
作者&投稿:郴董 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

With a smile the face of life, with positive and optimistic attitude to face life, face to face family responsibility, so that we can succeed with positive attitude.

Everyone has his own dream, it will try to use their hands to create the future.每个人都有属于自己的梦想,将能够用自己的双手创造未来的努力。A dream is a dynamic, insist on confidence and work target.有梦想,就等于拥有权力、有信心,坚持下来,以争取成功的目标Many people feel confused about the future, they often lost in a real intersection, because their life without beacon and no one in the right direction, leading them .很多人会感到困惑,他们会丢失经常在每一个现实的四角,因为他们的生命不会有导航援助并且没有一个正确的方向引领他们前进。But if you can set a clear and realistic goals, the direction toward the dream may sail. Of course, goals must be suitable. If set too low, you can easily finish, easy to wind down ego and reach, true success. But if too high, its current capacity and could not finish, then it is not real, it will only make people immersed in reveries about the future, cannot extricate themselves但如果能解决一个明确的目标,也是现实的梦想,然后可能面临长途航行方向。当然,目标必须适合自己,如果决定过低,很容易可以完成的话,容易自我满足并懈怠下来,也轻易不能达到真正成功的目标,但是如果决定自己的现有能力太高,不可能完成的话,那将会是不现实的,只能让人浸入到未来的幻想中,将无法自拔。We are young, the heart have ideal, have power, let us together, to own ideal!我们是年轻人,心中有理想、手中有力量,让我们大家的共同努力,奔向自己的理想!

3.3 Coca-Cola core competitiveness
Core competence is to give enterprises competitive advantages of different technical systems, organizational management system of organic integration. Brand is the core competitiveness of the synthesizer is the difference between the market enterprises on the most important sign, but also consumers money to vote weathervane. Brand is a kind of intangible assets of enterprises, the enterprise has an important meaning: help enterprises and their products to distinguish competing products, helping the product sales and occupation of the market, will help develop the brand consumers loyalty, will help develop new products, saving the cost of new products into the market. Brand strategy is the enterprises to enhance their brand influence tactics and strategies. Brand influence is to develop the brand in the marketplace, and the ability to profit. Evaluation of the influence of the basic indicators of the brand, including brand awareness, brand awareness, brand reputation, brand preference degrees, brand share, brand satisfaction, brand loyalty, etc., where the core indicators of brand loyalty. Brand equivalent to clients, has meant that the clients have a brand, to meet customer demand and maintain customer relationships is a measure of the ability to brand an important indicator of competitiveness. Reflecting the overall strength of corporate brand, Coca-Cola is a world-class brand, Coca-Cola Company is a world-class enterprise. Brand as the company's core competitiveness, an important part of the system, and corporate culture, core technology, human resources, competitiveness, are inseparable. Well-known brands in the world, without exception, involves both a rich and unique corporate culture. From the core technology to build the core products, are often the backbone of the brand product. Brand and corporate competitiveness in harmony, is a special competitive edge, that is, the brand's core competitiveness. The implementation of brand strategy, brand start-ups generally have to go through, brand maintenance and brand sublimation of the three-phase, so that brand deep to stay in the minds of consumers. Coca-Cola is a shining example of the implementation of brand strategy.

Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola) is the world's largest multinational soft drink manufacturer sold its products in more than 200 countries and regions, can be said that every corner of the world to see trace of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola Company is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Headquarters, together with its employees in branch offices around the world, a total of three thousand people, 70% of the company's production and 80% of the profits came from outside the United States. Coca-Cola Company brand strategy and continuously enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises so that the "Coca Cola" into people's memories Qinru the human mind, the stimulation from people's emotions, has created a well-known global brand and a world-class enterprise. World Brand Lab (WBL) the preparation of the "World's 100 most influential brands," Coca-Cola ranks top of the charts. Coca-Cola is truly a "best in the world brand."

The world's largest soft-drink giant, has a giant advantage and power of global competitiveness.
A strong marketing capability, systems and corporate advertising.
Brand image in people's minds, has become part of consumer life.
The core product of extreme secrecy of the secret formula is so popular after 100 years but not bad.
Channel fabric construction is very much intact (in particular, vending machines, the settings), and has a fast-food industry (led by McDonald's) is a powerful sales channels.
Workflow standardization.
Innovative and high R & D capabilities, the most representative for the launch of Diet Coke, As soon as he listed the rage.
High market share, the product of a more market-leading brands.
Product has a convenience (available everywhere), a unique flavor (secret recipe), and at reasonable prices and other features.
Product life cycle loop recycling patterns, remained intact.
Recently announced employee stock options as part of salary transfer fee, which will fully reflect the company's financial position, causing many experts and scholars and a praise, but also sweep away the investors relating to the Enron scandal against U.S. firms generated haze.
Large-scale, control is not easy.
Consumer stereotype - unhealthy beverages, because of cola contains caffeine and other ingredients, and could easily lead to obesity and other health problems.
The major consumer groups (young groups) of the product identity, slightly worse than Pepsi.
Access over the wide range of bottled drinks, consumers enjoyed the last of the more difficult to control the quality of products (more than situations such as shelf life or deterioration).
Can be a long-term competitive advantage
And good corporate brand image.
Product has a mysterious formula.
Market share of high and preferential access to industry, the leaders and the defender.
R & D capability and marketing capability.

常见的有二种。Helps me to translate ,please.Could you please translate it for me?

“帮我一个忙”这个短语在英语中的翻译可以是“do me a favor”,它是一个常用的口语表达。在英语中,“do me a favor”通常用于请求别人帮助自己完成某件事情,或者请求别人做出某种行为,这种行为可能会带来某种好处或者改善某种情况。举个例子,如果你需要朋友帮忙照看你的宠物狗一段时间,你可以说...

Could you please give me a hand?

造成-cause ,麻烦-problem ,增长-increase,出生-born,十亿-billion,,第五-fifth,稍等-wait,公寓-apartment,垃圾-rubbish,安静的-quiet,当地的-local,小学生-student

I want to be a doctor, I want to live in Paris, where the environment is very beautiful.

I should try my best to save money for achiveing my father's first dream, which is to buy a car , his first car.

1. Students will be held on November 28 at the school playground whole school Assembly.Meeting content to stay away from Internet cafes, to refuse any health books, on time and are invited to attend.2. Computers are increasingly becoming integral part of people's lives.楼主给分...

你能帮我学习英语?Can you help me learn English?词汇解析:一、can 英 [kæn] 美 [kæn]aux.可以;能;能够;可能 二、help 英 [help] 美 [hɛlp]1、vt. 帮助;促进;治疗;补救 2、n. 帮助;补救办法;帮忙者;有益的东西 3、vi. 帮助;有用;招待 三、...

I am doing my homework.我妹妹正在讲电话。my sister is talking to the phone.我爷爷在看报纸。my grandfathere is reading newspaper.我爸妈在客厅看电视。My father and mother is watching TV in the living room.我非常喜欢这张照片。I like this photo very much.今晚像任何其它夜晚一样。To...

The English teacher teach so bad 英语老师角得如此之差。I am so sad that I can't living 我悲伤得活不下去了。always want to die...总是想死...I just can say so ...我只能这样说...```How sad I am now ```我现在是多么的悲伤啊!But don't worry !!Because 但是别担心!...

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邓态锋派: First of all thanks very much for acceptance of my recommedation and offering this valuable interview.Your esteemed university is of not only wonderful enrironment but also qualified professors and being an undergraduate of your esteemed has ...

周村区18863495819: 英语翻译请帮我翻译一下下面这段文字,请问你现在有时间吗?我想跟你学英语,请先不要拒决我,因为我需要你的帮助,每天只需要花费你一两个小时,... -
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邓态锋派: I loved you that deeply,I gave that truely,but I didn't think that what I got after giving up my everything was the hurts you gave back one after another.Is my affection that worthless to make you spoil it easily?I think that may not only due to the thought that ...

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邓态锋派: My name is Wangshan, i am 16. I study in Sunshine middle school in BEijng.I am a girl who loves music, photographing and communicating with others. ANd I am ready to help others. WHat's more, i love nature and peace. As for the purpose for ...

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邓态锋派: Since 1998, China's implementation of the seven years of continuous positive fiscal policy, in promoting economic growth and has played a significant role. Preliminary accounting, 2004 national GDP 136515 billion yuan, according to the ...

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邓态锋派:[答案] God,please give me a little enlightenment,i don't know how to carry on,it's so dark upfront,i hardly can find the way out. 意译,不是直翻

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邓态锋派:[答案] 漂亮的瑞士小镇梅恩菲尔德位于一群山脉脚下,其严峻崎岖的峰巅远远高过下面的山谷

周村区18863495819: 请帮我翻译一下下面几个句子(英→汉) -
邓态锋派: 1: I think that has always been a man and nature should live in harmony 2: the development of the industry led to increasingly serious pollution, resulting in many parts of the world have been destroyed, a large number of dead plants 3: direct ...

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