaproudera,whatreasonisthereforthenostalgiaonlythepast,refusedtofuture? BecauseIwasyoung,Irich.Thisgivesmewealthenoughtostiruptheburdenofthefuture.So,Iworkupthecourage,strengthexhaustedandwavedfarewelltochildhood.Good-bye,mychildhood,myinnocent,myweak.

童年读书笔记 我最喜欢的人物及理由

她知道很多优美的民间故事,常常讲给阿廖沙听,她无私的爱丰富了阿廖沙的心灵,阿廖沙说道,“在她没有来之前,我仿佛是躲在黑暗中睡觉,但她一出现,就把我叫醒了把我领到光明的地方……,她马上成为我终身的朋友,成为最知心的人,成为我最了解,最珍贵的人—— 是她那对世界无私的爱丰富了我...

《我是歌手第四季》是湖南卫视从韩国文化广播公司引进推出的歌唱真人秀节目,由湖南卫视节目中心制作,李克勤等担任主持人,共14期。节目于2016年1月15日起每周五晚22:00在湖南卫视播出,于2016年4月8日收官。《我是歌手第四季》总决赛上,李玟获得冠军、张信哲获得亚军。 推荐理由:我童年最喜欢的歌手李玟参与这个节目...

作为一名00后小时候玩的玩具大多都是出自当时热播的动画片或电视剧的,而喜欢的玩具通常也会因为电视上播放的动画而改变。以下几个是我童年时期记忆最深刻的几个玩具。1. 果宝特攻人偶 果宝特攻-橙留香 当年《果宝特攻》凭借着轻松搞笑的剧情和使人热血沸腾的机甲走进了许多00后的心目当中(包括我), ...

下面是我整理的我最喜欢的物品作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 我最喜欢的物品作文1 我有一件物品,我特别喜欢,它就是陪伴我童年的一个玩具。 这个玩具就是一个水晶球,有着翠绿的底座,里面坐着两只小兔子,还有一些白色的晶片,一倒过来,里面就如下雪了一般。 这个玩具一直陪伴了我六年,我只要无聊,就摇一摇它,我只要不...

在这里,我愿全天下的孩子都有一个幸福的童年,而我自己也要像阿廖沙一样做个勇敢、正直、善良的人! 童年读后感2 在《童年》这本书中,我最喜欢的人物是姥姥。因为姥姥是家里的顶梁柱,是一位温和慈爱的人,总是愿意无私地帮助大家。而且,姥姥能够沉着冷静地面对各种困难。她很疼爱阿廖沙,当阿廖沙被姥爷用枝条...

作为一名00后,童年已经一去不复返了,但是童年的美好记忆是一直无法忘却的,就让我给大家分享一下我的童年回忆杀吧!那年我们一起看过的动画片 大耳朵图图 我小时候最喜欢看的动画片就是大耳朵图图,相比于葫芦娃有点打打闹闹的动画片,我更喜欢这种温馨中带点搞笑的动画片,而且非常贴合我们的生活...


我童年的笑点几乎全来自于她,我最喜欢的作家——杨红樱。 我喜欢的作家作文4 如果你现在问我,你最喜欢的作者是谁,说句实话我自己也不知道,可能是我看的书不是很多吧,很少有那种能让我一见钟情的书。 只能说目前来讲我最喜欢的作者应该是曹禺先生,我是偶然在和阿姨的一次聊天中听说了曹禺先生。 我非常喜欢他...


瓮安县15311102838: 我童年里最喜欢的东西 初二英语作文 -
法秀盐酸: The wind blowing through the breeze, gently shaking campanula. The most busy to the number of the bottom of the butterfly, it is like flowers strokes show girl rise and dance in a happy mood. Two big butterfly wings fan move from time to time, as in ...

瓮安县15311102838: 英语作文:我最喜欢的儿时的东西是什么?80词的作文 -
法秀盐酸: 我作文不好,你写中文,我翻译.下面这篇文章的翻译:在我的童年,我最喜欢的东西是放风筝.所以有一天我买了一个大红色的鸟形风筝和我的两个小兄弟,四岁 二,对台湾大学校园.我们发现了一个开放的空间距离 电话杆和线和树.现在...

瓮安县15311102838: 你一定还保存着你小时候最喜欢的东西吧.它是一个玩具,一本书还是别的什么东西·呢?用英语写一篇作文 -
法秀盐酸: It is very lovely.I play with it when Ifeel alone. It has a beautiful name;Lucy.My aunt sent this toy doll to me on my birthday.Still today,I remenber;one day,my father and my mother was not at home,only me at home.I felt alone,but I play with tiy doll tell.I did ...

瓮安县15311102838: 八下英语单元作文 你小时候最喜欢的东西 -
法秀盐酸: My familyI have a good family,there are three people in it,they are my father,my mother and I,my father has a good sence of humour,he often makes me happy when I am sad.my mother loves singing and dancing, I think she sings nicely and dances...

瓮安县15311102838: 童年我最喜欢的一个东西并且还保留的英文带翻译 -
法秀盐酸: One of my favorite childhood things and also retained.

瓮安县15311102838: 你小时候最喜欢的东西是什么?你拥有它多长时间了?谁送给你的?它有什么特别的地方?它给你带来了怎样的记忆?请写一篇关于它的英语短文.7o个单词... -
法秀盐酸:[答案] Teddy bear I saved a small plush toy, it is a toy bear, looks very cute, black and white color and a bow in its neck. It has remained sitting posture, always be on my bed, so I can see it every day. Because I like it very much, so keep it. 答题不易,麻烦点下...

瓮安县15311102838: 你一定还保存着你小时候最喜欢的东西吧.它是 一个玩具,一本书还是别的 什么东西呢?请用英语写一篇不少于60词的短文向大家介绍一下你的东西 -
法秀盐酸: 玩具熊 我保存着一个小时候的毛绒玩具,它是一个玩具熊,长得很可爱,黑白相间的颜色并且在它的脖子上有一个蝴蝶结.它一直保持坐的姿势,总是被我放在床头,这样我可以每天看到它.因为我很喜欢它,所以一直保存它. Teddy bear I ...

瓮安县15311102838: 写一篇介绍你儿时心爱的一件玩具的英语作文 -
法秀盐酸: I have a doll,its a girl.I call her HOLLY.She has beautiful long hair is yellow,I comb the hair every day to her, and her with a red eyes , it looks so pretty.Her mouth is very small.Her shoe is the pink ,Is putting on a very attractive skirt ,I love her so much, she is my friend, My doll HOLLY.

瓮安县15311102838: 英语作文
法秀盐酸: 答案是:I have a Teddy Bear ,I have had it since I was a small boy ,it was a present from my grandma on my sixth birthday, I remember when I was very young I always slept with it ,when I felt alone I used to hug (拥抱)it with my arms,one of my best ...

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