
作者&投稿:希英 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




He's Jordan's schoolmate. He owns the best body conditions in NBA, with break-out force,avoirdupois,time for staying in air, bounce, harmony and speed all joined together.Someone even said that he's body qualification is better than Jordan in the peak. His great fame comes from his grand slam-dunk.Flying slam-dunk, slam-dunk before someone, changing hand during slam-dunk,even changing hand under hip during slam-dunk are all in his master.
His name is Vincent Lamar Carter, Mcgrady'scousin,with a nickname of "Canadian Flier".In All Star 2000, he shewed a super single-hand slam-dunk, and his elegant movement,steching body and great stength are all unprecedented.With such a slam-dunk, he got the champion for slam-dunk.
In Sydney Olypics in 2000,he gave us one violating physical law and burning the whole basketball world. That slam-dunk is so out of logic that Carter almost flied over center Freddie with a height of 2.13m, but the most surprising one is that he sprang up two steps before the restricted area,so no matter in level or in vertical,his body had flied over a large area.Kidd was sitting at USA's bench at that time,and he said this is a perfect slam-dunk he had ever seen.
At last, I wanna say,"I love Carter!"

He is Jordan's alumni, he is in the alliance the bodily condition bestplayer, the explosive force, the body weight, 滞空, bounces, thecoordination, the speed collection to a body, some people said he evenjolts the peak time the Jordan physical quality also to have to bemore splendid than. Wins the prestige for him is he lets the bucklebasket which the person praises to the heavens give up study, thediving posture buckles the basket, separates the person to buckle thebasket airborne, trades the hand to buckle the basket, the crotchtrades the hand to buckle the basket, his strategic move emerges oneafter another incessantly.
He is article Skutt entire named Vincent Lamar Carter, Mcgrady'scousin, the nickname is "the Canadian flier". In 2000 on entire starmatch, performed a single-handed super big windmill to fill thebasket, its movement exquisite, stretch of the bodily, the strengthwas grand all is unprecedented. Also relied on this buckle basket toattain the champion at one fell swoop which the same year buckled thebasket big game.
In 2000 at the Sydney Olympic Games, performed time has violated thephysical law the buckle basket, that buckle let the entire basketballworld for it burning, that recorded buckles the basket really issurpasses the logic, the Carter nearly entire person "has flown"height 2.13 meters centers not 雷迪. What but true is surprised ishe is in also has two steps of places from the forbidden area to takeoff, buckles to him the ball the basket circle up to, his body nomatter were all already has flown in 垂直面 or the horizontal planea big piece of area. 基德 on the seat on USA team's backless stoolmat, he expressed at that time this buckle basket was he has seen thebest buckle.
Finally, I want to say that, "I love Carter."


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伯牙吾台京利力:[答案] 我的梦想学校不是远离家.将有mang树和fiowers在我们的学校.我们将有有许多有用的书的一个大图书馆.我们也将有一个游泳池和它的四个大规模计算机房间.我们将开始我们的类at8 :00am和完成他们在3:00 pm.我们在学校以...

民和回族土族自治县17756458667: 帮我翻译一篇文章
伯牙吾台京利力: Our school has very many dream to the classroom, classroom stairs, but without taking the elevator, everyone will have a computer, can choose according to oneself be fond of courses, students study life is very rich, the school gate no teacher, but a robot, when you went to school, he will be with you.

民和回族土族自治县17756458667: 帮我翻译一篇短文 -
伯牙吾台京利力: Today, I finally understand the strength of this book! No wonder my teacher told me not to lend the book to anyone! I will treat my life to it! Also, see you smile!

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