We have many clubs.Jim joins our soon.这句话如何翻译?这里的our是否应该用ours?

作者&投稿:登义 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
We have many clubs.Jim joins our soon.这句话如何翻译?~


We have many sports clubs in our school.

应该用ours,这才是名词性物主代词,相当于our club.

We have many clubs.Jim joins ours(名词性物主代词) soon(JIM很快就加入到我们的俱乐部中了)
We have many clubs.Jim joins us soon(jim很快就入伙了)

jim joins us soon.

禹会区18297977344: We have many clubs 做一般疑问句 并做回答 -
郗郎安吉:[答案] Do you have many clubs Yes,we do. No,we don't.

禹会区18297977344: We have many - ___ - clubsA sportB sports -
郗郎安吉:[答案] A

禹会区18297977344: we have many 什么(club) in our school (club)怎么填
郗郎安吉: 很多俱乐部,那就是 many clubs

禹会区18297977344: we have many clubs (一般仪问句) -
郗郎安吉: Have you many clubs ?Do you have many clubs ?

禹会区18297977344: 英语日记10篇,字数50以上就好,不要从别处转来的! -
郗郎安吉:[答案] 1.Dear Frank, I know you are arriving next Saturday. But I'm so busy that I can't go to meet you at the airport.Now let me tell... 3:00 in the afternoon.We have many clubs in our school.Look!Some boys of sports club are playing soccer.Others are riding ...

禹会区18297977344: we have many (club)in our school错在哪里 -
郗郎安吉:[答案] we have many (clubs)in our school

禹会区18297977344: 用英文根据下列提示写一篇介绍你理想学校的文章,80字1,我不喜欢早起.我们上午9点上学,下午4点放学,有一个小时左右进行课外活动.2,有两个小时... -
郗郎安吉:[答案] My School I don't like get up early. My dream school will start the day at 9 am, and off at 4 pm. Then students have one hour time for actitives after school together. The lunch is in the school, and it's two hours for lunch. We could chat and listen to the music....

禹会区18297977344: club什么时候变复数 -
郗郎安吉: 当然是表示多个俱乐部时,才用复数 比如 We have many clubs in our school.我们学校有很多俱乐部.第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

禹会区18297977344: ”我们有许多的俱乐部,快加入我们吧”用英语怎么说? -
郗郎安吉: We have a lot of clubs,come and join us quickly.

禹会区18297977344: 用所给的单词适当形式填空 1.let is - ---(watch)TV 2.my father----(play)sports every day. 3.we have -
郗郎安吉: watch plays clubs Does have us Sam's doesn't have sounds

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