
作者&投稿:正沫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  1. Classic verses about the Mid-Autumn Festival


  1, a pot of wine between the flowers, drinking alone without blind date. Raise a glass to invite Mingyue, and the shadow into three. The moon did not drink, and the shadow disciple followed me. Temporarily accompanied by the shadow of the moon, the joy must be and the spring. I sing and the moon wander, and I dance in a mess. ——Li Bai, "Drinking Alone Under the Moon"

  2, when is the bright moon, ask the wine to the blue sky. I don't know what year the Heavenly Palace is... People have sorrows and joys, and the moon has clouds and sunshine, and this matter is difficult to complete. I hope that people will be long-lasting, and thousands of miles will be cherished together. ——Su Shi, "Water Tune Song Head"

  3, last day the wind blew no one will, tonight the light is like previous years. ——Bai Juyi, "Looking at the Moon at the Night of August 15th"




  2. Beautiful sentences describing the Mid-Autumn Festival


  1, the moonlight melts, the most beautiful on August 15. The moon, the clear light of the sprinkled land, the homesick wanderer, or the song is also chanting. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, their thoughts are the spirits of the sea of songs. When the moon is full in the Mid-Autumn Festival and the flowers are in good love, the feelings of the ancient Chinese literati are even more poetic and ethereal, and the words are sweeping the world.

  2. "The autumn sky is hanging in the bright moon, and the glorious dew is wet." Look up at the round moon, hanging high in the deep sky. There are dignified clouds floating around, like wanderers in the distance, full of teardrops of acacia. The plain light that can't extinguish the thoughts, how can it be pinned on the wet cloud in the heart?

  3. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, toast to the reunion, the leaves have been flying in love and righteousness. The homesick people hurried to the far side, asking the wine to the lonely moon, what year is this evening? The tenderness of the light is scattered, the tears have been damp in other places, and the silver light that leaks in from the pillow quietly accompanies the traces of loneliness.






迎国庆庆中秋手抄报句子 经典中秋节祝福佳句 1、花儿披起灿烂缤纷的衣裳,雍容而愉快地舞着,微风柔柔地吟着,唱出委婉动人的中秋节颂曲——敬祝中秋节快乐!2、景是中秋美,月是故乡明;把酒庆佳节,合家笑盈盈;年年花相似,岁岁人更兴,中秋快乐!3、月儿高高,思念情绪给你捎,开口笑笑,好彩好运一...

中秋节手抄报的内容 【中秋节的习俗】中秋节到了,各地都有自己的习俗。但中秋节的习俗共同之处不外乎:祭月、赏月、观花灯、吃月饼。除此之外,各地还有:民间拜月、月光马儿、兔儿爷、中秋宴俗、舞火龙、燃宝塔灯、偷菜求郎、窃瓜祈子、中秋博饼、祭月烧香斗、乞月照月爬月、走月亮走三桥等等。

中秋节手抄报诗词佳句如下:1、阳关曲中秋月〔宋代〕苏轼 暮云收尽溢清寒,银汉无声转玉盘。此生此夜不长好,明月明年何处看。赏析:这首小词,题为“中秋月”,自然是写“人月圆”的喜悦;调寄《阳关曲》,则又涉及别情。记述的是作者与其胞弟苏辙久别重逢,共赏中秋月的赏心乐事,同时也抒发了聚后...

中秋节手抄报10字简单漂亮 经典中秋节祝福佳句 1、八月十五月正圆,阖家团圆在眼前。归心似箭回家转,不顾劳累奔波苦。月下齐饮桂花酒,聊聊家常笑脸扬。嫦娥月宫舞翩跹,笑看温情满人间!2、字不在多,有心则诚。词不在精,有意则灵。斯是短信,惟吾情深。发者穷心力,收者请惜珍。我想说:领导...


中秋佳句欣赏1 1.值此中秋佳节,发个短信表一切.祝愿朋友事业展宏图,祝愿朋友工作顺顺心心.祝福朋友家庭和和睦睦,身体健健康康,更要中秋节快乐.2这轮弯弯的眉月,可是你的嘴唇?为什么不见那瓣,是在亲吻你梦中的恋人,还是在奏着玉箫?祝中秋快乐!3.何为中秋?口中多“1”便是“中”,愁字少...

8开纸中秋节手抄报 中秋佳句1、祝你快乐,天天有份好心情。远方的我。2、中秋快乐!如果有什么值得庆祝的话,那一定是团圆;如果有什么值得庆幸的话,那就是平安。3、月圆,饼圆,月饼圆。人圆,脸圆,人脸圆。心圆,眼圆,想你的心更远。4、中秋节花好月圆,你家团圆,我家团圆,家家团圆;...

欢度中秋致敬师恩手抄报 经典中秋节祝福佳句 1、在这团圆之夜,在坐的许多老师,为传播知识的种子,远离故乡,亲人,耕耘在三尺讲台;许多同学们,为吸取知识的甘露,告别家人,朋友,求索于知识的海洋。2、花儿披起灿烂缤纷的衣裳,雍容而愉快地舞着,微风柔柔地吟着,唱出委婉动人的中秋节颂曲——敬祝...

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顺庆区15687087817: 英语手抄报有关中秋节的内容100字 -
茌龙纳川: Mid-autumn Day is a Chinese festival. It usually comes in September or October .On that day we usually eat a big dinner and mooncakes. It is said "Hou Yi" miss...

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茌龙纳川: "ZhongQiuJie",whichisalsoknownastheMid-AutumnFestival,iscelebratedonthe15thdayofthe8thmonthofthelunarcalendar.Itisatimeforfamilymembersandlovedonestocongregateandenjoythefullmoon-anauspicioussymbolofabundance,...

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茌龙纳川: http://xw.xdq998.com/showpic.asp?id=157

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茌龙纳川: 五年级英语中秋节手抄报. 工具/原料:笔、纸 1、第一步,在手抄报标题处写上“欢庆中秋节”,表达出手抄报的主题.2、第二步,在手抄报的下面正文处画出表达“欢庆中秋节”气氛的卡通图案烘托主题.3、第三步,在手抄报的旁边画出表达“欢庆中秋节”气氛的卡通图案渲染主题.4、第四步,在手抄报的下面画出表达“欢庆中秋节”的卡通图案强化主题.5、最后在手抄报的空白处画出文字框,并写上有关“欢庆中秋节”的文字.这样,一幅欢庆中秋节的手抄报就制作完成了.

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茌龙纳川: Introduction of the National Day 国庆节简介On December 2, 1948, the Central People's government to accept the fourth meeting of the CPPCC National Committee's recommendations, adopted the "National Day of the People's Republic of ...

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茌龙纳川: 中秋节的来源及相关英语词汇 "Zhong Qiu Jie", which is also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full ...

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茌龙纳川: Happy middle autumn festival

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茌龙纳川: TIME 时间篇 At twenty years of age , the will reigns; at thirty , the wit ; and at forty , the judgment .(Benjamin Franklin ,American president) 二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断.(美国总统 富兰克林 . B.) Do you ...

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