
作者&投稿:甫符 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
用why 造句?~

1、The reasons why he did it are obscure.
2、That is why I am not in favour of the plan.
3、He expounded the reasons why he did it.
4、She knows why the metal is the good conductor.
5、Why he went there is a mystery to me.

意思:adv. 为什么
2、why作为疑问副词引导特殊疑问句或省略的特殊疑问句,表示疑问,意思是“为什么”; 后面跟不带to的动词不定式,意思是“为什么要…”,表示某一动作是不必要的或无意义的。

-Why do you go to the store? 你为什么去商店?
-Because I want do buy some salt? 因为我想买些盐。

-Why is she so sad? 为什么她这么伤心?
-Because she lost her cat. 因为她的猫咪不见了。

-Why do they keep running? 他们为什么一直奔跑?
-Because they want to win the race. 因为他们想赢得比赛。

Why hasn't he brought the whisky?



He still could not throw any further light on why the elevator could have become jammed.



There's a reason why women don't read this stuff; it's not funny.


Why didn't he stop me?...

'I just want to see him.'—'Why?'...

Why should I leave?

Why should I leave?

I can't understand why they don't want us.


Why he is late for school?

Why not go on tuesday?

用why,getup,soearly造句为:why do you get up so early?为什么你起的这么早?why [英][waɪ][美][hwaɪ, waɪ]adv.(用于问句)为什么; 为何; (反问,表示不必)何必; (说明理由)为什么;int.呵唷,哎呀,嗨;n.理由; 原因; 说明; 难解的问题;get up [英][ɡet...

why was +主语+现在分词 造句
1. Why was this old woman making such a fuss about this matter?为什么这个老太太对这件事这么大惊小怪?2. Why was this student making such a complaint about the homework?为什么这个学生对作业这么抱怨?

why do you like?造句(5个)
Why do you like English? 你为什么喜欢英语呢?Why do you like swimming? 你为什么喜欢游泳呢?Why do you like going to the bookshop? 你为什么喜欢去书店呢?Why do you like chocolate? 你为什么喜欢巧克力呢?Why do you like the color, red? 你为什么喜欢红色这个颜色呢...

英语造句 Why not+动词原型5个 Why don't you+动词原型5个 It's+形...
Why not retrain for a job which will make you happier?为什么不接受新的培训,找一份让你更快乐的工作?Why not throw it all in the pot and see what happens?为什么不把它全扔进罐子,看看会发生什么变化?Why not wipe the slate clean and start all over again?为什么不洗心革面、从头...

why not 词组造句
答案是:1.why not go out for a walk ?干嘛不出去散步呢?2.why not have a rest ?干嘛不休息一下呢?3.why not wacth a movie tonight ?干嘛今晚不去看电影呢?4.why not visit Paris next time ?下一次干么不去参观巴黎呢?5.why not play chess with me ?干嘛不和来象棋呢?&#...

用why造句 带回答 五年级
why I can‘t eat this apple? because it is for your father。

Why not turn on the computer?为什么不打开电脑?

woonder 后接who\/what why等引导的宾语从句 怎么造句?
I wonder who she is.我想知道她是谁。She wondered what the child was doing.她感到疑惑,孩子究竟在干什么。I wonder why Ann is late.我想知道安为什么迟到了。I wonder where they have gone.我想知道他们去哪儿了。

用问句是why...so...?答句是 because...造句
为你解答。1、Why are you so busy? Because we are preparing for the English test.2、Why does she look so worried? Because her mother is badly ill.3、Why is Tom so excited? Because he has won first prize in the competition.

用that\/which\/when\/where\/why 造句,要求是定语从句
that指人时,相当于who或者whom;指物时,相当于which。在宾语从句中做主语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略。(5)The number of the people that\/who come to visit the city each year rises one million.(6)Where is the man that\/whom I saw this morning?which指物,在定语从句中做主语或者宾语,...

宁城县17511592276: 用why造句 带回答 翻译3个句子 -
莫致环磷:[答案] -Why do you go to the store? 你为什么去商店? -Because I want do buy some salt? 因为我想买些盐. -Why is she so sad? 为什么她这么伤心? -Because she lost her cat. 因为她的猫咪不见了. -Why do they keep running? 他们为什么一直奔跑? ...

宁城县17511592276: 用why造句 -
莫致环磷: Why do you look so down today? 您今天看来怎么这样不起劲呀? i have a cold today 我感冒了 Why do you interrupt my life? 为什么你要打扰我的生活? no i dont mean to do that 我不是有意的 希望对您有帮助

宁城县17511592276: 用why造句(问句!),十万火急!要有答句 -
莫致环磷:[答案] Why do you like pandas? Because of they are cute.

宁城县17511592276: 怎么用why造句? -
莫致环磷:[答案] Why do you like it? 你为什么喜欢它

宁城县17511592276: 用why造句 带回答 翻译3个句子 -
莫致环磷: Why are you so sad? Because I don't have any clothes

宁城县17511592276: 用why造句子 -
莫致环磷: 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:. Why he is late for school? 他为什么上课迟到

宁城县17511592276: why怎么造句七年级下 -
莫致环磷: Why hasn't he brought the whisky? 他为什么没把威士忌拿来?He still could not throw any further light on why the elevator could have becomejammed 对于电梯为什么会卡住他仍旧给不出更多的解释.There's a reason why women don't read this stuff; it's not funny 女人不读这种东西是有原因的,它并不好笑.Why don't you look where you're going? 走路怎么不看着点儿道呢?

宁城县17511592276: why 疑问词造句5个 -
莫致环磷: why do you love me?why not go to school?why are you so strong?why don't you love her?why do you ask me?尽量包含了几种形式

宁城县17511592276: 用why造句带中文哦! -
莫致环磷: 1.Why would we go to such ludicrous lengths? 你真自以为是.我们为什么要费那么大的力气? 2. Why are Geography, Drama, Art and English in the ascendant? 为什么地理、戏剧、艺术和英语逐渐受宠? 3. He wonders why the digits on his ...

宁城县17511592276: why引导的原因状语怎么用给点例子,句子最后是?号why后面还用不用跟陈诉句语序谢谢了他看起来不是很害羞,但他为什么害怕和陌生人说话呢?1.He ... -
莫致环磷:[答案] 此句并不够成原因状语从句,而只是单纯的提问 仅仅是why is he afraid to talk to strangers?but连词只起到转折的作用 例子:Tell me the reason why you came late. 告诉我你迟到的原因. why 引导原因状语从句时,前面多有reason出现,且句末是句号

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