
作者&投稿:播临 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Huangshan Mountain is located in Huangshan City, southern Anhui Province. It has 72 peaks. The main peak of Lianhua Peak is 1864 meters above sea level. It is also called the three main peaks of Huangshan Mountain, one of the 36 peaks, together with Guangming Peak and Tiandu Peak.
Huangshan Mountain is the symbol of Anhui tourism and the only mountain scenery of the top ten scenic spots in China.Huangshan, formerly known as Yishan Mountain, is named for its black and blue peak rock and its distant view of Cangdai. Later, it was said that Emperor Xuanyuan had made alchemy here, so he was renamed Huangshan.
Huangshan's representative landscapes are "four unique waterfalls", four unique: Qisong, weird rocks, Yunhai, hot springs; three waterfalls: herringbone waterfall, Baizhang spring, Jiulong waterfall. Huangshan welcoming pine is a symbol of the warm friendship of Anhui people, carrying the Oriental etiquette culture embracing the world.





Of all the notable mountains in China, Mount Huangshan, to be found in the south of Anhui province, is probably the most famous. Originally known as Mt. Yishan it was renamed Mt. Huangshan in 747 AD in recognition of the legendary Huang Di, who was the reputed ancestor of the Chinese people and who made magic pills for immortality here.

Wu yue is the collective name given to China's most important mountains, namely Mt. Taishan in Shandong Province, Mt. Huashan in Shaanxi Province, Mt. Hengshan in Shanxi Province, Mt. Songshan in Henan Province and Mt. Hengshan in Hunan Province. It is said that you won't want to visit any other mountains after seeing wu yue but you won't wish to see even wu yue after returning from Mt. Huangshan. This saying may give you some idea of the beauty and uniqueness of Mt. Huangshan. Together with the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Great Wall, Mt. Huangshan has become one of the great symbols of China.

Mt. Huangshan can boast not only of its magnificence but also its abundant resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site.

  黄山是中国著名风景区之一,世界游览胜地,黄山风景区(Huangshan Mountain)位于安徽省南部黄山市。主峰莲花峰,海拔1864m。黄山处于亚热带季风气候区内,由于山高谷深,气候呈垂直变化。同时由于北坡和南坡受阳光的辐射差大,局部地形对其气候起主导作用,形成云雾多、湿度大、降水多的气候特点。黄山集名山之长:泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,衡山之烟云,庐山之飞瀑,雁荡山之巧石,峨眉山之清凉。明代旅行家、地理学家, 徐霞客两游黄山,赞叹说:“登黄山天下无山,观止矣!”又留“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的美誉。更有“天下第一奇山”之称。可以说无峰不石,无石 不松,无松不奇,并以 奇松、怪石、云海、温泉 黄山四绝著称于世。其二湖,三瀑,十六泉,二十四溪相映争辉。春、夏、秋、冬四季景色各异。黄山还兼有“天然动物园和天下植物园”的美称,有植物近1500种,动物500多种。黄山气候宜人,是得天独厚的避暑胜地,是国家级风景名胜区和疗养避暑胜地。1985年入选全国十大风景名胜,1990年12月被联合国教科文组织列入《世界文化与自然遗产名录》,是中国第一个同时作为文化、自然双重遗产列入名录的。2004年2月入选世界地质公园。蜚声中外,令世人难忘。古今有很多黄山诗词流传于世。 2007年5月8日,黄山市黄山风景区经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游景区。

  Huangshan is one of China's famous scenic resort, the Huangshan Mountain, Huangshan scenic areas (south) is located in Huangshan city, anhui province. Lotus feng, altitude 1864m peaks. Huangshan in subtropical monsoon climate, due to the high mountain area, the climate is perpendicular to the deep valley. While north and south slope due to the difference of the radiation from the sun, local terrain on the climate plays a leading role, forming, humidity, even the climate characteristic of precipitation. Huangshan mountains set the length of the majestic mountain tai: the steep mountain, the cloud of lushan waterfall, yandang mountain, the mountain, the cool and refreshing opportunely. Traveler, geography, Ming dynasty, two swim huangshan xu said: "mount huangshan mountain, a world without GuanZhi yi!" And stay "five yues return from mount huangshan, return not to see yue" reputation. "A rugged mountains," said. Say no, no no stone peak, not loose stone, and not to loose and hot springs in huangshan four away. Secondly, the three layers, 16 lake, the ZhengHui 24 set. Spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons variety of scenery. Huangshan also has "the zoo and natural botanical garden" the laudatory name, have a plant nearly 1500, 500 animals. Huangshan pleasant climate, is advantageous summer resort, is a state-level scenic spot and summer resort. In 1985, the scenic spots, 10 December 1990 by UNESCO world cultural and natural heritage listas, is China's first as culture, natural dual heritage of the listed. In February 2004 world geological park. The Chinese, and memorable. There are many ancient poetry in huangshan circulating. May 8, 2007, huangshan city by national tourism administration of huangshan formally approved for national aaaaa tourist area.
  Huangshan mountain, is a kind of beauty of the language used to describe the beauty of artistic conception, let a person produce too much lenovo's humanistic beauty. Whether the sun appeared under the virile beauty, or TieGu eventful clouds concealed under the enchanting beauty, or in March ma blooming flowers in the romantic beauty, fully even in the winter with snow everywhere in the beauty of holiness wrapped in silver makeup.
  Across the people say: "the theme of" huangshan is in the clouds. This is the best scenery in huangshan peak area, and is for the best is mist. When the people in the mountain, see the beck clouds is limited in the cloud, and like the sea shore, wave on peak chung, every-where and shreds. Huangshan, especially JiJue clouds. The mist and layer, wind, drift cumulus clouds billow, sometimes fall, sometimes, and stretch, constitute a peculiar protean clouds fill. Whenever the cloud, the surge of huangshan scenic area is divided into the clouds. Fog shrouded by the peak suddenly revealed, folds, faint of mountains, the perfect expression in here. As a cloud floating in the middle layer mountains, scenery, transient drag。

黄山(Huangshan Mountain)

主峰莲花峰,海拔1864m。黄山处于亚热带季风气候区内,由于山高谷深,气候呈垂直变化。同时由于北坡和南坡受阳光的辐射差大,局部地形对其气候起主导作用,形成云雾多、湿度大、降水多的气候特点。黄山集名山之长:泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,衡山之烟云,庐山之飞瀑,雁荡山之巧石,峨眉山之清凉。明代旅行家、地理学家, 徐霞客两游黄山,赞叹说:“登黄山天下无山,观止矣!”又留“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的美誉。更有“天下第一奇山”之称。可以说无峰不石,无石 不松,无松不奇,并以 奇松、怪石、云海、温泉 黄山四绝著称于世。其二湖,三瀑,十六泉,二十四溪相映争辉。春、夏、秋、冬四季景色各异。黄山还兼有“天然动物园和天下植物园”的美称,有植物近1500种,动物500多种。黄山气候宜人,是得天独厚的避暑胜地,是国家级风景名胜区和疗养避暑胜地。1985年入选全国十大风景名胜,1990年12月被联合国教科文组织列入《世界文化与自然遗产名录》,是中国第一个同时作为文化、自然双重遗产列入名录的。2004年2月入选世界地质公园。蜚声中外,令世人难忘。古今有很多黄山诗词流传于世。 2007年5月8日,黄山市黄山风景区经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游景区。


Huangshan is one of China's famous scenic resort, the Huangshan Mountain, Huangshan scenic areas (south) is located in Huangshan city, anhui province. Lotus feng, altitude 1864m peaks. Huangshan in subtropical monsoon climate, due to the high mountain area, the climate is perpendicular to the deep valley. While north and south slope due to the difference of the radiation from the sun, local terrain on the climate plays a leading role, forming, humidity, even the climate characteristic of precipitation. Huangshan mountains set the length of the majestic mountain tai: the steep mountain, the cloud of lushan waterfall, yandang mountain, the mountain, the cool and refreshing opportunely. Traveler, geography, Ming dynasty, two swim huangshan xu said: "mount huangshan mountain, a world without GuanZhi yi!" And stay "five yues return from mount huangshan, return not to see yue" reputation. "A rugged mountains," said. Say no, no no stone peak, not loose stone, and not to loose and hot springs in huangshan four away. Secondly, the three layers, 16 lake, the ZhengHui 24 set. Spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons variety of scenery.


Huangshan is located in southern Anhui Province, Huangshan City in east longitude 118 ° 1 'degrees north latitude 30 ° 1', north and south about 40 kilometers from east to west width of 30 km, mountain area of 1200 square kilometers, planning area of about 154 square kilometers. An average annual rainfall of 2394.5 millimeters, an average annual temperature of 7.8 ℃, the highest in summer temperature 27 ℃, winter minimum temperature of -22 ℃, a subtropical monsoon climate. 1985, selected the top ten scenic spots, in December 1990 was listed by UNESCO as "World Cultural and Natural Heritage List", in February this year, selected world geological park.

黄山是中国著名风景区之一,世界游览胜地,黄山风景区(Huangshan Mountain)位于安徽省南部黄山市。主峰莲花峰,海拔1864m。黄山处于亚热带季风气候区内,由于山高谷深,气候呈垂直变化。同时由于北坡和南坡受阳光的辐射差大,局部地形对其气候起主导作用,形成云雾多、湿度大、降水多的气候特点。黄山集名山之长:泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,衡山之烟云,庐山之飞瀑,雁荡山之巧石,峨眉山之清凉。明代旅行家、地理学家, 徐霞客两游黄山,赞叹说:“登黄山天下无山,观止矣!”又留“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的美誉。更有“天下第一奇山”之称。可以说无峰不石,无石 不松,无松不奇,并以 奇松、怪石、云海、温泉 黄山四绝著称于世。其二湖,三瀑,十六泉,二十四溪相映争辉。春、夏、秋、冬四季景色各异。黄山还兼有“天然动物园和天下植物园”的美称,有植物近1500种,动物500多种。黄山气候宜人,是得天独厚的避暑胜地,是国家级风景名胜区和疗养避暑胜地。1985年入选全国十大风景名胜,1990年12月被联合国教科文组织列入《世界文化与自然遗产名录》,是中国第一个同时作为文化、自然双重遗产列入名录的。2004年2月入选世界地质公园。蜚声中外,令世人难忘。古今有很多黄山诗词流传于世。 2007年5月8日,黄山市黄山风景区经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游景区。
Huangshan is one of China's famous scenic resort, the Huangshan Mountain, Huangshan scenic areas (south) is located in Huangshan city, anhui province. Lotus feng, altitude 1864m peaks. Huangshan in subtropical monsoon climate, due to the high mountain area, the climate is perpendicular to the deep valley. While north and south slope due to the difference of the radiation from the sun, local terrain on the climate plays a leading role, forming, humidity, even the climate characteristic of precipitation. Huangshan mountains set the length of the majestic mountain tai: the steep mountain, the cloud of lushan waterfall, yandang mountain, the mountain, the cool and refreshing opportunely. Traveler, geography, Ming dynasty, two swim huangshan xu said: "mount huangshan mountain, a world without GuanZhi yi!" And stay "five yues return from mount huangshan, return not to see yue" reputation. "A rugged mountains," said. Say no, no no stone peak, not loose stone, and not to loose and hot springs in huangshan four away. Secondly, the three layers, 16 lake, the ZhengHui 24 set. Spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons variety of scenery. Huangshan also has "the zoo and natural botanical garden" the laudatory name, have a plant nearly 1500, 500 animals. Huangshan pleasant climate, is advantageous summer resort, is a state-level scenic spot and summer resort. In 1985, the scenic spots, 10 December 1990 by UNESCO world cultural and natural heritage listas, is China's first as culture, natural dual heritage of the listed. In February 2004 world geological park. The Chinese, and memorable. There are many ancient poetry in huangshan circulating. May 8, 2007, huangshan city by national tourism administration of huangshan formally approved for national aaaaa tourist area.
Huangshan mountain, is a kind of beauty of the language used to describe the beauty of artistic conception, let a person produce too much lenovo's humanistic beauty. Whether the sun appeared under the virile beauty, or TieGu eventful clouds concealed under the enchanting beauty, or in March ma blooming flowers in the romantic beauty, fully even in the winter with snow everywhere in the beauty of holiness wrapped in silver makeup.
Across the people say: "the theme of" huangshan is in the clouds. This is the best scenery in huangshan peak area, and is for the best is mist. When the people in the mountain, see the beck clouds is limited in the cloud, and like the sea shore, wave on peak chung, every-where and shreds. Huangshan, especially JiJue clouds. The mist and layer, wind, drift cumulus clouds billow, sometimes fall, sometimes, and stretch, constitute a peculiar protean clouds fill. Whenever the cloud, the surge of huangshan scenic area is divided into the clouds. Fog shrouded by the peak suddenly revealed, folds, faint of mountains, the perfect expression in here. As a cloud floating in the middle layer mountains, scenery, transient drag。
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乔纳森·谢尔(英语:Jonathan Edward Schell,1943年8月21日-2014年3月25日),是一名美国作家。 他是耶鲁大学访问学者,并因反对核武器活动而著称,他出生于纽约市。他是哈佛大学校友,《a view of mountains》是他根据日本广岛一事所写。 2014年3月25日,他因为癌症死于纽约市的家中,享年70岁。 已赞过 已踩过< ...

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岳麓山的地理位置独特,岳麓山其山脉属南岳衡山,古人把岳麓山列为南岳七十二峰的最后一峰,称为灵麓峰,南距衡山山脉主峰祝融峰直线距离102公里。 在很久之前的南北朝刘宋时《南岳记》载:“南岳周围八百里,回雁为首,岳麓为足。”故名岳麓。据地质学考证,岳麓山奠基于古生代,形成于中生代,发展于新生代,距今三亿余年。

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