
作者&投稿:茶殷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Ladys and gentlemans:
Today I am telling to you about the Olympic Games.
The games were held every four years during August and September and the word "Olympiad", which referred to the four year intervals between competitions, was commonly used to measure time. The first documented Olympic champion was a man named Coroebus, a cook from Elis who won the sprint race in 776 BC. Historians believe that the games had already existed for at least 500 years prior to that date. The Olympic Games originally featured only one event: a race called the "stade", equal to a distance of about 210 yards. By 728 BC two additional races had been added, comparable to the 400 meter and 1,500 meter races of the modern games. The Olympics came to include wrestling, boxing and the pentathlon, as well as specialized events for soldiers and heralds. It was only in 472 BC that the events were spread out over a period of four to five days, previously they had all taken place on a single day.

How to Study English
As an international language, the significance of English is (加上being好一点) emphasized everyday at school. As a sophomore, although I have studied English for over 10 years, yet I’ve not finished (应该有个定定冠词the或者用my)English curriculum. But now, I will introduce my may(应该是way吧) to(改成of) learning English(最好再加个to you).
To Chinese students, the worst difficulty of English is writing. So I write the composition as a practice. Writing is the most important skill, except(改成as well as) speaking. If you want to enter(改成step或去掉into) into some great joint-venture or overseas-funded(foreign就OK了) enterprises, you must write the resume totally in English. Pay attention on(应该是to) the writing, because it indicates your real English level. Second, listen (加上一个to)the(去掉the) English includes(改为including) songs, TVs and movies (加上一个for表示持续时间)at least 20 minutes everyday, otherwise you may forget it. After you are accustomed to listening (加上to)English, you will comprehend the meaning unconsciously. Last but not least, when you are reading some English, please sit at the(改为a) corner or where there is nobody and speak it loudly, that helps you memorize the context deeply.
In short(这里in short是对的,别听楼上乱说), when you are immersed in the English ocean, it is just a piece of cake. That’s my experience of English study, may it help you.

EQ and IQ Test
Many parents like to test their children’s IQ or EQ even the kids are quite little(六级水平还用这个词啊,改为young). Some psychologists point out that it is no good for testing(改为to test或者for去掉) the little children’s EQ or IQ, because it just hurt(单三人称hurts) some infancy(改为younng) heart with the(去掉the) low marks.
I agree with the psychologists. I think the EQ or IQ test is no use and sometimes unfaithful. Some test indicates the famous genius’ IQ is over 200 or even more, that’s(those are) deceptions. First, what is the definition of the IQ scores? How much is the full marks? How they calculate the marks? Besides, if the IQ designer’s IQ is lower than the talents like me(牛人!), how the designer acquires the intelligence of the talents on earth? I think if they know, they must be the smartest guy in the world.
According to some psychologist authority, those who get the high marks in the EQ or IQ tests just show that they are good at doing these questionnaires. In a word, don’t care about it, even if your IQ or EQ mark is low.

八十多字,语句简单,题目是:If I were a new student

Being a new student in school isn't as simple as what most would have thought. The problem is adaptation and my solution is packaging. If I were a new student, I would choose to become a geek. For the prerequisites, I'd had to read many nerdy books from Harry Potter to Twilight, sign up with multiple accounts to all social (spying) networks, subscribe to specialty magazines and spend all my savings on expensive nonsense gadgets. This would instantly make me hot and popular in the circle of weirdo.

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, 'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice 'without pictures or conversation?' So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit witheyes ran close by her

If I were a new student.你这都没要求别人往哪些方面写呀,字数要求什么的.

我的新同学作文1 又是一个新的集体——陌生、无助、好奇统统涌来。 转眼加入这个新集体已经 14 天了,认识了许多同学,交到了很多新朋友。其中,最要好的,还是我的同桌——吴明娟了。 她有一头乌黑亮丽的秀发,一个圆圆的脸蛋,胖嘟嘟的嘴巴,还有一双炯炯有神,闪烁着狡黠光芒的眼睛。她每天都是乐呵呵的,好像没...

作文新同学300 我的新同学作文300字


我是一个即将步入大学的大一新生 怎么样搞好同学关系 做个好人缘...


王一彤转学了,我既高兴又难过,高兴的是没有人给我记分了,难过的是我没有了同桌。老师似乎看出了我的难过,就把陈晨调到了我们组来,把晁若依调到了张秩辉旁边。虽然我有同桌了,但我还是垂头丧气的,因为又有人开始给我记分了。 过了几天,我们班转来了一个新同学,她的姓很特别,姓伍,叫“伍辉艳”,是邹赛乐的...

当我们在一个新环境中,通常需要我们进行自我介绍,自我介绍可以拉近我们与陌生人的关系。那么自我介绍有什么格式呢?下面是我为大家收集的学生自我介绍,欢迎大家分享。 学生自我介绍 篇1 我叫xxx,今年13岁,脸上最大的特点就是带了副眼镜,我喜欢助人为乐,不管是学习还是生活,能帮就帮。有一次,我还在读二年级,学校组...

初一我的同学作文 篇1 开始步入初中的大门,认识了许多的新同学,有一个对我非常重要的新同学——刘XX。 她长的非常漂亮,头发扎成马尾辫十分长,弯弯的眉毛下一双水灵灵的大眼睛,一单一双,一个机灵的鼻子,似乎能从千里之外闻到美食的香味,还有一张爱笑的嘴,和一双爱听鬼故事的小耳朵。她有点矮小,身材苗条。我...



临漳县19397021293: 如果我是一个新同学,求这个题目的英语作文,急需啊,来者必重谢! -
岛软藿香: 八十多字,语句简单,题目是:If I were a new studentBeing a new student in school isn't as simple as what most would have thought. The problem is adaptation and my solution is packaging. If I were a new student, I would choose to become a ...

临漳县19397021293: 急求一篇英语作文假如你是李华 你们班转来一名新同学PETER 他很难融入集体 学习成绩下降 请你写一封建议信 给他提出建议 帮他解决问题. 书信格式 100... -
岛软藿香:[答案] dear peter, i am glad you can be my classmate. i know you are new here and you can not adapt to the new life at the moment. so i hope you can make friends with your classmate so that they can know you better.we all need friend because we can share ...

临漳县19397021293: 英语作文题目英语作文题目 一个是新同学不适应现在的学习 你要给他分析原因 给他建议 帮他制定计划 另一个是 你和同学讨论当老师的事情 你想成为老师 ... -
岛软藿香:[答案] hello, welcome to the new class ,(你好,欢迎来到新班级) i think we will become good friends (我想我们将会成为好朋友) He is the class monitor(他是我们班的班长) He is always good at maths(他总是...

临漳县19397021293: 求一篇介绍新同学的英语作文 -
岛软藿香: Dear**, I'm writing this letter to you to introduce to you a new friend. His name is Li Hua, a friend of mine who is going to transfer to your school soon. Li is very good at drawing and computer technologies. He is also very competent in English ...

临漳县19397021293: 写一篇英语作文,内容是,你们班上来了一个叫Lucy的同学,请你从以下几个方面介绍一下这位新同学.1 -
岛软藿香: Today, our class to have a new classmate, her name is Lucy. She is from Australia, long curly hair. Now live in wenfeng road, walk to school every day. Her broad interests, such as reading, playing the piano and swimming. Her English is better than math and physics performance, we can help each other

临漳县19397021293: 求一个简短的英语小作文题目是:我的好朋友 -
岛软藿香: My friend is a boy. 我的朋友是一个男孩 He is very tall and handsome. 他很高并且很帅气 He likes singing ,dancing and lots of sport. 他喜欢唱歌,跳舞和许多的运动 He has a sister and a brother. 他有一个姐姐和一个哥哥 He always play football ...

临漳县19397021293: 新学期到了,我们将要改选班长,假如你要参与竞选班长,你会说? 求英语作文 -
岛软藿香: A new term , there will be a new monitor in my class. I think I can do it . Right, I'm going to have a try to be the monitor. I can help others , when my classmates need help , I'll go to help them at once. Also , I'm good at lots of subjects. Like ......[这里写你...

临漳县19397021293: 求一篇英语作文:假如你是大学一年级新生李华,.开学之初,你的英语老师MS LI希望了解每位同学的英语情况.
岛软藿香: Dear ms Li,it's very nice to meet you at this class!OK,let me tell you my oppinion of learning English.First of all,English is a kind of language ,we should study it for using other than for test. As you saw ,my English is exellent because l use it 我用手机按的,手都按断了,我目前高三也就这水平了

临漳县19397021293: 求篇英语作文7年纪的要求:假如你是Lina,你们班上来了两位新同学.Lily来自英国,Jim来自美国,他们都12岁.他们英语讲得很好,你很喜欢英语,他们可... -
岛软藿香:[答案] 你的要求不清不楚的啊~~~ 将详细点吧~~

临漳县19397021293: 英语作文按照这个要求:假如你是李 朋友写信诉苦:不适应新同学,因肥胖总觉得别人取笑她.回信内容:积极适应环境,多于同学交流,对自己有信心.保... -
岛软藿香:[答案] Dear KateI am sorry to hear that you feel other people often laugh at you because you have large build.Being a student in a new environment,I think you'd better communicate with your classmates more a...

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