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Earnings management to avoid earnings decreases and losses
Abstract:This paper provides evidence that firms manage reported earnings to avoid earnings decreases and losses. Specifically, in cross-sectional distributions of earnings changes and earnings, we lind unusually low frequencies of small decreases in earnings and small losscs and unusually high frequencies of small increases in earnings and small positive income. We find evidence that two components of earnings, cash flow from operations and changes in working capital, are used to achieve increases in earnings. We present two theories, based on stakeholder use of information-processing heuristics and prospect theory, about the motivation for avoidance of earnings decreases and losses.
Several recent studies offer more systematic evidence of incentives to maintain consistent increases in earnings. Barth et al. (1995) report that firms with a consistent pattern of earnings increases command higher price-to- earnings multiples, after controlling for earnings levels. Additionally, they find that this premium is larger for longer series of earnings increases and that the premium is eliminated or reduced substantially when the established pattern of earnings increases is broken. These findings are similar to those in DeAngelo et al. (1996), who document that firms breaking a pattern of consistent earnings growth experience an average of 14% negative abnormal stock return in the year the pattern is broken. Thus, there seem to be strong incentives for earnings manage- ment to aviod the reporting of earnings decreases, and the incentives appear to be increasing in the length of the preceding string of earnings increases.
There is also much anecdotal evidence of incentives to maintain positive earnings. References to the desirability of 'consistent profitability' are common- place in annual reports, news releases, and press coverage, suggesting that there are incentives to aviod losses. A recent paper by Hayn (1995) reports more direct evidence that firms try to aviod reporting losses:
Interestingly, there is a point of discontinuity around zero. Specifically, there is a concentration of cases just above zero, while there are fewer than expected cases (assuming the above normal distribution) of small losses (i.e., just below zero). The frequency of observations in both the region just above and that just below zero departs significantly from the expected frequency under the normal distribution at the 1% significance level using the binomial test. These results suggest that firms whose earnings are expected to fall just below the zero earnings point engage in earnings manipulations to help them cross the 'red line' for the year.
最近的几项研究提供更系统的证据,奖励措施,保持一致的增加收入。 Barth et al.巴特等1995年报告说,公司一贯收益更高的价格增加命令到本益比,在控制了收益水平。 此外,他们还发现,这个溢价是较大较长一系列增加收入,而保费取消或大幅减少时,既定模式收入增加被打破了.这些调查结果类似迪安龙等人的文件,公司打破了一贯的模式,盈利增长的经验,平均14 %的负异常证券交还在今年的格局被打破了。因此,似乎有强有力的激励收益管理,以避免报告盈利下降,以及奖励办法似乎是在增加的长度字符串前的收入增加。
也有很多传闻证据的奖励,保持积极的收益。参考资料是可取的,持续盈利,是常见的,在年度报告,新闻发布,以及新闻报道,这表明有奖励避免的损失。:最近的一项文件Hayn ( 1995年)的报告更直接的证据表明,公司试图避免汇报损失。有趣的是,有一个点的不连续性在零附近。具体来说,有一个集中的情况下仅略高于零,但也有少于预期情况下(假设上述正态分布)小的损失(即低于零) 。频率的意见都略高于该地区,并略低于零背离预期的有很大的频率下正常分配的1 %显着性水平使用二项式测试。这些结果表明,公司的盈利预计将下降略低于零收益点进行盈余操纵,帮助他们越过'红线'的一年。

1. Due to the routine sampling of the China Customs, the goods have not been delivered on schedule, we hereby show our sincere apology, please understand.

2. The sampling work is the Customs routine and a necessary procedures, which is randomly selected by the computer with the probability of 3%.

III Artyst。I.艺术作品创造者。II.他们作品的表演者。III.三个风格迥异的天才艺人组成了一支创作超强的团体。借此机会解释一下这支天才三重唱的风格。III Artyst的声音充满了难以捉摸的和声安排,以及激情的声音和真情实感的歌词。III Artyst 与其它R&B团体与众不同的地方是其难以定义的能力。他们的音乐涵盖了从旧式R&B到嘻哈再到现代爵士,且他们将Marvin Gaye, Nat King Cole, Michael Jackson, Prince, Jodeci R. Kelly and Silk 这些伟大的歌者视为其偶像。当地的休斯顿人“Lo”和路易斯安那州,什里夫波特市的“Keishunn”都是同一个教堂合唱团的成员。随后他们遇见了“Taurus”,便组成了了III Artyst乐队,正式命名为Ammaretto。来自获得白金唱片销售成绩的H-Town乐队的主场Dino是这支天才三重唱的创始人。对音乐的了解和经历,加上对音乐和表演与生俱来的天赋是促使III Artys很快成为家喻户晓的必要因素。随着他们首张专辑"Tha Whole Nyne"的发行,III Artyst例证了歌唱的天赋加上他们每首歌里的魅力和激情,包括由Sinclair "Big Sin" Ridley制作专辑中狂热的首支单曲Come See Me和那首创造了求爱激情诱惑的中等节拍的Vydeo,以及Weddying Day,一首有教堂歌唱风格的爱的致辞。"Tha Whole Nyne"是他们……的一个辉煌展示。


三Artyst(3盲r'tist),艺术作品的第一创造者。二。表演的work.III。三天才艺人进行三种不同的风味,形成一个非常发明group.Taking机会界定本人才三人光环,三Artyst有一个声音充满着难以捉摸的谐波安排,强烈主唱,诚实的歌词和情感。什么分开其他的R&B组三Artyst,有能力成为难以描述。他们有一个声音,从老派的R&B的臀部范围跳当代爵士乐,作为马文盖伊,纳特金科尔,迈克尔杰克逊,王子,Jodeci R. Kelly和丝绸等巨星他们idols.Native休斯敦“老”和什里夫波特,路易斯安那州的居民“Keishunn的成员在同一个教堂的唱诗班。后来他们会见了”金牛座“,形成了小组第三Artyst,正式Ammaretto众所周知的。,带领歌手恐龙多白金唱片销售H组,城市是创始人这个天才三人。知识和培育他们唱歌礼物燃料的经验和表演是利用到即将name.With他们的首张专辑发行家庭塑造三Artyst的一些必要因素,“塔全Nyne”,三Artyst体现声乐人才,作为诱惑的前沿和激情在每一个细腻的歌曲,其中包括混合来看我,在闷热的第一个关闭的辛克莱产生的专辑单曲“大单”,雷德利,Vydeo,一个诱人的中期节奏,创造浦雷华的气氛,热情,以及Weddying日,一个爱的情郎奉献。“塔全Nyne”是一个创新中展示他们...


III Artyst 的定义:

先利用这个机会来定义这个多才多艺的三重唱的风格。“III Artyst”的声音充满着难以忘怀的和声安排,感情强烈的声乐,激情诚实的歌词。 “III Artyst” 不可思议的能力让他们从其他的R&B组合中脱颖而出。他们的音乐包括了从老派的R&B,嬉蹦舞乐,到当代爵士乐。 他们以Marvin Gaye(马文盖伊), Nat King Cole(纳特金科尔), Michael Jackson(迈克尔杰克逊), Prince(王子), Jodeci R. Kelly,和 silk 等巨星作为自己的偶像。
休斯敦的“Lo”和路易斯安那州的什里夫波特的"Keishunn“是同一个教堂的唱诗班的成员。后来他们见到了“Taurus(金牛座)”,组成了“III Artyest”,正式命名为Ammaretto。出版了多张白金唱片的 H-Town的领衔歌手, Dino, 是这个天才三重唱的创始人。雄厚的知识,丰富的经验,与他们演唱天赋融为一体,这些都是让“III Artyest” 即将成为一个家喻户晓的名字必不可少的因素。
随着他们首张专辑“Tha Whole Nyne”的发行,“III Artyest”将他们的声乐天赋与激情魅力的完美结合体现在他们的每一首歌中。这些歌包括,专辑中由Sinclair(辛克莱)制作的性感的第一只单曲“Come See Me”;诱人的、中速的、充满了激情的“Vydeo”,以及歌唱一个情郎对爱的奉献的“Wedding Day”。
而"Tha Whole Nyne" 是他们声乐天赋 和原创能力的充分展现。

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