
作者&投稿:翁帝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We ran out of coal,and had to burn wood.
This pen must have run out of ink.
All the students run out of the classrooms as soon as the bell rings.

He takes after his father in being weak-minded.

We shall have to fix the house up before we can sell it.

John gave all his possessions away and became a monk.


first of all: First of all, please introduce yourself to us.

lost and found box: Your watch is in the lost and found box.

be careful with: There is hot water in this cup. Be careful with it.

from now on: You are my good friend from now on.

mobile phone: Today, almost everyone has a mobile phone.
今天, 几乎所有的人都有一部手机。

lost and found office, Excuse me, where is the lost and found office?
打扰一下, 失物招领处在哪里?

in a hurry, He left home in a hurry and forgot to lock the door.

that“s all, That's all I know.

worry about, Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself.

just like, It's so comfortable here that it feels just like home.

not...any more, He doesn't eat meat any more.

traffic jam, We are stuck in a terrible traffic jam.

come true, If you work hard enough, your dream will come true.

not only...but also, She is not only our teacher, but also our good friend.

as well, I'm interested in English as well.

wait a minute, Wait a minute, please. I'm almost ready.
请等一下。 我马上就好了。

why not, Why not tell him the truth?

I am sorry to hurt you
I finish doing my homework
I go out with Jim to play football
She wishes me to help her
Green has a hard time with work
Green has a hard time doing his work
LiMing does well in English study
You need hard working
Lucy is better in singing

语组词怎么组,语的组词造句 语怎么组词
1、语重心长 语重心长指话语十分恳切带有一定的重量,包含着感情和情谊。出自于清·洛日生《海国英雄记·回唐》:“叹别离苦况,转忘了母亲的语重心长。”造句:老师总是语重心长的跟我们说,要好好学习,不要到后来再后悔莫及。2、甜言蜜语 甜言蜜语指为了讨他人喜欢,说一些好听或者甜蜜的话语。出...



语字组词 语字组词造句
1、术语 造句:所以,这就是我们所说的积极反馈,这也不是心理学家使用的术语,这是当你做了好事的时候别人在你头上轻轻拍的那一下。2、熟语 造句:例如,以英语为母语的人学习西班牙语可以用写或说的方式描述一个假期,然后在网上便可以从以西班牙语为母语的人那儿收到有关语法及熟语的选择方面的...


yàn: 声母:y,韵母:an,声调:第四声。yǔ:声母:y,韵母:u,声调:第三声。造句 关于安全的谚语敬业爱岗,争创效益,严格管理,安全第一!安全与吃饭一样重要,安全和幸福一样宝贵,安全同生命一样珍贵。牢固的结合产生忠诚,这一谚语永世常存。笔顺 ...



zì 、 qí 、 yǔ 、 jù 、 huà 、 zi 字、-棋、 语、 句、 画、 子 组词 字、---字、 字画、 生字、 文字、 汉字、 字体、 识字、 题字、 名字、 数字 棋、---象棋、 围棋、 棋子、 跳棋、 军棋、 棋盘、 棋局、 盲棋、 棋艺、 棋路 语、-...

“言”字的篆书体写法:基本释义:1.话:~语。语~。格~。诺~。发~。有~在先。~外之意。2.说:~之有理。畅所欲~。知无不~,~无不尽。3.汉语的一个字叫一言:五~诗。万~书。全书近二十万~。4.姓。相关组词 语言 发言 言行 格言 谣言 名言 留言 诺言 ...

若羌县13013219707: 英语词组造句 -
后哈甲钴: 1.feel nervons 2.follow one's advice 3.make sb. sleepy 4.bring sb. sth 5.cheer ... up 5.miss lessons 6.at the end of 7.take turs 8.learn ... by oneself 9.give a speech 10.instead of 11.smile at 12.give sb. a surprise 13.be in a good(bad) mood 14.affect ...

若羌县13013219707: 英语 单词 词组造句 越简单越好! -
后哈甲钴: ability 能力:Everybody believes in his ability. 大家都相信他的能力. be able to do 能够干某事:She is able to sing.她能唱歌. above 在...上面:The book is lying above the desk:书躺在桌上. go abroad 出国:I will go abroad to spend my ...

若羌县13013219707: 英语词组造句将下面几个词组造句,简单的造个就行了,不要太复杂..1.drown sb of sth 2.remind sb of sth3.set off for 4.It is obvious that -
后哈甲钴:[答案] 1.she want to drown her shyness by smiling(她以笑容来掩饰她的羞涩) 2.This picture remind me of the old days (这张照片让我想起了过去的日子) 3.Tomorrow we will set off for London(明天我们将出发去伦...

若羌县13013219707: 用英文短语来造句.短语要列出来,句子要翻译12句以上 -
后哈甲钴:[答案] 很高兴为您 1 想让某人做某事 want sb to do sth The teachers want us to study hard 老师们想让我们努力学习 2 ...足够...去做某事 主+be+adj+enough+to do sth I am clever enough to work out this problem by myself.我足够聪明去独立解决这个问题 3 危险...

若羌县13013219707: 英语词语造句28个 -
后哈甲钴:[答案] 一般来说是:主语+ 谓语(动词)+ 宾语,状语在句首或句中或句末都可以

若羌县13013219707: 用英语词组造句(各一句) -
后哈甲钴: Some simple sentences:1.I will treat you for your help.2.I will cure you of your bad habbits.3. I decide to change my job.4.She advises me to try a new thing.5.He will try his best to do it well.6.My mother prepared a great meal for me.7.I need to prepare some food.8.My brother encouraged me to go abroad.

若羌县13013219707: 英语,词组造句 -
后哈甲钴: 1. first of all, i am a student.2. your pen is in the lost and found box.3. you should be careful with ur study.4. i will study harder from now on.5. i have a mobile phone.6. you should go to lost and found office to check if your pen is there.7. he go to school ...

若羌县13013219707: 英语短语造句.15个.times have changed.in fact.at different times In the southern part of townAt presentThere was less developedIn the pastIt's very ... -
后哈甲钴:[答案] The cinema is the most exciting and developing art form at present.Property prices are rising,with rents more than doubling in the past yearThere was less developed on babies' language skills if the m...

若羌县13013219707: 用英语词组造句
后哈甲钴: I am afraid of that the ending day will come! It is well worth buying the book. he get in the bus. I have my hair cut. the Olympic games takes place evey four years. I will take the place of you to give him some great lesson!好累啊

若羌县13013219707: 英语词组造句
后哈甲钴: I'm coming to London and my sister's coming as well. 我要来伦敦,我妹妹也会来. water is the giver and,as the same time ,the taker of live 水能载舟,亦能覆舟 She learns quickly, and what's more, she remembers what she has learnt. 她学得很快,而且所学的全都记得.

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