
作者&投稿:大唐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1:好吖~考试结束的很晚,等久了吧 well. The tests end so late, you have waited for a long time, right?

2:没有啦,先坐下,喝咖啡么? No really, sit down please. Drink some coffee?

1:好~我喝卡布奇诺 yes, please. I want cupcino
1:现在马上就要放假了,有什么计划么? We are going to have holidays, any plans?
2:我打算去旅游~ I am plannign to tour around.
1:OH~旅游!不错蛮~要去哪呢? Travel? Good idea, where are you going?
2:英国,日本,新西兰中的一个,你经常旅游帮我推荐一下哪里比较好? England, Japan or newzealand. You always go on tour, can you recommend one?
1:要去多久呢? For how long?
2:2个月左右吧 about two months.
1:打算去做什么 what are you doing to do?
2:不想去人太多的地方,计划去观光风景区 Don't want to go to busy palces. Planed to go for sight seeing
1:具体计划好了么? Any specific palns?
2:还没有仔细的计划,所以才约你来问问的蛮~ No, that why I asked you for!
1:知道啦,帮你想一想~ I see, I will think for you
2:你真是我的好朋友~ Yeah, you are really my good friend.

I held the post of Customer Manager for Comprehensive & Personal Credit, in charge of the general affairs of credit as well examination and approval of personal credit.

Meanwhile, I participated in the preparation of constructing Heping Subbranch in Beijing. During the period of managing comprehensive credit, I had all-round knowledge in aspects of position management of bank, inspection of credit materials, credit investigation, and after-credit management.

During the period of managing personal credit, I mastered relevant affairs, including reception for personal mortgage loan customer, investigating and checking knowledge, collection of materials of personal mortgage loan, examination and approval of personal credit, overdue receivables, customer information management, etc.

I acted as the Corporate Credit Manager, in charge of market development as well examination and approval of corporate credit. During the period, I took part in negotiations of several items, had charge of credit investigation, report, loan making, after-credit management and customer maintenance, involving many fields, such as coal trade, IT, school, car agent, real estate, materials companies, etc. I mastered traditional credit extension, trade finance, intermediate business (opening letter of guarantee, bank acceptance, settlement and sale of foreign exchange) as well as bank knowledge of corporate marketing; moreover, I consummated the control concept of bank risk, and also established fine consciousness.

I managed comprehensive administration and comprehensive credit, in charge of administration and credit in the subbranch.
During the period, I participated in the preparation of constructing Wangjing Subbranch in Beijing. I mastered the knowledge of human resource management, logistics support, bank security, office documents management, finance & taxation of the subbranch, financial expense, etc. Further more, I taught new comers to know comprehensive credit well, and assisted them to complete the work of corporate credit investigation, loan making and after-credit management.


hello everyone, this is the five minutes show that will bring every happiness---xxxx.
Well, it is soon going to be the end of the year, and I know many people are planning traveling overseas. So, the topic today is the plans about our trips. We are honor to have Ms Gladys from the BlaBla travel agent. And she is going to answer any questions for us. Hello, Ms Gladys.
2, Hello, I am gladys.

The year 2009 is gong to be the past soon, and I know a lot of people are planning to travel, so how to make detailed plans for our trips?

If you have decided where to travel to then what you need is a travel plan.
1, the benefit of traveling with a plan
2,If you have fix schedule, it could save you a lot of time and money. Of course, you may not follow your plan exactly, however, you will still leave yourself enough time to visit all the places you wish to go.
1, so, it seems that we really need plans for traveling. So how to make a detailed plan?
2, first of all, choose the type of the trips, is ti going to be visiting heritage sites, shopping, entertaining, or sightseeing? In another word, choose a theme of your trip.

1, so, what’s next?
The next step is to choose the destination as well as how much time you want to spend there according to your theme and your personal condition. Moreover, collecting information of the destination as much as possible. It will help you for the planning.

That’s right, as what you said, these are necessities. Your passport is essential for you to travel overseas. It works like your personal ID when you are aboard; and you also need to be granted a traveling visa before you take off.

You need money to travel, and make sure you have your credit card with you. It is better to have some currencies of the country you are going to. Check your personal belongings, such as your guidebook, clothes.

2, Things you must have: credit card, or hard copy of your documents in case you lose your documents. You may also choose to bring some toilet supplies or sunglasses with you.
1, in this case, packaging is also crucial/important.
2, you may want to put your personal toilet supplies and cosmetics in to a pocket or small bag and store it in a position that easy to reach. Shoes and clothes in the travel case accordingly. Leave the things on surface if you use them frequently.

Wow, you can go to any place you want to go with such a detailed introduction. I hope Ms gladys’ travel planning advices helpful. Thanks again Ms Gladys. We have to leave the show here today and See you tomorrow at the same time.

1.Hello everyone, here's XXX that brings you five happy minutes. New year's just around the corner. Lots of people have plans on traveling abroad. Today, we will discuss something about traveling plans. We are also honored to have Miss Gladys from BLABLA traveling agency. And she will be answering our questions.
Good evening Miss Gladys.
2.Hi everybody I'm Gladys.
1:2009 is going behind us. More and more people prepare to go traveling. How to make a good, rich fancy travel plan?
2:Once the place is fixed, the first thing would be making a travel plan.
1:What good can travel plans give?
2:It's time and money saving. Of course we can not stick to the plan absolutely, but we have plenty of time to visit some places we do wanna visit.
1:Seems like we have to make plans beforehand. So how do we make a plan?
2:First is to decide how we are going to travel. Shopping, relaxing, or sightseeing. That's to say, to pick a theme.
1:And then?
2:Then choose specific places for our personal situation according to the theme. At the same time, we should make a time scheme,and also budgeting. And also, the more informations we have about that place we go, the easier we make the plan.
1:Ok, the plan's done. Now we should get the needments, right? What kind of needments do we need?
2: If we are going abroad, then that will be a lot of stuff, including needments, basics and optional.
1: Wow, that much? Needments is indispensable, isn't it?
2: Yes indeed. Like you said, needments is indispensanle. The basic one is passport when traveling overseas. It's like our id cards. Same as passport, we have to get our visa.
1:Knowing this, we should remember to get them prepared before we go. What else is specially needed?
2:We need money during the trip. Credit cards, cash, all done, we need to change our money into the money they use in the countries we are going to go to. Check our carry-on stuff, guidebook, clothes, etc.
1:Recently some people buy insurance, I bet that's necessary too, right?
2: Yes. Safety and health are important. We can choose one kind from the angency-recommanded insurances.
1:Now please introduce us some optional needments.
2:Basic ones such as credit cards, are usually needed to bring something certifiable incase we loose them. Optional ones let's say, toiletries, watch, sun glasses, and so on. Just something you want to bring.
1:So, we may need a little tip for packing,too.
2:Toiletries, makeup or something, can be put into pockets or small bags that's easy to find. Shoes, clothes or something, should be put into the luggage case by size. Large ones in the bottom. Frequently-used stuff on the surface.
1:Wow. After such an exhaustive show, we don't have to worry going anywhere! I hope you can use some of the advices Gladys just gave us. Thank you again Gladys, That is all everybody, see you tomorrow at the same time!

1: hello ~ 5 minutes here is to bring the happy time is to show ~ XXX at the end of a lot of people are planning to go overseas tourism today. Let us say about some of the tourism plan. We honored to BLABLA travel GLADYS miss, what can we answer for hi, miss GLADYS ~ ~ ~
2: hello, I'm GLADYS ~
1: now 2OO9 years past, ready to see more and more people go traveling for tourism, how to enrich the plan?
2: if the tourist sites, first is confirmed a draft plan.
1: what are the benefits of draft plan?
2: initiated the program schedule, can save a lot of time and money, of course, travel could not completely according to the plan, but may have enough time to go sightseeing see where you want to go,
1: seems to want to go traveling schedule prior to really, so how to plan to specific luyou draft?
2: the first choice of tourism, how is the shopping, sightseeing, historical sites and scenic sightseeing, leisure and entertainment or, in other words, is to choose a topic.
1: well, the next?
2: the theme and their condition according to choose and determine the location, travel to spend as much time etc, and the collection of the tourist sites to the information on the draft plan is very helpful
1: tourism plan ready now shall prepare the necessary to go? Travel to the corresponding items?
2: like to foreign tourism to the many, in accordance with the basic necessities, secondary into XieDaiPin, selective XieDaiPin three
1: dig, prepare items are hierarchical? Necessities are indispensable items?
2: yeah, like you said necessities is indispensable, overseas tourism is the most basic of passport, went abroad as id card, passport and passport as to apply beforehand good state of visa,
1: after know these visas to friends remember prepared again what special ~ to prepare?
2: tourism or need money, such as cash card, after a set to exchange some money to travel to countries with good 31.women confirmed that the guidebook, with body, clothing, etc
1: recently, the insurance that a lot of people are necessary?
2: yes, travel safety and health is very important, travel, can recommend some then choose one
1: then you simply introduce the basic XieDaiPin selectivity under XieDaiPin what
2: basic XieDaiPin like credit card, or in case of missing the best proof copies of with such things, can replace the necessities of XieDaiPin selectivity for some of the things that wash gargle, watches, sunglass, want to take the goods
1: so, when the bag also should have the necessary bring?
2: toiletries, cosmetic products such as can be placed in a pocket or bag to find the place, shoes, clothing, etc. From the travel bag, put on the most frequently used outside ~
1: dig, to such a degree, regardless of where can follow one's inclinations, Gladys hope to introduce the tourism plan of common sense to help, thanks again for Gladys, today we show here, tomorrow at the same time. Bye!

尽管仍有错误,wht1215 的翻译是最好的。

Hi ~ 5 minutes here is to bring the happy time is to show ~ XXX at the end of a lot of people are planning to go overseas tourism today. Let us say about some of the tourism plan. We honored to BLABLA travel GLADYS miss, what can we answer for hi, miss GLADYS ~ ~ ~
2: hello, I'm GLADYS ~
1: now 2OO9 years past, ready to see more and more people go traveling for tourism, how to enrich the plan?
2: if the tourist sites, first is confirmed a draft plan.
1: what are the benefits of draft plan?
2: initiated the program schedule, can save a lot of time and money, of course, travel could not completely according to the plan, but may have enough time to go sightseeing see where you want to go,
1: seems to want to go traveling schedule prior to really, so how to plan to specific luyou draft?
2: the first choice of tourism, how is the shopping, sightseeing, historical sites and scenic sightseeing, leisure and entertainment or, in other words, is to choose a topic.
1: well, the next?
2: the theme and their condition according to choose and determine the location, travel to spend as much time etc, and the collection of the tourist sites to the information on the draft plan is very helpful
1: tourism plan ready now shall prepare the necessary to go? Travel to the corresponding items?
2: like to foreign tourism to the many, in accordance with the basic necessities, secondary into XieDaiPin, selective XieDaiPin three
1: dig, prepare items are hierarchical? Necessities are indispensable items?
2: yeah, like you said necessities is indispensable, overseas tourism is the most basic of passport, went abroad as id card, passport and passport as to apply beforehand good state of visa,
1: after know these visas to friends remember prepared again what special ~ to prepare?
2: tourism or need money, such as cash card, after a set to exchange some money to travel to countries with good 31.women confirmed that the guidebook, with body, clothing, etc
1: recently, the insurance that a lot of people are necessary?
2: yes, travel safety and health is very important, travel, can recommend some then choose one
1: then you simply introduce the basic XieDaiPin selectivity under XieDaiPin what
2: basic XieDaiPin like credit card, or in case of missing the best proof copies of with such things, can replace the necessities of XieDaiPin selectivity for some of the things that wash gargle, watches, sunglass, want to take the goods
1: so, when the bag also should have the necessary bring?
2: toiletries, cosmetic products such as can be placed in a pocket or bag to find the place, shoes, clothing, etc. From the travel bag, put on the most frequently used outside ~
1: dig, to such a degree, regardless of where can follow one's inclinations, Gladys hope to introduce the tourism plan of common sense to help, thanks again for Gladys, today we show here, tomorrow at the same time. Bye!

Content more, everybody has a good work, how can add how much

Could you inform us the specific details including the PO quantity and date of the program? Considering currently it is busy season for the factory, we will work out the exact lead time once we get the information.您好,原文翻译如上,希望回答对您有所帮助。


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慎澜强肾: Looking at the map along latitude lines, we can find wine production sites of diversified features around the globe approximately between 30° and 50° both north and south latitude. Basically, wine production areas of both the old world and the new ...

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慎澜强肾: 翻译机本身存在局限性,比如讯飞翻译机,屏幕只有2.4英寸,不仅拍摄不便,同时也给读取信息造成困扰.糖果翻译手机就不一样了,中文直接显示在对应的英文上面,真的好直观.而且还有离线翻译、24小时人工在线翻译,以后去国外和外国人沟通也毫无难度了,真的超级喜欢.

美姑县15314779000: 有哪些好用的翻译软件 -
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美姑县15314779000: 翻译机哪个好,有懂行的人,麻烦推荐一下吧. -
慎澜强肾: 其实我不太建议你用翻译机或者是翻译APP,因为那些翻译机或者翻译APP都存在局限性,比如你到了一些网络信号很差的地方,想要解决你的翻译问题就比较麻烦了.因为在这种情况下,翻译APP的反应速度和准确性都会大打折扣.我就会推荐你去了解糖果翻译手机的,因为糖果翻译手机目前可以支持中、英、日、韩四种离线语音翻译,还有8天全球免费流量服务和一键连接24小时在线人工翻译服务,即使没有网络,也可以很好的解决你出门在外所遇到的语言难题.

美姑县15314779000: 那款翻译机比较好用? -
慎澜强肾: 准儿翻译机不错,目前可以支持中英日韩泰五个语种互译,配合准儿翻译App,对菜单路牌宣传册等可以进行拍照翻译,还可以实时录音转写,把游记“说”出来.小巧便携,非常适合出入境旅游群体.

美姑县15314779000: 有用过翻译机的吗?翻译机哪个好用? -
慎澜强肾: 你好,现在普通翻译机挺多,功能虽说优化了不少,可从实用性来说,不如糖果翻译手机S20,是法商会、爱尔兰、意大利等多国旅游局举荐的翻译手机,在翻译这方面表现的很好,尤其是离线翻译功能,不需要网络也能使用.

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