英语阅读,what does "respond" meam?(用英语或汉语均可

作者&投稿:蒋映 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

e.g This river covers over three meters.
The process lasted almost 20 seconds.
如果是表示一个抽象的概念比如"很快"就应该用"in one second"等.此时就不能理解成"在一秒钟之内...",应该理解为"快速".

这里可以用"in a great number ",因为它和"in great numbers"是同一个意思,然而不能理解为"很多个数字",应该理解为"大量的;许多的",此时单复数可以替换.



When you respond to something that is done or said, you react to it by doing or saying something yourself.
"I have no idea," she responded.“我不知道,”她回应道。
respond to 对...做出回应
名词为:response 回应
常见短语:in response to 对...做出回应
如:He said nothing in respose to the news. 他对这一消息没有做出任何回应。

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白唯坤泰: 重点句:what does she do ? she is a nurse. where is she work? she works in a hospital 特殊疑问句:does she works in a hospital? yes,she is/no,she isn't. 剩下的就是背单词了~~主要就是背熟职业.比如actor,doctor,worker,teacher, 等等的单词了.这是一个比较好背的单元.熟记职业和重点句,95以上肯定OK. 我是过来人啊…五年级的英语还算简单呢,努力吧! 加油哦~~~~~

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白唯坤泰:[答案] 74:D 答案见文章第一段That's the question that faces thousands of students in Britain every year.75:C 机会76:C 答案可见倒数第二段David Willetts,encourages students to study at home or to learn one k...

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白唯坤泰: 第一时间为你提供正确答案:he has a book. 他有一本书.************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问, 另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! **************************************************************************

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白唯坤泰:[答案] mrs black buys a beautiful hat in the shop.

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白唯坤泰: 您好,您可以根据音标进行拼读: 英文原文: what does he do 英式音标: [wɒt] [dʌz] [hiː] [duː] 美式音标: [wɑt] [dʌz] [hi] [du]

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