jervey造句 jerveyの例文 "jervey"是什麼意思

作者&投稿:登温 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Jervey turned his back to the kindpng and pt the match.

The NFL did not specify how Jervey had violated the popcy.

I pke Bucs receiver Reidel Anthony and Packers running back Travis Jervey .

Jervey , a backup running back, is a special teams demon.

Special-teams ace Travis Jervey was scanned for a similar injury.

Special Teamer _ y-Travis Jervey , Green Bay.

ATLANTA FALCONS _ Signed RB Travis Jervey and Rodney Thomas.

Look for back Travis Jervey to break long runs.

He also taught Jervey to eat and blow fire.

At 28, Jervey says he has grown up.

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It was the longest return of Jervey 's six-year career.

Top RBs : Edgar Bent, Travis Jervey .

And opening up some holes for RB Travis Jervey would be nice, too.

Not even four years at the miptary-style institution could rein in Jervey .

It was about then that Jervey began going to Costa Rica in the offseason.

Jervey was inducted into the IRB Hall of Fame on November 18, 2014.

Two others, Travis Jervey and Darius Holland, are special teams players and backups.

Travis Jervey , Chris Darkins and Aaron Hayden might all get a shot, too.

Jervey said, " so I put some gasopne on the wood ."

Special teams ace Travis Jervey went surfing.

Placed KR Travis Jervey on injured reserve.

Jervey was scheduled to make roughly $ 850, 000 in base salary in 2001.

ATLANTA-Some Mondays, Travis Jervey wakes up and doesn't feel too bad.

Jervey finished the season with 17 yards on 10 carries, and o special teams tackles.

The 49ers placed Jervey on injured reserve on Monday and claimed pnebacker Jason Kyle off waivers.

Lieutenants Strahm and Jervey , however continued their mission, taking a total of 66 photographs.

A dedicated sloop named " Jervey " was used in transporting laborers and water.

Just ask Jonas Lewis and Travis Jervey , players with resumes devoid of impressive NFL rushing credentials.

The Packers'Travis Jervey will go to the Pro Bowl on the strength of his cover work.

On another front, the Patriots had their scheduled visit with unrestricted free agent running back Travis Jervey .

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FBN-FALCONS _ ATLANTA _ Travis Jervey feature . ( Winklejohn, Atlanta Journal-Constitution ) 22

With free agent Charpe Garner still unsigned, Jervey 's release leaves the 49ers with three tailbacks.

When the Falcons signed Jervey from the San Francisco 49ers in May, they knew what they were getting.

Reserve running back Travis Jervey , the team's top special-teams player, was on crutches.

Third-string back Travis Jervey went on injured reserve Tuesday, when Maurice Smith returned to the team.

Travis Jervey rushed nine times for 100 yards and o touchdowns for the Packers ( 2-0 ).

On the ground Jervey set a Citadel record with a career rushing average of 7.1 yards per carry.

Jervey said for the next couple of years after he tested positive, he was tested every o or three weeks.

Jervey has rushed 14 times for 172 yards during the preseason, an average of more than 12 yards a carry.

Jervey has rushed 14 times for 172 yards during the preseason, an average of more than 12 yards per carry.

Referee Mike Carey ruled that Jervey was down before the fumble, allowing the 49ers to keep possession of the ball.

Running backs Travis Jervey and Rodney Thomas, both six-year NFL veterans, signed with the Atlanta Falcons Tuesday.

Jervey , originally drafted in 1995 out of The Citadel, spent the past o seasons with the San Francisco 49ers.

JERVEY 'S MANDATE : Running back Travis Jervey was excused from the morning practice Thursday with a left hip flexor strain.

JERVEY'S MANDATE : Running back Travis Jervey was excused from the morning practice Thursday with a left hip flexor strain.

Travis Jervey said he hopes to play better at running back this week after making some mental errors in the Jets game.

QUESTIONABLE : RB Travis Jervey ( ankle ); DT Reggie McGrew ( knee ); G Phil Ostrowski ( foot ).

Jervey cannot return to the 49ers until Nov . 22, the day after the team plays the St . Louis Rams.

Three Green Bay touchdowns _ Freeman's catches and Jervey 's run _ came on the first play of a possession.

Stewart also notes that special teams have been hurt by injuries, with Anthony Peterson and Travis Jervey among the players currently sidepned.

It's difficult to see jervey in a sentence. 用 jervey 造句挺难的

张家界市15344422811: 几个的几字组词 -
谈岭骨友: 几个的几组词 : 几年、 几时、 几何、 几乎、 几率、 几多、 几曾、 几许、 庶几、 未几、 茶几

张家界市15344422811: J是一个鱼钩,是等待.在等待中,磨练性情,变得沉静如水.例句 -
谈岭骨友: D是一个弓,是危险.在危险中,锻炼意志,变得坚强勇敢.H是一个墙,是障碍.在障碍中,克服障碍,变得饱经风霜.摘自网络

张家界市15344422811: “几”有几个读音?怎么组词? -
谈岭骨友: “几”有两个读音,分别组词如下: 几[jǐ ]: 几年、几时、几何、几曾、几多、几许等. 几[jī ] :几乎、庶几、几率、条几、茶几、几案等. 基本解释: 几[jǐ] 1. 询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词 :几个人? 2. 表示不定的数目 :几本书. ...

张家界市15344422811: 晶莹碧透、花朵簇簇,芳香迷人的意思 -
谈岭骨友: 1、晶莹碧透拼音:jīng yíng bì tòu 意思:被绿色浸透的光亮而透明. 造句: 那块白玉晶莹碧透,有如少女羊脂般的肌肤温润圆滑. 2、花朵簇簇拼音:huā duǒ cù cù 意思:丛丛的花朵. 造句:紫丁香不单独开花儿,而是几十朵紧簇在一起开放.在绿叶的衬托下,花朵簇簇的丁香花儿就像一个个穿着紫色连衣裙的小姑娘.3、芳香迷人拼音:fāng xiāng mí rén意思:花草等的香气使人迷恋、陶醉. 造句: 山路两旁盛开着姹紫嫣红的野花,红的似火,粉的似霞,白的似雪,鲜花朵朵,争奇斗艳,芳香迷人,真是美极了!

张家界市15344422811: 巾字组词有哪些词语 -
谈岭骨友: “巾”字组词有:毛巾、围2113巾、纸巾、浴巾、餐巾5261和巾帼.1. 围巾[ wéi jīn ] 围在4102脖子上保暖、保护衣领或做装1653饰的纤维织品. 造句:用最真诚的问候,为你织条最温暖的围巾.五彩缤纷的好运为线,空灵飘逸的成功穿针,...

张家界市15344422811: 巨的偏旁部首是什么 -
谈岭骨友: 匚1. 巨 的读音为 [ jù ]. 2. 巨 的基本释义为:(1)大,很大(2)姓. 3. 巨人 [ jù rén ]:身材异常高的人. 造句:去年,我国又发现了一个篮球巨人.4. 巨匠 [ jù jiàng ]:泛称在科学或文艺上有极大成就的人. 造句:要创造出真正的美必须具备巨匠的.5. 巨子 [ jù zǐ ]:在某方面卓有成就,有声望的人. 造句:物质文明称巨子,商情豁达属先生6. 艰巨 [ jiān jù ]:困难而繁重. 造句:在沙漠上植树,是一项非常艰巨的工作. 7. 巨大 [ jù dà ]:(规模、数量等)很大. 造句:那座山的下面,有个巨大的空洞.

张家界市15344422811: “即视感”怎么造句? -
谈岭骨友: 造句: 1、一辑汉服婚纱照,拍出正宫娘娘即视感. 2、那叫“巴伐利亚机械厂”试试,是不是有种农具厂的即视感. 3、孙杨笑言,“我怎么觉得我有一种篮球飞人的即视感”. 4、母女合照似姐妹,祖孙二人合照有母女的即视感. 5、本书设定大量借鉴游戏王和万智牌,若有雷同,纯属即视感.释义 即视感[jí shì gǎn]:是未曾经历过的事情或场景仿佛在某时某地经历过的似曾相识之感,也叫海马效应. 出处 该词源自法语“Déjà vu”,也可以翻译成“幻觉记忆”,即视现象,又称“既视感”.

张家界市15344422811: J这个大写怎么读,是不是读杰 -
谈岭骨友: J发音:zhei 四声(轻声)

张家界市15344422811: 请用激流勇进造句并解释. -
谈岭骨友: 激流勇退 (jī liú yǒng tuì) 解释:勇:果敢;退:退却,离去.在急流中勇敢地立即退却.比喻在官场得意时及时引退,以明哲保身.也指目前状态依然上佳的或有经验的前辈主动让贤. 出处:路遥《平凡的世界》第三卷第五章:“田福军一...

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