ise ice ite 词缀结尾的单词区别

作者&投稿:都善 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

infinite [ˈɪnfɪnət]

adj.无限的,无穷的; 无数的,许许多多的; 极大的
n.无限,无穷; [数] 无穷大; 造物主,神; 无限的事物

The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety.

elite [eɪˈli:t]

n.精华; 精锐,精英; 上层集团; (统称)掌权人物


They were, by and large, a very wealthy, privileged elite.

我也不太明白 不过还是很愿意和你一起学习 对于初学者来说区别不是很大 硬要说的话.-ice、-ise 名词后缀,表示“行为,状态”.-ize、-ise名词后缀,表示“物品,状态”,英式英语中常用ise 以下是相关资料 摘自博客 有兴趣可以阅读一下
We often see some words with the ending of -ise or -ize. Britain end up with a system of using both -ise and -ize spellings. The -ize become the default spelling in American English. The US is loyal to -ize spellings because Noah Webster favoured them when he wrote his spelling books and dictionaries. In the UK two camps exist: a minority of writers who favour the -ize spelling, including many academic and scientific writers, on the grounds that it is “correct” and endorsed by the OED (《牛津英语词典》); and the remaining majority who use -ise spellings, which are supported among others by the British boards of education, the BBC, British advertisers and the entire national press, including the Times (《泰晤士报》), the Guardian (《卫报》), the Economist (《经济学人》又译为《经济学家》) and the FT (《金融时报》).When I organized and joined the World Photography Festival I met some reporters of British and American media. Maybe they just like their style. British attempts to use -ize is specifically motivated by the desire to follow Greek and Latin etymology while the American and Canadian -ize is based on standardization as a result of spelling reform in the 1800s. In the early 18th century, English spelling was not standardized. Differences became noticeable after the publishing of influential dictionaries. Current British English spellings follow, for the most part, those of Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language (塞缪尔·约翰逊完成于1755年的两卷本《英语词典》。在长达150年的时间里,这本词典一直是最权威的英语词典,直到20世纪初才被《牛津英语词典》取而代之。), whereas many American English spellings follow Noah Webster's An American Dictionary of the English Language (诺亚·韦伯斯特的1828年的伟大里程碑《美国英语词典》,今简称为《韦氏大词典》。该词典比约翰逊的约长三分之一,含有很多美国用法。也许毕生的努力和在英格兰度过的一年使他成熟了。他在为这部里程碑撰写的前言中指出:“本词典中的语言总体跟英格兰一样,延续两者之间的同一性很有必要。”). Many spelling changes proposed in the United States of America by Webster himself, and in the early 20th century by the Simplified Spelling Board, never caught on. Among the advocates of spelling reform in England, the influences of those who preferred the Norman (or Anglo-French) spellings of certain words proved to be decisive. Subsequent spelling adjustments in the United Kingdom had little effect on present-day American spellings, and vice-versa. In many cases American English deviated in the 19th century from mainstream British spelling, but it has also retained some older forms. The spelling systems of Commonwealth countries and Ireland, for the most part, closely resemble the British system. In Canada and Australia, however, where much of the spelling is "British", many "American" spellings are also used.


惠济区19382801574: ise ice ite 词缀结尾的单词区别 -
宰芸肝喜: 1.-ise一般为动词词尾,如realise,standardise 2.-ice一般为名词词尾,如advice,rice,当然也有例外如suffice就是动词. 3.-ite一般是动词词尾,如cite,recite,bite等

惠济区19382801574: 英语名词词缀有哪些 -
宰芸肝喜: 英语名词词缀有以下这些: 1 -age名词反缀,(1)表示“状态,总称”(2)表示“场所,物品”(3)表示“费用” 2-ade名词后缀,(1)表示“状态,物品”(2)表示“个人或集体” 3.-ain 名词后缀,表示“…人” 4.-al名词后缀,表示“人...

惠济区19382801574: 英语名词词缀的单词 -
宰芸肝喜: 原发布者:centia defrost (给…除霜)decentralize (分散)dis-disagree (不同意)discover (发现)in-incorrect〔不正确的〕indirect (间接的)il-illegal (非法的)illogical (不合逻辑的、im- imbalance (不平衡)immature (未成...

惠济区19382801574: se开头ice结尾的单词 -
宰芸肝喜: service n. 服务,服侍;服役;仪式 adj. 服务性的;耐用的;服现役的 vt. 维修,检修;保养 Serice n. 赛里斯(古代西方对中国的称呼)

惠济区19382801574: 单词以ise结尾的 -
宰芸肝喜: .-ise一般为动词词尾,如realise,standardise

惠济区19382801574: 词缀 - ice/ - ize/ - ise 有什么区别?词性和用法 -
宰芸肝喜:[答案] 我也不太明白 不过还是很愿意和你一起学习 对于初学者来说区别不是很大 硬要说的话.-ice、-ise 名词后缀,表示“行为,状态”.-ize、-ise名词后缀,表示“物品,状态”,英式英语中常用ise 以下是相关资料 摘自博客 有兴...

惠济区19382801574: 美式英语的写法问题! -
宰芸肝喜: 【答】一般英式英语以-ise结尾的动词可以写成-ize; 至于u的省略,一般是以-our组合中的u才可省,其余不省.如colour--> color; favour--> favor 等,但也不是全都能省,如 flour --> flour面粉.所以,对于这个问题还需多查美语词典,如韦氏大词典,还有就是平时多留心观察并用心记住所见到的单词.

惠济区19382801574: 求英语单词词性简易辨别方法:如 - ion常为名词等 -
宰芸肝喜: 名词的字尾 ace,ade,age,al,ance,ancy,ence,ency,cy,dom,hood,head,ic,ice,ise,ing,ion,ism,asm,itude,ment,mony,ness,our,ry,ship,t,th,ty,ety,ity,ure,y.形容词字尾 able,ible,al,ial,an,ian,ant,ent,ar,ary,ate,ete,ute,ed,en,ese,fold,ful,iac,ic,ical,id,ile,ine,ing,ior,...

惠济区19382801574: 求单词 - ate结尾 - ise或 - ize结尾
宰芸肝喜: kate, gate,fate, date, late,mate/wise,rise,exercise/size ,prize

惠济区19382801574: 后缀ise和ize用法上有什么区别?
宰芸肝喜: ise是英式英语,如:practise ize是美式英语,如:practize 不明白欢迎来求助! 望采纳,多谢了!

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