
作者&投稿:井花 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

您好,以下是原创示例,供您参考:Dear Manager Williams,Thank you for your invitation for attending your company's 5th anniversary celebration. Unfortunately, urgent matters that I will be on business in another city. Hope you understand the reasons preventing my attendance. Thank you for the invitation again and hop our long-term cooperation go smoothly and closely.Yours Sincerely,xxx回复商业邀请重在简单明了,言语严谨。一句话解释为什么不能去,最后或者祝福活动顺利或者祝福合作愉快。落款yours sincerely, 标准名字即可。希望有所帮助,谢谢!

My hometown is located at the foot of Taihang Mountain, astream flows from near the village. Seen from a distance,the stream like a silver ribbon, slowly to the East; a closer look, crystal clear stream, small fish and shrimp in the water to take one's ease to swim to swim. To cross the mountainsCalocedrus evergreen. My hometown is like a big park,throughout the year are countless beauty.
The mountain spring, winter jasmine, peach, pearorchard... All along the season opened. Seen from a distance, on the slope of a piece of red, a yellow, a piece of white... Be riotous with colour, very beautiful. All kinds of flowers all over the hillside, approached the smell, floral aroma, intoxicated, from time to time there are a few beescollecting nectar in the flowers. Stretch as far as eye can see wheat fields, farmers are working to add vitality ofspring.
Summer arrived, the little duck swimming in the riverhappily, from time to time to dive into the water under predation. The river boat shuttle to and fro, running. When adults do not pay attention to, the children secretly jumped into the river fishing, very happy. In the evening, every household to bring the food to the door of the stone table,sat on the stool, day heights width to eat up. The skyHongxia, the evening breeze, heads of birds, are theirfriends. They and the country people together, as a natural and harmonious pastoral landscape painting.
Autumn has come, wind sends bright. The river shore in the orchard, a harvest scene. The golden pears, red apple,and like a small lantern like persimmon, covered with branches. The wind blowing, the wind dancing ripe fruit,sent waves of attractive fragrance. Uncle farmers are busyinto the orchard, picking the fruits of the harvest. They with great care to pick down, put in the box, attached to atricycle, transported to the city, so the town people share the joy of harvest.
Arrived in the winter, the white snow falling down. On the hillside, the fields, the roof, the yard is full of snow, the whole village as if into a fairy tale world. The village children are running in the snow, some in the snowman,some are having a snowball fight. The adults also began to rush the thing in the home, some clean, some to buyspecial purchases for the Spring Festival, some come together to discuss the rich event next year. Although the weather is cold, but everyone felt very warm.
My hometown, no matter what time, no matter what the season, there is a fascinating landscape, I love my hometown!






We are happy with the
We have to put up with
We look forward to with the same
We have wind and rain
We have to pursue
We kept the same as Jane's love

When the Tangshan earthquake in wound healing, when the 98-year major floods to Jiang, in February, when winter snows have been warming people's hearts, 5.12 ah, in at 14:28 on May 12, the earth, "Cameroon" A Loud noise, Wenchuan Ka lives in the throat ......

Sichuan 8 earthquake has shocked the world, the people in the disaster areas also affects the fate of the 1.3 billion Chinese people's heart.
"A pure white, beautiful and amazing flowers, heavy rain and strong wind facing the firm, stood far away my mind, he was exposed to the elements it, the characters forever. I suddenly wake up at the moment, this image is in the Wenchuan Earthquake burst out in a variety of moving power and spirit of the awesome form of spirits, the beauty of the 'flower of life'. Mingming Zhong I think I have to show it out. "SHU Yong-known contemporary artists to receive a few days ago in Guangzhou An interview with reporters, said that he decided to create the "flower of life" sculptures, it will be dedicated to all victims of the earthquake, and survivors of the earthquake, as well as to contribute to the people of the world in order to "change this part of history Enough to touch. "

Survival and death on the trip so thin door, pushed open the door of death,再也回不到birth, life is so fragile and volatile, in 2008, the Chinese talent from out of the shadow of the snow disaster, Shu Liao is a natural disaster, and there have been four Chuan Wenchuan 7.8 earthquake.

Another small love will be multiplied by 1.3 billion into a love of the sea, and then divided by the difficulties of 1.3 billion will become insignificant, love always around us, not to give up hope and expect that we will win. Relentless natural disasters, people love, Wenchuan, hold on! We are confident that you will be out of this long dark night, ushering in the dawn of the dawn!

Yesterday, still scene of a Ruhuasiyu. Sit prosperous city. An unexpected 8.0 earthquake destroyed mercilessly into the endless ruins. Tens of thousands of lives in the blink of an eye that died! All that beautiful Suddenly from heaven into hell. Although the earthquake is over, but the earthquake has also left behind a great loss to continue.. Not the people in the disaster areas to eat, not to wear, not to live. My mind has been unwittingly took a heart-rending.
No love Valentine's earthquake, disaster relentless, there is human love. A party in trouble, eight points of the compass support, to stimulate a national disaster compatriots concerted efforts, working with lives, overcome difficulties and rebuild a harmonious life and rebuild their beautiful homeland, the determination and confidence.
After the outbreak of the earthquake in the day. Over the Liuxun Premier Wen. And then the first time and rushed to the earthquake relief on the front line, he works actively. Moderate his. His kind-hearted. Time to move forward to the National People's hearts and minds. We are all Have lent a helping hand. The people to donate to the disaster area on their own hard-earned money. The people of the provinces are requested to actively participate in the rescue detachment. Risk their lives to the disaster areas to participate in the rescue operations.
Every time hear on TV who have been buried in the ruins below the suffering of the people crying for help and those who see the birth parents had no children became orphans. Spiritual pain again and again to hit me, They want to help these poor children.
When I saw the children lying on a stretcher, was cast a white face, holding hands tightly, his parents around him, constantly calling his son's nicknames ..... but life is so fragile, this also yesterday A lovely and lively children so never leave the love of his parents. Unconsciously looking at looking at the tears blurred my eyes.
The earthquake which always affects all our hearts, in the rainy season, for the people in the disaster areas into a warm. Even a small move.
2008 at 14:28 on May 12. We will never forget that amazing scene. While the people in the disaster areas has not been adequate treatment of the material. But as long as we are doing together, but no degree of difficulty There is no war over the suffering of the Chinese people has always been indomitable, I still remember the disaster areas in Wenjing Li said a word, "Hill can be mobile, but can not shake the Chinese people's determination to earthquake relief; water can be blocked, but blocked Not the Hong Kong compatriots and the mainland compatriots, fellow feeling. "Since the earthquake, China's has been from all over the world to help the rescue continued. It is our sincere and enthusiastic about the soul continues. I believe in the near future. We will To see an ideal city will be displayed before our eyes.
We do not have too many flowery language of the modification, there is no earth-shattering deeds, not to mention moving the spread, it moved the soul of everyone, I do not know in the earthquake, the orphaned children of the number, with no family How many, but I only know that the life of every human being behind the dawn, have an unforgettable words. No need to use the term fine brush modified, but still shining bright, and that is love. We love the people throughout the country.
The earthquake not only a severe test, but also a love dedication in the face of simple, has a beating heart rhythm of the same spin, let us do my modest hit, in extraordinary times, and tested more It is our solidarity, love Valentine's earthquake-free, let us work together so that the people in the disaster areas take heart, take them out of the pain and grief that some of the land, such as the well-being of a boat up the river sad, fast seismic fury, but not shock We live hand the strength of the co-determination!
.. In the disaster areas to work together to offer valuable people love ..
Let us united. ..... Earthquake relief

i used the magic to make myself be in a helicopter, when i'm in the helicopter, i became very handsome.after lunch i arrive in Inner Mongolia, but how wonder, Inner Monglia changed a sea not the forest.then i had no idea, just made a bed to sleep on the sea,,,but at this time,a boy who rode a elephant appeared in my eyes, you can't imange what he said to me:"can you tell me how to do this quadratic?"


I'm a magicer I'm very famous in the world,I often take a helicoper to finish my activity in Inner Mongolia , I'm very busy,when i inthe Inner Mogolia,but in my free time, i'm very relaxed, there is much gress,it is green it is very beautiful. Next time I will go to Hai Nan,I'm going swimming in the sea,it's bery exciting,and the sae is bule.When I go to bed, a boy come my home,he wes crying. Oh my god he is my brother! I'm so surprised.I asked he why he wes crying?
"My elder brother``````"
"What's the matter,my brother?"
"En```,I fight with my ciassmates."
"Are you win?"
"Why are you crying?"
"I wash a girl's clothes."
"I think I'm handsome ,in a math class teacher teach us about quadratic,but I'm not listen to taecher carflly,I'm playing. "
"In lunch I boring my pen, I'm drewing in that girl's dress."
"What are you drewing?"
"An very big elepgant!"My brother was laughing.
I'm angry and surprised my brother can do that thing.

used the magic to make myself be in a helicopter, when i'm in the helicopter, i became very handsome.after lunch i arrive in Inner Mongolia, but how wonder, Inner Monglia changed a sea not the forest.then i had no idea, just made a bed to sleep on the sea,,,but at this time,a boy who rode a elephant appeared in my eyes, you can't imange what he said to me:"can you tell me how to do this quadratic?"

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