
作者&投稿:源修 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
书面表达下面是关于美国电影《2012》 的简单介绍, 根据介绍写一篇100词左右的英语作文:1. 《2012》是~

One possible version : 2012 is a famous movie made in the USA, which was showed in China last month. What I have to admit is that this movie is wonderful, such as its advanced digital video effect and the worry about the future of human beings. In fact I do not agree with the result of this movie, in which only some scientists and political leaders can survive but not common people. All of us have the right to survive. The key reason of survival is not that this man can offer a larger contribution to our society, because for a future rebuilding, everyone is important. Another thing I remember is the development of great China. In that movie, the work of manufacturing the surviving ship was completed by China. This suggests that China is admitted by the world more and more. It is a fact, and so we should love our country. A great and powerful motherland can allow us a happy, safe life.

[电影2012英文观后感]After watching this movie I really needed time to figure out what to think of it. I heard a lady sharing her first comment to her friend: \'That dog sure was ugly\'. What else was there to say? After a while I found out:The action was truly formidable, demonstrating the power of \'mother nature\'. Collapsing buildings, jumping flaming cars, planes falling down and manage to pull up a second before touchdown, it was a real trip and a feast for the eyes and ears.But then again... the acting wasn\'t that good, a bit over the top. In one scene in the movie, where every wasted second could be the cause of a terrible disaster, *they* waste their time being...ROMANTIC! At times like that the acting became very juicy, making me think I was watching \'Titanic\' instead.One point of advise: Do not take this movie too seriously. It\'s almost stuffed with jokes instead of showing us the real drama of an earth that is about to be destroyed. But keep this in mind and you\'ll have a heck of a 2 hours and 40 minutes(!) in a movie that is made for the cinema.看完这部电影,我真的需要时间来找出想起来了,电影2012英文观后感。我听到有一位女士,她的第一个评论分享她的朋友:\'这肯定是丑陋的狗\'。在那里还有什么要说?过了一会儿,我发现了:这项行动是真正的强大,显示了权力大自然\'。建筑物倒塌,跳跃燃烧的汽车,飞机掉下来,并设法拉动第二个着陆前,它是一个真正的旅行,为的眼睛和耳朵一场盛宴。但是,有一次...署理是不是很好,比最高位。在电影中的一个,现场,每浪费第二可能是一个可怕的灾难的原因,他们* *浪费自己的时间是...浪漫!在像倍署理变得非常多汁,使我觉得我在看\'泰坦尼克号\'代替。其中提醒一点:不要把这部电影看得太重。这几乎塞满了,而不是显示我们是一个即将毁灭地球的真正的戏剧笑话。但是要记住这一点,你将有一个2小时40分钟赫克(!)在一个是为电影所作的电影。看过美国电影大片《2012》后,感到触目惊心,人类的末日浩劫居然如此惊心动魄,人类在大自然面前如此无助。只是太阳粒子随意地向太空发射多一点,形成了太阳风暴,在地球居然造成了地心溶化,大地崩裂,海水淹没一切,人类任何高科技都无力挽救,都将随着万物一起毁灭。同样另一部电影《神秘密码》也是因为太阳风暴引发了地球大火焚烧万物,人类也同样只能无助地等待。只不过西方电影由于具有深厚的基督教情结,所以最后都是以基督教《圣经》启示录作为人类最后的归属。《2012》是以少数人类造诺亚方舟逃难,灾难过后重新开创文明,《神秘密码》是以外星人救儿童飞到另一个文明星球,重新在伊甸园内开创人类文明。全部都是以《圣经》故事为蓝本,而且暗示神可能就是高科技外星人。故事最后都是由一个救世主挽救万民为结局,显示西方社会的上帝救世主的情结,无论结局如何悲惨,总会有一个超人、上帝、救世主来挽救,人类还有希望。其实,西方社会这种认识是错误的,在中华文明看来,一切都是人类自己造就的,只有人类的内心道德才能挽救人类自己。  电影虽然是科幻片,但在现实世界里却可能是真实的,是将要发生的事件,因为现在全球气侯暖化、南北极的冰山溶化、环境污染严重,而且科学家以严密的科学数据己经证明,未来数年内将可能海水上涨,淹没地势低的国家。据有关资料显示:美国宇航局(NASA)宣布,全球暖化导致北极冰层将在2012年夏天结束前完全融化!美国《加州子弟》报道:北极湖泊中升起的甲烷气体正在排放到空气中,暖化将会引发暴雨暴雪洪水、飓风、干旱、酷热、酷寒等气候灾难;海洋和冻土暖化,其中潜藏的巨量甲烷气体会释放出来足以杀死每个人。如果人类不解决,这些致命灾难在数年之内就会来临。成都商报:联合国秘书长潘基文警告:世界正处于重大灾难的边缘,冰盖融化可能导致海平面上升6公尺,淹没上海等沿海城市。  为什么人类引以为傲的科学技术显得如此无助?为什么人类面对自然灾难面前变得如此无策,在末日危机面前,人类要深思,要重新敬畏大自然,要再次寻找能挽救人类末日危机的科学技术,要避免发生末日危机的原因,观后感《电影2012英文观后感》。显然西方文明的科学技术与高科技是不能挽救人类的末日危机,显然西方文明的自由民主人权理念也是不能挽救人类的末日危机,那挽救人类末日危机的理念与药方在那里?人类怎样才能得救?现在人类能做什么才能避免与摆脱危机?  虽然目前全世界各国政府与组织都在想办法并分析原因,都提出了具有建设性的意见,如联合国粮农组织2006年底报告:饲养牲畜是造成气候变化的最大元凶。  1、二氧化碳的排放量牲畜比汽车多18%  2、土地面积的30%被饲养业占用。  3、可耕地的33%被用于种植饲料作物。  4、为饲养牲畜砍伐森林,地球之肺热带雨林急剧缩小。  人类在2005年吃掉的动物数量总计4242亿只,平均每天吃掉12亿只左右。如此庞大的数量会造成多少的温室效应!联合国气候变迁研究小组领导人帕卓里表示,不吃肉、骑自行车、少消费,就可以协助遏止全球暖化。他呼吁全球民众,抑制食肉的冲动。其救治方法为:  第一,立即吃素:运用政府力量、媒体力量来改变世人的饮食习惯。  第二,使用可再生能源:太阳能、氢能、核能等,减少使用煤石油天然气等能源。  第三,多种树。  还有现在各国政府筹建的减少碳排放协议,这些都是好办法,虽然目前世界各国政府与环保组织都在不遗余力地推广减少碳排入,征收碳税收、吃素、少消费、骑自行车等环保行动,但真正完全实行环保行动的国家政府与个人组织却只是少数,大部份国家与个人仍醉生梦死在现代高消费、高污染的物质世界内,以为将来会有个救世主打救即将发生的末日危机,所以在末日危机来临之前,仍不思悔改,继续污染环境,直至末日危机真正来临之时就悔之晚矣。  要真正挽救末日危机,除了治标还要治本,目前的环保政策只是治标,只能减少或缓和末日危机的破坏程度,并不能治本,并不能杜绝末日危机再次发生。要真正治本,杜绝末日危机再次发生,就要提高人类的道德水平,只有道德提高万物才会转好,因为人心转变为善,万物就会好转,人心变恶,万物就会变坏,人心道德才是防止末日危机的根本。这是依据中华传统优秀文化的天人合一理论。所以人心与道德理论才是我们人类真正的最终救世主,每个人自己的内心念头才是自己真正的主人。  另外,日本科学家江本胜先生在《水知道答案》的一书中,通过水结晶的试验,也证明了人类道德对于水结晶是有影响的。认识到爱与感谢的力量,换句话来说,是心灵给予万物的影响。      从1994年起,日本医学博士江本胜开始拍摄水结晶的照片,他将从世界各地采来的水样放入冰箱,在冰即将融化成水的临界点,用高速摄影技术留下了一张张水结晶的奇异面孔。       如果仅仅是完美无缺、晶莹剔透的六角形,那也没什么特别,奇妙的是,事先看过"爱和感谢"字样的水形成了华美庄严的结晶,看到"浑蛋"之类伤人的字眼的水则混沌一片丑陋不堪,听到巴赫作品的水如同乐曲结晶成相互联结的奇妙结构,若是听到嘈杂愤怒的重金属音乐水结晶的效果则与骂它"浑蛋"类似……122幅水结晶照片,都在试图说明,天然水总能形成美丽的结晶,而人工处理过的自来水和放置在电视、电脑、手机旁边的水都无法形成结晶。更有甚者,水对人类创造的语言、文字(包括日文、英文、法文、德文、中文等等)、图像都有所感应,水对善意的信号都报之以独具特色的美丽结晶,对恶意的诅咒则惊恐沮丧。水竟然具有复制、记忆、感受、传达信息的能力。江本胜博士的实验,印证了中华文明的智慧结晶:「宇宙万物皆能见闻觉知」滴水结晶,是吾人心念的映照。因此,我们的心念是善的,充满爱心的,是至诚感恩的,这心念能使我们充满喜悦地生活,也能促使我们周围的环境更美好,心灵净化,让大地是清泰故乡。推而广之,世界和平将指日可待。反之,若是心怀不善,争名夺利,竞争的结果导致斗争,斗争演变成战争,世界即毁于一旦。综观现今世界动荡不安,自然灾害愈加频繁,为解倒悬之势,拯群萌之苦,奉劝世人要以爱心和真诚的心对待一切事、一切人,孰福孰祸,就取决于你我心中的一念。 所以人心善良就能改变外部的生态环境,也可影响太阳宇宙的运行,善念可使天地万物与四时气候与人类生活相适应,恶念可使天地万物与四时气侯反常,逐渐影响环境与太阳活动,形成末日危机。  西方文明的科技力量只是从物质层面改善环境,属于治标,而改善人类的内心世界,提高人类的道德水平,才是治本。所以只有标本兼治,双管其下,才能从根本上避免末日危机的发生。  目前世界上唯有中华文明的天人合一理论把人类外部的物质世界与人类内部的心灵道德世界联合一起,外境能转人类内心,人类内心也能转外境,心境合一,人类与环境和谐相处,末日危机自然可能避免,并可永不发生。  故而大力弘扬中华传统优秀文化,大力宣扬儒、释、道文化,教化世人,大力加强国学教育,提高人类道德水平,才是挽救人类与世界的根本之道,才是总药方。才能防止太阳随便向地球喷射致命粒子,才能避免电影《2012》的再次发生,才能防止当今的全球暖化现象,才能使人类永享太平,宇宙万物和谐相处。。

The film begins in year 2009, when there is a huge explosion on the surface of the sun. We then see Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor), an American scientist, traveling to a copper mine in India to meet his friend, who discovered that Earth's temperature is increasing rapidly. He returns to Washington D.C. and submits a report to his supervisor, who immediately takes him to the president. In 2010, we see the President of the United States tell other heads of state the situation (the world is ending) and we also see billionaires all over the world buying plane tickets for untold sums of money. In 2011 the original of The Mona Lisa in the Louvre is replaced with a decoy, and is sealed away for unknown reasons.

The story jumps ahead to 2012. Jackson Curtis (John Cusack), a divorced father who works as a limousine driver and writer, and his ex-wife, Kate Curtis (Amanda Peet), and children, Noah (Liam James) and Lily (Morgan Lily), who live with Kate's new boyfriend, Gordon (Thomas McCarthy). Jackson takes his children on a camping trip to Yellowstone, where he meets Charlie Frost, who hosts a radio segment that addresses the Mayans' prediction. Charlie mentions a map of where special ships are, but Jackson assumes he is a rambling drunk and leaves him. Kate and Gordon and in a super market buying groceries when the floor begins to crack and the supermarket is split in half. Jackson gets a call that he has to return from camping with the kids. Jackson arrives at the house and drops the kids off, and takes his limo to a job. He goes to the house of Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson takes Yuri, his children and his girlfriend to the airport. The children make cruel comments to Jackson, and as they board the plane, they mention they have tickets to board the ships and Jackson doesn't. This leads Jackson to believe Charlie's story, and he rents a plane. Jackson hurries to Kate's house and picks up her, the kids, and Gordon as the house collapses and a massive earthquake begins. They drive through L.A while it is being destroyed and arrive just in time at the airport.

When they get to Santa Monica Airport, the pilot that Jackson hires is killed by a falling structure. Kate mentions that Gordon knows how to fly (gordon protest's, he has only had a few lessons) so they tell him to fly the plane out of L.A. From the sky, we see L.A sinking into the Pacific Ocean. Jackson announces they have to get to Yellowstone to get the map from Charlie. They fly there and Jackson goes looking for Charlie. He finds his R.V and takes it out looking for Charlie, and he finds him at the top of a hill waiting for the impact. Charlie tells Jackson where the map is and he rushes back to the R.V as a massive explosion goes off, hurtling rocks in every direction. Jackson gets to the plane and they take off for China.

The group lands in Las Vegas and they meet Yuri. Yuri's plane is damaged, but he and Sasha, Yuri's pilot, find a cargo plane that carries automobiles. Las Vegas is destroyed by earthquakes and ravaged by the impeding volcanic ash cloud of Yellowstone. Yuri has 2 children and his girlfriend with him.

While in the air, the group learns that the plane does not have enough fuel to reach China: they've passed Honolulu, Hawaii, which has been inundated in lava. As they're about to ditch the plane they discover that they are no longer above the ocean: the Earth's crust has shifted thousands of miles and they are heading towards the Himalayas. During a crash landing on a glacier they manage to escape from the plane safely by using one of the luxury vehicles in cargo as a raft. The group ditches the car and a helicopter lands, they ask for tickets and Yuri shows his three tickets. He goes on the helicopters with his 2 children and leaves his girlfriend and the group behind.

The group eventually find their way to the ships with the help of some locals and are smuggled aboard with the help of a Buddhist monk and a construction worker. Gordon dies as they board. Tsunamis begin to engulf the Indian peninsula, and a giant wave eventually reaches the ships, which turn out to be arks constructed to save the heads of state, hand-picked individuals chosen to repopulate the earth and the rich elite, who could afford to buy tickets. A massive flood is heading towards the ship, and due to a wire left by Jackson in the ships gate, the gate isnt able to close, and the engines arent able to start. Jackson manages to get the gates closed just in time, and the ships cruise off. A title appears that says Day 27 Month 01 Year 01. The group is living on the ark, and Jackson and Kate seem to have gotten back together. The captain of the ship learns that Africa was able to miss catastrophe and is safe to venture too. The ship heads for Africa, and a view from space shows all continents have moved together and are in the shape of Africa


2012 (film)
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This article is about the film. For metaphysical and cosmological predictions centered on December 21, 2012, see 2012 phenomenon.

Theatrical poster
Directed by Roland Emmerich
Produced by Roland Emmerich
Mark Gordon
Harald Kloser
Larry J. Franco
Ute Emmerich
Written by Harald Kloser
Roland Emmerich
Starring John Cusack
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Amanda Peet
Thandie Newton
Oliver Platt
Danny Glover
Woody Harrelson
Music by Harald Kloser
Thomas Wander
James Seymour Brett (additional score)
Cinematography Dean Semler
Editing by David Brenner
Peter S. Elliott
Studio Centropolis Entertainment
The Mark Gordon Company
Distributed by Columbia Pictures
Release date(s) November 11, 2009[1][2] (World premiere)
November 13, 2009[1] (Canada & US)
November 21, 2009[1] (Japan)
Running time 158 min.
Country United States
Language English
Budget US$200[3][4] – 260[5][6] million
Gross revenue $241,721,057[7]
2012 is a 2009 science fiction disaster film based loosely on the 2012 phenomenon and directed by Roland Emmerich. The film stars John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton, and Woody Harrelson. The film was distributed by Columbia Pictures. Filming began in August 2008 in Vancouver.

The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Due to solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate. This results in a series of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos, such as California falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, shifting of the continents by crustal displacement, Megatsunami impacts along every coast line on the Earth, and the flooding of the entire planet. The film centers around an ensemble cast of characters as they narrowly escape multiple catastrophes in an effort to reach ships in the Himalayas, along with scientists and governments of the world who are attempting to save as many lives as they can before the disasters ensue.

Reviews of the film have been mixed, with several critics pointing out the improbability of some of the Apocalyptic scenarios depicted in the film. The film also utilized a viral marketing campaign that has fallen under much criticism with the fictional organization Institute for Human Continuity, a fictitious book written by Jackson Curtis entitled Farewell Atlantis, and streaming media, blog updates and radio broadcasts from the apocalyptic zealot Charlie Frost at his website entitled This Is The End.

阿曼达·皮特与约翰·库萨克是一对合作过多次的老搭档,曾在2003年的《致命ID》和2007年的《火星的孩子》里演过对手戏,《2012》是他们第三次合作。导演 罗兰·艾默里奇 罗兰·艾默里奇的名字可能很多人未必知道,但说到电影《独立日》、《后天》、《史前一万年》等灾难影片,很多影迷一定耳熟能详。这几...

前一部是美国片,08年出品,就叫《2012世界末日》,简介:2012年12月21日,在这次史无前例的灾难中,四个素不相识的人踏上了探寻墨西哥古代玛雅神庙的征程,因为据 玛雅神庙记载,玛雅人最后的记录时间就是2012年。对于美国宇航局的科学家来讲,也许是洪水暴发,两极交替 ,对我们来说,那就是世界...

后天(还是比较推荐这部,毕竟一个导演拍的,而且特效跟2012比起来也差不到哪儿去)独立日 彗星撞地球 世界末日 龙卷风 海神号

有什么好看的科幻电影吗? 就像《2012》,《后天》那类的人类灾难片,谢了...


关于电影《大上海》的介绍和评价 电影《大上海》是由博纳影业集团出品,王晶执导的剧情片,周润发、洪金宝、黄晓明、吴镇宇、袁泉、袁立、莫小奇、高虎、辛柏青领衔主演。于2012年12月21日国内公映。影片故事根据二战之前,1920至1930年代活跃在上海的一位黑帮老大的真实经历改编而成。影片讲述了解放前上海滩一...

求介绍几部‘ *** ’‘好看’的电影 发个连结 谢谢
9) 瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝:随时看起来都心潮澎湃的好电影! 10) 野战排:反思越战的经典影片。 介绍几部好看的 *** 的电影。 《终极斗士3:赎罪》 《火线保镖》 《浴血丛林》 《牙仙》 以上电影绝对符合你的要求··! 建议到迅雷看看去看!~清晰方便··而且那里电影齐全·想什么有什么·! 网址是:xunlei. 谁来介...


张浩第一部电影是《四平青年》外文名:SiPing Youth 其它译名:《二龙湖浩哥之四平青年》出品时间:2012年 出品公司:四平市人民剧场二人转演艺大舞台 拍摄地点:吉林省四平市 拍摄日期:2012年 导 演:张浩 类 型:喜剧,友情,爱情,剧情,网络剧 主 演:张浩,蓝波,张赢,李野,王晓哲,张运金,...

剧情介绍 就在马进狂喜自己翻身的日子终于到来之际,一场突如其来的滔天巨浪打破了一切。苏醒过来的众人发现身处荒岛,丧失了一切与外界的联系。在封闭小岛的背景下,失去规则、失去阶级、失去财富的他们呈现出人性百态的浮世绘。《一出好戏》的故事早在2010年就开始构思,导演黄渤也受到美国电影《2012》...

常山县15583881382: 谁能帮我写一篇用英文介绍《2012世界末日》这部电影 -
薄刮皮敏: After watching this movie I really needed time to figure out what to think of it. I heard a lady sharing her first comment to her friend: 'That dog sure was ugly'. What else was there to say? After a while I found out:The action was truly formidable, ...

常山县15583881382: 《2012》的电影英文介绍 ,40词以内. -
薄刮皮敏: The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Due to solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an ...

常山县15583881382: 书面表达下面是关于美国电影《2012》 的简单介绍, 根据介绍写一篇100词左右的英语作文:1. 《2012》是 -
薄刮皮敏: One possible version : 2012 is a famous movie made in the USA, which was showed in China last month. What I have to admit is that this movie is wonderful, such as its advanced digital video effect and the worry about the future of human beings. ...

常山县15583881382: 写一篇有关2012电影介绍的英语作文?
薄刮皮敏: "2012" are one about the global deconstruction disaster movie, it narrated when 2012 judgment day arrival, the leading character struggles the experience which seeks livehood. This piece is called "the Day after tomorrow" the promotion ...

常山县15583881382: 求《2012》这部电影的英文简述(120个单词左右)
薄刮皮敏: 看来不需要多少字啊,那看看我自己写的.谢谢!Movie 2012, a famous movie made in USA, which was showed in China last month.2012这部电影是美国的一部著名电影...

常山县15583881382: 《2012》的英文介绍,简短的 -
薄刮皮敏: Doomsday is extremely boring. I rented it because I thought it was going to be an action packed natural disaster destruction movie. I guess I should have paid more attention to the box cover because the movie is a Modern Christian retelling of the ...

常山县15583881382: 请用英语概括电影《2012》的剧情,100字左右.
薄刮皮敏: 2012 movie is directed by Roland Emmerich and the starring of the movie is Danny Glover, John Cusack, Thandie Newton, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, and Chiwetel Ejiofor. According to some people 2012 movie review is that it can be produced in ...

常山县15583881382: 2012英文电影简介 -
薄刮皮敏: Several years before, geologist Adrian Helmsley comes across information that shows the world will come to an end in 2012. No announcement is made but the G8 countries begin to prepare for the event. Jack Curtis is a divorced and a less than ...

常山县15583881382: 2012英文简介 -
薄刮皮敏: 2012 is a description of how people are faced with a disaster film, is an exciting movie. Protagonist to Yellowstone National Park vacation, but found that lakes have dried up. Later, he met Charlie, Charlie told him that due to the destruction of ...

常山县15583881382: 英语翻译电影2012英文影评 要求:句式不要太难,单词在初中水平,大概100个单词正文如下:2012是一部美国的电影.这是一部激动人心的电影.2012重要讲... -
薄刮皮敏:[答案] 2012 is an exciting American movie.It tells the story that everything on earth is destroyed in a disaster in the year 2012,only a small percentage of human beings survived.After watching the movie,I ponder a lot about the end of the world everyday,because...

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