
作者&投稿:殷耐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Chinese wedding is more serious, while western wedding is relaxed and pleasant. These traditional wedding customs reflect the cultural differences between different regions.

The biggest difference between Chinese and Western wedding customs is color. In China, red is known as a festive, lively, auspicious and prosperous color. On the wedding day, red is the main color, and the word "zhe" must be adhered to all kinds of items. The bride is centered on red, and the bride can only wear red clothes to get married.
In western countries, white is the main color of wedding. The bride on the wedding day must wear white wedding dress, because white symbolizes inner loyalty.
The custom of wearing white wedding dress in the West originated from the Victorian period in England. White wedding dress became the favorite dress for girls on the wedding day, while men in the West must wear white or black suits.

1.中国式婚礼形式及流程 ①纳采:即男方请媒人提亲后,女方同意议婚,男方备礼去女方家求亲; ②向名:男方在求婚后托媒人问女方的出生年月,准备合婚的仪式; ③纳吉:是把问名后占卜合婚的好消息再通知女方的礼仪,这是订婚阶段的主要礼仪形式。古代的风俗要用大雁作为订婚的信物,说明双方已经订婚。后来就发展成送首饰,绸缎,甚至是羊猪; ④纳征:是纳吉后,男方将聘礼送往女方,是成婚阶段的礼仪,俗称完聘或大聘,过大礼等。聘礼的多少及物品名称多取吉祥如意的含义,数目取双忌单; ⑤请期:送完聘礼后,选择结婚日期,备礼到女方家,征得同意; ⑥亲迎:就是新婿亲往女家迎聚的仪式。这项仪式往往被看作婚礼的主要程序,而前五项则当成议婚、订婚等过渡性礼仪。
2.西方婚礼形式 ①来宾入席; ②奏结婚进行曲,亲友点上蜡烛,牧师领唱诗班进场,宣布婚礼开始,伴郎伴娘和新郎陆续进场,女方家长陪新娘进场全体起立; ③女方家长入席,新娘挽着父亲的手,步入大堂,伴娘和花童一同进入会场,全体来宾起立,父亲郑重的把女儿交给新郎,女方家长就坐,全体来宾就坐; ④牧师证婚,新人进行结婚宣誓,宣告愿意结为夫妻; ⑤新郎新娘互戴婚戒,宣誓; ⑥献诗,来宾在唱诗班的带领下,唱祝福歌; ⑦礼成,奏乐,新郎站右边,新娘站左边,两人一起走出教堂,伴郎伴娘随后,家属以及来宾随后退场; ⑧茶会或晚宴。但是整个婚礼过程却有着让人不可亵渎的神圣与庄重 。
1.中国式服装 中国服饰强调统一而不突出个性,在中国红色象征喜庆、幸福,吉祥如意。在传统的婚礼仪式上,新郎新娘都要穿着红色的礼服,是祝愿夫妻婚后的生活能够红红火火的意思。而且衣服上的龙凤图案也是必不可少的,按照中国传统龙象征男性,风象征女性都预示着吉祥。家里到处贴着红色的喜字,门两边也要贴上红色的对联,新房里的物品也大都是红色为主的。尽管现在受到西方的影响,也会穿婚纱,但在迎娶和婚宴开始后,还是要换上红色的衣服。
2.西方服饰 西方服饰强调浪漫纯洁而有个性,因白色在西方文化中象征着吉利、平安、善意,富贵和童贞。新娘穿着白色的婚纱,代表着对新郎的忠贞和自身的圣洁,新郎则是一声笔挺的西装。新娘的捧花和周围环境的装饰都是以白色为基调的。
1.中国结婚礼仪 传统新娘嫁妆中要有剪刀象征蝴蝶双飞,痰盂,即子孙桶,是多子多 福的意思,铜盆及鞋意为同携到老,银包
2.西方结婚礼仪 在古代的西方社会,新娘还需准备一些“旧、新、借、蓝”的东西。“旧”是指新娘头上的白纱必须是母亲用过的旧纱,表示不忘父母的养育之恩;“新”指新娘的白色礼服必须是新的,它是纯洁童贞的象征;“借”是指新娘手里拿的手帕必须是从女朋友那借来的,表示不忘朋友的友谊之情;“蓝”是指新娘身上披的缎带必须是蓝色的,表示新娘对爱情的忠贞之情。
融合 :
1.中西方婚俗融合的方面 中式的婚礼在世界上越来越受欢迎。一些外国人举行婚礼仪式都按照中国婚礼的风格。虽然婚礼饰物比如说婚车的装饰是西式的,但他们中的一些人表示在他们的婚礼上有很多的中国元素,例如,中国结、大红灯笼、红蜡烛、对联,这样会对整体气氛做到提升,增加喜庆气氛,还有就是婚礼请柬在西方婚礼中的应用。 在中国,现在的新娘通常有两组在婚礼当天的穿的礼服。婚礼仪式上新娘会穿着白色的婚纱,可以给新娘纯洁典雅的形象,更适合神圣的婚礼。当婚宴开始时,新婚夫妇向来宾祝酒时,新娘就会换上红色的旗袍作为婚宴礼服。从此也可以看出,中西方婚礼习俗在婚礼服饰方面的融合。
2.中西方婚俗融合的原因 中国的快速发展。新世纪的中国,经济等方面的快速发展,使得中国在国际上的地位不断提高,中国五千年的传统文化也逐渐成为焦点。中国婚礼文化作为传统文化的重要组成部分,也逐渐受到世界各国人民的喜爱,比如,中式婚礼礼服。因此,许多西方人受到中国文化的影响,婚礼仪式就选择中国婚礼习俗。全球化。随着社会的发展和不断的跨文化交流,人们可以更加轻松方便地了解各国不同的文化。婚礼文化作为文化的重要组成部分,也在不断地进行融合,比如中国的西式婚礼、西方的中式婚礼等。它们丰富了婚礼习俗的形式和婚礼文化。中西方婚礼习俗的融合反映了中西方文化的融合,我们能够更好地了解西方文化,了解文化差异的原因,从而更好地进行跨文化交际。

Western wedding is a romantic type, the whole wedding from start to finish to the full of romantic. The bride's dress is generally white, the groom is black dress so that the whole wedding was the solemn seriousness. Marriage to the church to the whole wedding ceremony is the most important link. First, as the wedding march rhythm, the bride pull her father's hands go before the groom by her father she personally delivered the hands of the groom. pastor will ask the bride and groom on the other side to make a lifetime commitment, this is the climax of the whole wedding. then they will be priests and the blessing of everyone, exchanged marriage rings and kiss each other. The bride spent the hands of the ball were not ordinary furnishings. At the end of the wedding, the bride would throw the female guests arrived at the scene, who received curd, who is a married person, which makes the entire ceremony be heard laughing in the end.

China is different from the wedding on the West, the entire wedding's main colours are red, this is also the representative of the traditional Chinese festivity colours. This change will enable the wedding jubilation. In the traditional wedding, the bride wearing red Luoyi general, wearing Fengguan, still above a red scarf. While the groom wearing red long gown mandarin jacket, wearing a red cap along. Palanquin bride rode in the red, the groom on horseback in front, with matchmaking and Yingqing teams to the groom's house in Baitang. Parents sitting on the two sides appear, and appear next married bride and groom. Entire wedding presided over by the master of ceremonies, in his command , a bride and groom Baitiande, Xiabai GAO Tang, and then a husband and wife Baidoa, into the bridal chamber.Noisy wedding is the climax of wedding, the bride and groom first to wait for the wedding, the groom and guests on the outstanding hospitality, Jiujufanbao, in a lot of the groom greeted came to the wedding. everybody started Noisy wedding, the bride and groom all stirred up trouble in the next game…… do all this in a whole wedding laughter ended.

By studying the differences between Chinese and Western wedding, I understand their characteristics: Western wedding is pure romantic, and China is happy wedding; Western wedding is feeling valued, and China values the ceremony. In the West because of their different customs, have also formed their own characteristics wedding customs. Though, have different customs, but no matter where the wedding was all full of blessings and laughter.

1. 西方婚前习俗:西方的订婚戒指传统可以追溯到15世纪,当时奥地利大公麦西米伦用钻戒向玛丽许下永恒的承诺。这个习俗源于麦西米伦的一个亲信的建议,他建议在订婚时赠送一枚带有钻石的戒指。这个仪式至今已有数个世纪的历史。2. 结婚当日流程的差异:在中国,结婚当日有迎亲的仪式,新郎会带着媒人和亲友前...

随着社会的进步,婚礼仪式不断演变,变得更加开放和多样化,但中西方婚俗的本质差异依然存在。双方文化通过学习和借鉴逐渐融合,但仍有显著区别。以下是中西婚礼习俗差异的几个方面:1. 婚纱礼服:中国传统婚礼中,红色是礼服的标志性颜色,象征着吉祥和喜庆。传统旗袍或现代改良中式礼服,均以红色为主。相比...

1、婚前习俗不一样 西方订婚戒,这个传统始于15世纪,当时奥地利大公麦西米伦以钻戒向玛丽许下海誓山盟。当时,他的亲信呈文献言:“殿下,在订婚时,您必须送一枚有钻石的戒指。”麦西米伦纳言。这个仪式从此流传至今,已有数世纪之久。中方过大礼仪式,“过大礼”的仪式,这是订婚的最隆重,也是最重要...

西方国家婚礼习俗:头饰 新娘子在婚礼当天佩戴头饰的习俗由来已久,古时的女子在适婚年龄都会头戴花环,以区别于已婚妇女,象征着童贞。西方国家婚礼习俗:新娘礼服的颜色 新娘礼服的颜色代表着传统,也有特定的含义:白色代表纯洁童贞,美国和英国常用的黄色是爱神和富足的象征。在英美等西方国家,在婚礼仪式上...

一、东西方婚礼习俗较为 1.整体品牌形象。在东西方婚礼习俗里较大区别是色调,在大家中国红色被称作是喜气、繁华、好意头、强盛的。在完婚当日关键以红色为主导,墙面上、窗门上、等每个地区、各种物件上全是务必要黏着色调为大红色的“_”字的,新娘子也是以鲜红色为管理中心,新娘只能够穿鲜红色的...

伴随婚礼的是各样多彩的婚庆习俗,这是由于不同的文化背景造成的。(一) 中西方婚礼地点差异 作为人们一生最重要的日子之一,作为一对幸福恋人新的起点,中国人的婚礼是隆重热闹的。古代的时候,人们会在自己家里或是酒楼里摆上酒席以宴请亲朋好友作为新人的见证。在当代中国,新人一般会邀请亲朋好友去酒店或是宾馆。会...



8. 结婚蛋糕特别定制 自罗马时代开始,蛋糕就是节庆仪式中不可或缺的一部分。在那个时代,婚礼结束时,人们会在新娘头上折断一条面包。制造面包的材料———小麦,象征着生育能力。而面包屑则代表着幸运,宾客无不挣着捡拾。依照中古时代的传统习俗,新娘和新郎要隔着蛋糕接吻。后来,...


旅顺口区13920087221: 中西方婚礼习俗的区别差异.请用英语回答.有思路.RT. -
茹霞新力:[答案] Western wedding is a romantic type,the whole wedding from start to finish to the full of romantic.The bride's dress is generally white,the groom is black dress so that the whole wedding was the solemn...

旅顺口区13920087221: 中西方婚礼习俗差异 英文版
茹霞新力: In China, surnames are always given first. A man named as Wang Xin, for instance, should be called as Mr. Wang, instead of Mr. Xin.In western cultures, Surnames are given last.东方人的姓在前, 西方姓在后, 名在前. A married woman always ...

旅顺口区13920087221: 中西方婚礼文化差异 英文 -
茹霞新力: the difference between Chinese and western wedding culture

旅顺口区13920087221: 中西方婚礼的异同,用英文表达,以列表形式,简单点的,
茹霞新力: 你用中文写了在再网上翻译就好了. 简单点说: 中国 有花轿,结婚前不能与新郎见面,新娘有盖头.要拜堂,然后闹洞房,然后揭盖头 之类的,还有交杯酒等等.地方不同风俗也不同.有的新娘还要过火盆之类的 西方 在教堂,穿婚纱.宣誓.而且要牧师主持婚礼.互送礼物.婚后要度蜜月,等等 相同之处就是都是结婚,哈哈

旅顺口区13920087221: 英语短文:中式婚礼和西式婚礼的区别 -
茹霞新力: 中式婚礼和西式婚礼的区别 The difference between Chinese and Western weddings

旅顺口区13920087221: 中美婚礼习俗的差异 英文的 不要太长 -
茹霞新力: There is some small habits above, Marriage in the West is somewhat similar. For example, the ancient Chinese custom of throwing Hydrangea wedding; and western bride and groom after the wedding in the church, will the hands of the flowers into ...

旅顺口区13920087221: 英语作文:中西方婚礼文化的差异.100词左右 -
茹霞新力: the West is pure romantic wedding, and China's wedding was beaming;Wedding stress is placed on the Western sense, and China is valued ceremony.In the West because of their customs are different,

旅顺口区13920087221: 关于中式婚礼和西式婚礼的区别(要英语翻译的) -
茹霞新力: 短文1,西方婚礼(在以下题目中选择一个,你可以用画面),把1 / 2页(如果你已经写了一篇这些主题,写在另外一只): 1. 写三差异和中国近代西方婚礼. 2. 描述这种婚礼你也想要和意义的符号(没关系,如果你选择中餐还是西餐). 3. 描述了怎样用刀和叉(p.359)以及西式菜品过西方的婚宴. 4. 婚礼上描述从开始(引进的婚礼结束(跳舞). 你可以使用列表和图.

旅顺口区13920087221: 中西婚礼差异的文章(要英语的) -
茹霞新力: Chinese and Western culture in Marriage1.In China when the man gets paid all the money goes to the woman account and she will sort out the bills. In western they thought a couple should share all responsibilities together. 2 In China people marry ...

旅顺口区13920087221: 急求中西方婚礼的差异【英语的】
茹霞新力: Chinese Style WeddingA Chinese wedding is a very special occasion filled with bright red color everywhere--tablecloths, favors, dresses, ribbons and more. That's because red represents happiness and prosperity. There are many Chinese ...


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