
作者&投稿:重婉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Winter is the fourth season of the year. Now, the weather is getting colder and colder. It means winter is coming.
I think winter is a white season. In winter, it often snows and everything becomes white. Every winter, children are the happiest because they can make the snowman.
I like winter best. In winter, the weather is the coldest, but I don’t mind. When it is snowing, I’m always very excited. The snow is very white and sparkling. It makes everything white and beautiful.
Although the weather in winter is very cold, it’s really wonderful. The happiest thing is that we have a winter holiday every year. We can get lots of red packets, eat delicious food and visit my friends.

The home throughout the year
My is beautiful all year round, have all the year round very different scenery!
Spring, the swallow flew back from the south, in the orchard, full of vigour scene, the flowers open face, as if to say: " spring is coming! "
Summer pond, lotus is lotus leaf village cupping, very beautiful! A group of children in the pond, take a shower, you threw, I pour you, be happy!
In autumn, leaves turn yellow, a piece of falling, like a beautiful butterfly rise and dance in a happy mood.
In winter, a piece of snow gleams white. In the woods, like this one the white carpet.
My home throughout the year are beautiful, I love my hometown four seasons of a year!

There are four season in Xi'an. Like other northern city, spring is the best season of the year. It's neither too hot nor too cold. The wind is strong so we can fly kite. For summer, many girls like it. Because they can wear beautiful dress and eat ice-cream. In hot summer, people usually go swimming in the pool. After summer, the weather is become cool and the sky is getting higher. The leaves turn to yellow. The last season is winter. Winter is very cold in Xi'an but we can make snowman!
西安有四个季节,像大多数北方城市一样,春天是一年最美的季节。它不冷不热, 春风和煦,所以我们可以在春天放风筝。夏天呢,许多女孩子的最爱,应为她们可以穿自己美丽的长裙,吃着冰激凌解暑。在炎热的夏季,人们经常去池里游泳。 过了夏天,天气渐渐变得凉爽, 天空也变得高远。 叶子也开始变黄了。西安最后一个季节是冬天。冬天的西安特别严寒,但是我们却可以堆雪人!


气候: 西安属于暖温带半湿润的季风气候区,雨量适中,四季分明。无霜期平均为219~233天。1月份最冷,平均气温-0.5℃~1.3℃;7月份最热,平均气温26.4℃~26.9℃;年平均气温13.3℃。年降水量平均为507.7毫米~719.8毫米。年平均湿度为69.6%。年平均降雪日为13.8天。春天会有扬尘天气,但...


4、11-次年3月:冬天的西安气温低,刮风时寒冷刺骨,偶尔多雾,最低温可达-4℃,一定注意保暖。幸运的话,可以领略到古都的一场冬雪。另外,此时段游客相对减少,住宿费、门票比旺季有所下调。二、游玩天数 1、西安的市区景点,如古城墙、钟楼、回民街较为集中,由于市内地铁、公交方便,2-3天的...


夏季炎热多雨,伏旱突出,多雷雨大风;秋季凉爽,气温速降,秋淋明显。年平均气温13. 0℃~ 13. 7℃,最冷1月份平均气温-1. 2℃~ 0. 0℃,最热7月份平均气温26. 3℃~ 26. 6℃,年极端最低气温-21.2℃,年极端最高气温43. 4℃。年降水量522. 4~ 719. 5毫米,由北向南递增。

由于山地地形垂直变化的影响,长白山从山脚到山顶,随着调高度的增加形成了由温带到寒带的4个景观带,这在世界上是罕见的,“一山有四季,十里不同天”,在这时可以度过一个不一样的夏季了。 4、神农架 位于湖北省,这里有奇特的风洞、雷洞、闪洞、雾洞等自然奇观。其中神秘莫测的冰洞里还有冰柱、冰剑、冰坠、冰塔...

各主要旅游线路 东线一日游:秦始皇兵马俑,华清池,半坡博物馆,大雁塔,钟楼等旅游景点。西线:乾陵,茂陵,法门寺等旅游景点。北线二日游:第一天: 西安出发,游览黄帝陵,轩辕庙,杨家岭 第二天: 游览枣园,宝塔山,延河大桥,壶口瀑布返回西安 市内:明城墙,钟鼓楼,碑林博物馆,化觉巷清真寺等旅游景点...




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成易阿苯: There are four season in Xi'an. Like other northern city, spring is the best season of the year. It's neither too hot nor too cold. The wind is strong so we can fly kite. For summer, many girls like it. Because they can wear beautiful dress and eat ice-...

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成易阿苯: Weather affects all of us in one way or another, directly or indirectly. For example, good weather makes people happy. Bad weather makes people sick and depressed. Be sides, on a fine day, one can go out for a walk or play a game in the open. ...

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