
作者&投稿:荣若 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

shopping in HK

Hongkong shopping

旺角:MongKok 简称:MK
其中的商场有:朗豪坊Langham Place
女人街:Ladies Street
庙街:Temple Street
中环:Central 上环:Sheung Wan
街道有:英皇道:King's Road
商场有:皇后雕像广场:Statue Square 在遮打道(chater road)
铜锣湾:Causeway Bay
商场有:时代广场:Times Square 连卡佛:Lane Crawford
尖沙咀:Tsim Sha Tsui
街道:广东道:Canton Road
商场:海港城: Harbour City


  Kowloon Tong Festival Walk
  The new City Plaza, Sha Tin
  The Langham Place in Mong Kok
  Tsim Sha Tsui and Tongluowan SOGO
  Tongluowan's World Trade Center
  And the Tung Chung Citygate famous city
  The Admiralty's Pacific Place and Xi Wu
  Tsim Sha Tsui Harbour City
  Central Plaza

Mongkok 旺角 (Ladies Street 女人街)
Causeway Bay 铜锣湾 (Times Square 时代广场、SOHO District)
Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙嘴


回答和翻译如下:香港(Hongkong)是一个年轻的城市, 是一个充满奇迹和神话的城市, 是一个令人无比激动的城市 。 世界级的建筑 、 快节奏的生活 、 时尚摩登的娱乐享受 , 无不凸现出这座城市的惊艳魅力 。 香港是一个生活的天堂, 集各式各样的欢乐于一地 。 在香港, 既可以观赏到美丽的自然...

Hong Kong (香港 Heūng góng in Cantonese, Xiāng gǎng in Mandarin) [1] is a place with multiple personalities, as a result of being Cantonese Chinese with a long-time British influence. Today, the former British colony is a major tourism destination for China’s increasingly a...

Hong Kong is a small but highly populated city in the southern part of China. Most of the people live in small flats. It has four seasons in a year.

有关香港的英文介绍还要有汉语翻译 不用太长 介绍以下面积人口 位置...
Hong Kong is a busy city. It has various nationalities living in there, this makes Hong Kong become a more thriving and prosperous place.Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, it has a population around 7.089 million and 1,104.3 sq. km.area. ...

用英语介绍一下香港 80词左右
Hong Kong (Chinese: 香港), officially the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [pronunciation], is one of the two special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China, the other being Macau. The territory lies on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta, bordering ...

麻烦用英文介绍一下香港 内容就普通一点,别太专业,要英文,语法通顺... 内容就普通一点,别太专业,要英文,语法通顺 展开  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 网文质量是不是下降了?betty0728 2006-03-31 · TA获得超过1521个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:775 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:483万 我也去答题访问...

Hong Kong's return to China, to become a Special Administrative Region of China.香港是一个国际化大都市,同时,也是世界重要的金融中心之一.香港在1842年被英国占领以后,一直都被英国管辖,直到1997年香港才回归中国.香港的经济在六七十年代得到迅速发展,并成为世界一个重要的经济体.香港是一个美丽的...

谁能给一篇介绍Hong kong的英语文章?谢谢。
newterritories and Lidao Islands. It covers an area of 1062 square kilosand has a population of 6.8 million, one of the highest populationdensities in the world.香港是中国的两个特别行政区之一,也是东南亚最繁华的城市。位于广东省的南海岸,香港(中文中也称之为香江)由香港岛、九龙半...

香港是亚洲繁华的大都市,地区及国际金融中心之一,条件优越的天然深水港,1842年至1997年是英国的殖民地,1997年7月1日回归中国。Hong Kong is Asian prosperous metropolis, regional and international finance center of the natural deepwater, condition is superior, 1842 until 1997 is British ...

Hong Kong was occupied by Britain after the Opium War in 1840. In accordance with the Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong signed on December 19, 1984, the two governments held a hand-over ceremony on July 1, 1997, announcing the resumption of sovereignty ...

疏勒县19867612440: 香港铜锣湾百货的英语介绍(帮忙即得5分!) -
俞致贝他: 你说的铜锣湾百货是崇光百货店, 英文是: SOGO CAUSEWAY BAY 营业时间 OPENING HOUR 10:00 AM -10;OO PM (7 days a week) 地址:SOGO HONG KONG CO.,LTD 555 Hennessy Road,Causeway Bay, HK TEL: 2833 8338 FAX: 2838 2030 请参见以下sogo的网页,可选英文版 http://www.sogo.com.hk/en/home.html

疏勒县19867612440: 购物天堂用英文怎么说? -
俞致贝他: 香港是购物天堂 Hongkong is the shopping paradise.

疏勒县19867612440: the body shop 香港有什么买 -
俞致贝他: 参考资料 香港sale28的购物广场非常的多, 我为大家介绍一下几个不错的购物广场: 1,太古广场 是香港本地人十分推荐的销金窟,一楼有ZARA、THE BODY SHOP,青春气息十足;二楼集中了时尚女性钟爱的品牌,三楼是精华购物区.而置...

疏勒县19867612440: 用英语简介一下香港interesting places -
俞致贝他: The West Lake is an interesting place in Hangzhou.As we know,Hangzhou is famous for the An interesting placeWest Lake.It is very beautiful.It attracts many visitors every year.And there are many places of interests here,so as Leifeng Towel ,Sudi,...

疏勒县19867612440: 说一说香港购物的好去处有哪些 -
俞致贝他: 购物地点:中环名牌商品区,铜锣湾,九龙尖沙嘴.1.中环:置地广场、太子大厦一些地方.2.铜锣湾:时代广场、SOGO、利园、皇室堡等.3.尖沙咀:DFS免税店、海港城等..买化妆品:莎莎、卓悦、DFS、龙城大药房等.在那买化妆品比内地便宜大概一半呢.首饰:周大福、周生生、六福等.在以上三个区域都有连锁店.买名牌商品相对大陆来说,便宜.

疏勒县19867612440: (香港购物)用英语怎么说 -
俞致贝他: 香港购物 Shopping in Hong Kong Go to Hong Kong for shopping

疏勒县19867612440: 香港旅游,不同档次的购物地点分别是哪里 -
俞致贝他:购物香港: 香港是名副其实的“购物天堂”.在香港购物最划算的是买名牌,时装,手表等,档次越高越好,比内地的价钱肯定便宜得多,要是一般的服装电器不买也罢.每年...

疏勒县19867612440: 香港的一些著名旅游景点怎么用英语说? -
俞致贝他: 迪士尼乐园Disneyland,海洋公园Ocean Park,科技馆Science and Technology Museum...还有一些记不起了补充一个:杜莎夫人蜡像馆Madame Tussauds

疏勒县19867612440: 请问,哪里有比较全的香港购物去处的英文名称 -
俞致贝他: 我个个人建议到:' 乐!香港(www.funhk.com) 看看,那里按每个区细分,给出其了各区的酒店住宿,购物热点,最新优惠,路线导游等一系列很详细的信息,希望对你有帮助. 再建议你到[香港旅游发展局]的网站浏览一下: http://www.discoverhongkong.com/tc/index.jsp 香港旅游发展局的官方网站,可以帮您了解香港. 网站内容包罗香港旅游资讯,如:购物血拼、美食餐饮、观光/旅行团、酒店/旅馆/饭店/住宿、地图、亲子活动、文化活动/艺文节目、节日庆典、历史文化、传统风俗、都会风采、海港风光、郊野景致……这样对你该有帮助!

疏勒县19867612440: 介绍香港的英语小短文(初3)50词就行<br/>随便一写
俞致贝他: Hong Kong, described as a 'barren rock' over 150 years ago, has become a world-class financial, trading and business centre and, indeed, a great world city. Hong Kong ...

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